• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공극시험

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An Experimental Study on the Acid-Resistance of Concrete ―Focused on concrete with silica sand particles (콘크리트 내산성에 관한 실험적 연구-규사 분말 치환 콘크리트를 중심으로-)

  • 윤보현;부척량
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 1997
  • This paper is an experimental study of the acid-resistance of concrect which contains silica sand particles. In the concerete sample experiment. the workability and strengh as well as the acid-resistance of the hardended concrect is inverstigated.

Effect of the Compaction Energy and the Marshall Stability due to the Marshall Equipments and Installation Conditions (마샬시험 장치 및 설치조건이 다짐에너지와 안정도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Tae-Soon;Kim, Yong-Ju
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.2 no.4 s.6
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2000
  • The compaction equipment and the Marshall stability head are the two important testing equipment for the Marshall test. The compaction equipment is closely related to the air void, VMA and compactability of the mixtures, and the stability head is related to the Marshall stability and the flow, therefore the size and the shape of the equipment is essential for finding the accurate optimum asphalt content for the asphalt mix design. However, the size and the shape of the equipment currently used and the condition of the installation of compaction pedestal in this country are different from each agency and manufacturer. The national inspection of the Marshall equipment is necessary because the difference can affect the test results and also the performance of the asphalt pavement.

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The Effect of Carbon Dioxide Leaked from Geological Storage Site on Soil Fertility: A Study on Artificial Leakage (지중 저장지로부터 누출된 이산화탄소가 토양 비옥도에 미치는 영향: 인위 누출 연구)

  • Baek, Seung Han;Lee, Sang-Woo;Lee, Woo-Chun;Yun, Seong-Taek;Kim, Soon-Oh
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.409-425
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    • 2021
  • Carbon dioxide has been known to be a typical greenhouse gas causing global warming, and a number of efforts have been proposed to reduce its concentration in the atmosphere. Among them, carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) has been taken into great account to accomplish the target reduction of carbon dioxide. In order to commercialize the CCS, its safety should be secured. In particular, if the stored carbon dioxide is leaked in the arable land, serious problems could come up in terms of crop growth. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of carbon dioxide leaked from storage sites on soil fertility. The leakage of carbon dioxide was simulated using the facility of its artificial injection into soils in the laboratory. Several soil chemical properties, such as pH, cation exchange capacity, electrical conductivity, the concentrations of exchangeable cations, nitrogen (N) (total-N, nitrate-N, and ammonia-N), phosphorus (P) (total-P and available-P), sulfur (S) (total-S and available-S), available-boron (B), and the contents of soil organic matter, were monitored as indicators of soil fertility during the period of artificial injection of carbon dioxide. Two kinds of soils, such as non-cultivated and cultivated soils, were compared in the artificial injection tests, and the latter included maize- and soybean-cultivated soils. The non-cultivated soil (NCS) was sandy soil of 42.6% porosity, the maize-cultivated soil (MCS) and soybean-cultivated soil (SCS) were loamy sand having 46.8% and 48.0% of porosities, respectively. The artificial injection facility had six columns: one was for the control without carbon dioxide injection, and the other five columns were used for the injections tests. Total injection periods for NCS and MCS/SCS were 60 and 70 days, respectively, and artificial rainfall events were simulated using one pore volume after the 12-day injection for the NCS and the 14-day injection for the MCS/SCS. After each rainfall event, the soil fertility indicators were measured for soil and leachate solution, and they were compared before and after the injection of carbon dioxide. The results indicate that the residual concentrations of exchangeable cations, total-N, total-P, the content of soil organic matter, and electrical conductivity were not likely to be affected by the injection of carbon dioxide. However, the residual concentrations of nitrate-N, ammonia-N, available-P, available-S, and available-B tended to decrease after the carbon dioxide injection, indicating that soil fertility might be reduced. Meanwhile, soil pH did not seem to be influenced due to the buffering capacity of soils, but it is speculated that a long-term leakage of carbon dioxide might bring about soil acidification.

Research Trends for Soil-Related Algal Toxicity (토양 관련 조류독성 연구동향)

  • Nam, Sun-Hwa;An, Youn-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.607-612
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    • 2013
  • Soil ecological risk assessment requires terrestrial toxicity data based on trophic levels including plants, earthworms, nematodes, and springtails. To expand the trophic levels, it is needed to consider primary producer algae, nearly distributed in terrestrial environment, as representative terrestrial test species. In this study, we collected research cases focused on soil-related test species and exposure media from SCI papers, and analyzed exposure media, test species, test chemicals, and other test methods, for reviewing research trends of soil-related algal toxicity. Up to now, in the soil-related algal toxicity, test species were 8 cases (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus bijugatus, Chlorococcum infusionum, Scenedesmus subspicatus, Nostoc linckia, Synechococcus elongatus, and Chlorococcum sp.) and endpoints were cell count or photosynthetic pigment content. Also, 5 of exposure media were liquid medium, soil extracts, porewater, agar medium, and soil. Most of papers used algae isolated from natural soils or soil extracts. There were only one case for assessing algal toxicity in soil medium. More researches regarding algal toxicity in soil environments need to be conducted consistently.


  • 박인식
    • Proceedings of the KSEG Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.17001-17013
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    • 2004
  • 암석의 물리적 성질이란 암석이 공학적으로 보편화 된 조건인 상온, 상압 하에서 고유하게 지니고 있는 특성으로 비중, 공극율, 강도 등이 있다. 물리적 성질은 무결암을 대상으로 주로 실험실내에서 정해진 방법에 따라 정량적으로 측정할 수 있으며, 특정 암석에서 측정한 여러 가지 간은 해당 암석의 특성을 고유하게 나타내고 있으므로 이를 암석의 물질 정수라고도 한다. 현재 암석의 물리적 성질을 측정하기 위한 방법으로는 국제암반공학회(ISRM. International Society for Rock Mechanics)가 제안한 방법(Brown, 1901)이 가장 널리 적용되고 있다. (중략)

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Engineering Properties of Sound Absorbing Foamed Concrete Using Bottom Ash Depending on Mix Factors (배합요인에 따른 바텀애시 미분말을 사용한 흡음형 기포콘크리트의 공학적 특성)

  • Kim, Jin-Man;Kang, Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2009
  • This study is part of an ongoing research project on the development of a sound-absorbing lightweight foamed concrete manufactured by a hydro-thermal reaction between silica and calcium. As the silica source, pulverized bottom ash was used, and as several cementitious powders of ordinary portland cement, alumina cement and calcium hydroxide were used. Manufacture of foamed concrete was accomplished using the pre-foaming method to make a continuous pore system, which is the method of making the foam by using a foaming agent, then making the slurry by mixing the foam, water, and powders. The experiment factors are W/B, foam agent dilution ratio, and foam ratio, and test items are compressive strength, dry density, void ratio, and absorption rate, as evaluated by NRC. The experiment results showed that the sound absorption of lightweight foamed concrete satisfied NRC requirements for the absorbing materials in most of the experiments. It is thus concluded that foam ratio was the most dominant factor, and significantly affected all properties of lightweight foamed concrete in this study. W/B rarely affected total void ratio and continuous void ratio as well as compressive strength, and dry density and foam agent dilution ratio also had little effect onalmost all properties. The analysis of the correlation between NRC, absorption time, continuous void ratio, and absorption time showed that the interrelationship of the continuous void ratio was high.

Improvement of Marshall Mix Design and Comparative Evaluation with Current Marshall Mix Design Method (마샬 배합설계 방법의 개선과 기존 방법과의 비교 평가)

  • Hwang, Sung-Do;Yoon, An-Sang;Kim, Boo-Il
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.6 no.4 s.22
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2004
  • The Marshall mix design method used in Korea, which was described in the design & construction regulation, had been introduced from Japan Highway Cooperation standard guide. Most engineers have thought that it is the major reason that causes pavement distresses. Therefore, there is a need to modify the current Marshall mix design through using the volumetric design concept, which is most widely used in asphalt mix design. The modified mix design determines the preliminary optimum asphalt content at 4% VTM (Voids in Total Mix). If the Marshall properties, which are VFA, VMA, stability, and flow, were satisfied with the requirements, the preliminary optimum asphalt content is determined as the final optimum asphalt content. The modified Marshall mix design considers VMA. while the current Marshall mix design does not consider VMA. By considering the Marshall stability and flow as the criteria instead of design factors, the modified Marshall mix design is able to decrease the errors occurred in Marshall stability test The test was performed to compare the Marshall properties between current and modified Marshall mix design. The left results showed that there was no difference in the Marshall properties, except for VTM. Thus, the modified Marshall mix design can produce the asphalt mixtures with the constant VTM (4%), and it can improve the asphalt mixture quality in Korea.

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Fundamental Research on Reactivity of Silica Source in the Rapidly Cured Inorganic Micro-Defect-Free(MiDF) Concrete (촉진 양생한 무기계 MiDF 콘크리트에서 실리카질 원료의 반응성에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Choi, Hong-Beom;Kim, Jin-Man
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.166-173
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, the reaction properties of silica source in the accelerated curing conditions using autoclave and the fundamental properties of inorganic Micro Defect Free(MiDF) concrete using silica source are studied. Studies show that Si ions elution rate from silica source in autoclave curing is higher in amorphous source. In tap water conditions, solids which is source after autoclaved curing show a higher mass reduction in amorphous materials, which is attributed to the higher elution rate of ion. In $Ca(OH)_2$ solution conditions, amorphous materials show higher mass increase, due to increase in C-S-H minerals. From experiment for influence on the properties of MiDF concrete by using nano silica materials, the specimen with silica fume shows an increase in compressive strength and a decrease in absorption depending on replacement rate up to 5.5%, while nano silica with amorphous phase and high-fineness shows a decrease in compressive strength and decrease in the water absorption. The specimen with nano silica increases the pore below 10,000nm, but reduces pore between 10,000 and 100,000nm. The above results show that the porosity and absorption rate of MiDF concrete can be reduced by using amorphous nano-size silica. However, to reduce the pore of 50 to 10,000nm, better dispersion of nano material in the cement matrix will be necessary. We will focus on the this item in the next research.

Increase of strength and freezing-thawing resistance of porous concrete by Silica-fume (실리카흄을 사용(使用)한 투수(透水)콘크리트의 강도(强度) 및 동결융해저항성(凍結融解抵抗性))

  • Hong, Chang-Woo
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2010
  • Existing porous concrete has problems with reduction of strength due to freezing and thawing and exfoliation of aggregate at joints. In this study, a method for increasing strength and durability of porous concrete by using fine aggregate, silica-fume and high-range water-reducing agent was proposed by laboratory tests. Mixing ratio between silica-fume (10%) and fine aggregate (0%, 7%, 15%) was selected as a major test factor, and laboratory tests for compressive strength, flexural strength, permeability coefficient, porosity, freezing and thawing were conducted. Compressive strength and flexural strength were increased as the mixing ratio of fine aggregate was increased. However, permeability and freezing-thawing resistance were decreased due to reduction of porosity. Therefore, the ratio of fine aggregate should be limited to increase strength and durability of the porous concrete, while the mixing ratio of silica-fume should be over 10%.

A Study on the Properties of Electric Arc-Furnace Steelmaking Dusts for Stabilization Processing (안정화 처리를 위한 전기로 제강분진의 물성)

  • 현종영;조동성
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to understand the properties of the E.A.F. steel-making dusts for stabilization processing. The properties are related to mincral composition, shape, particle size, magnetism, density, porosity and leaching characteristic. the dust particles, the size of which ranges from sub-micron to tens-micron, were mainly spherical like balls that were agglomerated each other: the large particles were generally Fe-rich and the small particles were spherical like balls that were agglomerated each other: the large particles were franklinite (ZnFe$_{2}O_{4}$), magnetite (Fe$_{3}O_{4}$) and zincite (ZnO) by XRD analysis. When the dusts were sieved by a wet process, the particle fraction over 200 mesh had 1.5 wt.% with magnetite and quartz. The particles in the size range of 200-500 mesh consisted of magnetite, franklinite. The 82 wt.% of the steel-making dusts were occupied by the particles finer than 500 mesh and contained franklinite and zincite as main mineralogical compositions. When the dusts of around 78% porosity compressed under the load of approximately 1 KPa, the porosity decreased to 68% and to 535 under around 13 KPa. When the E.A.F. dusts were leached according to the Korea standard leaching procedure on the waster, the heavy metals exceeding the leaching criteria were cadmium, lead and mercury.

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