• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공공환경디자인

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Consensus Building Model of River Management Procedure (하천관리에 있어 의사합의 형성 모델)

  • Hong, Gil-Pyo;Han, Man-Shin;Kim, Kwang-Nam
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.376-380
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문에서는 하천정비에 있어 구상, 계획, 설계, 사업, 운용 유지관리의 각 단계에 따른 대응에서 의사 합의 형성의 목적과 논의의 대상을 정하고, 객관적이며 합리적인 합의 형성 방법을 선택하는 모델로서 "안전", "이용", "환경" 이라고 하는 3요소 모델을 제안하고자 한다. 종래의 제도로써 계획의 절차, 환경평가, 행정소송, 의회제도에 새로운 대응으로써 공공사업의 구상 단계에 있어서 주민 참가 절차 등을 고려하고, 다양한 이해관계자의 의향을 조정하고, 원할한 합의 형성을 추진하면서, 대상 사업 등을 사회적으로 바람직하게 끌어가기 위한 합의 형성에 관한 종합적인 producer의 필요성을 논한다. 끝으로 이 모델에 의거한 4대강 정비사업에 대한 예비 전문가 그룹의 의사결정의 관점을 합의 형성 이론과 테크닉으로써 분석결과, 4대강 정비사업에 대하여는 3요소간의 우선순위가 "안전", "환경", "이용" 의 순으로 나타나고 있어, "이용" 에 우선순위를 둔 경부대운하 사업에 대한 시민들의 우려를 뒷받침하고 있다. 또, 전통적인 유역하천에 대하여는 "환경" 이 큰 비중을 차지하고 있어 시민의 환경에 대한 높은 관심을 표현하고 있다. 끝으로 이러한 새로운 패러다임을 파악하기 위한 3요소 모델의 의사합의 형성내용을 하천정비사업이나 관리에 적용하여 실현시키기 위하여 하천정비사업에도 "유니버설디자인" 수법의 도입을 제언한다.

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A Study on the Development of a Full-Cycle Smart City Living Lab Model (전주기형 스마트시티 리빙랩 모델 개발 연구)

  • Park, Jun-Ho;Park, Jeong-Woo;Nam, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2021
  • The Smart City Living Lab is becoming important as a local innovation platform to develop urban solutions. In January 2018, the 4th industrial innovation committee, which was a direct subordinate from the president, empathized citizens' participation and their roles within the Smart City [Urban Innovation and Future Growth Engine-Creating Smart City Strategy]. This was the starting point of the living lab. The central government and local governments have been promoting various types of living labs to encourage citizens to participate. On the other hand, due to the lack of systematic concepts and theories for practicing and structuring living labs, the practice is not performed well. This study aimed to develop systematic approaches and implementation methods of the public-led Smart City Living Lab. The Full-cycle Smart City living Lab model was designed by integrating smart city living lab work processes, as suggested in the standards of the national land plan, double design diamond framework, which is a type of innovative design methodology, and design thinking process. The entire cycle Smart City living lab model requires four components to practice the living lab, such as framework, module, process, and methodologies. In the future, this model is expected to be incorporated in the Smart City Living Lab.

A Study on the Application of Design Components of 3D Greenery System for Eco-Friendly Indoor and Outdoor Space of Buildings (건축물 내외부의 친환경 구성을 위한 입체녹화의 부문별 디자인 적용요소에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Kyung-Sun;Kim, Won-Pil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2017
  • As the 3D Greenery system is known to improve the urban environment, it works as new alternative for eco-friendly building and warrants further study for application to the domestic field. This study aimed to apply the design components for eco-friendly composition by investigating the spatial characteristics of the 3D Greenery System reflected in interior and exterior of buildings and to analyze the organization and design elements of domestic and foreign cases. The results showed that instances of the Greenery System tended to be a large scale and high-density development in order to expand various exterior spaces. Although its early forms were often found in such public facilities as exhibition and education purpose, cases of multi-unit dwelling have been growing. Allowing apartment residents to prefer intimate space by providing various such spaces for residential units and offering independent green spaces would induce diverse residents' lifestyles rather than monotonous design. The analysis also indicated that community space composed of various outdoor spaces and atmosphere would change life patterns of multi-housing and establish a real neighborhood through social interaction. Moreover, further investigation of the design patterns of outdoor space arrangement is needed since the Greenery system actively reflects the environmental characteristics of building sites and clearly shows a tendency to utilize natural terrain and slope in building shapes.

Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process for the Evaluation of Old Dwelling Façade Design Factor

  • Park, Jin-A
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.333-340
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper is to evaluate facade design factors of old dwellings using a Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on a pairwise comparison analysis using "Façade Design Factors" as evaluation criteria. Traditional old dwellings were presented and evaluated. A Fuzzy AHP based model was used for pairwise comparison of traditional old dwellings, whereby seven criteria and nine alternatives were described through a questionnaire and constructional data. The Fuzzy AHP was used to determine the impact of the facade design factors, because "Traditional" old dwellings are identified by the combination of their facade design factors. Furthermore, the fuzzy AHP is used to verify the feasibility and efficiency of this approach as well as for extent analysis to comprehend the priority of the traditional old dwellings using a sensibility measuring scale.

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Conception and Design of U.I.-U.I. Manual of Seoul National University of Technology (U.I.의 개념 및 제작에 관한 고찰-서울산업대학교 U.I. 매뉴얼을 중심으로-)

  • 전양덕
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 1998
  • Started from the Industrial Revolution in England, the design movement, the concept of plastic arts is spread and developed in many European countries. It meets new phase due to the much more developed industrial techniques and internationalized era since the World War II. The concept of identity in design appeared with industrial diversification, specialization, and inter- nationalization comes out through every visual identification standards. And the concept is used in public facilities and groups such as national institutions, schools, hospitals, or lots of religious bodies, as well as in industries to aim at the most profit from products' sale. Since the opening of Seoul National University of Technology in 1910, the university which has long history and tradition of about 90 years has used the unique visual identification in changing the University name to meet with the surrounding environment and the timely characteristics. However, the English name for the University was changed in 1998, so the new era to leap was open. Therefore, the University introduced formally the concept of U. I. (University Identification) with the new image. It is an inevitable outcome of modern time.

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A Study on the Eco-friendly Planning Methods in Korean Apartment Houses - Focusing on the public sector housing in the Metropolitan Area in the 2000s - (우리나라 아파트 단지의 친환경계획 경향에 관한 연구 - 2000년대 수도권 지역 공공부문 아파트 단지를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yong Kuk;Seo, Kyung Wook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to investigate the eco-friendly planning methods for a sustainable apartment houses in the Metropolitan area of Seoul. Eco-friendly plans that considers the environmental issues were attempted from the beginning of 2000s, and since then, many apartment houses in Korea were built using this concept. They were, however, generally focusing on the physical and spatial aspects of the site plan. After the Seoul C40 weather summit conference in 2009, the low carbon green housing standard has been emphasized and thus the chemical concept was added to the existing physical planning methods. Under such a background, this study intends to investigate the eco-friendly plans for the apartment houses in the 2000s. This includes an ecological network plan, an ecological base plan, a building greening plan, a water treatment plan, and an energy saving plan. Based on the analysis and synthesis of these planning methods in the early 21st century, it would be possible to set up a proper future plan to enhance the sustainable built environment in the housing industry in the coming years.

UI/UX Design for Development of Chronic Disease Chatbot (만성질환 챗봇 개발을 위한 UI/UX 디자인)

  • Jang, Jae-Hong;Kim, Sung-Hee;Jung, Deok-Gil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.271-274
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    • 2018
  • More than 80% of the deaths in Korea are due to chronic diseases. Mobile applications continue to emerge where IT companies and medical hospitals work together to manage chronic diseases. In recent years, the development of artificial intelligence chatbot has been under way to improve the efficiency and convenience of management. Since the chatbot process the conversation by a dialogue, users who are familiar with the GUI-based environment may not be familiar with accessibility or usage. In this paper, we analyze UI / UX of the mobile application that manages diabetes in chronic diseases, and present the UI / UX design of chatbot through this result.

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A Study on Design Tendencies in Office Buildings of Public Institutions after Reinforcement of the Building Energy Performance Criteria in Korea (건물에너지성능기준 강화 이후 국내공공기관 업무용 건축물의 디자인경향)

  • Lee, Ah-Young
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2011
  • This study focuses on design tendencies in office buildings of public institutions after tightening up Korea's building energy performance criteria. Important office design criteria and recommendations pay attention to the issues such as building orientation, greening buildings, building form, space and envelop by intensifying building energy performance related laws, government guidelines and evaluation systems. The design tendencies explored in this research are as follows. Office buildings mainly face south and have various types of indoor and roof green spaces not for ecological reasons but for the rest. Building depth becomes thinner and atria are inserted into office buildings to improve daylighting and natural ventilation. Building cores are located on north or west and east sides acting as buffer spaces to reduce heat loss and to block solar radiation. Office building envelop design includes various creative ideas to control or utilize solar energy as like three dimensional or double structured skin and window size variation to cope with the intensity of solar radiation. Further, solar energy generation systems are integrated with building component such as roofs, sun screens and windows. This study demonstrates that government's reinforcement of the building energy performance criteria drives the change in design methods and approach.

A Study on Building of City Image through the Design System for Public Transportation - Focus on the Design Case for Seoul Public Transportation - (대중교통 디자인시스템을 통한 도시이미지 형성에 관한 연구 - 서울시 대중교통 디자인의 아이덴티피케이션 개념적용과 시스템화 방안 -)

  • Yang, Seung-Ju;Kim, Byung-Jin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2006
  • As the concept of city changes city is viewed in the perspective of business to make profits, not in the perspective of physical space. In the case of Korea urbanization processed over the level of 80% and the formation of identity is suggested for the way to improve city competitiveness as of globalization and liberalization. Seoulentered the level of developed countries in the perspective of functions and facilities, but its image is evaluated poor because of the lack of cultural competitiveness, tourismattractiveness and service system. Dependency of public transportation which is public facilities representing city indirectly is very high, but in information service and visual systems of pubic transportation operations and management are not enough and differentiated image and loyalty are hard to find. In 2004 government of city of Seoul suggested modifications, but compared to London, Paris and Tokyo consistent system, the lack of control and management of use environment of design, excessive visual information and destruction of connection are pointed out. Therefore to solve these problems the introduction of design system is needed to develop identity after applying characteristics and regulations for using to disordered visual stuff. These procedurescan be explained as City Identity Program (CIP) and this study tries to embody city image through public transportation design system. As the study method for this the status of public transportation design system of London, Paris and Tokyo were searched and compared to that of Seoul. Based on this systematization of symbol marks per public transportation being used right now, the development of design guidelines to form identity, relation of design and the strategy of systematization per method and media were proposed.

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Color Analysis of Public Uniforms (공공유니폼의 색채 분석)

  • Lee, Mi-Suk;Lim, Song-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.5
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 2011
  • Public uniforms play an important role in creating the color and image of urban environment beyond the level of simple working clothes for unity and practicality. Hence this study aims to compare and analyze the color characteristics and images of the police officer, fire fighter, and street cleaner uniforms at home and abroad to guarantee the wearer's safety, increase convenience and agreeability, and give emotional satisfaction to citizens in harmony with urban environment color as public uniforms. For study methods, literature review investigated urban environment, color, and uniforms as public design. Empirical study extracted color data from the public worker uniforms of the world's top 20 cities selected by 'Newsweek' in 2010 and analyzed their colors, tones, and color images. The results of this study are as follows. The most common color for police uniforms were PB(dk) as the main color, PB(p) as the sub color, and Wh as the accent color. For fire fighter uniforms, PB(dkg) was the most common main color; GY(v), as the sub color; and ItGy, as the accent color. The most common color for street cleaner uniforms was YR(v) as the main color; GY(v), as the sub color; and mGy, as the accent color. As a result of analyzing color images of these uniforms, it was found that police uniforms commonly used a modern image; fire fighter uniforms commonly used a natural image and a cool casual image; and street cleaner uniforms commonly used a casual image. As examined above, the color of public uniforms suitable for urban environment and job characteristics is very important to establish the image of public institutions, as well as to create an urban image.