• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공공환경디자인

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A Study on the Design Evaluation Indicators and Improvements of Urban Public Space (도시 공공공간 디자인 평가 지표 도출 및 개선 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Hoon-Gill;Lee, Joo-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.8021-8029
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    • 2015
  • This study obtains design assessment indexes that should be considered in order to improvements of the public space was to analysis the importance in the public officials/academics and practitioners side. Obtained assessment topics in accordance with characteristic of public space through previous research to them and after a detailed selection indicators was so lead through the FGI. Derived surface was subjected to the significance analysis AHP through the survey expert. For this study, the importance of the public space are working professionals usability, publicness, environment, connectivity, identity, spatiality the order, public officials/academics usability, environment, connectivity, identity, spatiality, publicness the order. In addition, professionals working in the comprehensive analysis of the most important priority was to recognize safety, public officials/academics of the most important element appeared to have cleanliness. The results obtained in this study will be used as an index that can be used in planning and evaluation for consideration of the next improvement of public space.

A Study on Environment Design of Water-Front using Media Art of Fractal Image (프랙탈 이미지의 미디어아트를 활용한 Water-Front 환경디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Joo, Haejeong;Kim, Jong-il;Kim, Jong-chan;Kim, Cheeyong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.108-111
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    • 2009
  • By a development of high-advanced science technology, the area of image made inter-area's communication more actively. Such the inter-image exchange facilitated a new combination of areas. By such the development and the activation of public design, the area of image has been extended into the area of environmental design as the public meaning. According to this flow, the media art of using a light has been introduced in the environment of water-front in Korea. Hence, it enhanced the region's identity and gave a special impression to tourists. However, the study on the area of image in the Korean environment aldesign is still in sufficient. Accordingly, the constant expression development absolutely required. For develop ingand researching a variety of expression techniques, the utilization of media art is expected to work as the alternative of image expression technique.

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Public Design of Bus Station for Cheongju City with Plant Container Function (녹지시설 개념을 적용한 청주시의 버스정류장 공공디자인)

  • Lee, Juheon;Lee, Aekyung;Kim, Yanghee
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.323-327
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    • 2010
  • This design study was conducted to plan and propose the bus-station as the public design for Cheongju City. The study was provided other purposes which designed its function as plant container and revealed the brand identity of Cheongju City, Jikji. At planning stage, design plant container with motif from top roof of the Early Printing Museum of Cheongju. And planed it located on the top of facility. The facilities, with design factors that increase satisfaction, were planed through the analysis of user behavior. The narrow frame and transparent wall were intended to establish clear sight for its users or pedestrians on road. In order to harmonize with urban surroundings, decreased the fanciness of designed figure and used achromatic color as lead main color.

Development of Strategy Programming Model for the Culture-Centered Public Design : A Focus on Analyzing the Associated Indices of Place Strategy (문화중심형 공공디자인의 전략 기획을 위한 관련지표 분석 : 장소전략 수립단계를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jeong-Min;Hong, Eui-Taek;Lee, Han-Na;Jung, Bo-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.137-153
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    • 2011
  • Citizens of 21st century which is called to be the era of 'Culture' express their cultural desires in their public environments. Governments found that these needs can be satisfied through the culture-centered public designs which are based on the local resources and identities. This research suggests the strategy programming model to support these projects. It aims at not suggesting the conceptual process model, but developing the practical supporting model with options to choose. Thus the indices which are related to each prototype phases of programming process are analyzed through the case analyses with qualitative approach. This paper focused on analyzing the indices for Place Strategy which includes the phases for Resource, Mission, and Targeting. Altogether, 81 indices are analyzed.

experimental display image design by approach method of human sensibility (공간환경에 있어서의 감성적 접근방법을 이용한 실험 영상디자인에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Gi-Deok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.131-134
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    • 2009
  • 공간디자인의 확장을 통한 영상디자인에 감각적이고 생명력을 부여하여 시각적이고 기술적 요소를 가미한 유기적 아름다움과 감성의 경계와 확장에 대한 영상으로 접근하고 서로 다른 환경에서의 구조적이며, 공간적, 그리고 시간적인 개념들이 쌓이면서 다양한 오브제들에 환경에 맞는 의미들을 부여하고, 실험적 영상을 스크린뿐만 아니라 다양한 매체들을 통해서 효과적인 정보전달체계와 메시지를 전달하여 새로운 감각을 확장한다. 도시경관이나 공원, 건축물등 다양한 공공환경을 개선하기 위한 효과적인 영상연출과 가상공간에서의 현실적 느낌들을 부여하고 니즈들의 상호관계를 극복하여 전시기법과 패턴 여러 복합적인 요소들을 활용하여 영상디자인에 있어서의 효과적인 방법들을 여러사례 분석과 실험들을 통하여 연구한다.

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The Study on the Correlation between Value Recognition and Urban Design Policy on the Urban Street - Focused on the Spatial Changes in Seoul during the Modern Periods - (도시공공환경의 변인으로서 사회가치인식과 제도의 변화상에 관한 연구 - 근대기 서울의 도시가로환경에 관한 담론을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ji-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2013
  • This study starts from the genealogical analysis of the urban public spaces through local history of Seoul which is significantly different from western countries. The analysis targets the discourse on the urban street, the basic unit of urban tissue and the settlement condition in urban life, which defines urban space-structure among the urban public spaces. And this research classifies and categorizes the value recognition and policy value occurred each period. Based on these, this research defines the progress levels of urban public design policy in Seoul as follows. Results Firstly, 1890's and 1900's was the period of development in commerce and industry, which caused congested and crowded streets. The open port policy allowed the experience of the foreign circumstance, and thus the identity of the urban streets and the value of symbolism come to realize among the society. During the Japanese colonization, urban streets put on modernized images through the urban remodeling out of the context according to the colonization policy. The brand-new values such as publicness and amenity are injected as well as modern regulations by system and authority. From Liberation to 1950's, it performed only street restoration as a repair from war with Japanese colonial system because of the political confusion and administrative vacuum. Finally, each period can be defined as follows. 1890's and 1900's can be defined as 'spontaneous finding the modernization' because urban street was intentionally transformed by the empire. Period of the Japanese colonization can be defined as 'the formation of modernized urban street concept and the compulsion of modernized regulation.' And period of from Liberation to 1950's, can be called as 'the absence of value recognition and maintenance of colonial system.' methodology.

Analysis of Environmental Evaluation Elements for Universal Design at the Museum: Focused on the Use Evaluation of Visually Handicapped and Non-Handicapped People (박물관에서의 유니버설 디자인을 위한 환경 평가요소 분석 : 시각장애인과 비장애인의 사용 평가를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Jungin;Kim, Sihoon;Lim, Kyungran;Kim, Kyungmee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2015
  • As the elderly and the disabled populations increase, the importance of the universal design is more highlighted to form equal and secured environment. Particularly, as the desire for the cultural experience has grown, investment and construction of the cultural space are actively carried forward at the state level, but there are a lot of restrictive elements for the disadvantaged to have the cultural experience in the public facilities. To analyze these elements, investigation into the present conditions and analysis of use evaluation were conducted over the construction environment of museums, the public cultural space, in terms of the visually handicapped and non-handicapped people. Through the literature review, this study understood the concept and principle of the universal design, analyzed and reclassified the existing evaluation elements. As a result of evaluating museums in the country based on the analyzed evaluation elements, the information, environment and supplement points in service were investigated for the visually handicapped to tour museums and remedies were drawn. This study tries to consider these disadvantaged and to suggest evaluation elements and remedies for environment construction, so that everyone can do pleasant activities.

Public information signage design for driving in perspective of improving contextual visibility (주행 공공 안내표지판의 맥락적 시인성 향상을 위한 표지판 디자인 연구)

  • Lee, SaYa;Cho, IkHyun;Kim, ChaeHee;Lee, JoongSup;Kim, SeungJun;Lee, EunJong
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2021
  • Public Signs guiding drivers on the road should help make decisions within a short period of time, so appropriate information should be effectively expressed at the point. Currently, the road marking rules revised by the law show a significant change in the type of information, expression method, and weight of expression compared to existing road signs to be based on road name addresses. This study analyzed whether the revised road signs changed based on the road name were effective in perspective of perception-cognition-understanding-projection and examined whether they provided appropriate information for the actual driving environment. Based on the analyzed information, an experiment was conducted to present an improved design, evaluate the degree of visibility compared to existing road name-oriented signs, and a qualitative investigation was conducted on the suitability of the sign contents. Through this, it is expected that more suitable driving information and measures to increase intuitive visibility can be reviewed.

A Study on the Spatial Characteristics for Children's Reading Room In Public Libraries with Case Analysis (사례분석을 통한 공공 도서관 어린이 열람실의 실내 디자인 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Se-Ran;Hwang, Yeon-Sook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2008
  • The childhood reading and physical environments are an important factor for shaping personality and values established. Therefore, We have to provide a quality environment for correct reading habits to children. the purpose of this study is to provide a basic interior data through the analysis of case study. for this purpose this study has analyzed of 5 children's reading room of public libraries built in Seoul since 2000. especially the research which it analyzed these reading room of forms of space, furniture, color, finish material, lighting. the results of this study are follows : Chairs and desks were not considered of children's scale or uniformly made. compositions of convenient facilities has insufficient component. finish material and lighting plan is similar to adults reading room plan. To give correct reading habits and interest to children, considered space design is necessary.

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A Study on the Simplification of Public Library Loan Membership Cards for Children Under the Age of 14: Focusing on Service Design Methodology (14세 미만 어린이의 공공도서관 대출회원증 발급 간소화 방안 연구 - 서비스 디자인 방법론을 중심으로 -)

  • Bo-il Kim;Bo-ra Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.123-149
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to present a plan to simplify the issuance of public library loan membership cards for children under the age of 14, and to devise measures to promote the convenience of using public libraries and to promote their use. To this end, related laws and systems, related services, and systems were analyzed. The issuance cases for each type were derived and analyzed by thoroughly investigating the procedure for issuing loan membership cards for children under the age of 14 in 1,211 public libraries nationwide, and focus group interviews were conducted. Based on this, the "double diamond model" was employed among service design methodologies to propose step-by-step guidelines for simplifying the procedure for issuing public library loan membership cards for children under the age of 14, as well as improving the environment, such as the roles of stakeholders, laws, and systems.