• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간 데이터베이스 관리 시스템

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GIS-Based Suitability Assessment Plan of Coastal Zoning System (GIS 기반 연안 용도해역 적성평가 방안)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Lim, Seung-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2013
  • This study developed a GIS-based suitability assessment model of coastal zoning system that is needed in the substantial classification of coastal zoning system according to the establishment of law about coastal zoning system. First, this study investigated several kinds of regulations, GIS database and application system related coastal area. Also, grid data model was selected as the GIS analytical model for calculating items of suitability assessment of coastal zoning system. And Grid-based analytical method was suggested for calculating items composing of sea and spatial location characteristics including physical one. Critical values of items were presented using standards that were suggested in coastal regulations and land suitability assessment. Especially, this study presented a calculation method of continuous pattern as fuzzy set function for reflecting the characteristics of GIS data. And this study classified the suitability grade using Z-score and developed model designating coastal zone as conservation management priority, utilization management priority, and planning management priority. This study is judged that very efficient business performance is possible if we consider the spatial coverage of study area and GIS database when the suitability assessment model of coastal zoning system that is suggested in this study, is applied to business works.

An Efficient Scheme of Performing Pending Actions for the Removal of Datavase Files (데이터베이스 파일의 삭제를 위한 미처리 연산의 효율적 수행 기법)

  • Park, Jun-Hyun;Park, Young-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.494-511
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    • 2001
  • In the environment that database management systems manage disk spaces for storing databases directly, this paper proposes a correct and efficient scheme of performing pending actions for the removal of database files. As for performing pending actions, upon performing recovery, the recovery process must identify unperformed pending actions of not-yet-terminated transactions and then perform those actions completely. Making the recovery process identify those actions through the analysis of log records in the log file is the basic idea of this paper. This scheme, as an extension of the execution of transactions, fuzzy checkpoint, and recovery of ARIES, uses the following methods: First, to identify not-yet-terminated transactions during recovery, transactions perform pending actions after writing 'pa_start'log records that signify both the commit of transactions and the start of executing pending actions, and then write 'eng'log records. Second, to restore pending-actions-lists of not-yet-terminated transactions during recovery, each transaction records its pending-actions-list in 'pa_start'log record and the checkpoint process records pending-actions-lists of transactions that are decided to be committed in 'end_chkpt'log record. Third, to identify the next pending action to perform during recovery, whenever a page is updated during the execution of pending actions, transactions record the information that identifies the next pending action to perform in the log record that has the redo information against the page.

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Development of Cost-Benefit Analysis Model for GIS Projects (GIS사업의 비용편익분석 모형개발)

  • Kim, Jung-Ok;Heo, Yong;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.1 s.28
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2004
  • The GIS(Geographic Information System) projects require big initial investment and cost of maintenance. Decision makers would not launch GIS projects unless they are convinced of the benefits of the projects. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to develop an appropriate model for GIS project evaluation. We proposed a GIS project evaluation model and summarize the steps involved in Cost-Benefit Analysis(CBA). The costs of a GIS implementation include hardware and software cost, costs of database development, training expenses, annual maintenance expenses, and other annual expenses. The benefit by using GIS has been assessed into Type I(direct benefits), Type II(indirect benefits), Type III(benefits that result from the sale of information services), Type IV(intangible benefits).

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A Development of Urban Farm Management System based on USN (USN 기반의 도시 농업 관리 시스템 개발)

  • Ryu, Dae-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.1917-1922
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study is developing urban farm management system based on USN for remote monitoring and control. This system makes it easy to manage urban farm and make the database of collected information for to build the best environment for growing crops. For this, we build a green house and installed several types of sensors and camera through which the remote sensing information collected. In addition, building a web page for user convenience and information in real time to enable control. We confirmed experimentally all functions related to stability for a long period of time through field tests such as collection and transfer of information, environmental control in green house. It will be convenient for farmers to grow crops by providing the time and space constraints and a lot of flexibility. In addition, factory, office, home like environment, including facilities for it will be possible to extend.

An Indexing Technique of Moving Point Objects using Projection (추출 연산을 활용한 이동 점 객체 색인 기법)

  • 정영진;장승연;안윤애;류근호
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.52-63
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    • 2003
  • Spatiotemporal moving objects are changing their Positions and/or shape over time in real world. As most of the indices of moving object are based on the R-tree. they have defects of the R-tree which are dead space and overlap. Some of the indices amplify the defects of the R-tree. In the paper, to solve the problems, we propose the MPR-tree(Moving Point R-tree) using Projection operation which has more effective search than existing moving point indices on time slice query and spatiotemporal range query. The MPR-tree connects positions of the same moving objects over time by using linked list, so it processes the combined query about trajectory effectively. The usefulness of the Projection operation is confirmed during processing moving object queries and in practical use of space from experimentation to compare MPR-tree with existing indices of moving objects. The proposed MPR-tree would be useful in the LBS, the car management using GPS, and the navigation system.

Flash Node Caching Scheme for Hybrid Hard Disk Systems (하이브리드 하드디스크 시스템을 위한 플래시 노드 캐싱 기법)

  • Byun, Si-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1696-1704
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    • 2008
  • The conventional hard disk has been the dominant database storage system for over 25 years. Recently, hybrid systems which incorporate the advantages of flash memory into the conventional hard disks are considered to be the next dominant storage systems. Their features are satisfying the requirements like enhanced data I/O, energy consumption and reduced boot time, and they are sufficient to hybrid storage systems as major database storages. However, we need to improve traditional index management schemes based on B-Tree due to the relatively slow characteristics of hard disk operations, as compared to flashmemory. In order to achieve this goal, we propose a new index management scheme called FNC-Tree. FNC-Tree-based index management enhanced search and update performance by caching data objects in unused free area of flash leaf nodes to reduce slow hard disk I/Os in index access processes. Based on the results of the performance evaluation, we conclude that our scheme outperforms the traditional index management schemes.

Linkage Base of Geo-based Processing Service and Open PaaS Cloud (오픈소스 PaaS 클라우드와 공간정보 처리서비스 연계 기초)

  • KIM, Kwang-Seob;LEE, KI-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.24-38
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    • 2017
  • The awareness and demand for technological elements in the field of cloud computing and their application models have increased. Cloud-based service information systems are being expanded for use in many applications. Advancements in information technology are directly related to spatial information. PaaS is an important platform for implementing a substantial cloud ecosystem to develop geo-based application services. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the PaaS cloud technology prior to the development of SaaS. The PaaS cloud supports sharing of related extensions, database operations and management, and application development and deployment. The development of geo-spatial information systems or services based on PaaS in ranging the domestic and overseas range is in the initial stages of both research and application. In this study, state-of-the-art cloud computing is reviewed and a conceptual design for geo-based applications is presented. The proposed model is based on container methods, which are the core elements of PaaS cloud technology based on open source. It is thought that these technologies contribute to the applicability and scalability of the geo-spatial information industry that addresses cloud computing. It is expected that the results of this study will provide a technological base for practical service implementation and experimentation for geo-based applications.

Building and Utilizing the Geographic Information for Analyzing the Change of Regional Environment in Dam Construction Area (댐 수몰지역의 환경변화 분석을 위한 지리정보지 구축 및 활용)

  • 김항집;최동호
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 1999
  • Generally, to carry out environmental impact assessment(EIA) for a dam construction, enormous environment data should be collected and managed using scientific methods. But greatness of the area, hugeness of environmental data and deficiency of proper analysis tool caused a trouble in environmental data management and EIA More efficient assessment tool is needed in EIA Therefore this research uses GIS for systematic management of the environment factors, and ante-assessment and post-assessment for environmental impact of dam construction. For this purpose, environmental database of related environmental factors were built and by using GIS more efficient EIA was carried out. The results of this research show that systematic EIA data management and efficient environment analysis can be possible by using GIS. Graphic representation of the analysis results makes it possible for more easy understanding to the residents and decision-makers. This development of environmental information system has showed the methodology of more efficient EIA.

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The Design and Development of Online System to Improve Undergraduate Students' Competency (대학생의 역량개발을 위한 온라인 시스템 설계 및 개발)

  • Moon, Yun-Kyoung;Lee, Kyoung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.3807-3818
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study is to develop an on-line system for improving undergraduate students' competency development. After drawing elements necessary for the competency development such as assessment and planning, competency development, analysis of competency assessment, portfolio, analysis of job ability and community, based on the literature research related to competency and the analysis of the existing system, the direction of the system design was set up. The system was developed by using Microsoft Windows operating system in Windows server, ORACLE ver.10 as its database management system, and JSP and JAVA as its programing language. Reviewing errors and improvements of the system, it was modified and complemented. In order to examine the content functional utilization of the final competency development system, the utilization was verified. The competency development system for undergraduate students can be used as on-line space filled with the internalization of knowledge, self-directed competency development, convenience of record management and interactions between students-professors-alumna, owing to its functions such as boosting competency activities, cultivating career-pioneering ability and introspecting. When it is rare to find researches on the competency development system for undergraduate students, it is expected to be helpful to the development of competency education and the career education for undergraduate students as a new alternative for the competency development.

Design and Implementation of a SQL based Moving Object Query Process System for Controling Transportation Vehicle (물류 차량 관제를 위한 SQL 기반 이동 객체 질의 처리 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Jung, Young-Jin;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.5 s.101
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    • pp.699-708
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    • 2005
  • It becomes easy and generalized to track the cellular phone users and vehicles according to the Progress of wireless telecommunication, the spread of network, and the miniaturization of terminal devices. It has been constantly studied to provide location based services to furnish suitable services depending on the positions of customers. Various vehicle tracking and management systems are developed to utilize and manage the vehicle locations to relieve the congestion of traffic and to smooth transportation. However the designed previous work can not evaluated in real world, because most of previous work is only designed not implemented and it is developed for simple model to handle a point, a line, a polygon object. Therefore, we design a moving object query language and implement a vehicle management system to search the positions and trajectories of vehicles and to analyze the cost of transportation effectively. The designed query language based on a SQL can be utilized to get the trajectories between two specific places, the departure time, the arrival time of vehicles, and the predicted uncertainty positions, etc. In addition, the proposed moving object query language for managing transportation vehicles is useful to analyze the cost of trajectories in a variety of moving object management system containing transportation.