• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간방향화

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Past, Present and Future of Geospatial Scheme based on Topo-Climatic Model and Digital Climate Map (소기후모형과 전자기후도를 기반으로 한 지리공간 도식의 과거, 현재 그리고 미래)

  • Kim, Dae-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.268-279
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    • 2021
  • The geospatial schemes based on topo-climatology have been developed to produce digital climate maps at a site-specific scale. Their development processes are reviewed here to derive the needs for new schemes in the future. Agricultural and forestry villages in Korea are characterized by complexity and diversity in topography, which results in considerably large spatial variations in weather and climate over a small area. Hence, the data collected at a mesoscale through the Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS) operated by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) are of limited use. The geospatial schemes have been developed to estimate climate conditions at a local scale, e.g., 30 m, lowering the barriers to deal with the processes associated with production in agricultural and forestry industries. Rapid enhancement of computing technologies allows for near real-time production of climate information at a high-resolution even in small catchment areas and the application to future climate change scenarios. Recent establishment of the early warning service for agricultural weather disasters can provide growth progress and disaster forecasts for cultivated crops on a farm basis. The early warning system is being expanded worldwide, requiring further advancement in geospatial schemes and digital climate mapping.

The Cultural Circuit of Capital and the Evolution of Regional Development Policy in Korea: A New Form of Managerialist Governance in Action? (자본의 문화적 순환과 한국 지역발전 정책의 진화: 새로운 관리주의 거버넌스 형태의 등장?)

  • Lee, Jae-Youl
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.237-253
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    • 2022
  • This article offers an account of how regional development policy in Korea has evolved under the influence of actor-networks comprising the cultural circuit of soft capitalism. In so doing, the roles played by transnational actor-networks forged between global consulting firms and national business media are emphasized. For this discussion, the waning of spatial Keynesianism in the country is contextualized in the first place, with particular attention to changing planning goals of key regional development policies including consultancies, influential policy gurus (e.g., Michael Porter and Richard Florida), and local business media outlet Maekyong are found to be key movers and shakers in the transition. These empirical findings call for striking a balance between dominant structuralist accounts and emerging actor-oriented approaches, and also help shed a new light on the dualistic conceptualization of managerialist and entrepreneurial governance in a way that the latter may be a new form of the former.

Preliminary Research on Prediction of Pottery Site Distribution based on Overlay Analysis Method of Geographic Information System (GIS 중첩분석을 이용한 요지유적 분포 예측의 시범연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Young;Park, Jun-Bum;Yang, Dong-Yun;Kim, Ju-Young;Hong, Sei-Sun;Jeong, Kye-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2005
  • Geographic Information System(GIS) is useful to preserve cultural heritage and land use management using both spatial information management technique and spatial analysis function in cultural heritage management. The purpose of this study is to build a database of pottery and kiln sites in South Korea, to analyze site locations and finally to make prediction model. The locations of 1,200 sites are put into GIS database. Such factor elevation, slope angle, aspect, horizontal/vertical distance from the nearest water are analyzed. Each factor was statistically analyzed on GIS and represented to rank 1-5. Pottery/kiln can be predicted by the spatial analysis function in overlay methods. As a result of this study, preliminary application of prediction model shows that the high potential area is between the slope and alluvial plain. Field survey in the Sungbuk-dong in Daejeon city supports the preliminary result. More data can make improve efficient prediction model in unknown areas.

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Comparison of Thermal Environment in Single Span Plastic Greenhouses with an Electrical Heating, Hot-Air Heating nit without Heating (전기히터식 난방, 온풍난방 및 무가온 단동 플라스틱 하우스의 열환경 비교)

  • 허종철;임종환;서효덕;최동호
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, the thermal characteristics in plastic greenhouses with heating systems of electric power, hot air, and non-heating are measured and analyzed by field tests. From these tests, we were able to estimate the heating efficiency and quantitatively evaluate the characteristics of indoor thermal distributions of the particular heating system in greenhouses. The heating system of electric power was ineffective to reduce the difference of thermal distribution in the vertical direction. The hot air heating system also does not properly reduce the serious temperature fluctuation by time. By removing the above problems, these data will be utilized effectively to design better thermal environment in greenhouses.

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A Study to Improve Full - Cyber Lectures: with Focus on Instructors' Proposal (완전사이버 강의의 개선을 위한 방안: 교수자 제안을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seung-Won
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.409-414
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the effects of partial-cyber and full-cyber lectures and explore directions for improvement. This study compared the mean scores of course evaluation for traditional face-to-face lectures, partial-cyber lectures of blended instruction, and full-cyber lectures. Also, this study interviewed instructors of full-cyber lectures to investigate the ways to enhance the lecture quality. The findings suggest that the course evaluation scores for full-cyber university were consistently lower than those for other types of lectures for four semesters between the years of 2011 and 2012. Results also showed that mean scores of partial-cyber lectures were the same as those of face-to-face lectures. After all, class satisfaction in full-cyber courses that learning occurs in cyber space was the lowest. Instructors who taught full-cyber lectures proposed that enrollment should not be within 60 students and professional assistance should be provided for lectures exceeding 60 students. Finally, they suggested content updates through a collaborative system with professionals, instructors' efforts to enhance interaction in both online and offline contexts, and learning quantity rationalization.

Removing SAR Speckle Noise Based on the Edge Sharpenig Algorithm (경계선 보존을 기반으로 한 SAR 영상의 잡영 제거 알고리즘에 대한 연구)

  • 손홍규;박정환;피문희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2003
  • 모든 SAR 영상에는 전자기파 간의 간섭으로 인한 스페클 잡영(speckle)이 존재하며, 이를 제거하는 것은 양질의 SAR 영상을 얻기 위한 필수적인 전처리 과정 중 하나라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 스페클 잡영을 제거하기 위하여 기존에 제안되었던 알고리즘은 잡영은 효과적으로 감소시키는 반면 경계선과 같은 영상의 고유 정보까지 함께 감소시키는 한계가 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 SAR 영상의 경계선은 보존시키면서 영상으로부터 불필요한 잡영을 제거할 수 있는 알고리즘을 구현하고, 기존의 알고리즘과 비교하여 그 효율성을 평가하고자 한다. 영상의 통계적 특성에 근거하는 기존의 알고리즘과는 달리 웨이블렛 변환(Wavelet transform)으로 경계선 및 특징 정보의 여부를 판별한 후 평균 필터(mean filter)를 적용하는 경계선 보존(edge sharpening) 알고리즘은 경계 정보의 신뢰성을 향상시킬 수 있으며, 1차원 필터를 수평, 수직, 대각선, 역대각선 방향으로 적용함으로써 하나의 영상소를 중심으로 모든 방향에 대한 경계선 여부를 확인할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 512 × 512로 절취한 1-look SAR 영상에 대하여 창 크기 5 × 5의 경계선 보존 필터를 적용하고 동일영상에 대하여 기존의 Lee, Kuan, Frost 필터 등의 실험결과를 비교함으로써 그 적합성을 판단하고자 하였다. 실험결과에 대한 수치적인 평가는 ①정규화 평균을 이용하여 평균값의 보존 여부, ②편차 계수를 이용한 스페클 잡영의 제거 여부, ③경계선 보존지수(EPI)를 이용한 경계선의 보존 정도를 통해 이루어졌다. 본 연구의 실험결과를 통해 경계선 보존 필터는 평균값의 보존 여부 및 스페클 잡영 제거 정도에 있어 다른 필터들과 큰 차이가 없지만 경계선보존지수는 다른 필터들에 비하여 가장 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다.rbon 탐식효율을 조사한 결과 B, D 및 E 분획에서 유의적인 효과를 나타내었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해볼 때, ${\beta}$-glucan은 고용량일 때 직접적으로 또는 $IFN-{\gamma}$ 존재시에는 저용량에서도 복강 큰 포식세로를 활성화시킬 뿐 아니라, 탐식효율도 높임으로써 면역기능을 증진 시키는 것으로 나타났고, 그 효과는 crude ${\beta}$-glucan의 추출조건에 따라 달라지는 것을 알 수 있었다.eveloped. Design concepts and control methods of a new crane will be introduced in this paper.and momentum balance was applied to the fluid field of bundle. while the movement of′ individual material was taken into account. The constitutive model relating the surface force and the deformation of bundle was introduced by considering a representative prodedure that stands for the bundle movement. Then a fundamental equations system could be simplified considering a steady state of the process. On the basis of the simplified model, the simulation was performed and the results could be confirmed by the experiments under various conditions.뢰, 결속 등 다차원

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Characteristics of SocioExperimental Container Architecture for the Sustainable Urban Regeneration Focusing on WaiWai Container Project in Saga Prefecture, Japan - (지속가능한 도시재생을 위한 사회-실험적 컨테이너 활용특성 연구 -일본 사가현 와이와이 컨테이너 프로젝트를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Soon-Sub;Oh, Joon-Gul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.176-187
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    • 2018
  • The Korean government has been encouraging 'continuous' post-pump priming project management through relevant local personnel planning, action, and management, upon the selection of 68 sites for urban regeneration as part of the New Deal Project. This study assessed the utilization characteristics of containers, the socio-experimental temporary occupation facilities, as a tool for 'sustainable' urban regeneration. This is to identify the potential limitations of urban regeneration by the utilization of containers as public sector temporary occupation facilities and to provide adequate directions based on its efficacy. By comparing three Korean cases with the Japanese WaiWai project, in terms of 10 elements, the preoccupations with the social trend and scenery, and undifferentiated functions of the facilities focusing on the commercial or working aspects have been identified as limitations of Korean cases. Based on the analyses, the following are suggested as plausible approaches to utilize socio-experimental containers for sustainable urban regeneration: 1. Planning and management should be done by the same organization because the absence of the planning party's participation in the management likely leads to the pursuit of only profits. 2. Diversification and combinations of different utilization purposes of a single site and numerous planning of experimental container uses are in need. 3. Accommodations of heavy commercial uses lead to a decline in the continuity of follow-up projects and a change in the urban regeneration directions. Therefore, it is important to include a public socio-experimental program rather than a simple commercial or promotion program for the following urban renewal project.

Program Development to Evaluate Permeability Tensor of Fractured Media Using Borehole Televiewer and BIPS Images and an Assessment of Feasibility of the Program on Field Sites (시추공 텔리뷰어 및 BIPS의 영상자료 해석을 통한 파쇄매질의 투수율텐서 계산 프로그램 개발 및 현장 적용성 평가)

  • 구민호;이동우;원경식
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.187-206
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    • 1999
  • A computer program to numerically predict the permeability tensor of fractured rocks is developed using information on discontinuities which Borehole Televiewer and Borehole Image Processing System (BIPS) provide. It uses orientation and thickness of a large number of discontinuities as input data, and calculates relative values of the 9 elements consisting of the permeability tensor by the formulation based on the EPM model, which regards a fractured rock as a homogeneous, anisotropic porous medium. In order to assess feasibility of the program on field sites, the numerically calculated tensor was obtained using BIPS logs and compared to the results of pumping test conducted in the boreholes of the study area. The degree of horizontal anisotropy and the direction of maximum horizontal permeability are 2.8 and $N77^{\circ}CE$, respectively, determined from the pumping test data, while 3.0 and $N63^{\circ}CE$ from the numerical analysis by the developed program. Disagreement between two analyses, especially for the principal direction of anisotropy, seems to be caused by problems in analyzing the pumping test data, in applicability of the EPM model and the cubic law, and in simplified relationship between the crack size and aperture. Aside from these problems, consideration of hydraulic parameters characterizing roughness of cracks and infilling materials seems to be required to improve feasibility of the proposed program. Three-dimensional assessment of its feasibility on field sites can be accomplished by conducting a series of cross-hole packer tests consisting of an injecting well and a monitoring well at close distance.

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Improvement Direction of Conditional Driving License System for the Elderly Drivers (고령 운전자를 위한 조건부 운전면허제도 개선방향 연구)

  • Han, Sangjin;Chang, Hyoseuk;Cho, Junhan;Oh, Juseok;Yun, Ilsoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2020
  • Some drivers cannot meet the standards for a full driver's license and many countries allow them to drive a vehicle as long as they can satisfy certain conditions. Korea has mainly issued conditional driver's licenses to the disabled only after supplementary devices are attached either in the vehicle or in their bodies. However, it is becoming important to issue a conditional driver's license to other types of drivers, including the elderly as the population ages in the country. This study aims at improving the current practice of issuing conditional driver's licenses by benchmarking various types of conditional licenses in other countries. In particular, various conditions such as time, space, driving speed, road type, vehicle type, and specific individual conditions are compared. Issuing a conditional driver's license to various types of drivers should be beneficial, not only to elderly drivers but also to drivers who cannot live without a vehicle.

The Experimental Study on Transverse Field Joint Method of Precast Road Deck Slab of Double Deck Tunnel in Great Depth (대심도 복층터널 프리캐스트 중간슬래브의 횡방향 현장이음방식에 대한 실험연구)

  • Lee, Doo-Sung;Kim, Bo-Yeon;Bae, Chul-Gi;Hur, Jae-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2017
  • The joints between precast PSC slabs of the intermediate road slab in double deck tunnel are inevitably generated in the road traffic vehicle traveling direction. Therefore, it is important to make the behavior of parts on the joint in one piece. The imtermediate road slab system of double deck tunnel in great depth proposed in this study will be constructed with precast PSC slab in order to minimize the construction period. And the joint connection between the precast slab has been developed in two methods: the 'Transverse tendon reinforcement method' and 'High strength bolts connection method'. Also, the experiments were performed for the full scale model in order to evaluate the performance of the intermediate road deck slab with two type joints systems, the structural stability was verified through the F.E.M analsysis. The results of static loading test and F.E.M analysis investigated a very stable behavior of intermediate road deck slab in double deck tunnel applying the joint methods developed in this study, in the cracks and deflections to satisfy the design standards of Highway Roads Bridges (2011), it was determined that there is no problem even servicebility.