• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고도보정

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Topographic Survey at Small-scale Open-pit Mines using a Popular Rotary-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) (보급형 회전익 무인항공기(드론)를 이용한 소규모 노천광산의 지형측량)

  • Lee, Sungjae;Choi, Yosoon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.462-469
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    • 2015
  • This study carried out a topographic survey at a small-scale open-pit limestone mine in Korea (the Daesung MDI Seoggyo office) using a popular rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV, Drone, DJI Phantom2 Vision+). 89 sheets of aerial photos could be obtained as a result of performing an automatic flight for 30 minutes under conditions of 100m altitude and 3m/s speed. A total of 34 million cloud points with X, Y, Z-coordinates was extracted from the aerial photos after data processing for correction and matching, then an orthomosaic image and digital surface model with 5m grid spacing could be generated. A comparison of the X, Y, Z-coordinates of 5 ground control points measured by differential global positioning system and those determined by UAV photogrammetry revealed that the root mean squared errors of X, Y, Z-coordinates were around 10cm. Therefore, it is expected that the popular rotary-wing UAV photogrammetry can be effectively utilized in small-scale open-pit mines as a technology that is able to replace or supplement existing topographic surveying equipments.

An evaluation of evaporation estimates according to solar radiation models (일사량 산정 모델에 따른 증발량 분석)

  • Rim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.12
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    • pp.1033-1046
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    • 2019
  • To evaluate the utilization suitability of solar radiation models, estimated solar radiation from 13 solar radiation models were verified by comparing with measured solar radiation at 5 study stations in South Korea. Furthermore, for the evaluation of evaporation estimates according to solar radiation models, 5 different evaporation estimation equations based on Penman's combination approach were applied, and evaporation estimates were compared with pan evaporation. Some solar radiation models require only meteorological data; however, some other models require not only meteorological data but also geographical data such as elevation. The study results showed that solar radiation model based on the ratio of the duration of sunshine to the possible duration of sunshine, maximum temperature, and minimum temperature provided the estimated solar radiation that most closely match measured solar radiation. Accuracy of estimated solar radiation also greatly improved when Angstrőm-Prescott model coefficients are adjusted to the study stations. Therefore, when choosing the solar radiation model for evaporation estimation, both data availability and model capability should be considered simultaneously. When applying measured solar radiation for estimating evaporation, evaporation estimates from Penman, FAO Penman-Monteith, and KNF equations are most close to pan evaporation rates in Jeonju and Jeju, Seoul and Mokpo, and Daejeon respectively.

Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature Using Landsat 8 Images with Deep Neural Networks (Landsat 8 영상을 이용한 심층신경망 기반의 지표면온도 산출)

  • Kim, Seoyeon;Lee, Soo-Jin;Lee, Yang-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.487-501
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    • 2020
  • As a viable option for retrieval of LST (Land Surface Temperature), this paper presents a DNN (Deep Neural Network) based approach using 148 Landsat 8 images for South Korea. Because the brightness temperature and emissivity for the band 10 (approx. 11-㎛ wavelength) of Landsat 8 are derived by combining physics-based equations and empirical coefficients, they include uncertainties according to regional conditions such as meteorology, climate, topography, and vegetation. To overcome this, we used several land surface variables such as NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), land cover types, topographic factors (elevation, slope, aspect, and ruggedness) as well as the T0 calculated from the brightness temperature and emissivity. We optimized four seasonal DNN models using the input variables and in-situ observations from ASOS (Automated Synoptic Observing System) to retrieve the LST, which is an advanced approach when compared with the existing method of the bias correction using a linear equation. The validation statistics from the 1,728 matchups during 2013-2019 showed a good performance of the CC=0.910~0.917 and RMSE=3.245~3.365℃, especially for spring and fall. Also, our DNN models produced a stable LST for all types of land cover. A future work using big data from Landsat 5/7/8 with additional land surface variables will be necessary for a more reliable retrieval of LST for high-resolution satellite images.

Evaluation of Clear Sky Models to Estimate Solar Radiation over the Korean Peninsula (한반도의 일사량 추정을 위한 청천일 모델의 비교 평가)

  • Song, Ahram;Choi, Wonseok;Yun, Changyeol;Kim, Yongil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.415-426
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    • 2015
  • Solar radiation under a clear sky is a important factor in the process by which meteorological satellite images are converted into solar radiation maps, and the quality of estimations depends on the accuracy of clear sky models. Therefore, it is important to select models appropriate to the purpose of the study and the study area. In this instance, complex models were applied using Linke turbidity, including ESRA, Dumortier, and MODTRAN, in addition to simple models such as Bourges and PdBV, which consider only the solar elevation angles. The presence of cloud was identified using the Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite and the Meteorological imager (COMS MI), and reference data were then selected. In order to calculate the accuracy of the clear sky models, the concepts of RMSE and MBE were applied. The results show that Bourges and PdBV produced low RMSE values, while PdBV had relatively steady RMSE values. Also, simple models tend to underestimate global solar irradiation during spring and early summer. Conversely, in the winter season, complex methods often overestimate irradiation. In future work, the cause of overestimation and other factors will be analyzed and the clear sky models will be adjusted in order to make them suitable for the Korean Peninsula.

Implementation of Segway Using Pressure Sensors (압력센서를 이용한 세그웨이 개발)

  • Jo, Sung-Chan;Kang, Su-Min;Huh, Kyung-Moo;Joo, Young-Bok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.285-290
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    • 2013
  • As well as the advanced development of modern society, and the environmental problems caused by the use of fossil fuels is emerging. So do not reap the performance level of the car to be able to replace existing fossil fuel and low-emission energy and technology development are continually strives. Therefore, this study aims to present the direction of the new interface 21st century Mobile Auto Electric Segway technology in the field of security and disadvantages based. The Segway is a problem because the control itself skewed by certain slope where the slope in the wrong adjustment tipping. In this study, the year saw the introduction of two pressure sensors(Load cell) used to solve these drawbacks, according to the ratio of the weight control methods. In addition, the ramps operate in a straightforward, using an acceleration sensor and a gyro sensor in order to compensate for the slope value in free control method to study looked. Measured by calculating the value of the occupant's weight and according to the inclination of the pressure sensor pressure sensing experiment results this year, we can see that the control variable for the change in body weight is greater than the inclination. Segway is also easy to control, and the stability of the ramps, etc. As a result, created using a pressure sensor.

Deep Sea Three Components Magnetometer Survey using ROV (ROV를 이용한 심해 삼성분자력탐사 방법연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Park, Chan-Hong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.298-304
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    • 2011
  • We conducted magnetic survey using IBRV (Ice Breaker Research Vessel) ARAON of KORDI (Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute), ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) of Oceaneering Co. and three components vector magnetometer, at Apr., 2011 in the western slope of the caldera of TA25 seamount, the Lau Basin, the southwestern Pacific. The depth ranges of the survey area are from about 900 m to 1200 m, below sea level. For the deep sea magnetic survey, we made the nation's first small deep sea three components magnetometer of Korea. The magnetometer sensor and the data logger was attached with the upper part and lower part of ROV, respectively. ROV followed the planning tracks at 25 ~ 30 m above seafloor using the altimeter and USBL (Ultra Short Base Line) of ROV. The three components magnetometer measured the X (North), Y (East) and Z (Vertical) vector components of the magnetic field of the survey area. A motion sensor provided us the data of pitch, roll, yaw of ROV for the motion correction of the magnetic data. The data of the magnetometer sensor and the motion sensor were recorded on a notebook through the optical cable of ROV and the network of ARON. The precision positions of magnetic data were merged by the post-processing of USBL data of ROV. The obtained three components magnetic data are entirely utilized by finding possible hydrothermal vents of the survey area.

Automated Algorithm for Super Resolution(SR) using Satellite Images (위성영상을 이용한 Super Resolution(SR)을 위한 자동화 알고리즘)

  • Lee, S-Ra-El;Ko, Kyung-Sik;Park, Jong-Won
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2018
  • High-resolution satellite imagery is used in diverse fields such as meteorological observation, topography observation, remote sensing (RS), military facility monitoring and protection of cultural heritage. In satellite imagery, low-resolution imagery can take place depending on the conditions of hardware (e.g., optical system, satellite operation altitude, image sensor, etc.) even though the images were obtained from the same satellite imaging system. Once a satellite is launched, the adjustment of the imaging system cannot be done to improve the resolution of the degraded images. Therefore, there should be a way to improve resolution, using the satellite imagery. In this study, a super resolution (SR) algorithm was adopted to improve resolution, using such low-resolution satellite imagery. The SR algorithm is an algorithm which enhances image resolution by matching multiple low-resolution images. In satellite imagery, however, it is difficult to get several images on the same region. To take care of this problem, this study performed the SR algorithm by calibrating geometric changes on images after applying automatic extraction of feature points and projection transform. As a result, a clear edge was found just like the SR results in which feature points were manually obtained.

Deformation monitoring of Daejeon City using ALOS-1 PALSAR - Comparing the results by PSInSAR and SqueeSAR - (ALOS-1 PALSAR 영상을 이용한 대전지역 변위 관측 - PSInSAR와 SqueeSAR 분석 결과 비교 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.567-577
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    • 2016
  • SqueeSAR is a new technique to combine Persistent Scatterer (PS) and Distributed Scatterer (DS) for deformation monitoring. Although many PSs are available in urban areas, SqueeSAR analysis can be beneficial to increase the PS density in not only natural targets but also smooth surfaces in urban environment. The height of each targets is generally required to remove topographic phase in interferometric SAR processing. The result of PSInSAR analysis to use PS only is not affected by DEM resolution because the height error of initial input DEM at each PSs is precisely compensated in PS processing chain. On the contrary, SqueeSAR can be affected by DEM resolution and precision since it includes spatial average filtering for DS targets to increase a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In this study we observe the effect of DEM resolution on deformation measurement by PSInSAR and SqueeSAR. With ALOS-1 PALSAR L-band data, acquired over Daejeon city, Korea, two different DEM data are used in InSAR processing for comparison: 1 m LIDAR DEM and SRTM 1-arc (~30 m) DEM. As expected the results of PSInSAR analysis show almost same results independently of the kind of DEM, while the results of SqueeSAR analysis show the improvement in quality of the time-series in case of 1-m LIDAR DSM. The density of InSAR measurement points was also improved about five times more than the PSInSAR analysis.

Daily Reservoir Inflow Prediction using Quantitative Precipitation Model (강수진단모형을 이용한 실시간 저수지 일유입량 예측)

  • Kang, Boo-Sik;Kang, Tae-Ho;Oh, Jai-Ho;Kim, Jin-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.291-295
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    • 2007
  • 강수진단모형을 이용하여 저수지 이수운영을 위한 실시간 유량예측기법을 개발하였다. 강수진단모형은 현재 기상청 현업에서 수행중인 강우수치예보를 기반으로 상세 지역의 지형 효과에 의한 강수를 예측하는 정량강수예측모형(QPM; Quantitative Precipitation Model)으로서 부경대학교 환경대기과학과에서 개발된 모형이다. QPM은 중규모 예측 모형으로부터 계산된 수평 바람, 고도, 기온, 강우 강도, 그리고 상대습도 등의 예측 자료를 이용하고, 소규모 상세지형 효과를 고려함으로써 중규모 예측 모형에서 생산된 강수량 예측 값을 상세 지역의 지형을 고려한 강수량 예측 값으로 재구성하여 결과적으로 3km 간격의 상세지역 강우산출과 지형에 따른 강수량의 분포 파악이 용이할 뿐만 아니라 계산 효율성을 개선된 모형이다. QPM 검증을 위하여 기상학적 평가와 수문학적 평가를 수행하였다. 호우 사례별 일강수량의 시공간 분포로 부터, QPM을 활용한 시스템에 의한 예측결과가 원시자료 RDAPS 보다 고해상도의 예측 및 지형효과의 반영도가 높았으며, AWS의 관측자료와 비교하여 보다 높은 예측성을 보여 주었다. 대상기간인 2006년 1월 1일부터 6월 20일까지 관측강우는 총 391.5mm 였으며 RQPM은 실적강우에 비하여 119.5mm 정도 과소산정하고 있으나 분위사상과정을 거치게 되면 351.7mm로서 실적강우에 불과 10.2% 못미치고 있다. 이는 고무적인 결과로 볼 수 있으며 현업에서의 활용성이 기대되는 수준이라 볼 수 있다. 강우-유출모의를 위한 QPM신뢰도를 높이기 위하여 분위사상법(Quantile Mapping)을 이용하여 QPM모의에 존재할 수 있는 계통오차에 대한 추가적인 보정을 수행하였다. 수문학적 평가를 위하여는 장기연속유출모형인 SSARR모형을 기반으로 개발된 RRFS(Rainfall-Runoff Forecast System)을 이용하여 2006년 1월${\sim}$9월까지의 용담댐 유입량에 대하여 모의예측결과와 관측유입량 비교를 통한 검증을 수행하였다. 위 기간중 예측유입량의 RMSE(Root Mean Squared Error), COE(Sutcliffe Coefficient of Efficiency), MAE(Mean Absolute Error), $R^2$값은 각각 7.50, 0.68, 2.59, 0.69 값을 보이고 있다. 본 연구에서는 QPM에 의한 예측성의 향상 및 구축된 시스템에 의한 일강수량의 장기예측 가능성을 확인하였고, 향후 시스템을 현업에 활용하기 위해서 생산된 예측자료의 보다 장기적인 검증을 통한 시스템의 안정화가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

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Studies on Herbage Utilization by Grazing Dairy Cows under Strip Grazing II. Herbage intake and milk yield affected by levels of daily herbage allowance (대상방목 체계하에서 고능력 착우유에 의한 초지이용율에 대한 연구 II. 일당 채식허용량의 수준에 따른 채식량 및 산유량)

  • 김태환;김병호
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.110-119
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    • 1994
  • Measurements of hehage intake and milk yield were made on high yielding dairy cows, which were strip-grazed on Loliurn perenne sward at three levels of herbage allowance in three experimental periods. The contents of nitrogen, chrome and ash in the faeces slightly decreased with the progress of growth period of experimental sward, and the decrease of herbage allowance. There were small difference in herbage digestibility among periods or the levels of herbage allowance with falling from 82.7% to 79.1% from period 1 to period 3 and from 81.6% to79.9% from high to low level of herbage allowance. Daily herbage intake was 15.8 and 15.9 kg OMIcow at the high and medium levels of hecbage aljowance, but reduced significantly to 14.6 kg OM/cow at the low level. Herbage intakes in three periods were shown a slight decrease. Daily milk yield in terms of 4% FCM significantly decreased from 23.6 to 20.6 kg/cow from period 1 to period 3. Milk yield at the high and medium levels of herbage allowance were 23.5 and 22.2 kg/cow at the low level of herbage allowance. The highly significant (P<0.01) correlations between the level of herbage allowance and herbage intake (r=0.88), or milk yield (r=0.81) were obtained.

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