• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고도보정

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Long-Term Trend of Surface Wind Speed in Korea: Anemometer Height Adjustment (한반도 지상 풍속의 장기 추세 분석: 풍속계 고도 보정)

  • Choi, Yeong-Ju;Park, Chang-Hyun;Son, Seok-Woo;Lee, Jae-Won;Hong, Dong-Chan
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2021
  • The long-term trend of surface wind speed in Korea is examined for 31 KMA weather stations from 1985 to 2019. Most stations, except Daegwallyeong, have several times of anemometer height changes from tens of centimeters to several meters. To minimize such height change effect on long-term wind trend, the present study adjusts anemometer height in each station to the standard height of 10 m using the power-law wind profile. This adjustment results in non-negligible trend change. For instance, the increasing surface wind speed at Suwon station, which has six times of anemometer height changes in a range of 0.8 m to 20 m, is weakened up to 67% and becomes statistically insignificant. Likewise, the decreasing trend at Andong station, with three times of anemometer height changes in a range of 10 m to 15.5 m, is weakened up to 66%. A similar weakening in long-term trend is observed in most stations regardless of positive and negative trends. However, due to the cancellation between weakened negative trends and weakened positive trends, the station-averaged wind speed trend in Korea does not change much. This result suggests that anemometer height adjustment is crucial for evaluating local wind speed trend but its impact on nation-wide wind speed trend is rather minor.

Performance Analysis of an Expansion Deflection Nozzle by Nozzle Length Reduction Method (노즐 길이 단축 방안에 따른 ED 노즐의 성능 분석)

  • Joomi Lee;Junsub Choi;Hwanil Huh
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2022
  • For the design of the shortened ED(Expansion Deflection) nozzle, a numerical study of ED nozzle was performed according to the length reduction methods. The first method is to reduce the extension length of the ED nozzle with 80% bell nozzle length by 10%, 20% and 30%. The second method is to shorten the extension length by increasing the nozzle throat angle. Due to the increase in the curvature of the contour as the length shortened, the decrease in the nozzle exit velocity between the ED nozzle with 80% bell nozzle length and the ED nozzle in the first method was reduced, and the thrust become similar. The ED nozzle of the second method increased the thrust by increasing the nozzle exit velocity compared to the ED nozzle with 80% bell nozzle length.

A Study on Measuring Method of Wind Resources for Wind Farm Design (풍력단지 설계를 위한 풍황자원의 측정방법 연구)

  • Sung-Min Han;Geon-Ung Gim;Sang-Man Kim;Chae-Joo Moon
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.387-396
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    • 2023
  • The representative equipments currently used for weather observations are meteorological masters and wind lidars. According to international regulations, meteorological masters can be used for standalone measurements, but in case of wind lidars, it is mandatory to install a meteorological master that matches the height of the bottom of the wind turbine blade or a 40m meteorological masters and correct the measurement data. Turbulence flow occurs frequently at altitudes below 100m due to its nature, and wind lidars are more susceptible to the effects of turbulence than meteorological masters. However, while the turbulence intensity for meteorological masters is specified by international regulations, there is no separated specification for wind lidars. This study collected data measured under the same conditions using both meteorological masters and wind LiDARs, analyzed the uncertainties and turbulence intensity ratio. The analysis of the data showed that there were partial sections where the proportion of turbulent flow intensity exceeded 3%. Therefore, it is suggested to include a specification for the turbulence intensity error rate for wind LiDARs in the international regulations.

Implementation of Propagation delay estimation model of medium frequency for positioning (측위 적용을 위한 중파의 전파 지연 예측 모델 구현)

  • Yu, Dong-Hui
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2009
  • Against Anomaly of GPS, there are several projects of independent satellite navigation systems like Galileo of Europe and QZSS of Japan and modernization of terrestrial navigation system like Loran. In domestic, the need of independent navigation system was proposed and DGPS signal was nominated as the possible substitute. The DGPS signal uses medium frequency, which travels through the surface and cause the additional delay rather than the speed of light according to Conductivities and elevations of the irregular terrain. The similar approach is Locan-C. Loran-C has been widely used as the maritime location system. Loran-C uses the ASF estimation method and provides more precise positioning. However there was rarely research on this area in Korea Therefore, we introduce the legacy guaranteed model of additional delay(ASF) and present the results of implementation. With the comparison of the original Monteath results and BALOR results respectively, we guarantee that the implementation is absolutely perfect. For further works, we're going to apply the ASF estimation model to Korean DGPS system with the Korean terrain data.

Development of Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance Instrument Approach Procedure on Runway 18 in Ulsan Airport (울산공항 활주로 18 LPV 계기접근절차 개발)

  • Hyunsoo Cho;Eunjung, Kim;Sung-Yeob Kim;Myeongsik, Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.594-600
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    • 2024
  • With the operation of the Korean satellite-based augmentation System (KASS), it has become possible to develop and implement localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) instrument approach procedures. In this study, we developed an LPV procedure for Runway 18 at Ulsan Airport, where the installation of an instrument landing system (ILS) is unable due to obstacles, and examined the potential reduction in flight cancellations. The study results suggest that, when developing an LPV instrument approach procedure, the decision altitude would be 380 feet, and the visibility minimum would be 1,200 meters. Consequently, it is expected that flight cancellations for Runway 18, based on 2023 cancellation data, could be reduced by 92% under the given visibility and ceiling conditions if LPV instrument approach procedure is developed. Therefore, the development and operation of the LPV instrument approach procedure for Runway 18 at Ulsan Airport is deemed essential.

Spectral Characteristics of Sea Surface Height in the East Sea from Topex/Poseidon Altimeter Data (Topex/Poseidon에서 관측된 동해 해수면의 주기특성 연구)

  • 황종선;민경덕;이준우;원중선;김정우
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.375-383
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    • 2001
  • We extracted sea surface heights(SSH) from the TopexJPoseidon(T/P) radar altimeter data to compare with fhe SSH estimated from in-situ lide gauges(T/G) at Ulleungdo, Pohang, and SockcholMucko sites. Selection criteria such as wet/dry troposphere, ionosphere, and ocean tide were used to estimate accurate SSH. For time series analysis, the one-hour interval tide gauge SSHs were resampled al lO-day interval of the satellite SSHs. The ocean tide model applied in the altimeter data processing showed periodic aliasings of 175.5 day, 87.8 day, 62J day, 58.5 day, 49.5 day and 46.0 day, and, hence, the ZOO-day filtering was applied to reduce these spectral noises. Wavenumber correlation analysis was also applied to extract common components between the two SSHs, resulting in enhancing the correlation coefficient(CC) dramatically. The original CCs between the satenite and tide gauge SSHs are 0.46. 0.26, and 0.]5, respectively. Ulleungdo shows the largest cc bec;luase the site is far from the coast resulting in the minimun error in the satellite observations. The CCs were then increased to 0.59, 030, and 0.30, respectively, after 200.day filtering, and to 0.69, 0.63. and 0.59 after removing inversely correlative components using wavenumber correlation analysis. The CCs were greatly increased by 87, 227, and 460% when the wavenumber correlation analysis was followed by 2oo-day filtering, resulting in the final CCs of 0.86, 0.85, 0.84, respectively. It was found that the best SSHs were estimated when the two methods were applied to the original data. The low-pass filtered TIP SSHs were found to be well correlated with the TIG SSHs from tide gauges, and the best correlation results were found when we applied both low-pass filtering and spectral correlation analysis to the original SSHs.

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Assessment of the Contribution of Weather, Vegetation and Land Use Change for Agricultural Reservoir and Stream Watershed using the SLURP model (II) - Calibration, Validation and Application of the Model - (SLURP 모형을 이용한 기후, 식생, 토지이용변화가 농업용 저수지 유역과 하천유역에 미치는 기여도 평가(II) - 모형의 검·보정 및 적용 -)

  • Park, Geun-Ae;Ahn, So-Ra;Park, Min-Ji;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.2B
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    • pp.121-135
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    • 2010
  • This study is to assess the effect of potential future climate change on the inflow of agricultural reservoir and its impact to downstream streamflow by reservoir operation for paddy irrigation water supply using the SLURP. Before the future analysis, the SLURP model was calibrated using the 6 years daily streamflow records (1998-200398 and validated using 3 years streamflow data (2004-200698 for a 366.5 $km^2$ watershed including two agricultural reservoirs (Geumgwang8 and Gosam98located in Anseongcheon watershed. The calibration and validation results showed that the model was able to simulate the daily streamflow well considering the reservoir operation for paddy irrigation and flood discharge, with a coefficient of determination and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency ranging from s 7 to s 9 and 0.5 to s 8 respectively. Then, the future potential climate change impact was assessed using the future wthe fu data was downscaled by nge impFactor method throuih bias-correction, the future land uses wtre predicted by modified CA-Markov technique, and the future ve potentiacovfu information was predicted and considered by the linear regression bpowten mecthly NDVI from NOAA AVHRR ima ps and mecthly mean temperature. The future (2020s, 2050s and 2e 0s) reservoir inflow, the temporal changes of reservoir storaimpand its impact to downstream streamflow watershed wtre analyzed for the A2 and B2 climate change scenarios based on a base year (2005). At an annual temporal scale, the reservoir inflow and storaimpchange oue, anagricultural reservoir wtre projected to big decrease innautumnnunder all possiblmpcombinations of conditions. The future streamflow, soossmoosture and grounwater recharge decreased slightly, whtre as the evapotransporation was projected to increase largely for all possiblmpcombinations of the conditions. At last, this study was analysed contribution of weather, vegetation and land use change to assess which factor biggest impact on agricultural reservoir and stream watershed. As a result, weather change biggest impact on agricultural reservoir inflow, storage, streamflow, evapotranspiration, soil moisture and groundwater recharge.

A Study of Eight Cases According to Hyeongsang Diagnosis Applying Sa-am Acupuncture Therapy (8증례를 통한 사암침법(舍巖鍼法)의 형상의학적(形象醫學的) 운용에 관한 고찰)

  • Choi, Jun-Young;Nam, Sang-Soo;Kim, Yong-Suk;Lee, Jae-Dong
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The puropse of this study was to report the availability of Hyeongsang diagnosis compensating for visceral pattern identification in applying Sa-am acupuncture therapy. Methods : Eight cases was presented to substantiate the above. Results : According to the characteristic diagnostic method of Hyeongsang medicine by feature such as face, ears, eyes, nose and mouth shape, There are 8 pattern differentiations, including essence family, Qi family, spirit family, blood family, fish type, bird type, beast(running) type and crust(crustacea) type which are correlated with essence deficiency, heat harassing the heart spirit, Qi stagnation, blood stasis, kidney essence deficiency, intense heart fire, liver blood deficiency and lung Qi deficiency in the established visceral pattern identification, respectively. Eight patients was diagnosed by the above Hyeongsang 8 pattern differentiations, of whom Sinjeonggyeok(kidney reinforcing prescription) was applied to a patient with fish type and essence family to nourish kidney essence, and Giul prescription(Qi stagnation prescription) was given to a patient with Qi family for regulating Qi, and Sanghwa priscription(ministerial fire prescription) was delivered to a patient with Spirit family to clear the heart fire and tranquilize, and Sojangjeonggyeok(small intestine reinforcing prescription) was used for a patient with blood family to nourish blood and remove blood stasis, and Sinjeonggyeok(kidney reinforcing prescription), Simhangyeok(heart heat clearing prescription), Ganjeonggyeok(liver reinforcing prescription) and Pyejeonggyeok(lung reinforcing prescription) were utilized for fish type, bird type, beast(running) type and crust(crustacea) type respectively to reinforce the relevant visceral function. Conclusions : It was suggested that characteristic diagnostic method of Hyeongsang medicine should be helpful for enhancing the accuracy of the established visceral pattern identification, applying Sa-am acupuncture therapy more appropriately.

Applicability of Multi-Temporal MODIS Images for Drought Assessment in South Korea (봄 가뭄 평가를 위한 다중시기 MODIS 영상의 적용성 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Sool;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Lee, Jin-Hee;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.176-192
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    • 2006
  • The need for a systematic drought management has increased since last countrywide drought in 2001. Naturally various studies for establishing drought plan and preventing drought disaster have been conducted. MODIS image provided by Terra satellite has effective spatial and temporal resolutions to observe spatial and temporal characteristics of a region. MODIS data products are easy for preprocessing and correcting geometrically and provide various data set in regular which are applicable for drought monitoring. In this study, Ansung river and the upstream of South Han river basin was chosen for case study to identify and assess spring drought. The multi-period MODIS image and accumulated precipitation were used to detect not only the drought year but also the vegetation change of normal year and the result were compared with various spatial data. The result shows NDVI and LSWI with is more appropriate than LST for assesing spring drought in Korea and two month cumulative precipitation has moderate relationship with drought. It is necessary to use MODIS image which has same period and same space for effective drought analysis because drought is also affected by landover and altitude.

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Enhancement of Spatial Resolution to Local Area for High Resolution Satellite Imagery (고해상도 위성영상을 위한 국소영역 공간해상도 향상 기법)

  • Kang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Ihn-Cheol;Kim, Jea-Hee;Park, Jong Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2013
  • The high resolution satellite images are used in many fields such as weather observation, remote sensing, military facilities monitoring, cultural properties protection etc. Although satellite images are obtained in same satellite imaging system, the satellite images are degraded depending on the condition of hardware(optical device, satellite operation altitude, image sensor, etc.). Due to the fact that changing the hardware of satellite imaging system is impossible for resolution enhancement of these degraded satellite after launching a satellite, therefore the method of resolution enhancement with satellite images is necessary. In this paper the resolution is enhances by using a Super Resolution(SR) algorithm. The SR algorithm is an algorithm to enhance the resolution of an image by uniting many low resolution images, so an output image has higher resolution than using other interpolation methods. But It is difficult to obtain many images of the same area. Therefore, to solve this problem, we applied SR after by applying the affine and projection transform. As a results, we found that the images applied SR after affine and projection transform have higher resolution than the images only applied SR.