• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경로 선정

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An Evaluation on Visitor Satisfaction in Waterfront Park (수변공원의 이용 만족도 평가)

  • Chang, Min-Sook;Chang, Byung-MKoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to evaluate visitor satisfaction(VS) in waterfront parks in terms of resources, facilities, embodiment of theme(ET), site composition(SC), relaxation activity space(RAS), and dynamic activity space(DAS), which are supply-side components in the planning process of waterfront parks, in order to answer the research question; 'How is visitor satisfaction of waterfront parks determined?' After reviewing the literature on parks and the building process of waterfront parks in Korea, we constructed a conceptual framework and have ascertained a research hypothesis. We had obtained data through a questionnaire survey from 327 visitors at waterfront parks, based on the quota sampling method. We have analyzed the data using the path analysis method. We found that: 1) The direct effects of resources and facilities on VS turned out to be 0.273 and 0.306, respectively while the indirect effects are 0.114, 0.170, respectively. 2) The direct effects of SC, as a component of the planning process on VS, turned out to be 0.243 while that of ET had no affect on VS. The indirect effect of ET and SC on VS turned out to be 0.059 and 0.018, respectively. 3) The direct effects of RAS on VS turned out to be 0.129 while the indirect effects of RAS and DAS on VS turned out to be 0.002 and 0.017, respectively. 4) The size of causal effect, in order, were facilities, resources, SC, RAS, ET, and DAS. 5) Resources and facilities, as a park foundation, compose 64.84 percent of total causal effect while ET and SC have 24.04 percent and RAS and DAS have 11.12 percent, respectively. These research results imply that: 1) Existing waterfront parks should be regenerated with the embodiment of water related theme and with improved facilities for RAS and visitor programs and/or facilities for DAS. 2) The relationship among ET, SC, RAS and DAS should be increased for a significant improvement of VS, and 3) A process-oriented approach turned out to be highly useful for the development of substantive theory and methodology. It is recommended that a structural equation model on waterfront parks be developed using more empirical data and this approach be widely applied for testing its validity.

An Evaluation Model on Supply Factors of Urban Park (도시공원의 공급인자 평가모형)

  • Chang, Byung-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to evaluate supply factors of urban parks to answer the research question: What are the causal effects of supply factors of urban parks on visitor satisfaction? After reviewing the literature and the Korean park planning process, we constructed a conceptual framework and have formulated the hypothesis of this research. We had obtained data through a questionnaire, which surveyed 452 visitors at 8 urban parks in Daegu Metropolitan City in 2008, based on a stratified sampling method. After the elimination of 96 unsuitable samples, we have analyzed the data using descriptive statistical methods, Pearson's correlation analysis and a path analysis method. We have found that: 1) While the direct and indirect effect of accessibility(ACC) on visitor satisfaction(VS) turned out to be 0.184 and 0.220, respectively, the indirect effect of information(IFM) and promotion(PRM) on VS turned out to be 0.101 and 0.177, respectively. 2) While the direct and indirect effect of service(SVR) on VS turned out to be 0.130 and 0.236, respectively, the direct effect of ACC turned out to be 0.698. 3) While the direct effect of ACC, SVR and attraction(ATT) on VS turned out to be 0.184, 0.130 and 0.698, respectively, composing 67.96% of causal effect, the indirect effect of ACC, IFM, PRM and SVR on VS turned out to be 0.220, 0.101, 0.177 and 0.236, respectively, composing 42.04% of causal effect. 4) The magnitude of causal effect of supply factors on VS turned out to be ATT(39.98%), ACC(23.14%), SVR(20.96%), PRM(10.14%) and IFM(5.78%) in order, and 5) the causal effect of external supply factors of ACC, IFM and PRM compose 39.06% of the causal effect while that of the internal supply factors of SVR and ATT is 69.94%. The research results suggest that: 1) Planning for park marketing strategy and remedial directions for existing urban parks, in order to increase visitor satisfaction, be focused on IFM and PRM, especially. 2) The research approach and path analysis method adopted by this research be valid and highly useful for planning and evaluation of other recreation areas. It is recommended that: 1) Structural Equation Model on supply factors of urban parks be established in the future. 2) Evaluation of supply factors by type of urban park be performed.

A Study of Esthetic Facial Profile Preference In Korean (한국인의 연조직측모 선호경향에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Jun-Gyu;Lee, Ki-Soo
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.32 no.5 s.94
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    • pp.327-342
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    • 2002
  • Soft tissue profile is a critical area of interest in the development of an orthodontic treatment and diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the facial profile preference of diversified group and to investigate the relationship between most Preferred facial Profile and existing soft tissue reference lines. A survey instrument of constructed facial silhouettes was evaluated by 894 lay person. The silhouettes had varied nose, lips, chin and soft tissue subnasale point. Seven sets of facial type were computer-generated by an orthodontist to represent distinct facial types. The varied facial profiles were graded on the basis of most preferred to least preferred. Every facial profile were measured by soft tissue reference lines(Ricketts E-line, Burstone B-line) to observe the most preferred facial profile. The results as follows: 1. In reliability test, the childhood group showed lower value than other groups, which means that this group has no concern on facial profile preference. 2. It appears that sexual and age difference made no significant difference in selecting the profile 3. An agreement to least preferred facial profile was higher than an agreement to most preferred facial profile. 4. Coefficient of concordance (Kendall W) was higher in the twentieth group. It means that a profile preference of the twentieth is distinct. 5. A lip protrusion (to Ricketts E-line and Burstone B-line) of most preferred facial profile was similar to measurements of previous study that investigate skeletal and soft tissue of esthetic facial profile of young Korean. So these reference lines can be used valuably in clinics. 6. Profile of excessive lip protrusion or retrusion to E-line & B-line was least preferred. 7. Most preferred profile of all respondents group was straight profile. Profile that showing convex profile was not pre(erred and the least preferred profile was concave profile.

Occlusal Analysis of the Subjects with Chewing Side Preference Using the T-Scan II System (T-Scan II 시스템을 이용한 습관적 편측저작자들의 교합 분석)

  • Park, Eun-Hee;Kim, Mee-Eun;Kim, Ki-Suk
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.245-254
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    • 2006
  • While orofacial pain or various dental factors are generally considered as the primary cause of unilateral chewing tendency, there exist several studies indicating that dental factors did not affect the preferred chewing side. The aim of this study was to examine difference of occlusal scheme between the subjects with and without chewing side preference. The difference between the chewing and non-chewing sides in the unilateral chewing group was investigated as well. Computerized, T-Scan II system was used for occlusal analysis. 20 subjects for the unilateral chewing group (mean age of $25.25{\pm}2.84$ years) and 20 subjects for the bilateral chewing group (mean age of $27.00{\pm}5.07$ years) were selected by a questionnaire on presence or absence of chewing side preference and those with occlusal problem or pain and/or dysfunction of jaw were excluded. T-Scan recordings were obtained during maximum intercuspation and excursion movement. The number of contact points, relative occlusal force ratio between right and left sides, tooth sliding area and elapsed time throughout the maximum intercuspation were calculated. Elapsed time for excursion was also investigated. The results of this study shows that the unilateral chewing group had the smaller average tooth contact areas compared with those of the bilateral group (p<0.005). In the unilateral chewing group, the contact areas of non-chewing side are smaller than those of chewing side (p<0.005). The contact areas on their preferred sides were not significantly different with those of right or left side of the subjects without chewing side preference. There was no significant difference in the elapsed time during maximum intercuspation and lateral excursion, the sliding areas and relative of right-to-left occlusal force ratio between the two groups. From the results of this study, it is likely that individuals prefer chewing on the side with more contact areas for efficient chewing.

Relationship of Subjective Oral Health Status to Subjective Oral Symptoms for the Elderly in Some Seoul Area (서울 일부 지역 노인의 주관적 구강건강상태와 주관적 구강증상과의 관련성)

  • Won, Young-soon;Kim, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Soo-Kyung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to help improve oral health care planning for the elderly in an effort to promote the oral health of elderly people in preparation for aging society. The subjects in this study were 200 elderly people who were selected by random sampling from senior centers in Seoul. An interview was conducted to gather data from June to September 2008, and the data collected were analyzed.: 1. The mean number of residual tooth was 13.71. 2. Concerning connections between gender and subjective oral symptoms, gender had a statistically significant relationship to temporomandibular joint dysfunction(p=0.000), dry mouth(p=0.001) and halitosis(p=0.006). The men underwent more oral symptoms than the women. 3. As for the relationship of mastication(p=0.000), oral pain(p=0.010), temporomandibular joint dysfunction(p=0.010) and dry mouth(p=0.001) to subjective oral health state, the elderly people who were not in a good oral health suffered more oral symptoms, and the gap between them and the others was statistically significant. 4. A larger number of tooth led to less mastication difficulties, less dry mouth and more gingival diseases, and the relationship between the factors was statistically significant. A better oral health state led to less mastication difficulties, less oral pain, less dry mouth and less bad breath, and the relationship between the factors was statistically significant. Through this study the oral health the elderly people perceive wss concerned with oral symptom, and the number of residual teeth also had links to subjective oral symptoms. Therefore, to maintain original teeth of the elderly people, the management system of oral health and the education program for oral health in order to prevent disease relateded with oral and enhance the perception standard of oral state are indispensably necessary to the elderly people.

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Improvements in the Marine Environmental Survey on Impact of Seawater Qualities and Ecosystems due to Marine Sand Mining (바다모래 채취 시 해수 수질 및 생태계 영향에 대한 해양환경조사 개선 방안)

  • Kim, Yeong-Tae;Kim, Gui-Young;Jeon, Kyeong-Am;Eom, Ki-Hyuk;Kim, In-Chul;Choi, Bo-Ram;Kim, Hee-Jung;Kim, Jin-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2014
  • We reviewed investigation status on turbidity plume in the statement of marine environmental survey(2008 to 2012) associated with marine sand extraction projects. The survey statement from seven marine sand extraction sites (extraction area of Southern EEZ, extraction area of Western EEZ, relocation zone in the Western EEZ, sea area under jurisdiction of Taean-gun, sea area under jurisdiction of Ansan City, and two discrete sea areas under jurisdiction of Ongjin-gun) in the nearshore and offshore of Korea showed that in situ observations were carried out for the dispersion and transport of suspended sediments on two areas (One is a extraction area in the EEZs, the other is an area of coastal sites). However, sampling station and range have not been selected considering physical, geographical factors (tide, wave, stratification, water depth, etc.) and weather conditions (wind direction and velocity, fetch, duration, etc). Especially turbidity plumes originating from three sources, which include suspended sediments in overflow(or overspill) discharged from spillways and reject chutes of dredging vessel, and resuspended sediments from draghead at the seabed, may be transported to a far greater distance outside the boundary of the extraction site and have undesirable impacts on the marine environment and ecosystem. We address that behaviour of environmental pollutants such as suspended solids, nutrients, and metals should be extensively monitored and diagnosed during the dispersion and transport of the plume. Finally we suggest the necessity to supplement the current system of the sea area utilization consultation and establish the combined guidelines on marine sand extraction to collect basic data, to monitor cumulative effects, and to minimize environmental damages incurred by the aftermath of sand extraction.

The Development and Its Application of Teaching-Learning Plan in Food and Nutrition Area by Using Reading Education (독서교육을 이용한 식생활 단원 수업의 교수-학습 지도안 개발 및 적용)

  • Han, Ga-Eun;Yoo, Ji-Yeon;Jung, In-Kyung;Kim, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the interest of food and nutrition area in Technology Home Economics subject as well as food safety and choice. For that, we developed new teaching-learning plan by using reading education method and applied to the 9th grade students in Buchun, Kyunggi-do. Experimental and control groups were selected based on their test score in nutrition section. Control and experimental groups were educated by general lecture or reading education method for 4 weeks and the effect of different educational methods was tested. The results of study as follow: First, teaching-learning plan by using reading education method has been developed. To apply reading education method, we developed reading record cards which could help students to understand the terminology and nutritional problems. In addition, students had time to discuss about food safety and choice after reading education which could improve the interest in Technology Home Economics subject and communication skills. Second, after applying the developed lesson plan, the results showed that reading education method improved the interest and attitude about Technology Home Economics subject and teacher, and food choice attitude. However, reading education method had no effect on the interest on reading book about food and nutrition, and These results suggested that reading education method improved the interest and recognition about Technology Home Economics subject and teacher and food choice attitude. Therefore, to establish the proper dietary behavior in junior high school students, we need to develop and apply diversity of teaching-learning plan by using reading educational method.

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Scaling up of single fracture using a spectral analysis and computation of its permeability coefficient (스펙트럼 분석을 응용한 단일 균열 규모확장과 투수계수 산정)

  • 채병곤
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.29-46
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    • 2004
  • It is important to identify geometries of fracture that act as a conduit of fluid flow for characterization of ground water flow in fractured rock. Fracture geometries control hydraulic conductivity and stream lines in a rock mass. However, we have difficulties to acquire whole geometric data of fractures in a field scale because of discontinuous distribution of outcrops and impossibility of continuous collecting of subsurface data. Therefore, it is needed to develop a method to describe whole feature of a target fracture geometry. This study suggests a new approach to develop a method to characterize on the whole feature of a target fracture geometry based on the Fourier transform. After sampling of specimens along a target fracture from borehole cores, effective frequencies among roughness components were selected by the Fourier transform on each specimen. Then, the selected effective frequencies were averaged on each frequency. Because the averaged spectrum includes all the frequency profiles of each specimen, it shows the representative components of the fracture roughness of the target fracture. The inverse Fourier transform is conducted to reconstruct an averaged whole roughness feature after low pass filtering. The reconstructed roughness feature also shows the representative roughness of the target subsurface fracture including the geometrical characteristics of each specimen. It also means that overall roughness feature by scaling up of a fracture. In order to identify the characteristics of permeability coefficients along the target fracture, fracture models were constructed based on the reconstructed roughness feature. The computation of permeability coefficient was performed by the homogenization analysis that can calculate accurate permeability coefficients with full consideration of fracture geometry. The results show a range between $10^{-4}{\;}and{\;}10^{-3}{\;}cm/sec$, indicating reasonable values of permeability coefficient along a large fracture. This approach will be effectively applied to the analysis of permeability characteristics along a large fracture as well as identification of the whole feature of a fracture in a field scale.

Relation of Social Security Network, Community Unity and Local Government Trust (지역사회 사회안전망구축과 지역사회결속 및 지방자치단체 신뢰의 관계)

  • Kim, Yeong-Nam;Kim, Chan-Sun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.42
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    • pp.7-36
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    • 2015
  • This study aims at analyzing difference of social Security network, Community unity and local government trust according to socio-demographical features, exploring the relation of social Security network, Community unity and local government trust according to socio-demographical features, presenting results between each variable as a model and verifying the property of mutual ones. This study sampled general citizens in Gwangju for about 15 days Aug. 15 through Aug. 30, 2014, distributed total 450 copies using cluster random sampling, gathered 438 persons, 412 persons of whom were used for analysis. This study verified the validity and credibility of the questionnaire through an experts' meeting, preliminary test, factor analysis and credibility analysis. The credibility of questionnaire was ${\alpha}=.809{\sim}{\alpha}=.890$. The inout data were analyzed by study purpose using SPSSWIN 18.0, as statistical techniques, factor analysis, credibility analysis, correlation analysis, independent sample t verification, ANOVA, multi-regression analysis, path analysis etc. were used. the findings obtained through the above study methods are as follows. First, building a social Security network has an effect on Community institution. That is, the more activated a, the higher awareness on institution. the more activated street CCTV facilities, anti-crime design, local government Security education, the higher the stability. Second, building a social Security network has an effect on trust of local government. That is, the activated local autonomous anti-crime activity, anti-crime design. local government's Security education, police public oder service, the more increased trust of policy, service management, busines performance. Third, Community unity has an effect on trust of local government. That is, the better Community institution is achieved, the higher trust of policy. Also the stabler Community institution, the higher trust of business performance. Fourth, building a social Security network has a direct or indirect effect on Community unity and local government trust. That is, social Security network has a direct effect on trust of local government, but it has a higher effect through Community unity of parameter. Such results showed that Community unity in Gwangju Region is an important factor, which means it is an important variable mediating building a social Security network and trust of local government. To win trust of local residents, we need to prepare for various cultural events and active communication space and build a social Security network for uniting them.

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지점우량 자료의 분포형 설정과 내용안전년수에 따르는 확률강우량에 관한 고찰 - 국내 3개지점 서울, 부산 및 대구를 중심으로 -

  • Lee, Won-Hwan;Lee, Gil-Chun;Jeong, Yeon-Gyu
    • Water for future
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 1972
  • This thesis is the study of the rainfall probability depth in the major areas of Korea, such as Seoul, Pusan and Taegu. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the rainfall in connection with the safe planning of the hydraulic structures and with the project life. The methodology used in this paper is the statistical treatment of the rainfall data in the above three areas. The scheme of the paper is the following. 1. The complementation of the rainfall data We tried to select the maximm values among the values gained by the three methods: Fourier Series Method, Trend Diagram Method and Mean Value Method. By the selection of the maximum values we tried to complement the rainfall data lacking in order to prevent calamities. 2. The statistical treatment of the data The data are ordered by the small numbers, transformed into log, $\sqrt{}, \sqrt[3]{}, \sqrt[4], and$\sqrt[5], and calculated their statistical values through the electronic computer. 3. The examination of the distribution types and the determination of the optimum distibution types By the $x^2-Test$ the distribution types of rainfall data are examined, and rejected some part of the data in order to seek the normal rainfall distribution types. In this way, the optimum distribution types are determined. 4. The computation of rainfall probability depth in the safety project life We tried to study the interrelation between the return period and the safety project life, and to present the rainfall probability depth of the safety project life. In conclusion we set up the optimum distribution types of the rainfall depths, formulated the optimum distributions, and presented the chart of the rainfall probability depth about the factor of safety and the project life.ct life.

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