Objectives: This study was designed to investigate acupuncture treatment of alopecia patients by researching literature and to standardize acupuncture treatment. Methods: We extracted the parts about acupuncture treatment of alopecia which are called 'Tal Bal(說髮), 'Ban Dok'(斑禿), 'Tal Mo'(脫毛), 'Bal Rak'(髮洛), 'Wonhyung Talmo'(圓形脫老) from 2 ancient and 49 modern oriental medicine literal sources. We surveyed the frequency and characteristics of the acupoints used for treatment of alopecia, and the acupoint was classified according to its meridian or demonstration. The results of this study were recorded as follows: 1. The most frequently used acupoints were GB20(風紙), GV20(百會), BL13(膈兪), SP6(三陰交), ST36(足三里), BL23(腎兪), SP10(血海), LI11(曲池), in that order. 2. The most frequently used meridians were the urinary bladder meridian (足太湯膀胱經), the Governor Vessel(督豚), the spleen meridian(足少陰脾經), and the gall bladder meridian(足少陰膽經), in that order 3. The most frequently used regions were the head, under the knee, and the back, in that order. 4. The most frequently used Jang organs and Bu organs were the spleen(脾), the stomach(胃), the liver(肝), the gall bladder(擔), the lungs(肺), and the large intestines(大腸), in that order. 5. Common methods of differentiation of alopecia are Hyulyulsaengpung(血熱生風), Gichehyutea(氣滯血瘀), Gihyulyanghea(氣血兩瘀), and Gansinbugok(肝腎不足). Conclusions : For treatment of alopecia, all the patient's symptoms, including alopecia, must taken into consideration and demonstrated.