• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경관계획

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A Study on the Capital City, Chang'an's(長安), Water System (수당(隋唐) 장안성(長安城)의 도성 형식과 수체계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hee-Soung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 2011
  • The research described in this report was conducted to find out how elements of the natural environment contributed to the formation of Chang'an, how its water system reinforced its status as the capital city, and what role it took for its urban function based on studies of the canal constructions. During the period of Sui and Tang, Chang'an built a sophisticated water system using Qu(渠), the irrigation facilities. In the water system, hills are called Yuan(原), and rivers with the proper environment to be developed plan into urban infrastructure facilities for irrigation water, urban living water, the composition of garden-based facility, reservoirs, and others. They improve agricultural productivity and, consequently, increase the city's competitiveness as well as contributing to the urban infrastructure, serving as a convenient source and ensuring the quality of life was abundant. So, the urban effects of the water system have raised the capital's status. With the contribution of its pragmatic water system, Chang'an not only performed its urban function brilliantly, but also established itself more firmly as a capital city.

Exploring Management Policy Tools Contingent on the Coastal Zoning Types (연안유형 특성에 적합한 지역연안관리 정책도구의 모색)

  • Choi, Sung-Doo;Kim, Young-Bu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2011
  • This study aims at proposing and developing the coastal management policy tool package contingent upon coastal community circumstance so that coastal regional government may enhance the efficiency of coastal administration and reestablish the coastal region master plan systematically. The 8 coastal policy tools of the already-tested U. S. coastal region government will be utilized as the new alternative on behalf of the Korean coastal region government. According to the result of experts survey, these tools especially can be used effectively in the tourism, disaster, restoration, and scenary coastal function types. Although this study is exploratory, it will be expected to contribute as the basic survey results of the successive research and coastal region policy development in Korea.

Evaluation of Eco-Village Planning Characteristics by Introducing Landscape Unit System (경관단위체계를 도입한 생태마을계획의 특성 평가)

  • 황보철;이명우
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.60-75
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this research is to evaluate five types of eco-village planning in order to introduce a landscape unit concept and theory in Korea. Although they had different backgrounds and motives of eco-villages planning, their common goal is to always maintain ecological planning and design in their villages. As concrete methods of ecological planning, we suggest three fundamental planning theories. 1. The boundary of a plan unit should be a watershed. 2. The survey and analysis of village ecotopes should be done in that defined watershed. 3. These results should be applied in the site and lot planning of eco-villages. These 3 steps should be done in a process and relevantly. In the evaluation of the five eco-village planning types, we found three results. 1. On a viewpoint of watershed, most planners recognized a watershed in survey and planning stages unconsciously. But they did not mention watersheds concretely and did not use this concept in the planning stage. 2. They did not define the concept of ecotope, but most planners recognized land-uses and vegetations of villages and vicinities as ecotopes. Also these could be proper ecotopes, but they did not use these compartment of ecotopes in the planning of ecosystem structure in villages. In addition, they did not deeply survey and analyze the ecotopes of villages and its vicinity. 3. On the viewpoint of sites and lots planning, they did not relevantly use the characteristics of watersheds and ecotopes in sites and lots planning. Therefore, they failed to implement the indigenous lots and subdivisions plan. In the size of lots and sites, they did not seriously consider the carrying capacity of ecosystem. We hope that our suggestion about the establishment of eco-villages planning is a fundamental theoretical framework of ecological planning in future eco-village planning.

A Study on the Differences of Opinion among Groups regarding the Street Landscape in the Old Urban Center -Focused on the Old Urban Center in Gimhae City- (구도심 가로경관에 대한 집단별 인식차이 연구 -김해시 구도심을 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Hye-Won;Seo, You-Seok;Ko, In-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.5192-5198
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of opinion among the user groups in revitalizing the old urban center. To this end, the old downtown commercial street users in Gimhae traders, local and foreign visitors were surveyed. To examine the statistical significance, the chi-square test was performed. There were differences of opinion among three groups about the present condition and improvement of the street. Therefore, in activating the old commercial street we should reflect not only the opinions of merchants but also those of visitors. The results of this study are intended to be used as a reference to the revitalization of old commercial street.

Principles of Eco-Village Planning Applying Landscape Ecological Indices (경관생태지표를 활용한 생태마을계획 원리)

  • Whang Bo-Chul;Lee Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4 s.111
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is the practical application of landscape ecological indices to establishment of eco-village planning methodology. Planning an eco-village has to be carried out in the boundary of a small watershed that is defined by homogeneous ecological character. Because the small watershed is a landscape unit it can have unique ecological character. On this viewpoint, the spatial structure is analyzed by the ecological attributes of form, distribution arrangement and composition of the sub-landscape units. Among all of the sub-landscape units, a green tract of land is the main subject of the analyzing entity. Woodland or forest as a green tract of land is a source of biological species and materials. Therefore the ecological attributes of green patches are especially analyzed by landscape ecological indices. The selected landscape ecological indices are elongation, lobes, interior area ratio, convolution of perimeter and proximity of the green patches. These indices represent the state of ecological conditions and they will be the evaluation factors of the landscape ecological planning. These frameworks for landscape ecological planning apply to Obok and Ganggeum villages in Wanju-gun, Korea. A proposed planning was evaluated by the selected landscape ecological indices. Among the selected landscape ecological indices of green patches, perimeter convolution and proximity were increased. It means that the ecological condition of peen paches will be mon sound and green areas of the village will be expanded naturally. In addition to this connectivities among green patches will also be improved.

Suggestions for Building Coast-Inland Linkage Transport System to Promote Island Tourism (도서관광 활성화를 위한 연안-내륙 연계교통체계 구축 방향)

  • Choi, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 2012
  • Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of tourists in islands that are well-known for their natural landscapes. It is expected that this number will go up steadily, due to the increase in per capita income and leisure time. Regarding tourism transportation, utilizing linkage transport between coastal passenger terminal and inland transport system is crucial. However, the existing system does not measure up to the expectations. This is attributable to the fact that the distances between coastal passenger terminals and inland transportation terminals are too far. Also, the current public transportation system lacks support and needs to take the role of connecting the two terminals. This study shows how coast-inland linkage transport system should be reformed in order to promote island tourism. It focuses on building linkage transport system and minimizing walking distance. Also, adjusting passenger ship schedule to the characteristics of island tourism is needed. For the sake of passengers, coastal passenger ship fare should be reduced, and integrated transport information should be provided.

Facilities Management Using Multi-Dimension Spatial Information (다차원 공간정보를 이용한 시설물관리)

  • Choi, Seok-Keun;Jo, Ui-Hwan;Lee, Byung-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2010
  • The latest multi-dimension spatial information technology is emerging its importance as material for carrying out efficient facilities management's supporting business about numerous facilities inside a university, budgeting decision-making supporting business such as operating expenses' budgeting and management, etc. and admission advertisement, etc. Accordingly, the present study selected an optimal location that can maximize spatial utilization of a building to be newly built by constructing multi-dimension spatial information for facilities management of a university, and executed a site suitability analysis according to transfer of a university symbol and a landscape analysis, etc. according to external environment change. As a result, it appeared that the effects such as prevention of duplicate investment and budget saving, etc. due to university's comfortable spatial composition and systematic comprehensive development & budgeting or decision-making support in case of execution, etc. caused by rationalization of facilities plan & management can be maximized.

Spatial Network Analysis of Pathogen Spread in Korean Rice Farming Areas Using Graph Theory (그래프 이론을 적용한 벼 병원균 확산 공간 연결망 분석)

  • Kang, Wanmo;Lee, Dowon;Park, Chan-Ryul
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.201-209
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    • 2013
  • The spread and expansion of pests and pathogens due to climate change have caused considerable reduction of rice yield in agricultural landscapes. This study was conducted to quantitatively analyze the spread of rice pathogens carried by insect pests on spatial network in South Korea using graph-theoretic methods. We identified the connectivity "backbone" of pathogen spread network among the cities along the coastal area of West Sea. In addition, we graphically represented 1) the core areas that can cause local and regional outbreaks of pathogens; and 2) the areas that act as bottlenecks in the spread of pathogen which can link the core areas. Especially, the cities in the coastal areas of West Sea that have the high density of rice crops, represented a low spread resistance to pathogen infection. These results may suggest insights into planning the integrated pest management possibly through regional collaboration.

Three-Dimensional GSIS for Determination of Optimal Route (3차원 GSIS를 이용한 최적노선 선정)

  • Kang, In-Joon;Choi, Hyun;Park, Hun-Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.1 s.24
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2003
  • The highway is greatly changed by the constant economic growth for a long times the traffic situation such as the large volumes and the performance vehicles, the performance enlargement of vehicles, the high speedization, etc., due to growth economic. A study of an optimal route selection model is researched over late 1980s by development of computer and GSIS, and consisted including research about the optimal route that uses digital terrain model in domestic such as the earth volume calculations, the mass curve output and the automation system construction. Lately, the study of the driving simulation of the highway and the virtual reality using VGIS(Virtual Geographic Information System) is researched. This study shows when the alternative highway selection considered surrounding facilities, development plan and according to estimate amount of traffic and the additional possibility of view analysis and environment effect analysis element will study through 3D simulation method.

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The Application of SQL in Terrain Information Analysis for Route Design (도로 설계를 위한 지형정보 해석에 있어서 SQL의 응용)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Yoon, Hee-Cheon;Lee, Hyung-Seok;Lee, Sung-Soong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 1995
  • Route design in topographical plane map brings many problems in efficiency and requires much time and labor by hand Recently, the active studies of efficient route design method using 3-D terrain information are being developed according to increasing concentration on GSIS. In order to analyze terrain information for route design efficiently, this study presents objective and overall datum by applying SQL in construction and analysis of database and the possibility of three-dimensional terrain information analysis, This study generates 3-D base map on topographical map of scale 1:5,000 and acquires terrain information that have various thematic map data; contour, land use, roadway, and drange. This is a study on the application of SQL in route design and construction of the terrain information that linked by graphic datum of completed topographical map and attributed datum of database. As the result of this study, we can produce promptly and efficiently design datum of profile annotation, cross section, and volume computations to the preliminary route for route design and apply this efficient method to route design by understanding visual DTM which is composed of the roadway and the natural scene after design.

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