• Title/Summary/Keyword: 게임 테스트

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A Study on Application of Resource Types of RDA to KCR4 (RDA 자원유형의 KCR4 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.103-121
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    • 2011
  • This study is to seek to apply resource types of RDA to KCR4. It is difficult to choose appropriate term and to embody FRBR model because GMD of KCR4 is the mixture of content-based vocabularies and carrier-based vocabularies. SMD is to need to reflect the current technological terms. Resource type of RDA was already developed to overcome limitation of AACR2's GMD, and would affect the world cataloging environment, therefore it is need to apply resource type of RDA to Korean cataloging rule. For this study, case study and survey were used. In case study, it was to scan all GMD term for one university library to build by programming and to grape librarian and users' potential need. In the survey by cataloging librarian, it was to figure out the current description of resource type in university library and to test RDA resource type. As a result, it was needed to revise the vocabulary to the obvious and user-understandable list. Also it was different in correction rate in RDA testing by resource type. Based on the case study and the survey, RDA resource type was applied to KCR4 resource list by adding term such as computer game in content type, and by inserting terms such as DVD, CD-ROM, Blu-Ray, computer file in carrier type. It also applied RDA description method and display means to KCR4. This study would apply RDA resource type to KCR4 and contribute to revise KCR4 resource type.

Estimation of buckling and collapse behaviour for continuous stiffened plate under combined transverse axial compression and lateral pressure (조합하중을 받는 연속보강판의 좌굴 및 붕괴거동 평가)

  • Park, Joo-Shin;Choi, Joung-Hwan;Hong, Kwan-Young;Lee, Gyoung-Woo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2009
  • Estimation of the buckling and ultimate strength of a continuous stiffened plate subjected to combined transverse compression and lateral pressure is of high importance to ensure the safety of ship structures, particularly for the bottom plating under a deep draft condition For example, bottom plating of bulk carriers is subjected to transverse thrust caused by the bending of double bottom structure and the direct action of pressure on the side shells. Most of experimental tests, theoretical approach and numerical researches have been performed on the buckling and ultimate strength behaviour of plates or stiffened plates under combined compression and lateral pressure. With regard to stiffened panels, however, most of studies have been concerned with the load conditions of combined longitudinal thrust and lateral pressure, while fewer studies have been performed for the combined transverse thrust and lateral pressure. In addition, the previous researches are mainly concerned with an isolated rectangular plate simply supported along the all edges, whereas actual ship plating is continuous across the transverse frames and heavy girders. In the present paper, a series of elastoplastic large deflection FEA on a continuous stiffened plate is performed and then clarify the characteristic of collapse mode and explain the effect of transverse compression.

A Study on the Settlement Prediction of Soft Ground Embankment Using Artificial Neural Network (인공신경망을 이용한 연약지반성토의 침하예측 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Sik;Chae, Young-Su;Kim, Young-Su;Kim, Hyun-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2007
  • Various geotechnical problems due to insufficient bearing capacity or excessive settlement are likely to occur when constructing roads or large complexes on soft ground. Accurate predictions of the magnitude of settlement and the consolidation time provide numerous options of ground improvement methods and, thus, enable to save time and expense of the whole project. Asaoka's method is probably the most frequently used one for settlement prediction and the empirical formulae such as Hyperbolic method and Hoshino's method are also often used. To find an elaborate method of predicting the embankment settlement, two recurrent type neural network models, such as Jordan model and Elman-Jordan model, are adopted. The data sets of settlement measured at several domestic sites are analyzed to obtain the most suitable model structures. It was shown from the comparison between predicted and measured settlements that Jordan model provides better predictions than Elman-Jordan model does and that the predictions using CPT results are more accurate than those using SPT results. It is believed that RNN using cone penetration test results can be a highly efficient tool in predicting settlements if enough field data can be obtained.

Documentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Using Motion Capture Technology Focusing on the documentation of Seungmu, Salpuri and Taepyeongmu (부록 3. 모션캡쳐를 이용한 무형문화재의 기록작성 - 국가지정 중요무형문화재 승무·살풀이·태평무를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Weonmo;Go, Jungil;Kim, Yongsuk
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.39
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    • pp.351-378
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    • 2006
  • With the development of media, the methods for the documentation of intangible cultural heritage have been also developed and diversified. As well as the previous analogue ways of documentation, the have been recently applying new multi-media technologies focusing on digital pictures, sound sources, movies, etc. Among the new technologies, the documentation of intangible cultural heritage using the method of 'Motion Capture' has proved itself prominent especially in the fields that require three-dimensional documentation such as dances and performances. Motion Capture refers to the documentation technology which records the signals of the time varing positions derived from the sensors equipped on the surface of an object. It converts the signals from the sensors into digital data which can be plotted as points on the virtual coordinates of the computer and records the movement of the points during a certain period of time, as the object moves. It produces scientific data for the preservation of intangible cultural heritage, by displaying digital data which represents the virtual motion of a holder of an intangible cultural heritage. National Research Institute of Cultural Properties (NRICP) has been working on for the development of new documentation method for the Important Intangible Cultural Heritage designated by Korean government. This is to be done using 'motion capture' equipments which are also widely used for the computer graphics in movie or game industries. This project is designed to apply the motion capture technology for 3 years- from 2005 to 2007 - for 11 performances from 7 traditional dances of which body gestures have considerable values among the Important Intangible Cultural Heritage performances. This is to be supported by lottery funds. In 2005, the first year of the project, accumulated were data of single dances, such as Seungmu (monk's dance), Salpuri(a solo dance for spiritual cleansing dance), Taepyeongmu (dance of peace), which are relatively easy in terms of performing skills. In 2006, group dances, such as Jinju Geommu (Jinju sword dance), Seungjeonmu (dance for victory), Cheoyongmu (dance of Lord Cheoyong), etc., will be documented. In the last year of the project, 2007, education programme for comparative studies, analysis and transmission of intangible cultural heritage and three-dimensional contents for public service will be devised, based on the accumulated data, as well as the documentation of Hakyeonhwadae Habseolmu (crane dance combined with the lotus blossom dance). By describing the processes and results of motion capture documentation of Salpuri dance (Lee Mae-bang), Taepyeongmu (Kang seon-young) and Seungmu (Lee Mae-bang, Lee Ae-ju and Jung Jae-man) conducted in 2005, this report introduces a new approach for the documentation of intangible cultural heritage. During the first year of the project, two questions have been raised. First, how can we capture motions of a holder (dancer) without cutoffs during quite a long performance? After many times of tests, the motion capture system proved itself stable with continuous results. Second, how can we reproduce the accurate motion without the re-targeting process? The project re-created the most accurate motion of the dancer's gestures, applying the new technology to drew out the shape of the dancers's body digital data before the motion capture process for the first time in Korea. The accurate three-dimensional body models for four holders obtained by the body scanning enhanced the accuracy of the motion capture of the dance.

Anti-inflammatory Activity of Antimicrobial Peptide Zophobacin 1 Derived from the Zophobas atratus (아메리카왕거저리 유래 항균 펩타이드 조포바신 1의 항염증활성)

  • Shin, Yong Pyo;Lee, Joon Ha;Kim, In-Woo;Seo, Minchul;Kim, Mi-Ae;Lee, Hwa Jeong;Baek, Minhee;Kim, Seong Hyun;Hwang, Jae Sam
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.30 no.9
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    • pp.804-812
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    • 2020
  • The giant mealworm beetle, Zophobas atratus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) has been used as a protein source for small pets and mammals. Recently, it was temporarily registered in the list of the Food Code. We previously performed an in silico analysis of the Zophobas atratus transcriptome to identify putative antimicrobial peptides and identified several antimicrobial peptide candidates. Among them, we assessed the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities of zophobacin 1 that was selected bio-informatically based on its physicochemical properties against microorganisms and mouse macrophage Raw264.7 cells. Zophobacin 1 showed antimicrobial activities against microorganisms without inducing hemolysis and decreased the nitric oxide production of the lipopolysaccharide-induced Raw264.7 cells. Moreover, ELISA and Western blot analysis revealed that zophobacin 1 reduced expression levels of pro-inflammatory enzymes such as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). We also investigated expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6 and interleukin-1β) production through quantitative real time-PCR and ELISA. Zophobacin 1 markedly reduced the expression level of cytokines through the regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) signaling. We confirmed that zophobacin 1 bound to bacterial cell membranes via a specific interaction with lipopolysaccharides. These data suggest that zophobacin 1 could be promising molecules for development as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapeutic agents.