• Title/Summary/Keyword: 게임만족도

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The Development and the Effects of Educational Program applied on STEAM for the Mathematical Prodigy (융합인재교육(STEAM)을 적용한 초등 수학영재 교육 프로그램의 개발과 적용 효과)

  • Lee, Seungwoo;Baek, Jongil;Lee, Jeonggon
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.35-55
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this study were to development and verify the effect of educational program apply on STEAM for the mathematical prodigy. To accomplish these purposes literature review on development of the program and qualitative study were conducted. The mixed-model design was applied for this qualitative experimental study. The conclusions of this study were as follows. First, the program for mathematical prodigy education applied on the conceptual model of STEAM integration approach was developed. Second, a learning satisfaction about constitution of the workbook was lowly. Third, principal of STEAM was the best interest and difficult of the program applied on STEAM. Fourth, the creativity and problem solving ability was founded about angle and velocity of mathematical domain and making the Angrybirds Game on GeoGebra environment. In spite of difficulty about principal of the Angrybirds Game, confidence and satisfaction were founded about a result product.

Game Analysis for Next Generation User Interface based on Storytelling (차세대 스토리텔링기반 유저 인터페이스를 위한 게임분석)

  • Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Seon-Ju;Yu, Hui-Beom;Won, Sun-Jin;Sung, Jung-Hwan
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.534-539
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    • 2008
  • Nowadays, UI(User Interface)'s main target area is getting larger from user's convenience oriented interface, to user's satisfaction oriented interface. In this study, we attempted 'Storytelling User Interface' for fulfillment of user's satisfaction. We analyzed UI in games, distinguished and clarified its effectiveness that conveys main contents and special features to its audience. The most important element in storytelling UI is 'Inherent Drama'. This was proved through the game analysis with Blizzard's 'Diablo', Sierra's 'Home world', Eden Games' 'Test Drive Unlimited', EA's 'Black And White', and Sony Entertainment's 'Eye Of Judgment'. And we divided storytelling elements into 3 pieces, Mood Design - that shows story's background, or traits, Natural Control - for user's feeling as a hero in the content, and Flow Directing - using animation, visual design and sound, etc. Via these elements, we can make the best use of background, icon, animation, every structures and flow in games. Finally, we embodied three pieces for putting in practice for effective improving interface.

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Improvement and Promotion Plan for the Screen Baseball Utilization (스크린야구 이용의 개선 및 증진방안)

  • Koo, Soo-Yong;Jeon, Yong-Bae;Choi, Eui-Yul
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.363-372
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest marketing plan to improve and promote screen baseball utilization, applying Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) incorporating marketing mix 4Cs; Customer value, Convenience, Cost, and Communication. A convenience sample was made up of 267 users in screen baseball clubs located in metropolitan area. Evidence on validity and reliability of the data was obtained through exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency analysis. Frequency analysis and paired sample t-test for the difference verification of IPA were conducted also in SPSS version 21.0 with .05 of significance level. The main results of the study were as follows. First, there were partially significant differences between importance and satisfaction regarding the sub-categories of Customer value and Convenience. Second, there were all significant differences between importance and satisfaction regarding the sub-categories of Cost and Communication. Third, as the results regarding IPA, quadrant I indicating 'Keep up Good Work' included healthy use of leisure time, improvement of self-achievement, accessibility, communication between service user and provider, etc. Fourth, quadrant II indicating 'Concentrate Here' included diversification of screen baseball program, cost regarding facility use, etc. Fifth, quadrant III indicating 'Low Priority' included interpersonal relationship, subsidiary facilities, cost of food and beverage, etc. Lastly, quadrant IV indicating 'Possible Overkill' included improvement of physical health and life satisfaction and rules and procedures of screen baseball.

A Study on the Protection of Intellectual Property of Virtual Augmented Reality (VR/AR 콘텐츠 지식재산 보호에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Eun-Jee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.418-420
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    • 2018
  • 가상증강현실은 장비와 소프트웨어의 기술 발전에 힘입어 산업적인 비즈니스 모델들이 날로 증가하고 있으며 교육, 엔터테인먼트, 관광, 안전, 의료, 국방 등 모든 분야에서 적용에 관한 요구가 급증하고 있는 실정이다. 특히 가상증강현실의 장점인 높은 몰입도와 체감도에 대한 만족도가 요소로 여러 분야의 다양한 VR/AR 콘텐츠가 개발되고 있다. 그러나 아직 지식재산 관점에서의 침해 또는 보호에 대한 정책이 제대로 마련되어 있지 않은 상태다. 본 연구에서는 VR/AR콘텐츠에 대해서 지식재산 관점에서 침해에 대한 법률적 해석과 게임콘텐츠 저작권 보호와 같은 제도가 마련되어야 한다는 필요성에 대해 고찰하고 그 대안을 모색해 보고자 한다.

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A study on the direction of teaching method with Next-generation contents (차세대 콘텐츠를 활용한 교수법 방향에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-jung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.07a
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    • pp.181-182
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문에서는 코로나19로 인해 최근 2년간 비대면 강의가 일반화 되어졌고, 비대면 강의를 통한 강의의 장단점을 파악하게 되었다. 개인 시간을 중요시 여기는 디지털 네이티브 세대의 특성과 시공간의 제약이 없는 비대면 수업의 편리함은 차츰 정착되고 있으나 비대면 수업으로 인한 집중력 저하, 대면수업 특유의 재미 요소 적용 등이 힘든 문제점 또한 많이 있기에 이를 보완하기 위해서는 차세대 콘텐츠를 활용하여 진화하여야 한다고 생각한다. 국내, 해외 활용 사례를 검토하고, 그 요소를 도출하여 차세대 콘텐츠를 활용하여 본교의 학생에게 적용한 결과 만족도가 향상되었다. 이 결과를 토대로 본 논문에서는 앞으로 차세대 콘텐츠를 활용한 교수법에 대한 연구 방향을 제시하여 더욱 수업의 질적 양적 향상에 기여하고자 한다.

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A System for Learning English Words Using Relations between Words (단어간의 관계를 이용한 영어 단어 학습 시스템)

  • Siyeong Bae;Sangchul Kim
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.1154-1157
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    • 2008
  • 오늘날은 실용성 있는 생활 영어교육이 절실히 필요한 시대로서 영어 교육은 무엇보다도 의사소통 능력 개발에 중점을 두고 있다. 영어 학습을 시작하는 초기 학습자 단계에서 가장 우선적으로 직면하게 되는 것이 바로 어휘 학습이다. 기존 영어 단어 학습 시스템은 학습자에게 지나치게 많은 단어들을 단순한 방법을 통해서 학습하게 함으로써 심리적 부담을 주고 있다. 심리언어학에서는 언어 이해의 과정이 단순히 제시된 것을 그대로 받아들이는 수용의 과정이 아니라 학습자가 이미 보유한 경험과 개념을 근거로 활성망의 확산을 통해 적절한 관계를 찾는 역동적·능동적 과정이라는 이론이 있다. 본 논문에서는 언어 학습 이론을 바탕으로 단어들 사이의 관계를 부각시킴으로써 추론과 기억에 도움을 주는 영어 단어 학습 시스템을 제안한다. 본 시스템은 단어들 간의 관계를 정의한 단어 관계 망을 중심으로 단어 학습 순서를 결정할 수 있고, 이미지 및 게임 기능을 지원하여 단어학습의 흥미를 유발하는 특징이 있다. 본 학습시스템을 실제 단어 학습에 적용해 본 결과 학습자들의 만족도가 높았다.

The Mediating Effect of Learning Flow on Affective Outcomes in Software Education Using Games (게임을 활용한 SW교육의 정의적 성과에 대한 학습몰입의 매개 효과)

  • Kang, Myunghee;Park, Juyeon;Yoon, Seonghye;Kang, Minjeng;Jang, JeeEun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.475-486
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    • 2016
  • As software transforms the structure of industry, it becomes a key measure in determining market competitiveness. Therefore, various educational efforts have been attempted in Korea to cultivate software professionals to secure software competitiveness. While previous studies had focused mainly on the cognitive effectiveness of software education, the authors tried to focus on affective perspectives. The authors, therefore, aimed to analyze the predictive power of the recognition of software importance and learning flow on affective outcomes, such as efficacy of computational thinking skills, and attitude toward, and satisfaction with, software education. The data were collected from 103 sixth grade students who participated in a software education. Results show that software importance and learning flow had significant predictive power on affective outcomes; Learning flow mediated the relationship between software importance and affective outcomes. This study provides practical implications for improving affective outcomes in the design and implementation of software education.

A Grip Type Korean Text Entry Interface for the Elderly (노인용 그립형 한글입력 인터페이스)

  • Chang, Hee-Dong
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2009
  • Our society is the information-oriented knowledge society which demands the ability how to use computers to all members of the society and is the aging society which the old people 60 or older exist plentifully. But in our society, there are rarely the computers for the old people which are considered their body limit. In this research, we proposed a grip type Hangul(Korean alphabet)interface which are designed under the consideration for the body limit of the old people. The comparison analysis of the proposed Hangul interface is accomplished with the keyboard(ME TOO SV01) for old persons and the key buttons of the old person cellular phone(LG KV-3900) as existing products. The comparison analysis consists of quantitative evaluation as measurements and qualitative evaluation as a survey of the satisfaction levels of 10 older persons. The results of the quantitative evaluation show that the proposed Hangul interface is the best one in the human-technology-design, the number of input buttons which requires moving of user's fingers, the maximum range of moving of user's fingers, and the number of the fingers to use text inputs. The survey results of the satisfaction levels show that interface shape, and input button's positions have best levels and they show that input button's gaps and ease of use have the second levels but their points are almost same with the best points of the keyboard.

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Development and Implementation of Blockchain Appropriate Technology Science School Program of Europe-Korea Conference on Science & Technology (유럽-한인 과학기술학회의 블록체인 적정기술 과학교실 프로그램 개발과 적용)

  • Kim, Gahyoung;Choi, Kevin Kyeong-iI;Kim, Dowon;Son, Muntak;Kim, Byoung-Yoon
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.190-199
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and implement the Appropriate Technology Science School program (ATSS) for youth operated by the Europe-Korea Conference on Science & Technology (EKC) since 2016. The development process consisted of pre-online management meetings, online and offline tutor training, operation of ATSS for youth, and satisfaction surveys. As a result of the development, the management team selected the mission-solving theme of "Transforming village using blockchain technology" through a pre-online meeting. The contents were reorganized according to the level of the participating tutees, and various learning activities such as co-building activities, games, and plays were newly introduced and developed first, and the programs developed through tutor training were demonstrated and improved. A total of 38 tutees and tutors from 6 countries participated in the 2018 ATSS. As a result, participants showed positive satisfaction overall. Tutees showed interest in dome co-building activities and hash function calculation activities, and tutors showed interest in lectures and monopoly games related to blockchain technology. The development and of the 2018 ATSS will contribute to the improvement of expertise in the operation of the EKC ATSS in the future to the management team. It will be an opportunity for tutors to experience that high-tech science and technology have a good impact on appropriate technology for the third world and community society. In addition, Tutees will be provided with an opportunity to indirectly experience the local situation and community society through a role play on the impact of blockchain technology on African villages.

Korean Text Input System for Elderly using Grip Type Game Controller (그립형 게임 컨트롤러를 이용한 노인용 한글 입력 시스템)

  • Park, Sung-Jun;Lee, Ji-Won;Chang, Hee-Dong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2009
  • As an advance in medical technology development is being made, and people are increasingly aware of the importance of health, related investments and people's average life expectancy rise, which in turn leads to an increase in elderly people. Also, with a growing number of elderly people enjoying their leisure activities, the utilization of multimedia contents using computers is on the increase, leading to an activated research into the establishment of digital culture for the elderly people. This paper proposes a Korean text input system to enable the elderly to utilize digital contents. Text input interface has conventionally depended on keyboards. However, the keyboard wherein many keys are dispersed creates problems for the elderly, such as a protracted recognition of keys and a lowered concentration when they use the keyboard. To address these problems, in this paper, the grip type controller interface for console games was used and a corresponding alphabet location algorithm was developed. To verify these efforts, a simulator was developed to test 20 elderly people; as a result, their satisfaction over and convenience of using the grip type interface increased.