• Title/Summary/Keyword: 건물 외곽선

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3D Building Modeling Using LIDAR Data and Digital Map (LIDAR 데이터와 수치지도를 이용한 3차원 건물모델링)

  • Kim, Heung-Sik;Chang, Hwi-Jeong;Cho, Woo-Sug
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.3 s.33
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a method for point-based 3D building reconstruction using Lidar data and digital map. The proposed method consists of three processes: extraction of building roof points, identification of roof types, and 3D building reconstruction. After extracting points inside the polygon of building, the ground surface, wall and tree points among the extracted points are removed through the filtering process. The filtered points are then fitted into the flat plane using ODR(Orthogonal Distance Regression) in the first place. If the fitting error is within the predefined threshold, the surface is classified as a flat roof. Otherwise, the surface is fitted and classified into a gable or arch roof through RMSE analysis. Experimental results showed that the proposed method classified successfully three different types of roof and that the fusion of LIDAR data and digital map could be a feasible method of modeling 3D building reconstruction.

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Object-based Building Change Detection from LiDAR Data and Digital Map Using Adaptive Overlay Threshold (적응적 중첩 임계치를 이용한 LiDAR 자료와 수치지도의 객체기반 건물변화탐지)

  • Lee, Sang-Yeop;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Han, Su-Hee;Choi, Jae-Wan;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2011
  • Because urban areas change rapidly, it is necessary to reflect urban changes in a digital map database in a timely manner. To address these issues, LiDAR data was used to detect changes in urban area buildings. The purpose of this study is to detect object-based building change using LiDAR data and existing digital maps, and classify change types. In the study, we classified change type using overlay and shape comparison with building layer of the digital maps and point-based extracted building outline from the LiDAR data. When applying the overlay method, we were able to increase the accuracy and objectivity of the change detection process throughout an adaptive threshold applied to each object. In the experiments, it was demonstrated that classifying and detecting changes in urban areas using the proposed method can provide superior classification accuracy compared with the existing methodology.

Development of Building 3D Spatial Information Extracting System using HSI Color Model (HSI 컬러모델을 활용한 건물의 3차원 공간정보 추출시스템 개발)

  • Choi, Yun Woong;Yook, Wan Man;Cho, Gi Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2013
  • The building information should be up-to-date information and propagated rapidly for urban modeling, terrain analysis, life information, navigational system, and location-based services(LBS), hence the most recent and updated data of the building information have been required of researchers. This paper presents the developed system to extract the 3-dimension spatial information from aerial orthoimage and LiDAR data of HSI color model. In particular, this paper presents the image processing algorithm to extract the outline of specific buildings and generate the building polygon from the image using HIS color model, recursive backtracking algorithm and the search maze algorithm. Also, this paper shows the effectivity of the HIS color model in the image segmentation.

A Study on Building Extraction from LiDAR Data Using LISA (LISA를 이용한 LIDAR 데이터로부터 건물 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Young-Gi;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Son, Jeong-Hoon;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2006
  • This paper aims at developing an efficient method that extracts building using local spatial association of raw LiDAR data without setting up empirical variables such as a minimum building area, and applying the method to survey data to evaluate the efficiency of that. To do this, LISA(Local Indicatiors of Spatial Association) statistics are used which reflect local variations that can be appeared in the research area. It can be also a preprocess that detects spatial outliers through the significance test of LISA statistics and interpolate using kernel estimation. Boundaries of buildings as well as buildings can be extracted based on quadrant of Moran Scatterplot. Experimental results show that the proposed method is promising in extracting buildings from LiDAR data automatically.

Automatic Boundary Detection from 3D Cloud Points Using Color Image (칼라영상을 이용한 3차원 점군데이터 윤곽선 자동 검출)

  • Kim, Nam-Woon;Roh, Yi-Ju;Jeong, Hee-Seok;Jeong, Joong-Yeon;Jung, Kyeong-Hoon;Kang, Dong-Wook;Kim, Ki-Doo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.10b
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    • pp.141-142
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문은 텍스처된 3차원 점군데이터를 효율적으로 모델링하는 방법을 제안한다. 지상라이다로부터 획득한 3차원 점군데이터는 많은 노이즈를 가지고 있으며 이로 인해 자동적인 모델링이 어렵다. 3차원 모델링에 있어서 메쉬를 생성해야 3차원 랜더링이 가능하지만 3차원 메쉬 생성은 노이즈에 취약하기 때문에 디자이너들이 수작업으로 노이즈를 제거해야만 한다. 하지만 노이즈 자제가 지상 라이다로부터 들어온 데이터이기 때문에 자동적인 노이즈 제거가 어렵다. 본 논문에서는 텍스처된 지상 라이다 데이터로부터 칼라 영상의 정보를 이용한 윤곽선 정보 검출 방법을 제안한다. 대부분의 건물과 같은 구조물에서 최 외곽은 같은 색의 정보를 가지고 있다. 최 외곽 칼라의 정보를 이용하여 칼라 정보의 변화를 제한하고, 유사 칼라 정보를 가지고 있는 픽셀만 얻어냄으로써 최외각 정보를 얻어낸다. 칼라 이미지를 이용만 필터링 된 점군데이터는 xy, xz, yz 각각의 평면에서 윤곽선 데이터를 가지며 이는 구조물에 대한 모델링의 속도를 빠르게 해준다.

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Displacement Mapping for the Precise Representation of Protrusion (정확한 돌출 형상의 표현을 위한 변위매핑)

  • Yoo, Byoung-Hyun;Han, Soon-Hung
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.777-788
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes a displacement mapping technique which represents protruded shapes on the surface of an object. Previous approaches for image-based displacement mapping can represent only shapes depressed from the polygon surface. The proposed technique can represent shapes protruded from the underlying surface in real-time. Two auxiliary surfaces which are perpendicular to the underlying surface are added along the boundary of the polygon surface, in order to represent the pixels which overflow over the boundary of the polygon surface. The proposed approach can represent accurate silhouette of protruded shape. It can represent not only smooth displacement of protruded shape, but also abrupt displacement such as perpendicular protrusion by means of adding the supplementary texture information to the steep surface of protruded shape. By per-pixel instructions on the programmable GPU this approach can be executed in real-time. It provides an effective solution for the representation of protruded shape such as high-rise buildings on the ground.

Automatic Searching Algorithm of Building Boundary from Terrestrial LIDAR Data (지상라이다 데이터를 이용한 건물 윤곡선 자동 추출 알고리즘 연구)

  • Roh, Yi-Ju;Kim, Nam-Woon;Jeong, Hee-Seok;Jeong, Joong-Yeon;Kang, Dong-Wook;Jeong, Kyung-Hoon;Kim, Ki-Doo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.10b
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    • pp.139-140
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    • 2008
  • 지상라이다는 고정도의 3차원 영상을 제공하고 레이저 빔을 현장이나 대상물에 발사하여 짧은 시간에 수백만점의 3차원좌표를 기록할 수 있는 최신 측량장비로서 다양한 응용분야에서 두각을 나타내고 있다. 본 연구에서는 지상라이다를 이용한 건축물의 3자윈 자동 윤곽선 추출을 다룬다. 지상라이다는 건축물의 3차원 윤곽선을 신속하게 추출할 수 있지만 지상기반 시스템이므로 여러 가지 장애물 때문에 건국물의 하단부에서는 추출이 쉽지 않다. 기존 항공라이다를 이용한 알고리즘에서는 사진의 색상차나 모폴로지 특성에 의존하여 범위를 제한하고, 이를 기반으로 윤곽선을 추출하였다. 하지만 지상라이다의 경우 항공라이다에 비해 분해능이 월등히 높다. 또한, 지상라이다는 지상에서 측정하기 때문에 항공라이다에서 어려운 건축물의 측면이나 정면도 윤곽선 추출이 가능하기 때문에 본 논문에서는 사진을 이용하지 않고 전처리를 하지 않은 데이터를 직접 이용하여 건물의 정면 윤곽선을 추출하는 것을 제안한다. 건물의 크기와 데이터 수 즉, 라이다로 측정한 포인트 수를 고려한 효율적인 Decimation방법을 제안하고 또한, Decimation된 데이터이서 지역적으로 제일 큰 값과 작은 값을 찾아낸다. 그 중 많이 벗어난 점을 편차를 이용하여 제거한다. 이렇게 찾아낸 건축물의 외곽점들을 이어 만든 윤곽선을 최종적으로 보간하여 좀 더 현실과 가까운 윤곽선 추출 방법을 제안한다.

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The Improvement of Real-time Updating Methods of the National Base Map Using Building Layout Drawing (건물배치도를 이용한 국가기본도 수시수정 방법 개선)

  • Shin, Chang Soo;Park, Moon Jae;Choi, Yun Soo;Baek, kyu Yeong;Kim, Jaemyeong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2018
  • The National Base Map construction consists of the regular correction work of dividing the whole country into two regions and carrying out the modification Plotting by aerial photographs every two years as well as the real time updating work of correcting the major change feature within two weeks by the field survey and the As-Built Drawing. In the case of the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS) used for real time updating work of the National base map, the coordinate transformation error is included in the positional error when applied to the National Base Map based on the World Geodetic Reference System as the coordinate system based on the Regional Geodetic Reference System. In addition, National Base Map is registered based on the outline(eaves line) of the building in the Digital Topographic Map, and the Cadastral and Architecture are registered based on the building center line. Therefore, the Building Object management standard is inconsistent. In order to investigate the improvement method, the network RTK survey was conducted directly on a location of the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS) and the problems were analyzed by comparing with the plane plotting position reference in National Base Map. In the case of the general structure with the difference on the Building center line and the eaves line, beside the location information was different also the difference in the ratio of the building object was different between Building center line and the eave. In conclusion, it is necessary to provide the Base data of the double layer of the Building center line and the outline of the building(eaves line) in order to utilize the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS). In addition, it is necessary to study an organic map update process that can acquire the up-to-dateness and the accuracy at the same time.

Region-based Building Extraction of High Resolution Satellite Images Using Color Invariant Features (색상 불변 특징을 이용한 고해상도 위성영상의 영역기반 건물 추출)

  • Ko, A-Reum;Byun, Young-Gi;Park, Woo-Jin;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents a method for region-based building extraction from high resolution satellite images(HRSI) using integrated information of spectral and color invariant features without user intervention such as selecting training data sets. The purpose of this study is also to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method by applying to IKONOS and QuickBird images. Firstly, the image is segmented by the MSRG method. The vegetation and shadow regions are automatically detected and masked to facilitate the building extraction. Secondly, the region merging is performed for the masked image, which the integrated information of the spectral and color invariant features is used. Finally, the building regions are extracted using the shape feature for the merged regions. The boundaries of the extracted buildings are simplified using the generalization techniques to improve the completeness of the building extraction. The experimental results showed more than 80% accuracy for two study areas and the visually satisfactory results obtained. In conclusion, the proposed method has shown great potential for the building extraction from HRSI.

A technique for extracting complex building boundaries from segmented LiDAR points (라이다 분할포인트로부터 복잡한 건물의 외곽선 추출 기법)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ho;Han, Soo-Hee;Byun, Young-Gi;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.153-156
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    • 2007
  • There have been many studies on extracting building boundaries from LiDAR(Light Detection And Ranging) data. In such studies, points are first segmented, then are further processed to get straight boundary lines that better approximate the real boundaries. In most research in this area, processes like generalization or regularization assume that buildings have only right angles, i.e. all the line segments of the building boundaries are either parallel or perpendicular. However, this assumption is not valid for many buildings. We present a new approach consisting of three steps that is applicable to more complex building boundaries. The three steps consist of boundary tracing, generalization, and regularization. Each step contains algorithms that range from slight modifications of conventional algorithms to entirely new concepts. Four typical building shapes were selected to test the performance of out new approach and the results were compared with digital maps. The results show that the proposed approach has good potential for extracting building boundaries of various shapes.

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