• 제목/요약/키워드: 건물속성

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A Study on the Improvement of Legal Policies for Activating Public Open Space in Urban Environment Improving Project of Seoul City (서울시 도시환경정비사업 내 공개공지 활성화를 위한 제도개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Do-Kyong;Kim, Kun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2011
  • The district units planning suggests not only detailed standards of building as parts of the whole plan in the district but also a guideline of the arrangement, shape and pavement of the public open space, in order to move away from the rigid image of an institution which causes the formal creation of it. This triggered various problems. While the basic plan for adjustment of urban environments(established in 2005) was being reorganized in order to reflect changed conditions of the city center, the sector of public open space was subdivided according to the guidelines of development by district. We conducted a comparative analysis of conditions before and after the adjustment, so as to examine whether or not the reorganized institution is effective for the plan of public open spaces. The analysis showed that there was no remarkable change between the basic plan and the reorganized institution in that items which were not any different from the existing building codes were established due to lack of guidelines related to public open space under the law of urban and residential environmental improvement. Low regulations should set up criteria for establishment from a concrete, effective microscopic aspect appropriate to the significance of public open space by the linking of public open space and the surrounding environment, whereas high regulations such as building codes should specify essential components.

A Study on the Application Service of 3D BIM-based Disaster Integrated Information System Management for Effective Disaster Response (효과적인 재난 대응을 위한 3차원 BIM 기반 재난 통합정보 시스템 활용 서비스 제시)

  • Kim, Ji-Eun;Hong, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2018
  • Periodic and systemic disaster management has become more important than ever owing to the recent continuous occurrence of disasters, such as fires, earthquakes, and flooding. This management goes beyond simple disaster preparedness, which was introduced minimally under the existing legal system. For effective disaster management, facilities should be managed through regular maintenance on a daily basis, and in the case of an emergency, intuitive and accurate communication is essential regarding the situation and purpose. BIM manages the entire building property data using the effective 3D visualization model, so it can be used for various management purposes from design to facility maintenance. In this study, through an expert survey on the use of services in a BIM-based integrated disaster information system, the available areas of BIM data were organized in terms of facility information management, 3D visualization, and disaster control. Later, through the use service and DB definition within the BIM-based disaster integration information system, the main facilities monitoring and response services based on BIM and BIM-based spatial management service are proposed. Based on this study, it is hoped that the BIM-based application service functions within the system will be implemented to enable an effective system response.

Pedestrian Multi-Agent Model in College Town Streets (대학촌 가로의 보행환경 개선을 위한 보행자 멀티에이전트(Pedestrian Multi-Agent) 모델링)

  • Moon, Tae-Heon;Han, Soo-Chel;Sung, Han-Uk;Jeong, Kyeong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.194-205
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a pedestrian multi-agent model and simulation system using multi-agent theory, which may be utilized as a planning support system for building a comfort and safe environment of pedestrian street. Differing from existing pedestrian models, however, every single pedestrian was regarded as an individual agent in the model. Multiple agents like multiple pedestrians in the street then maintain their own characteristics and respond to surrounding environment. In addition their moving behavior are made by their own decision rules that they have or had acquired through the interactive communications or learning between agents like real world. After verifying the model validation, as the $R^2$ between the predicted value and observed value was up to 0.781, the developed model was applied to Gazwa district within Gyeongsang university village. The simulation system was developed by Flash MX action scripts and the physical environment of the streets was configured with the digital map and ArcGis within computer virtual space. The attribute data of buildings such as type and size of commercial business were collected through the field survey and combined with physical features. Then the effect of the variation of building attractiveness and the occurrence of street events to pedestrian environment were simulated. Through the experiments this study could make suggestions to improve pedestrian environment.

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Development of Organic Fertilizer based on the Cow Dung III. Studies on Tentative Guideline for Degree of Maturity (우분(牛糞)의 유기질비료화(有機質肥料化) 연구 III. 부숙도(腐熟度) 기준설정(基準設定))

  • Lim, Dong-Kyu;Jeong, Lee-Geon;Shin, Jae-Sung;Han, Ki-Hak
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.278-285
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    • 1991
  • This study was conducted to manufacture a good qualified organic fertilizer with cow dung through rapid composting process, and the proposal guideline of the degree of maturity could be estimated with the measurement of final product. It included total nitrogen content of above 2% on an oven-dry material basis, C/N ratio of below 20, CEC of more than about 60 me/100g, ratio of carbon in reducing sugar to the total carbon of below 35%, and temperature in pile of above $60^{\circ}C$. The total nitrogen content, the C/N ratio, and the Paper Chromatographic method couldn't be the guideline to evalute the maturity of cow dung compost. CEC was increased in increased fermentation and it was high in the high fermented temperature plots which were cow dung+ shredded bark in 1988, cow+dung+wood chips in 1989, and cow dung+rice straws in 1990. The ratio of carbon in reducing sugar to total carbon in 1990 was lower in cow dung+saw dust than cow dung+rice straws that was the highest temperature in pile. Generally cow dung was mixed well with saw dust and thus the total carbon of the product was high. The measurement of the temperature in pile seems to be a indirect guideline of maturity.

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On Preparation and Effects of Composts from Industrial Wastes via High Temperature and Aerobic conditions (유기성 산업폐기물의 고온·호기성 퇴비화 및 비효평가)

  • Kweon, Jin-Wook;Lee, Kyu-Seung;Park, Seung-Heui
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 1995
  • In order to find a way to utilize paper mill sludge, its composting was conducted with anaerobic waste of kraft paper sludge, raw kraft paper sludge, and CMC sludge(CMC : Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose) under aerobic condition at $50^{\circ}C$. It took 3 days for initial fermentation with anaerobic waste and CMC sludge, and six days with raw kraft paper sludge. Each compost was applied to radish(Rhaphanus Stativus L.), and absorption rate of staple nutrients increased 6.7~9.3 times higher in N, 17~21 times in P and 2~3 times in K than control at the harvesting stage. Also, organic matter contents were increased 1.5~2.3 times 4.5~5.3 times in CEC compared to control soil.

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A Data Transformation Method for Visualizing the Statistical Information based on the Grid (격자 기반의 통계정보 표현을 위한 데이터 변환 방법)

  • Kim, Munsu;Lee, Jiyeong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this paper is to propose a data transformation method for visualizing the statistical information based on the grid system which has regular shape and size. Grid is better solution than administrator boundary or census block to check the distribution of the statistical information and be able to use as a spatial unit on the map flexibly. On the other hand, we need the additional process to convert the various statistical information to grid if we use the current method which is areal interpolation. Therefore, this paper proposes the 3 steps to convert the various statistical information to grid. 1)Geocoding the statistical information, 2)Converting the spatial information through the defining the spatial relationship, 3)Attribute transformation considering the data scale measurement. This method applies to the population density of Seoul to convert to the grid. Especially, spatial autocorrelation is performed to check the consistency of grid display if the reference data is different for same statistic information. As a result, both distribution of grid are similar to each other when the population density data which is represented by census block and building is converted to grid. Through the result of implementation, it is demonstrated to be able to perform the consistent data conversion based on the proposed method.

Information Modeling of Railway Track using Information Iinkage of Railway Alignment and Alignment-based Objects (철도 선형중심의 객체 정보연계를 통한 철도 궤도부 정보모델 생성 방안)

  • Kwon, Tae Ho;Park, Sang I.;Shin, Min Ho;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.507-514
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    • 2017
  • As BIM has been widely used in the field of architecture, efforts to apply BIM to civil engineering structures are increasing rapidly. Since commercial BIM softwares are focused on building structure, it is difficult to apply to alignment-based civil infrastructures. In this study, we proposed a method to generate an information model that reflects cant by sharing information between alignment-centered modeling tools and BIM authoring tools to manage information of railway track. The railway track modeling process consists of classifying structures into continuous and non-continuous structures, creating continuous structures by alignment-centered modeling tools, and using the shared alignment information to generate information model of the non-continuous structures. Non-continuous structures were generated by an algorithm that calculates the position and rotation information of each structure based on discretized railway alignment and cant information transmitted to the BIM authoring tools. The availabilities of proposed method were studied by applying to the osong test-line. Using the test model, it was shown that the objects were identified, the properties were extracted, and the quantities of each structure were calculated.

Automated Construction Progress Management Using Computer Vision-based CNN Model and BIM (이미지 기반 기계 학습과 BIM을 활용한 자동화된 시공 진도 관리 - 합성곱 신경망 모델(CNN)과 실내측위기술, 4D BIM을 기반으로 -)

  • Rho, Juhee;Park, Moonseo;Lee, Hyun-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2020
  • A daily progress monitoring and further schedule management of a construction project have a significant impact on the construction manager's decision making in schedule change and controlling field operation. However, a current site monitoring method highly relies on the manually recorded daily-log book by the person in charge of the work. For this reason, it is difficult to take a detached view and sometimes human error such as omission of contents may occur. In order to resolve these problems, previous researches have developed automated site monitoring method with the object recognition-based visualization or BIM data creation. Despite of the research results along with the related technology development, there are limitations in application targeting the practical construction projects due to the constraints in the experimental methods that assume the fixed equipment at a specific location. To overcome these limitations, some smart devices carried by the field workers can be employed as a medium for data creation. Specifically, the extracted information from the site picture by object recognition technology of CNN model, and positional information by GIPS are applied to update 4D BIM data. A standard CNN model is developed and BIM data modification experiments are conducted with the collected data to validate the research suggestion. Based on the experimental results, it is confirmed that the methods and performance are applicable to the construction site management and further it is expected to contribute speedy and precise data creation with the application of automated progress monitoring methods.

Development of Model Requirements Checklist for Utilizing BIM in Construction Phase - Focused on the MEP - (시공단계 BIM 활용을 위한 모델 요구조건 체크리스트 개발 - MEP를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Woojin;Park, Jinho;Cha, Yongwoon;Hyun, Changtaek;Han, Sangwon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2019
  • The application of BIM that can manage and integrate information generated during the entire life cycle of buildings in domestic and overseas construction projects is becoming active. When BIM is utilized in the construction phase, it can shorten the construction period, reduce the occurrence of reworks and improve collaboration capability. However, there are limitations in applying BIM to the construction phase due to the insufficient definition level of domestic BIM guidelines and inadequate design standards. In this regard, this study developed BIM model requirements checklist for the application of BIM in the construction phase. To develop the checklists, 21 domestic and overseas BIM guidelines, three public construction projects and four private construction projects to which construction BIM was applied, were analyzed. Based on the guidelines and cases, a total of 62 construction BIM model requirements (31 model objects and 31 attribute rules) and proposed construction BIM model requirement checklists by dividing the 61 requirements according to the requirement and purpose for utilization were identified. It is expected that the practical applications of the checklists proposed in this study will improve the level of BIM model in construction phase. In addition, this study has its significance as a basic research that can be used in the development of standardized guidelines for BIM model in construction phase from academic aspects.

Development of AAB (Algorithm-Aided BIM) Based 3D Design Bases Management System in Nuclear Power Plant (Algorithm-Aided BIM 기반 원전 3차원 설계기준 관리시스템 개발)

  • Shin, Jaeseop
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2019
  • The APR1400 (Advanced Power Reactor 1400MW) nuclear power plant is a large-scale national infrastructure facility with a total project cost of 8.6 trillion won and a project period of 10 years or more. The total project area is about 2.17 million square meters and consists of more than 20 buildings and structures. And the total number of drawings required for construction is about 65,000. In order to design such a large facility, it is important to establish a design standard that reflects the design intent and can increase conformity between documents (drawings). To this end, a design bases document (DBD) reflecting the design bases that extracted in regulatory requirements (e.g. 10CFR50, Korean Law, etc.) is created. However, although the design bases are important concepts that are a big framework for the whole design of the nuclear power plant, they are managed in 2-dimensional by the experts in each field fragmentarily. Therefore, in order to improve the usability of building information, we developed BIM(Building Information Model) based 3-dimensional design bases management system. For this purpose, the concept of design bases information layer (DBIL) was introduced. Through the simulation of developed system, design bases attribute and element data extraction for each DBIL was confirmed, and walls, floors, doors, and penetrations with DBIL were successfully extracted.