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A interpretive Study of the Analects of Confucius's 'Ren(仁)' (『논어(論語)』의 '인(仁)'에 관한 해석학적(解釋學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Seo, Geun-sik
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.36
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    • pp.31-56
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    • 2009
  • The core thought of Confucius("論語") is 'Ren(仁)'. Then, how ought we to interpret this 'Ren(仁)'? In this study, the researcher has interpreted 'Ren(仁)' from the perspective of Xiujizhiren(修己治人), which is the doctrine of Confucianism and its ideal. At first, the researcher closely reviewed Ren(仁) on the viewpoint of Xiuyang (修養). Ren(仁) is the most fundamental virtue that enables general populace to equip with their qualification as a human being. Specifically, to live like a human being, Ren(仁) is a must. That is to say, it will suffice if we only can expose well what was already cherished inside us, rather than exerting efforts to attain Ren(仁), in some contexts, that must achieve in order to live like a human being. The reason that we exert our efforts for self-cultivation is to bring this Ren(仁), which is foundation of human life, before the public. Even in relationship-building, Ren(仁) is necessary. Human being is not an existence that can live alone, but at all times, humans are required to build a relationship with others. To make this relationship-building lead into right direction, we need to think of that the standpoint of oneself and the other are identical. That is, when I myself and the other person are in the most optimal situation, then a right relationship-building can take place. This most optimal status is Ren(仁). The ideal of Confucianism is to establish a society where all people can enjoy their comfortable life. To accomplish such a society, each individual and society ought to be benevolent and to cherish humanity at the first place. That is to say, people should attain Ren(仁) from both aspects of Xiuji(修己) and Zhiren (治人). If Ren(仁) has not been attained from any of either side, then it is hard to say that the ideal of Confucianism is completely realized. However, Zhiren(治人) must be backed up by Xiuji(修己). For this reason, Kongzi(孔子) presented three steps in connection with this cultivation process, to wit, 'Cultivation of himself in reverential carefulness'(修己以敬) ${\rightarrow}$ 'Cultivation of himself so as to give rest to others'(修己以安人) ${\rightarrow}$ 'Cultivation of himself so as to give rest to all the people'(修己以安百姓). It is noticeable that Xiuji(修己) is included in all three phases. The society that Kongzi(孔子) longed for is still valid in this modern world. Therefore, Ren(仁) which was edified by Kongzi(孔子) is necessary for today's society. If we don't interpret Ren(仁) as with a fixed term lying stagnant in one place, then its definition shall be interpreted newly so as to suit the times and the situation of civil society, thus this Ren(仁) shall be the foundation for building a desirable society for humans.

Kobayashi Issa's ≪Shi jing≫ Hiku-ka and that meaning (소림일다(小林一茶)의 ≪시경≫ 배구화(俳句化) 양상 고찰)

  • Yu, Jeong-ran
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.68
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    • pp.539-570
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    • 2017
  • This article is for considering and looking through the meaning of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) Hiku-ka of Kobayashi Issa before reviewing and adapting Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in Eastern Asia. Issa wrote his works by using Hyanghwa-Gucheop in 1803, and he had adopted it as his creative works of Hikai absorbing Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) for about half a year. There has been no national study about this so far, and this study covered the aspects of Issa's adapting way of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in Japan and China. There have been several problems that the contents were limited to Guo-feng and there were no agreement of terminology as well among researchers. To overcome these limitations, therefore, this article aimed at all the works, rejected the view point as just a translation, and denominated this study as Haiku-ka. Above all, this study looked though Issa's Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) by splitting the aspects of Haiku-ka into borrowing topics and materials. In borrowing topics, the works with the topics of homesick and nostalgic parents stood out. Furthermore, annotations and understandings of Issa's original works were deeply involved. In borrowing materials, the original meanings in the works were transformed and changed or even reinterpreted by their own way. Eliminating sublime emotions, furious tone, and condemnation was main characteristic of Haiku-ka in Classic of Poetry(Shi jing). Besides, there were ways of exclusion of reasoning, deviating from the viewpoint of Sigyo(edification by poetry), not including moral senses. In other words, Issa used habits and impressions like the way of Haiku when he was doing Haiku-ka in Classic of Poetry(Shi jing). The meaning that Issa's Hiku-ka of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) stood out compared to adaptation of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in Eastern Asia. Although Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in Vietnam was transferred in the form of the poem in Vernacular, the meaning and contents were not changed. Moreover, the original works and characters in Joseon were not destroyed because Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) was not liberally translated but literally. However, Issa transferred the Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in the form of the poem in Vernacular to reveal the value of popular ballads. This was a different adapting way of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) from that in Eastern Asia.

Dam-Heon Hong Dae Yong's : A part of the BukHak School's Understanding on The Great Learning (담헌 홍대용의 <대학문의(大學問疑)> : 북학파의 『대학』 이해의 일단(一端))

  • Ahn, Woe Soon
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.33
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    • pp.385-411
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    • 2008
  • This thesis aims at examining his understandings about the The Great Learning centering on the of the founder of the YiYongHuSaeng School (利用厚生學派: A school who pursued prosperous economy and welfare of people) orthe BukHak School(北學派: A positive school that pursued mercantilism) from the Joseon Dynasty, Dam-Heon Hong Dae Yong (1731-1783). 1) From what is indicated in the , his studies mainly focused on the annotations from DaeHakJangGuDaeJeonJipJu ("大學章句大全集註": A book that edited different phrases from the Great Learning into chapters and paragraphs), Questioning of the Great Learning", and "JuJaUhRyu (朱子語類: A book of Confucian literature written by Yeo Jung Deok" of Zhu Xi who was a representative scholar of the Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty. 2) Acknowledging entirely the arguing points of Zhu Xi, he is taking a critical position in a way that partial doubts are divided into seven chapters and questioned. 3) For the main characteristic and direction of the questioning, he is estimating that Zhu Xi only stressed the 'means' and 'interior' out of the world of 'means and ends' and 'interior and exterior' in Zhu Xi's recognizing and handling cases; instead, he emphasized putting equivalent value on the 'ends' and 'exterior' as well. 4) In fact, such questions raised partially were misconceived since they were not carried out through profound understanding nor systematic logic expansion of what Zhu Xi insisted. 5) Despite this, at the point where Neo-Confucian thoughts were fixed and weakened only with its form left in the late Joseon Dynasty, his perspective on the study of Confucian classics that the 'ends' and 'exterior' should be as equally valued as the 'means' and 'interior' by examining through the core text of the Neo-Confucianism, The Great Learning has its significance in his YiYongHuSaeng dogma that says politicians, by all means, should provide the ruled with economic convenience and welfare and this is their very right virtue.

Vegetation Structure and Soil Conditions of Viburnum erosum Habitats in the Southern Region of Korea (한국남부지역 덜꿩나무 자생지의 식생구조 및 토양특성)

  • Ha, Hyeon woo;Lim, Hyo In
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2017
  • We conducted this study to investigate vegetation structure and soil conditions of six Viburnum erosum Thunb.(V. erosum) populations which showed high dominance. A total of 68 woody plants were observed to distribute: 13 in tree layer; 38 in subtree layer; and 48 in shrub layer. Based on the Mean Importance Value(MIV), the dominant tree species in the V. erosum populations were as follows in order of: Acer pseudosieboldianum(Pax) Kom., Callicarpa japonica Thunb., Indigofera kirilowii Maxim. ex Palib., Lindera obtusiloba Blume, Prunus sargentii Rehder, Quercus variabilis Blume, Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz. and Vaccinium oldhamii Miq. In paticular, the species observed in all of the study sites were Quercus serrata Murray and Styrax japonicus Siebold & Zucc. It was found that the presence of V. erosum was positively correlated with that of Albizia julibrissin Durazz. and Symplocos chinensis f. pilosa (Nakai) Ohwi, while negatively correlated with that of Platycarya strobilacea Siebold & Zucc. According to the result, means of species diversity(H'), maxim species diversity(H' max), evenness(J') and dominance(1-J') were measured at 0.887, 1.102, 0.803, and 0.196, respectively. The soil conditions properties of pH value, organic matter content, total nitrogen content, and the amount of available phosphorous indices in the study sites were 4.3, 10.6%, 0.34% and $0.68mg{\cdot}kg^{-1}$, respectively. Meanwhile, the total amount of exchangeable cations of $Ca^{2+}$, $K^+$, and $Mg^{2+}$ were $16.84cmol_c{\cdot}kg^{-1}$, $6.41cmol_c{\cdot}kg^{-1}$, and $4.26cmol_c{\cdot}kg^{-1}$, respectively. Overall, Viburnum erosum Thunb. populations tend to grow in the strongly acid soil, which has great abundance of soil organic matters, a lot of exchangeable cations, and has higher amount available phosphorous than that of nitrogen.

The Clinical Utility of Korean Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-III - Focusing on using of the US norm - (베일리영유아발달검사 제3판(Bayley-III)의 미국 규준 적용의 문제: 미숙아 집단을 대상으로)

  • Lim, Yoo Jin;Bang, Hee Jeong;Lee, Soonhang
    • Korean journal of psychology:General
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.81-107
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    • 2017
  • The study aims to investigate the clinical utility of Bayley-III using US norm in Korea. A total of 98 preterm infants and 93 term infants were assessed with the K-Bayley-III. The performance pattern of preterm infants was analyzed with mixed design ANOVA which examined the differences of scaled scores and composite scores of Bayley-III between full term- and preterm- infant group and within preterm infants group. Then, We have investigated agreement between classifications of delay made using the BSID-II and Bayley-III. In addition, ROC plots were constructed to identify a Bayley-III cut-off score with optimum diagnostic utility in this sample. The results were as follows. (1) Preterm infants have significantly lower function levels in areas of 5 scaled scores and 3 developmental indexes compared with infants born at term. Significant differences among scores within preterm infant group were also found. (2) Bayley-III had the higher scores of the Mental Development Index and Psychomotor Developmental Index comparing to the scores of K-BSID-II, and had the lower rates of developmental delay. (3) All scales of Bayley-III, Cognitive, Language and Motor scale had the appropriate level of discrimination, but the cut-off composite scores of Bayley-III were adjusted 13~28 points higher than 69 for prediction of delay, as defined by the K-BSID-II. It explains the lower rates of developmental delay using the standard of two standard deviation. This study has provided empirical data to inform that we must careful when interpreting the score for clinical applications, identified the discriminating power, and proposed more appropriate cut-off scores. In addition, discussion about the sampling for making the Korean norm of Bayley-III was provided. It is preferable that infants in Korea should use our own validated norms. The standardization process to get Korean normative data must be performed carefully.

Comparative study of volumetric change in water-stored and dry-stored complete denture base (공기중과 수중에서 보관한 총의치 의치상의 체적변화에 대한 비교연구)

  • Kim, Jinseon;Lee, Younghoo;Hong, Seoung-Jin;Paek, Janghyun;Noh, Kwantae;Pae, Ahran;Kim, Hyeong-Seob;Kwon, Kung-Rock
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Generally, patients are noticed to store denture in water when removed from the mouth. However, few studies have reported the advantage of volumetric change in underwater storage over dry storage. To be a reference in defining the proper denture storage method, this study aims to evaluate the volumetric change and dimensional deformation in case of underwater and dry storage. Materials and methods: Definitive casts were scanned by a model scanner, and denture bases were designed with computer-aided design (CAD) software. Twelve denture bases (upper 6, lower 6) were printed with 3D printer. Printed denture bases were invested and flasked with heat-curing method. 6 upper and 6 lower dentures were divided into group A and B, and each group contains 3 upper and 3 lower dentures. Group A was stored dry at room temperature, group B was stored underwater. Group B was scanned at every 24 hours for 28 days and scanned data was saved as stereolithography (SLA) file. These SLA files were analyzed to measure the difference in volumetric change of a month and Kruskal-Wallis test were used for statistical analysis. Best-fit algorithm was used to overlap and 3-dimensional color-coded map was used to observe the changing pattern of impression surface. Results: No significant difference was found in volumetric changes regardless of the storage methods. In dry-stored denture base, significant changes were found in the palate of upper jaw and posterior lingual border of lower jaw in direction away from the underlying tissue, maxillary tuberosity of upper jaw and retromolar pad area of lower jaw in direction towards the underlying tissue. Conclusion: Storing the denture underwater shows less volumetric change of impression surface than storing in the dry air.

Analysis the Appropriate Schedule for the Installment Payment Amount and Establishment of the Post sale System and Policy in the Apartment Construction (공동주택 건설사업에서 후분양의 제도 및 정책 수립을 위한 분담금 납부 적정시기 분석)

  • Yoon, Inhwan;Bae, Byungyun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2021
  • Since the 2016 "Housing Act Partial Amendment" and the "2018 Housing Comprehensive Amendment Plan", interest in the pre sale system and post sale system of apartment houses has been on the rise. In order to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the pre sale system and the post sale system of apartment houses, and to establish the basis for the institutional policy of the post sale system, a questionnaire survey method was used for tenants of the apartment house from the public side, and issues of time and cost. The time series analysis method is intended to suggest an appropriate time for payment of contributions. Accordingly, through a review of existing theories and literature, the post sale system of public and private institutions was organized, and through a questionnaire survey, the path to securing pre sale money, product information of the model house, and the degree of awareness of the effect of the post sale system were investigated. For the post sale fund support and payment method, it is necessary to increase the commercial line for existing financiers from the user's point of view, and it is necessary to operate in consideration of the economic power of the pre sale market by region. Both 60% post sale and 80% post sale have a price range of up to KRW 10 million, and the total interest rate is 5.0%, and the annual interest rate is about 2.8% for 60% post sale, and about 2.1% for 80% post sale, which is lower than the current 3.1%. I need an interest rate. The research is a perception survey targeting a total of 5,213 households in a sample of after sale apartments in public institutions. As the actual values are analyzed using a time series on the effects of market supply and demand and market prices, there is a limit to applying them to prospective residents of private apartments. In addition, to respond to first time tenants, a questionnaire survey was conducted on five complexes that have moved in within the last five years.

A case study on monitoring the ambient ammonia concentration in paddy soil using a passive ammonia diffusive sampler (논 토양에서 암모니아 배출 특성 모니터링을 위한 수동식 암모니아 확산형 포집기 이용 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Suk;Park, Minseok;Min, Hyun-Gi;Chae, Eunji;Hyun, Seunghun;Kim, Jeong-Gyu;Koo, Namin
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2021
  • Along with an increase in the frequency of high-concentration fine particulate matter in Korea, interest and research on ammonia (NH3) are actively increasing. It is obvious that agriculture has contributed significantly to NH3 emissions. However, studies on the long-term effect of fertilizer use on the ambient NH3 concentration of agricultural land are insufficient. Therefore, in this study, NH3 concentration in the atmosphere of agricultural land was monitored for 11 months using a passive sampler. The average ambient NH3 concentration during the total study period was 2.02 ㎍ m-3 and it was found that the effect of fertilizer application on the ambient NH3 concentration was greatest in the month immediately following fertilizer application (highest ambient NH3 concentration as 11.36㎍ m-3). After that, it was expected that the NH3 volatilization was promoted by increases in summer temperature and the concentration in the atmosphere was expected to increase. However, high NH3 concentrations in the atmosphere were not observed due to strong rainfall that lasted for a long period. After that, the ambient NH3 concentration gradually decreased through autumn and winter. In summary, when studying the contribution of fertilizer to the rate of domestic NH3 emissions, it is necessary to look intensively for at least one month immediately after fertilizer application, and weather information such as precipitation and no-rain days should be considered in the field study.

Floristic features of upland fields in South Korea (우리나라 밭 경작지에 출현하는 식물상 특성)

  • Kim, Myung-Hyun;Eo, Jinu;Kim, Min-Kyeong;Oh, Young-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.528-553
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    • 2020
  • Upland fields are characterized by dry environments, a high degree of disturbance by farming practices such as double-cropping, and a high diversity of crops compared to other field types. This study focused on the floristic composition and characteristics of upland fields in South Korea. Flora surveys were conducted in 36 areas in nine provinces at two times (June and August) in 2015. The results showed that the vascular plants in the upland fields in South Korea included 532 taxa, containing 100 families, 322 genera, 483 species, nine subspecies, 37 varieties, one form, and two hybrids. Among the 100 families, Asteraceae was the most diverse in species (75 taxa), followed by Poaceae (68 taxa), Fabaceae (34 taxa), Polygonaceae (21 taxa), Rosaceae (19 taxa), and Liliaceae (17 taxa). Based on the occurrence frequency of each species, Acalypha australis L. (100%), and Artemisia indica Willd. (100%) were the highest, followed by Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr., Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser, Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist, Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., Lactuca indica L., Commelina communis L., Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler, Echinochloa crus-galli(L.) P.Beauv., Cyperus microiria Steud., and Oxalis corniculata L. The biological type of upland fields in South Korea was determined to be Th-R5-D4-e type. Rare plants were found in 11 taxa: Taxus cuspidata Siebold & Zucc, Magnolia kobus DC, Clematis trichotoma Nakai, Aristolochina contorta Bunge, Buxus sinica (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) M.Cheng var. koreana (Nakai ex Rehder) Q.L.Wang, Melothria japonica (Thunb.) Maxim, Mitrasacme indica Wight, Lithospermum arvense L., Carpesium rosulatum Miq., Allium senescens L., and Pseudoraphis sordida (Thwaites) S.M.Phillips & S.L.Chen. Ninety-seven taxa contained naturalized plants composed of 24 families, 68 genera, 97 species, one variety, and one form. The urbanization and naturalization indices were 30.5% and 18.4%, respectively.

Monitoring of Hazardous Metals Migrated from Home-Cooking Utensils (홈베이킹 조리기구에서 용출되는 유해금속 실태조사)

  • Park, Sung-Hee;Kim, Myung-Gil;Son, Mi-Hui;Seo, Mi-Young;Jang, Mi-Kyung;Ku, Eun-Jung;Chae, Sun-Young;Park, Yong-Bae
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.264-270
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    • 2021
  • In this study we investigated the elution level of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), antimony (Sb), germanium (Ge), aluminum (Al) and hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) from 69 home-cooking utensils into a food stimulants. The results of migration testing according to the Korea standards and specifications for utensils, containers and packages showed values the allowable migrantion limits. Al was detected in all 7 utensil materials with the average concentration ranging from 0.002-5.989 mg/L. According to the migration conditions for (180℃, 30 min), the average concentration of Al in paper was 7.2 times higher than 25℃, 10 min (P<0.05). The results of migration testing at 180℃, 30 min were also below the allowable migrantion limits. When comparing with the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) of Al, the estimated weekly intakes (EWI) accounted for 0.000-0.045% for Al.