• Title/Summary/Keyword: 개념 서술 방식

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창의성과 비판적 사고

  • Kim, Yeong Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.80-80
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    • 2002
  • The main thesis of this article is that the decisive point of creativity education is the cultivation of critical thinking capability. Although the narrow conception of creativity as divergent thinking is not subsumed under that of critical thinking, the role of divergent thinking is not so crucial in the science context of creative problem-solving. On the contrary, the broad conception of creativity as focusing on the reference to utility and the third conception of creativity as a process based on the variation and combination of existing pieces of information are crucial in creative problem-solving context, which are yet subsumed under that of critical thinking. The emphasis on critical thinking education is connected with the characteristics of contemporary knowledge-based society. This rapidly changing society requires situation-adaptive or situation-sensitive cognitive ability, whose core is critical thinking capability. Hence, the education of critical thinking is to be centered on the learning of blowing-how and procedural knowledge but not of knowing-that and declarative knowledge. Accordingly, the learning of critical thinking is to be headed towards the cultivation of competence but not just of performance. In conclusion, when a rational problem-solving through critical and logical thinking turns out consequently to be novel, we call it creative thinking. So, creativity is an emergent property based on critical and logical thinking.

창의성과 비판적 사고

  • 김영정
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2002
  • The main thesis of this article is that the decisive point of creativity education is the cultivation of critical thinking capability. Although the narrow conception of creativity as divergent thinking is not subsumed under that of critical thinking, the role of divergent thinking is not so crucial in the science context of creative problem-solving. On the contrary, the broad conception of creativity as focusing on the reference to utility and the third conception of creativity as a process based on the variation and combination of existing pieces of information are crucial in creative problem-solving context, which are yet subsumed under that of critical thinking. The emphasis on critical thinking education is connected with the characteristics of contemporary knowledge-based society. This rapidly changing society requires situation-adaptive or situation-sensitive cognitive ability, whose core is critical thinking capability. Hence, the education of critical thinking is to be centered on the learning of blowing-how and procedural knowledge but not of knowing-that and declarative knowledge. Accordingly, the learning of critical thinking is to be headed towards the cultivation of competence but not just of performance. In conclusion, when a rational problem-solving through critical and logical thinking turns out consequently to be novel, we call it creative thinking. So, creativity is an emergent property based on critical and logical thinking.

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An Analysis of 'Related Learning Elements' Reflected in Textbooks (<인공지능 수학> 교과서의 '관련 학습 요소' 반영 내용 분석)

  • Kwon, Oh Nam;Lee, Kyungwon;Oh, Se Jun;Park, Jung Sook
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.445-473
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to derive implications for the design of the next curriculum by analyzing the textbooks designed as a new subject in the 2015 revised curriculum. In the mathematics curriculum documents of , 'related learning elements' are presented instead of 'learning elements'. 'Related learning elements' are defined as mathematical concepts or principles that can be used in the context of artificial intelligence, but there are no specific restrictions on the amount and scope of dealing with 'related learning elements'. Accordingly, the aspects of 'related learning elements' reflected in the textbooks were analyzed focusing on the textbook format, the amount and scope of contents, and the ways of using technological tools. There were differences in the format of describing 'related learning elements' in the textbook by textbook and the amount and scope of handling mathematics concepts. Although similar technological tools were dealt with in each textbook so that 'related learning elements' could be used in the context of artificial intelligence, the focus was on computations and interpretation of results. In order to fully reflect the intention of the curriculum in textbooks, a systematic discussion on 'related learning elements' will be necessary. Additionally, in order for students to experience the use of mathematics in artificial intelligence, substantialized activities that can set and solve problems using technological tools should be included in textbooks.

Layered Visibility Graph With Convex Hull to Avoid the Complex Terrain for UAV (무인기의 복잡한 지형 회피를 위한 Convex Hull 기반의 계층형 Visibility Graph)

  • Lim, Daehee;Park, Jihoon;Min, Chanoh;Jang, Hwanchol;Lee, Daewoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.47 no.12
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    • pp.874-880
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    • 2019
  • This paper introduces a method which can be effectively used for the path planning of UAV in a realistic map which has mountainous terrains, air defense networks and radars based on the Visibility Graph. Existing studies of Visibility Graph have been studied mainly for simple shape obstacles in 2-dimensional environment such as self-driving cars which avoid buildings. However, for UAV, Visibility Graph must be used in 3-dimensional environment for the variance of altitude. This occurs significant elapsed time increase because of the increase of the amount of the visibility of node sets. To solve this problem, this paper decrease the number of nodes which consists the complex terrain environments using convex hull based on Layered Visibility Graph. With convex hull method, this paper confirmed that the elapsed time is decreased about 99.5% compared to the case which has no decrease of the number of nodes.

A Study on the Concept of Forgiveness in Paul Ricoeur's Eschatology (폴 리쾨르의 종말론적 지평 속에 나타난 '용서'(par-don) 개념 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-ryung
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.52
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    • pp.79-110
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    • 2018
  • This purpose of this study was to address the issue of forgiving unforgivable crimes, inevitably raised in Paul Ricoeur's thoughts. He explores the possibility of righteous historical representation of tragic events in Western history. Being aware of injustices of amnesty indiscriminately extended by the government, he studied the process through in which a genuine pardon should unfold before granting amnesty. He believes that this process called the "odyssey of forgiveness" presupposes the process of "imputability," in which the perpetrator should acknowledge his/her wrongdoing as his/her act and take reasonable responsibilities for it in a modest position. However, such acknowledgement of wrongdoing cannot be any reason for the victim to necessarily grant forgiveness to the perpetrator. According to him, forgiveness is a gift and the power of love enabled by a complete forgiver only. The initiative of forgiveness is attributable to the forgiver only. To never relinquish tension between love and justice in the forgiving process, he devises a way of planning an equation of forgiveness in a vertical scheme. Finally, he explains the process of requesting and granting forgiveness in a form of a righteous historical representation against the oblivion of past tragic events. He contends that this event of forgiveness promises a new life and a new era to all seeking and granting forgiveness, and that write a righteous history in eschatological hope.

Analysis of Curriculum and Textbooks of Chemistry I and Survey of Chemistry Education Major Teachers' Conceptions Related to Electron Movement Model and Oxidation Number Change Model (전자 이동 모델과 산화수 변화 모델에 대한 화학 I 교육과정과 교과서 분석 및 화학교육전공 교사들의 인식 조사)

  • Kim, Kihyang;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.204-210
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we analyzed the descriptions of the electron movement model and the oxidation number change model presented in the 2009 revised curriculum and textbooks. We also investigated chemistry education major teachers' conceptions of limitations of each model. The electron movement model and oxidation number change model were presented in the curriculum and the textbooks. However, hybrid model was also presented which fail to grasp the limitation of each model. The hybrid model explains redox reactions of covalent bond compounds by electron movement model or even if it explains redox reactions by oxidation number change model, this explanations have the problem of confusing the virtual electron movement with the actual electron movement. A questionnaire and interviews were conducted to investigate chemistry education major teachers' perceptions of redox reactions. As results, many teachers did not recognize the limitations of each model and had difficulties to distinguish redox reactions from acid-base reactions because of the hybrid model.

Digital Rights Management and Rights Language (디지털 저작권관리와 Rights Language)

  • 박정희;성평식;이기동
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2003
  • The Internet presents a unique platform for disseminating digital content such as music, video, games, software, text, business and proprietary corporate information. It promises ubiquitous access, while at the same time fundamentally challenging the traditional rules of ownership and distribution of content. In such environment, safe protection and proper delivery of digital content would be a crucial requirement toward a new e-business model. Research on the Digital Rights Management (DRM) focuses on filling this functional vacancy of the market transition by providing a more viable business model based. XrML(eXtensible Rights Markup Language) provides a universal tool for specification of rights, fees, and issuing conditions(licenses) associated with the use and protection of digital content. ContentGuard has developed XrML to unify the Digital Rights Management(DRM) specifications and encourage interoperability. It seems that all working groups of DRM agree to use XrMl for their right description language.

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Dance Storytelling Perspective and Searching for Dance in Korea - Cheoyongmu text Centered on - (한국춤 스토리텔링 관점과 모색방안 - 처용무 텍스트를 예로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-won
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.35
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    • pp.373-404
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    • 2017
  • As an art, Korean dance is a history, a tradition, and a continuing activity of consciousness. It is a present and future activity in the past that will continue the identity of Korean people. So storytelling is not just a description of the historical background, but of eternity that is being recreated. From this study, the inquiry of artistic beauty of Korean traditional dance is questioning the original essence and value of 'storytelling' through old tradition and historical art. If the study of the Korean dance among them was a study of the theorists for the aesthetic essence or the ideological system, the point of view of the storytelling of the Korean dance is that the public understanding about the core structure and reason of Korean dance and the study of the humanistic value It reminded me of a desperate attitude. The meaning of this study is to verify the usefulness of storytelling as a way to construct various contents of Korean dance in conceptual definition of storytelling. In the symbolic meaning of Korean dance, Cheoyongmu text formed the deep meaning network of the original art beyond the linguistic narrative structure and suggested the importance of storytelling development as DB of original contents.

Peirce and the Problem of Symbols (퍼스와 상징의 문제)

  • Noh, Yang-jin
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.152
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    • pp.59-79
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    • 2019
  • The main purpose of this paper is to critically examine the intractable problems of Peirce's notion of 'symbol' as a higher and perfect mode of sign, and present a more appropriate account of the higher status of symbol from an experientialist perspective. Peirce distinguished between icon, index, and symbol, and suggested symbol to be a higher mode of sign, in that it additionally requires "interpretation." Within Peirce's picture, the matter of interpretation is to be explained in terms of "interpretant," while icon or index are not. However, Peirce's conception of "interpretant" itself remains fraught with intractable opacities, thereby leaving the nature of symbol in a misty conundrum. Drawing largely on the experientialist account of the nature and structure of symbolic experience, I try to explicate the complexity of symbol in terms of "the symbolic mapping." According to experientialism, our experience consists of two levels, i.e., physical and symbolic. Physical experience can be extended to symbolic level largely by means of "symbolic mapping," and yet is strongly constrained by physical experience. Symbolic mapping is the way in which we map part of certain physical experience onto some other area, thereby understanding the other area in terms of the mapped part of the physical experience. According to this account, all the signs, icon, index, and symbol a la Peirce, are constructed by way of symbolic mapping. While icon and index are constructed by mapping physical level experience onto some signifier(i.e. Peirce's "representamen"), symbol is constructed by mapping abstract level experience onto some signifier. Considering the experientialist account that abstract level of experience is constructed by way of symbolic mapping of physical level of experience, the symbolic mapping of abstract level of experience onto some other area is a secondary one. Thus, symbol, being constructed by way of secondary or more times mapping, becomes a higher level sign. This analysis is based on the idea that explaining the nature of sign is a matter of explaining that symbolic experience, leaving behind Peirce's realist conception of sign as a matter of an event or state of affairs out there. In conclusion, I suggest that this analysis will open up new possibilities for a more appropriate account of the nature of signs, beyond Peirce's complicated riddles.

Understanding of Lee, Je-ma's View of Form and Interpretation of Form of Face (이제마(李濟馬)의 형상관(形象觀)이해와 안면부(顔面部) 형태의 해석)

  • Kim, Hyung-soon;Choi, Kwang-jin
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.311-327
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    • 1999
  • Lee, Je-ma proposed ways like Chehyungkisang to judge each constitution, so, on the basis of this, we can judge constitution in various ways. Such a theory is based on behavior determinism's way of thinking of Lee, Je-ma. We can know this that form is not recognized as an object reflecting image, but a subjective concept from Tukyonyodun, Yimokbiku(ears, eyes, nose and mouth), Hameokjebok of Sungmyong Theory. Lee, Je-ma thought each part of human body has not only physical function but also complex temperative function. Putting this consideration and Jangbu Theory describing human body directly, together, it can be said that these all have an established theory on Chehyungkisang of constitution judgement. Thus, the following hypotheses are given. From Sadan Theory and Hwakchung Theory, strength of Jangbu of Sasangin is Pe>Bi>Shin>Kan in Taeyangin and Bi>Pe>Kan>Shin in Soyangin and Kan>Shin>Bi>Pe> in Taeumin and Shin>Kan>Pe>Bi in Soumin. The concept of Shinkihyuljung is related with creation of form and spirit of each Jangkuk and Aenoheerak(sorrow, anger, joy, pleasure). From this viewpoint, Sasangin can be classified into; Taeyangin into Shinkijunghyul type, Taeumin into Hyuljungkishin type, Soumin into Junghyuishinki type. Introduced a fixed way to explain of each constitution according to this strength relationship. I hope more lively discussions on Constitutional Medicine will be continued based on this attempt.

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