• Title/Summary/Keyword: 개념 서술 방식

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Calculus Instructors and Students' Discourseson the Derivative (미적분학 강사와 학생의 미분에 관한 담화)

  • Park, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.33-55
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    • 2011
  • This study explores the characteristics of calculus students' and instructors' discourses on the derivative using a communicational approach to cognition. The data were collected from surveys, classroom observations, and interviews. The results show that the instructors did not explicitly address some aspects of the derivative such as the relationship between the derivative function (f'(x)) and the derivative at a point (f'(a)), and f'(x) as a function, and that students incorrectly described or used these aspects for problem solving. It is also found that both implicitness in the instructors' discourse, and students' incorrect descriptions were closely related to their use of the word, "derivative" without specifying it as "the derivative function" or "the derivative at a point." Comparison between instructors' and students' discourses suggests that explicit discussion about the derivative including exact use of terms will help students see the relationship that f'(a) is a number, a point-specific value of f'(x) that is a function, and overcome their mixed and incorrect notion "the derivative" such as the tangent line at a point.

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Rithy Panh's Practices on Archive Images and Methods of Historiography in La France est notre patrie (리티 판의 다큐멘터리 <우리의 모국 프랑스>에 나타난 아카이브 활용 양상과 역사서술 방식)

  • Yoo, Jisu Klaire
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.209-221
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    • 2019
  • A found-footage film La France est notre patrie is a documentary, in which archive images are juxtaposed with intertitles, non-diegetic music and foley, by borrowing an audiovisual strategy of silent films. The filmmaker Rithy Panh has excavated the images, which had been taken during the same period as the film history of the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries in Southeast Asia and Africa under French colonial rule. This paper examines the filmmaker's methods of historiography when utilizing archive images in order to represent the past by referring to Walter Benjamin's concept of historical montage and dialectical image. As the analysis illustrates the singularity of constructive methods, which include multi-layer viewpoints and montage styles of compilation and collage, it reveals how La France est notre patrie elicits the essay film modes through its self-reflexivity, leads audience to the threshold of critical thinking about time and history and creates a discourse of counter-memory.

"동의보감(東醫寶鑑)"의 양명병(陽明病) 개념(槪念)에 대한 소고(小考) -천석(淺析)"동의보감(東醫寶鑑)"당중유관양명병적개념(當中有關陽明病的槪念)-

  • Lee, Ju-Hye;Lee, Seon-Ran;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.1 s.28
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2005
  • 통과분석(通過分析)${\ulcorner}$동의보감(東醫寶鑑)${\lrcorner}$양명형증용약여포괄중경적(陽明形證用藥?包括仲景的)${\ulcorner}$상한론(傷寒論)${\lrcorner}$재내적주요의학가대양명병적개념(在內的主要醫學家對陽明病的槪念), 득출여하결론(得出如下結論): 1.${\ulcorner}$동의보감(東醫寶鑑)${\lrcorner}$적양명형증용약당중이대편비결위중심, 미사용가이낭괄양명병증재내적위가실저개개념, 상세나열출양명병적구체증상 내급양명병하료정의(來給陽明病下了定義). 병미장대편비결작위대표성증상(幷未將大便秘結作爲代表性症狀), 이시근거표본관계분성경병여부병진행설명. 이기육작위표(以肌肉作爲表), 위작위리적표리개염분석기증상(胃作爲裏的表裏槪念分析其症狀). 2. 기찰급양명병하정의적의서(畿察給陽明病下定義的醫書), 발현제료중경적(發現除了仲景的)${\ulcorner}$상한론(傷寒論)${\lrcorner}$여기주석본성무이적${\ulcorner}$주해상한론(注解傷寒論)${\lrcorner}$이외(以外), 도장목동(都將目疼), 비건(鼻乾), 불득면부간주양명병대표증상(不得眠部看做陽明病代表症狀). 저충정의방식시종송도명대적보편관점 3. 재(在)${\ulcorner}$동의보감(東醫寶鑑)${\lrcorner}$당중작위인용서목적${\lrcorner}$의학입문(醫學入門)${\ulcorner}$, 근거표본(根据標本), 표리개염대증상진행료분류(表裏槪念對症狀進行了分類). 비기지전단순적대증상적서술갱구유조리성. 저가이간주시집당시제다견해지대성(這可以看做是集當時諸多見解之大成), 대병정적분석변적갱가구체. 선택(選擇)${\lrcorner}$의학입문(醫學入門)${\ulcorner}$작위인체서목(作爲引滯書目), 가이인위시채납료당시적최신견해, 병차흡수료용역장악병정적이증상위주적기술방식(幷且吸收了容易掌握病情的以症狀爲主的記述方式). ${\lrcorner}$의학입문(醫學入門)${\ulcorner}$취시집이상관점위일체적대성(就是集以上觀点爲一體的大成). 4. 여태양병당중양형증용약진행비교, 관찰병정적주요관점(觀察病情的主要觀点), 양자도추종료(兩者都追從了)${\lrcorner}$의학입문(醫學入門)${\ulcorner}$적견해(的見解). 단시태양형증용약몰유대몰위초출중경태양병적제망(但是太陽形證用藥沒有大沒圍超出仲景太陽病的提網), 상비지하양명형증용약기몰유인용(相比之下陽明形證用藥旣沒有引用) 중경적(仲景的)${\ulcorner}$상한론(傷寒論)${\lrcorner}$, 대증상적설명야대상경정(對症狀的設明也大相徑庭). 5. 양명형증용약당중몰유인용중경적위가실관점, 이시리용미악한(而是利用微惡寒), 발열(發熱), 갈(渴), 유한(有汗), 목동(目疼), 비건(鼻乾), 조한(潮汗), 폐삽(閉澁), 만갈(滿渴), 광섬, 불면등증상진행설명(不眠等症狀進行說明), 비기장악륭명병작위장부질병(比其掌握隆明病作爲臟腑疾病), 이해위이열위주적상당우양명속성적질병.

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The Direction for Revising the Achievement Standards in Korean Home Economics Education: Focussing on the Comparison with the U.S. National Standards (가정교과 성취기준의 서술방식 개선 방향 - 미국 국가 기준과의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun Jeung;Kwon, Yoojin;Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed at examining the characteristics of the Korean home economics achievement standards at secondary education level, and comparing with those of U.S. home economics national standards. The specific research questions were as follows. First, the characteristics of Korean and U.S. achievement standards were examined respectively. Second, the standards of the two countries were examined in terms of the grades involved, development areas, specification level, sequence of courses, and format of statements, adopting the analysis framework of Lee, Jang, and Park(2012). Third, the achievement standards of the two countries for specific content areas, i.e. 'understanding adolescents' and 'understanding family' were compared in terms of the styles and format of statements. The findings suggest that in developing the Korean achievement standards, integration with the curriculum and detailed and specific statements are important to facilitate adoption at schools. The results of the comparison with the U.S. national standards indicates that it is important to emphasize academic rationale to home economics as a subject by clearly presenting the concepts, contents, and categories. Also, the standards will need to be stated in specific terms to allow practices and evaluations, rather than in terms that reflect value judgments.

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디지털 저작권권리 (DRM)와 Rights Language

  • 박정희;성평식
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2003
  • 인터넷의 발달은 전통적인 자연 발생적인 시장에 의한 상거래를, 기술에 의한 안전하면서 세계 시장을 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 전자상거래 구조를 제공하고 있다. 현재 전자상거래의 대상은 실물에 대한 상거래와 디지털 컨텐츠에 대한 상거래로 크게 분류할 수 있으며, 실물에 대한 상거래는 전통적 상거래 방식이 컴퓨터로 바뀐 상황이라고 볼 때, 디지털컨텐츠에 대한 상거래 즉, D-Commerce에 대한 상거래의 개념이 도래하고 있다. 디지털 컨텐츠의 상거래에 필요한 요소 기술에 대한 연구, 그리고 특히 새로운 유통 비즈니스 모델에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 디지털 컨텐츠는 생성, 가공, 유통, 분배 둥의 측면에서 많은 장점을 갖는 반면, 복사를 여러 번해도 원본의 품질에 손상 없이 쉽게 복사 될 수 있다는 것이 디지털 저작권 보호에 커다란 문제점으로 대두되고 있다. 디지털 저작권권리(Digital Rights Management: DRM)은 디지털 콘텐츠의 보호와 적절한 유통체계를 설립하여 안전하게 상거래를 할 수 있게 하기 위한 새로운 기술이다. XrML은 권리(Right)를 명시하는 언어로써 디지털 컨텐츠와 그에 따른 서비스들을 사용할 수 있는 권리와 조건들을 명시해준다. XrML은 현재 디지털 저작권권리(Digital Rights Management: DRM)에 가장 많이 쓰이고 있는 Rights Language이다. XrML은 ContentGuard가 개발한 DRM 서술 언어로 전 세계 산업계 표준으로 추진하기 위하여 파트너 회사 확대, 기능 확장, 무료/공개 형식으로 보급을 추진하고 있다.

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An Ecological Interpretation on Korean Traditional Dwelling Houses and Their Landscape Gardens (전통주택과 조경공간의 생태학적 해석 - 동계(桐溪) 정온(鄭蘊) 가옥과 전주(全州) 최씨(崔氏) 종택을 중심으로 -)

  • So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.120-130
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    • 2009
  • This study focuses on the methodology of an ecological interpretation of Korean traditional landscapes through both life-oriented philosophy and traditional Korean philosophy which are similar to ecology. Also, useful tools for discovering an ecological technique of formation based on the ecological thoughts in ancestors' life are shown. Ecological key words as interpretative tools on the traditional landscape replaced ecological concepts in Korean culture and landscape. There are 'Bonsung(本性; the original nature)', 'Chungjeol(中絶; moderation)', 'Hyoyul(效率; efficiency)', 'Sangsaeng(相生; symbiosis)', 'Jasaeng(自生; self-generation)', 'Chunghwa(中和; neutralization)', 'Bangtong(旁通; communication)', and 'Byuntong(變通; variableness)'. For the case study, the concepts of 'spatial structure', 'constructive elements in the traditional gardens', and 'structural elements in the dwelling houses' were extracted from $\ulcorner$Imwonkyeongjeji$\lrcorner$ as an interpretative subject. As a result, Jeongon house, Jongtaek of Choi's family(the first incoming resident) showed us an ecological technique of formation by interpretation on the composing elements. Namely, they are natural dwelling houses in harmony with natural conditions and delicate relational styles. Five kinds of ecological characteristics were exposed. They are: 1. land use method following natural features('本性' '相生' '中和'), 2. physical and spatial elements in a body with nature('中絶' '相生' '中和'), 3. sustainable circulation system by recycling limited resources('效率' '自生' '旁通'), 4. use of natural materials based on the regional climate ('中絶' '效率' '自生') and 5. plane and structural decision by microclimate('效率' '自生' '變通'). Consequently, the dwelling houses and their traditional gardens aimed at the consuming space of the efficient resources by utilizing and circulating natural energy more than different types of the traditional spaces.

An Analysis of Statistics Chapter of the Grade 7's Current Textbook in View of the Distribution Concepts (중학교 1학년 통계단원에 나타난 분포개념에 관한 분석)

  • Lee, Young-Ha;Choi, Ji-An
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.407-434
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    • 2008
  • This research is to analyze the descriptions in the statistic chapter of the grade 7's current textbooks. The analysis is based on the distribution concepts suggested by Nam(2007). Thus we assumed that the goal of this statistic chapter is to establish concepts on the distributions and to learn ways of communication and comparison through distributional presentations. What we learned and wanted to suggest through the study is the followings. 1) Students are to learn what the distribution is and what are not. 2) Every kinds of presentational form of distributions is to given its own right to learn so that students are more encouraged to learn them and use them more adequately. 3) Density histogram is to be introduced to extend student's experiences viewing an area as 3 relative frequency, which is later to be progressed into a probability density. 4) Comparison of two distributions, especially through frequency polygons, is to be an hot issue among educational stakeholder whether to include or not. It is very important when stochastic correlations be learned, because it is nothing but a comparison between conditional distributions. 5) Statistical literacy is also an important issue for student's daily life. Especially the process ahead of the data collection must be introduced so that students acknowledge the importance of accurate and object-oriented data.

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Tutorial on the Coordinate Transforms in Applied Geophysics (물리탐사에 유용한 좌표계 회전 정리)

  • Song, Yoonho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2020
  • This tutorial summarizes the coordinate transforms for formulating geophysical problems. To ensure mathematical consistency, this discussion begins with the right-hand rule. Further, the concepts of active and passive transforms are introduced. By extending these concepts, the coordinate transform and its inverse between two coordinates are related to the matrix transpose. The yaw-pitch-roll rotation and the azimuth-deviation-tool face rotation transforms are described as the most frequently used schemes, and the relation between the Rodrigues' rotation formula and these two transforms are mathematically explained. The "Gimbal Lock" problem inherent in yaw-pitch-roll rotation is schematically presented and mathematically derived. As a useful tool overcome this problem, the principle and usage of the quaternion is also described.

HS Implementation Based on Music Scale (음계를 기반으로 한 HS 구현)

  • Lee, Tae-Bong
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2022
  • Harmony Search (HS) is a relatively recently developed meta-heuristic optimization algorithm, and various studies have been conducted on it. HS is based on the musician's improvisational performance, and the objective variables play the role of the instrument. However, each instrument is given only a sound range, and there is no concept of a scale that can be said to be the basis of music. In this study, the performance of the algorithm is improved by introducing a scale to the existing HS and quantizing the bandwidth. The introduced scale was applied to HM initialization instead of the existing method that was randomly initialized in the sound band. The quantization step can be set arbitrarily, and through this, a relatively large bandwidth is used at the beginning of the algorithm to improve the exploration of the algorithm, and a small bandwidth is used to improve the exploitation in the second half. Through the introduction of scale and bandwidth quantization, it was possible to reduce the algorithm performance deviation due to the initial value and improve the algorithm convergence speed and success rate compared to the existing HS. The results of this study were confirmed by comparing examples of optimization values for various functions with the conventional method. Specific comparative values were described in the simulation.

Characteristics and Trends in the Classifications of Scientific Literacy Definitions (과학적 소양의 정의 분류의 특성 및 경향)

  • Lee, Myeongje
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2014
  • This study is to reclassify the classifications or definitions of scientific literacy in scientific literacy researches since 1960s and grasp the classification trends of scientific literacy definitions. Sixteen articles have been selected among the articles that have been introduced in the two articles. Classification criteria are as follows: 1) "be learned," "competence," or "be able to function in society" as meanings of "literate," 2) "terms" or "description" as the ways of representing scientific literacy, 3) "singular structure," "hierarchical structure," or "parallel structure" as the inner structure of scientific literacy definitions. The results of this study are as follows: First, hierarchical structures in scientific literacy have almost always accompanied "terms" representing scientific literacy and also accepted the hierarchy between "be learned" and "competence," but not the definition of scientific literacy as functioning in society. All parallel structures in scientific literacy have accompanied the definition as functioning in society. And singular structure almost always appears in researches based on the views of scientific literacy in relatively recent times. Second, researches who have used "terms" as ways of representing scientific literacy have increased. Based on the results in this study, the meanings of scientific literacy have been emphasized in view of the ability of playing a role in a social context as well as learning and competence these days. To meet this movement in scientific literacy actively, science education community should get out of traditional teaching and learning scientific concepts and give emphasis on application in various context and social role of science learners.