• Title/Summary/Keyword: 감각평가 요인

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Relationship between Physical Properties and Sensibility of the rustling Sounds of Silk Fabrics (견직물의 마찰음에 대한 물리적 성질과 감성과의 관계)

  • 최계연;김춘정;조길수
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sensation and sensibility from the rusting sound of silk fabrics. The mechanical properties and sound parameters were measured after recording the rusting sounds of 7 silk fabrics. Then, their relationships were analyzed through the evaluation of subjective sensation and sensibility and found a regression model for the sensibility from the mechanical properties. The adjectives of the sensibility were grouped into four: Elegant, Active, Tough, Modern. Soft and flexible fabrics were related with LPT negatively and induced elegant sensibility. And fabrics of the smoother and less changable to shear direction were related with LPT and Δf, and positively, and occurred active sensibility. On the other hands, rough, bulky, thick, and heavy fabrics were related with ARC and Δf, and induced with tough or modern sensibilities. About the sensibilities according to each fabric, STN8 was the most elegant, STN8-S was the most active, and TWL16 and STN16-N were the toughest.

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Analysis of Semantic Attributes of Korean Words for Sound Quality Evaluation in Music Listening (음악감상에서의 음질 평가를 위한 한국어 어휘의 의미론적 속성 분석)

  • Lee, Eun Young;Yoo, Ga Eul;Lee, Youngmee
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.107-134
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to classify the semantic words commonly used to evaluate sound quality and to analyze their differences in reflecting the level of musical stimuli. Participants were thirty-one music majors in their 20s and 30s, with an average of 9.4 years of professional training. Each participant listened to nine pieces of music with variations in texture and instrument type and evaluated them using 18 pairs of semantic words describing sound quality. A factor analysis was conducted to group words influenced by the same latent factor, and a multivariate ANOVA determined the differences in ratings based on texture and instrument type. Radar charts were also drawn based on the identified sets of semantic words. The results showed that four factors were identified, and the word pairs 'soft-hard,' 'dull-sharp,' 'muddy-clean' and 'low-high' showed significant differences based on the level of musical stimuli. The radar charts effectively distinguished the sound quality evaluations for each music. These results indicate that developing Korean semantic words for sound quality evaluation requires a structure different from the previous categories used in Western countries and that linguistic and cultural factors are crucial. This study will provide foundational data for developing a verbal sound quality evaluation framework suited to the Korean context, while reflecting acoustic attributes in music listening.

Discussion of Neurologic Factor Influencing on Chewing Ability of Implant (임플란트 저작능에 영향을 주는 신경학적 원인에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Tae-Seon;Yoon, Jun-Ho;Kim, Sung-Hoi;Kim, Jee-Hwan;Shim, June-Sung;Lee, Jae-Hoon;Moon, Hong-Suk;Park, Young-Bum
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2012
  • Many researches have been published about the numerous factors related to the chewing ability of implant prosthesis. Most respective studies have concluded that the chewing ability of implant prosthesis is mostly fine compared to other type of prosthesis. However, some patients are not satisfied with their chewing ability of implant prosthesis. Therefore the neurologic factor, one of the factors related to dissatisfaction of chewing ability was reviewed in this study to understand the mechanism of action of mastication. Data was searched using the keywords; 'implant chewing ability, masticatory ability' in Pubmed database and reviewed. Definitions of chewing ability, factors of chewing ability are reviewed and the neurologic factor, one of the factors influencing on chewing ability, is reviewed. Mechanoreceptor of Periodontal ligament(PDL) is providing the mastication information to brainstem. Due to the absence of mechanoreceptions of PDL in implant, masticatory ability is decreased especially when chewing hard food. Masticatory muscles and mechanoreceptor in TMD may compensate the lack of mechanoreceptor of PDL in implants. Furthermore sensitivity of nerve fiber around peri-implant tissues may support the mechanoreception and sensory reaction in the implant mastication. However, further studies should be conducted to prove the relationships between neurologic factors and mastication.

Evaluation of Railway Trends by Railway Characteristic Factors (철도차량 특징요인에 의한 철도차량 트렌드 평가)

  • Lee, Hee-Yup;Kim, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.9 no.6 s.37
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    • pp.705-710
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    • 2006
  • The railway has been developed largely by the characteristic factors of the railway through change of the society and culture. The railway trends has been changing from instinctive methods to settle the mass transport of the early days, to sensitive methods to pursue the railway culture centering around human being. As dividing by period according to the changes of railway trends into the external nation, there are to analyze the development history of the railway design. Accordingly each nation (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan) and the style's change, to confirm the changes into the design applied in society and culture needs, and to analyze by a year in changes of the environment and the railway history from the 1800's to 2005, so there contribute in the development of railway design to present the paradigm of the future railway by analyzing the trend according to the changes of railway design and the life environment in this paper.

Analysis of the types of eating behavior affecting the nutrition of preschool children: using the Dietary Behavior Test (DBT) and the Nutrition Quotient (NQ) (유아의 영양상태에 영향을 미치는 식행동 유형 분석 : 어린이 식행동 검사 (DBT)와 어린이 영양지수 (NQ) 활용)

  • Sim, Hyeon Mi;Han, Youngshin;Lee, Kyung A
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.604-617
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: To investigate the effect of eating behavior on nutritional status according to temperament type. Methods: One thousand one hundred three preschool children aged 2 to 6 years in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do from April to June 2018 were surveyed about their eating behavior and nutritional status using DBT (Dietary Behavior Test) and NQ (Nutrition Quotient) which are proven tests. The dietary behaviors of the children were classified into four categories: approach avoidance, sensory sensitivity, hyperactivity, and irregularity. NQ scores were divided into five categories: balance, diversity, moderation, regularity, and practice. Results: The mean of the children's age was 3.42 ± 1.4 (596 boys and 507 girls). The percentage distribution of the NQ grade was as follows: 5.5% (highest), 12.5% (high), 47.1% (medium), 22.2% (low), and 12.6% (lowest). The risk group of approach avoidance and sensory sensitivity had significantly (p < 0.001) lower scores than the normal group in balance factor (51.9 ± 12.0 vs. 57.8 ± 15.9 in approach avoidance type, 52.6 ± 17.6 vs. 57.7 ± 15.9 in sensory sensitivity type) and diversity factor (32.5 ± 24.4 vs. 50.1 ± 22.4 in approach avoidance type, and 32.5 ± 24.0 vs. 50.7 ± 22.2 in sensory sensitivity type). The scores of the hyperactivity risk group were significantly lower in moderation factor (78.2 ± 12.1 vs. 81.2 ± 11.9), and those of the irregular risk group were significantly lower in variety (35.9 ± 24.5 vs. 48.8 ± 23.2), regularity (57.6 ± 37.1 vs. 66.1 ± 17.6), and practice (57.1 ± 19.4 vs. 65.1 ± 22.5) factors than the normal group (p < 0.001). Especially, the risk group of approach avoidance and sensitivity type had significantly (p < 0.001) lower intakes of whole grain, fruit, bean and bean products, vegetables, and Kimchi. Conclusion: This present study suggested that the eating behavior based on temperament of demanding preschool children affected food choice resulting in food consumption diversity of children. Therefore, it is important to provide customized nutrition education programs based on temperament type.

"의자의야(醫者意也)"에 관한 소고(小考)

  • Kim, Gi-Uk;Park, Hyeon-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 2007
  • 재한의학적착자상상견적"의자의야"저개어구(在한의學的着者上常見的"의者意也"저개語句), 파의학이론적신비성(把의學理論的神秘性), 치료방법적영활성(治료方法的영活性), 의가적오성간주'의'(의家的悟性看做'意'). 환구화래설(換句話래說), 한의학적운치포괄"가이의회(한의學的운致包括"可以意회), 난우언전"적감각(難于言전"的感覺). 수연의학기자연과학우실용기술(수然의學旣自然科學又실用技술), 환미비소우의가이'의'여하구축학문적연구(환未비소于의家以'意'如何구筑學問的硏究). 여금종각개각도평가전통과학기술화문화적시후(如今종各개角度評가전統科學技술和文化的시候), 서방과학기술재지구상번성이보급이후(西方科學技술在地球上繁盛而普及以后), 유일한의학잉연유불쇠퇴적생명력(唯一한의學仍然有不衰退的生命力), 저취시양인문표시경희(저就是양人們表示倞喜). 여차동시인문안조서방과학적시각화표준(여此同시人們按照西方科學的시角和표准), 파유일지탱생명력적한의학부단지관찰(把唯一支撑生命力的한의學不단地관察), 검사(檢査), 평가(評價), 요구(要求), 개조(改造). 저양적정황하(저양的情況下), 대표착"의자의야"적한의학불유득수도료허다견책(代表着"의者意也"的한의學不由得受到了許多遣責). 대우연구한의학래설(대于硏究한의學래說), 응해소주여하이해고대의가전래적저구화(應該소注如何理解古代의家전래的구句和). 통과요육군적연구등(通과寥育群的硏究等), 논자요분석이정리(論者要分析而整理), 매시기"의자의야"적다양포함화표연형식(每時基"의者意也"的多양包含和表演形式).

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Human Sensibility and Emotion in Sensibility Ergonomics (감성과 감정의 이해를 통한 감성의 체계적 측정 평가)

  • 이구형
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 1998
  • 인간의 감성은 감정과는 구분되는 심리적 현상으로, 감정이 강도가 높으며 생리적, 신체적 반응을 동반하는데 비하여, 감성은 강도가 낮으며 겉으로 나타나는 생리적 변화가 없다. 감정은 외부의 감각자극에 대하여 두뇌에서 단계적인 정보처리의 결과로 나타나지만 감성은 반사적이고 직관적으로 발생된다. 감정은 하나의 대상에 대하여 여러사람이 유사한 반응을 보이는 공통성과 객관성을 갖지만, 감성은 동일한 대상에 대해서도 개인에 따라 다양하게 나타나며 시간과 환경에 따하서도 변화한다. 감정은 일반성, 객관성, 반복성과 같은 학문적 연구대상으로서의 조건을 만족시키고 있으나, 감성은 그 특성이 학문이나 연구의 대상이 되기 위한 조건들을 충족시키지 못하며, 따라서 연구대상으로 인정받지 못하고 있다. 감성이 감정에 비하여 가장 두드러지는 점은 감정의 종류가 외부자극의 종류에 따라 결정되어지는 반면 감성의 발생은 개인의 재부상태, 즉 생활경험에 의한 기억에 의존한다는 점이다. 감성의 개인성, 변화성, 불확실성, 애매모호성등을 설명할 수 있기 위해서는 기존의 학문이 갖는 폐쇄성에서 벗어나 보다 많은 변수를 체계적이고 다각적으로 고려하는 새로운 접근이 필요하다. 학문과 연구대상에 대한 조건의 확대가 요구된다고 할 수 있다. 개인의 감성은 해당 시점에서 개인이 갖고 있는 심리상태와 함깨 연령, 성별, 교육정도, 건강상태와 같은 개인요소뿐만 아니라 개인의 의식과 생활에 영향을 미치는 가정과 사회특성, 나아가 전통과 관습, 종교, 환경등와 같은 문화적 특성에 의해서도 변화된다. 그리고 이들 요소들을 개인이 처한 상황에 따라 영향의 정도가 다양하게 변화한다. 많은 요인들에 의하여 다양하게 변화되는 감성은 감성의 영향을 받는 생활환경과 결합되고, 생활경험을 중심으로 한 기억은 두뇌의 Limbic system은 자율신경계를 조절하는 hypothalamus와 밀접한 관계를 갖고 있다. 따라서 감성의 측정평가를 위해서는 생활경험에 영향을 미치는 제반 요인들의 파악과 함께 자율신경계의 반응을 측정할 수 있는 방법의 개발이 요구된다.

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A Study on the Children's Hospital Waiting Room Environmental Graphic Design to Ease Phobic Psychology (심리적 공포 완화를 위한 아동병원 대기공간의 환경 그래픽 디자인 연구)

  • Yin, Xiang-Hua;Zhang, Chao;Yoo, Woo-Jong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.401-412
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    • 2022
  • Children will present phobic psychology in the special environment in hospital. Therefore, children's psychological emotions should be taken into account in the construction of the hospital environment. After that, the three stages and seven emotional factors which stimulate children's emotions will be summarized and applied to the graphic performance in children's hospitals, so as to alleviate children's fear. Plus, through the analysis of domestic and foreign cases, the graphic representation types of children's hospitals are divided into modern design, illustration design, three-dimensional design, interactive design, and these emotional factors are integrated into the graphic representation for evaluation. Here comes the evaluation results: there are little or no emotional factors in modern design; there are less emotional factors in illustration design and three-dimensional design due to less feelings and experiences. However, the results show that children feel much better from all aspects because there are more emotional factors with the help of interactive design. Based on the above evaluation results, here comes the graphic design guidelines for children's hospital waiting room.

The Validity of Activity Participation Assessment for School-Age Children (학령기 아동을 위한 활동 참여 평가도구(Activity Participation Assessment)의 타당도 연구)

  • Kim, Se-Yun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2019
  • Objective : The aim of this study was to verify validity of the Activity Participation Assessment for school-age children. Methods : A questionnaire consisting of 30 items from the APA, 75 items from the PACS, and 55 items from the CAPE was administered to elementary school students. A total of 207 questionnaires were analyzed. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to confirm the construct validity of the APA. Convergence validity and discriminant validity were verified with the average variance extracted (AVE) and the square of the correlation coefficient. The discriminant validity was the Pearson correlation coefficient of the APA, PACS, and CAPE. Results : The results of the analysis were as follows: 1) For construct validity, the goodness of fit of the modified hierarchical second-order factor model was found to be appropriate (p < .001), 2) For convergent validity, the AVE was higher than .50 for all latent variables, 3) For discriminant validity, the AVE of the latent variable was greater than the square of the correlation coefficient (0.239), 4) For concurrent validity, the correlation between the total sum of the APA and PACS scores showed a positive correlation in all domains, and the correlation coefficient ranged from .303 to .647 at a statistically significant level (p < .01), 5) The correlation coefficient between the total sum of the APA and CAPE scores was .490 for recreational activities, .329 for physical activities, .571 for social activities, .401 for skill-based activities, and .390 for self-improvement activities. All domains showed a positive correlation, and were statistically significant (p < .01). Conclusion : APA can be used as a valid assessment tool to measure the participation of school aged children.

Study on the Validation of the Korean Version of Grindler Body Attitude Scale (한국판 신체태도 척도 개발 및 타당화 연구)

  • Joo, Eunsun;Lim, Mina
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.256-265
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    • 2019
  • This study, the Grindler Body Attitude Sale developed by Grindler(1991) was adopted and validation to the Korean culture. 3-factors and 25 Items were constructed through item content analysis and exploratory factor analysis. and 3 factors named through the characteristic context are 'Awareness of the Body attitude', 'evaluation of the Body attitude', and 'management of the body attitude'. The result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the fit of the 3 factor model was good. Korean version body attitude scale was positively relate to Body esteem, Concise Measure of Subjective Well-Being and Body Cathexis Scale. and negatively related Stress response scale. At the end, limitation and suggestions for the future research were discussed.