• Title/Summary/Keyword: 갈등전환

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The Effects of Relational Characteristics on the Performance of Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce (거래의 관계특성이 기업간 전자상거래 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 진영배
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.28-40
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    • 2000
  • As the surrounding of companies is more complicated and intensive. many companies attempt managerial innovations by using information technology(IT) strategically. Recently, information technology, especially Electronic Data Interchange(EDI), is highlighted in the surrounding of companies, because it is regarded as a core technology. EDI is the direct computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in standard formats. EDI brings many benefits to the organization such as reduced costs, faster turnaround, better customer service, and strategic advantage. The Purpose of this study is to identify the effects of relational characteristics-communication, trust, conflict, and commitment- on the performance of Business-to-Business EC. In other words, this study examine the relationships between each characteristics and the effects of these characteristics on the organizational performance. The results of empirical analysis revealed that communications between parties have positive influence on the trust and commitment, and high label of commitment on the EDI is improved the organizational performance. In addition, trust in parties indirectly affects characteristics has unexpectedly positive influence on the trust, commitment, and performance.

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Women University Students' Supporting Awareness, Knowledge and Attitude toward the Elderly (여대생의 노인부양의식과 노인에 대한 지식 및 태도)

  • Kang, Ji Sook;Jung, Duk Yoo;Kim, Yae Young
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.851-865
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to explore Women University students' supporting awareness, knowledge and attitude toward the elderly. After obtaining the participants' consent form, survey was performed with structured questionnaire about characteristics, supporting awareness, knowledge and attitude toward the elderly. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS 13.0 program, which was used for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficients. The result of this study were as follows. 1) Supporting awareness of participants was 115.50±13.19. Participants' knowledge was 10.21±2.90 and attitude was 84.19±12.19. 2) More knowledge and more positive attitude toward elderly were significant related to higher supporting awareness. 3) Supporting awareness of participants was significantly different by religion, monthly pocket money, religious service, supporting parents in the future, living with parents-in-law, though of ideal support system, father-grandmother(paternal) relationship, mother-grandfather(paternal) relationship, mother-grandmother(paternal) relationship and mother-grandfather(maternal). The finding of this study gives useful information for developing an educational management program for women.

Interpreting the Meaning of War Heritage Through World Heritage Case Studies (세계유산 사례를 통해 본 전쟁 유산의 의미 해석)

  • LEE Jaei;SUNG Jongsang
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.202-222
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    • 2024
  • War is one of the most tragic and destructive incidents in human history, and it destroys precious cultural heritage. However, even amidst such devastation, certain cultural heritages convey messages of peace and human rights. This study aims to provide an in-depth interpretation of the significance of cultural heritage related to war. The research method involved an extensive review of theoretical discussions on war-related heritage. Based on this foundation, 18 cases of war heritage registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites were selected. These cases were classified and analyzed into three categories: "physical traces of war and military fortresses," "memories of war and atrocities, and messages of peace," and "restoration and reconstruction of cities destroyed by war." The results of this study confirm that war heritage encompasses not only physical evidence of war but also multilayered and complex meanings such as the memories and traumas of war, scars and healing, and conflict and reconciliation. Based on these findings, the study proposes that war heritage should be reinterpreted and expanded to represent a "heritage of peace" and transcend its role of only including physical traces of war to embody the values of peace. This demands a shift in perception that confronts the painful memories of war while transforming them into assets for building peace. Furthermore, it urges the active exploration of ways to utilize war heritage for peaceful purposes. This study distinguishes itself from existing research by deepening the academic discourse on war-related heritage and providing a theoretical foundation for the registration of war-related heritage as World Heritage Sites.

A comparative study on Diaspora consciousness of polish emigrants before and after the transformation of the political system reflected in the polish literary works (2) (체제전환 이전과 이후 폴란드 문학에 나타난 폴란드 이민자들의 디아스포라적 의식 비교 연구 (2))

  • Choi, Sung Eun
    • East European & Balkan Studies
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    • v.35
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    • pp.153-186
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    • 2013
  • Literature has been special for the Polish who suffered from the numerous invasions from surrounding countries for her geographical location at the center of Europe. In the late 18th century at a time when Poland was divided and ruled by Russia, Prussia and Austria, literature played an important role in uniting Poland. During the 2nd world war in which Poland was occupied by the Soviet Union and by Germany, and during the Cold War period under socialism system(1948~1989), the Polish literature was in the front to keep unique national culture with overseas migration community at the center. The Polish Diaspora literature from 19th century up to now has naturally embodied national sufferings from foreign powers in their literary tradition linked to the problem of 'migration'. In addition, they belong to other cultural sphere, but keep their own unique identity, which is similar to Korean Diaspora literature to a great degree. This study has two stages. In the first stage, it figures out the formation and trend of the Polish Diaspora literature followed by their meaning in the history of Polish literature. In the second stage, specific texts (two dramas) are analyzed before and after system transition in 1989. * Before system transition: S. Mrożek, Emigranci (1974), * After system transition: J. Głowacki, Antygona w Nowym Yorku (1992) Mrożek and Głowacki had themselves migration experiences with high achievement and recognition in literature not only in Poland but also in the world. In their works, hardships as 'strangers' in foreign countries, emotional wandering and agony, nostalgia to lost home land and exploration of identity were described vividly. By comparing the 2 literature texts, this study attempts to trace the change of Diaspora consciousness which Polish migrants experienced in foreign countries with different political system like socialism and capitalism.


  • Kim, Youn-Jae;Keum, Ki-Youn
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.153-171
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    • 2011
  • The welfare system and the direction of the welfare policy have been unable to escape greatly from the frame of the past against the facts that the external environments of the national economy of the world including Korea have been changing in quick and rapid speed. Such results have caused the issues related with the welfare, economy and society ended in the ideological collision in connection with the goals of the policy, the right agreement between the policies lacked, and the intervention and conflict between the interest group concerning the policy continued. Social policy of Korea in the past had the level of complementing the parts which could not be solved through the growth. Employment creation had been achieved continuously backed up by the high rate of growth. And the low aging level, the young population structure, and the high rate of childbirth had been the structures that made such achievement possible. New economic, social and welfare environment at home and abroad has been requesting new change in welfare policy. Goal of the economic and social policy is to construct the safe economic and social system. And what has been requested has been the formation of the economic and social policy orienting the welfare nation in form of social investment and welfare expansion. Also the direction in strengthening the welfare system of Korea shall have the balance between the protection and activation strength with the necessity of converting to the prevention welfare from the post welfare. Also the public part, market, the 3rd sector and the share of the role of an individual shall be achieved. And what is needed is the achievement of the transfer from the paradigm of residual welfare to the universal welfare. And such improvements of the welfare system will be able to elevate the possible continuity of the system in long term basis through the improvement of the welfare system.

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A Study of Innovation Policy regarding Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment Procedure on ICT Equipments - Focused on Privatization Plan (CT 분야의 기술기준 및 적합성평가시스템의 혁신정책에 관한 연구: 민간화 방안을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yong-Kyu
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.439-464
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    • 2016
  • The technical regulation and conformity assessment procedure of our country on ICT equipments is currently required to have more innovation due to the request of main trade countries, the second phase conclusion of MRA, necessity of expansion of conformity assessment service market and demand of manufacturers. The world's leading advanced countries have already proceeded with innovation based on privatization plan. According to the comparative analysis of the level, it turned out that Japan obtained the highest level of privatization while South Korea ranked the lowest level. According to the research result of examination and certification ability of private institutions of our country, it turned out that our country is expected to have possibility of achieving higher level of privatization than that of the present. Moreover, according to the questionnaire survey conducted to the persons concerned regarding privatization direction, they gave positive response to all the indicated survey contents of privatization direction in terms of "delegation of certification services to private sectors (contracting-out)", "transformation of EMC into private voluntary standard" and "changeover of conformity assessment agent". However, from the view of acceptance and conflict model, it is estimated that starting from "delegation of certification services to private sectors (contracting-out)" seems to be the most advisable plan. Also, prior to privatization, it is required to improve relevant systems such as certification examiner system.

A Study on the Possibility of Homegrown Terrorism in Korea Depending on Internalization and Strategy to Cope with the Terrorism (국제화에 따른 한국내 자생테러 발생 가능성과 대응전략)

  • Yu, Hyung-Chang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.31
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    • pp.125-155
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    • 2012
  • Terrorist organization has shown the trend of secret organization and it is harder to cope with terrorism because of uncertainty of terrorism. Homegrown terrorism is the one, whose preparation, execution and effect are restricted to domestic area. By the way, in the worldwide economic depression, violence and radical demonstration have shown the expansion trends as in Middle East, political revolution of Africa, anti-social resistance of Europe and Wall Street Occupation of USA. Homegrown terrorism is occurring in various countries such as UK and Spain as well as USA. Specialists warn homegrown terrorism in Korea. The purpose of this study was to prospect the possibility of homegrown terrorism that can be generated in the transfer to multi-culture society as various foreigners come to Korea rapidly and suggest the method to cope with the trend. The study analyzed environment and analysis of homegrown terrorism that Korea faces now. The methods to cope with homegrown terrorism are as follows. First, distribution of radical homegrown terrorism via internet should be prevented. Second, the connection between terrorist organization and homegrown terrorist should be prevented. Third, there should be a cooperation among government, residents and religious group. Fourth, there should be an open approach against multi-culture society. Fifth, there should be a systematic control for cause of new conflict. Finally, there should be a long-term approach to cause of new conflict. If we do not make an effort to prevent homegrown terrorism, terrorism environment may face new aspect and national and social cost for it will increase.

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A Study on the Change of Energy Governance in Korea (에너지정책 거버넌스의 변화에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Ho-Chul
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.379-409
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    • 2007
  • Korea's energy sector was one of policy sectors that exhibited the classical bureaucratic governance of an administrative state. Under the regime, government monopolized the policy-making process and controled the market and the civil society. It not only provided energy goods and services directly through public enterprises but also dominated the market activities through public regulations. However, during 1993~2002, stringent reformation efforts were made to transform the governance regime from the past bureaucratic model to the market model, by way of privatization of public enterprises and deregulation. The ideology behind the reformation based on the shared recognition that the market and spontaneous order thereof is the better apparatus than the government and artificial order thereof in solving social problems mote efficiently. From the year of 2003, another round of reformation efforts have been promoted to introduce the participatory governance model, through institutionalization of channels for the wider participation of civil society into the energy policy-making process. This reformation efforts respond to; first, the increasing criticism from the civil society on the closedness of energy policy process and the higher probability of policy failures thereof, and second, the recognition that the self-organizing nature of an open policy process is the better mechanism for evolutionary problem-solving.

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A Study on the R&D Roadmaps of Quantum Information and Communication Technology (퀀텀정보통신기술의 연구개발 로드맵에 관한 연구)

  • Rhee, Mooki Kyle;Park, Seong Taek;Kwon, Moon-Ju
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2014
  • Quantum information and communication technology(QICT) holds out tremendous promise for efficiently solving some of the most difficult problems that are intractable on any present or future conventional computer. QICT is one of the most active research areas of modern science, attracting substantial funding that supports research groups at internationally leading academic institutions. To facilitate the progress of QICT research towards the commercialization, a roadmap needs to be formulated, providing some direction for the field with specific technical goals and elucidating interrelationships between approaches for synergistic solutions to obstacles within any one approach. In this paper, we suggest a brief version of roadmap for QICT research and give a discussion about the potential contribution of QICT in Korea industry.

Cost Allocation among Local Governments for Environmental Infrastructure: A Case Study of Sewage Treatment Plant (환경기초시설의 지자체간의 협력적 운영을 위한 합리적 비용배분: 하수처리장사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chong Won;Han, Dong Geun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.7
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    • pp.629-641
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    • 2014
  • This study explores methods of allocating costs incurring from construction of environmental infrastructure among local governments involved in the project. Principles for equitable cost-allocation are reviewed, and pros/cons associated with different methods are examined. Proportional Allocation method, Shapley Value method, SCRB (Separable Cost-Remaining Benefits) method are applied to a case of swage treatment plant in Gyeongnam province region, Korea. It is found that the SCRB method produces the most equitable result, followed by Shapley method. The Proportional Allocation method, although easy to understand and simple to calculate, is found to be skewed in favor of small town.