• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가족변화

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The Moderating Effects of Age and Gender on the Relationship between Values and Communication styles of Korean Adults (한국 성인의 가치와 의사소통 방식 간의 관계에서 연령과 성별의 조절효과)

  • Eunjung Son
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.199-221
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    • 2023
  • This study examined the moderating effects of age and gender on the relationship between values and communication styles of Korean adults. Five hundred adult men and women across the country responded the questionnaires regarding cultural universal values (openness to change, self-enhancement, conservatism, and self-transcendence), cultural-specific values (collectivism, conformity to norms, emotional self-control, family recognition through achievement, and humility), high-context communication style, and low-context communication style. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of exploring the factors influencing the communication style, self-enhancement, emotional self-control, and self-transcendence significantly predicted the high-context communication style. Whereas openness to change, self-enhancement, conformity to norms, emotional self-control, and gender significantly predicted the low-context communication style. Second, age moderated the relationship between self-enhancement and high-context communication style. The high-context communication style significantly increased when the level of self-enhancement was high and the age was younger. Third, age and gender moderated the relationship between conformity to norms and high-context communication style. In the case of males with high conformity to norms and younger age, the high-context communication style significantly increased. Fourth, gender moderated the relationship between collectivism and low-context communication. As collectivism increased, men tended to increase low-context communication styles, while women tended to decrease it. Fifth, gender moderated the relationship between humility and low-context communication. In the case of women with high humility, their low-context communication style was significantly lowered. The implications and limitations of the results of this study were discussed.

Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Neurocognitive Disorder (신경인지장애의 정신행동증상에 대한 비약물학적 개입)

  • Hyun Kim;Kang Joon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • Patients with neurocognitive disorder show behavioral psychological symptoms such as agitation, aggression, depression, and wandering, as well as cognitive decline, which puts a considerable burden on patients and their families. For the treatment of behavioral psychological symptoms, patient-centered, non-pharmacological treatment should be used as a first line approach. This paper describes non-pharmacological interventions to manage and treat behavioral psychological symptoms in patients with neurocognitive disorder. In order to control behavioral psychological symptoms such as agitation, depression, apathy, insomnia, and wandering, it is important to identify and evaluate factors such as environmental changes and drugs, and then solve such problems. Non-pharmacological interventions include reassurance, encourage, distraction, and environmental change. It is necessary to understand behavior from a patient's point of view and to approach the patient's needs and abilities appropriately. Reminiscence therapy, music therapy, aroma therapy, multisensory stimulation therapy, exercise therapy, light therapy, massage therapy, cognitive intervention therapy, and pet therapy are used as non-pharmacological interventions, and these approaches are known to improve symptoms such as depression, apathy, agitation, aggression, anxiety, wandering, and insomnia. However, the quality of the evidence base for non-pharmacological approaches is generally lower than for pharmacological treatments. Therefore, more extensive and accurate effectiveness verification studies are needed in the future.

A Qualitative Study of the Aging Experience among Korean Older Adults Residing in Urban, Rural, and the US Immigrant Context (도시, 농촌, 재미 이민사회에 거주하는 한국노인의 노화 경험에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Lee, Jun-woo;Pak, Jenny H;Lee, Hyuna
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.589-612
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    • 2019
  • Korea has undergone rapid modernization and globalization process in the last few decades. The purpose of this study is to explore how shifting traditional values are impacting Korean elderlies and their perceptions of aging experience. In order to understand how changing social and cultural practices are affecting older adults, the similarities and differences among Korean elderlies living in three different geographical locations are examined in a multidimensional comparative framework. Life story interviews were conducted with 30 Korean elderlies (10 urban residents in Korea, 10 rural residents in Korea, and 10 residents in the US). Paying attention to within-group variation, this study particularly focused on analyzing the psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual experiences that made lives meaningful and resilient in old age in spite of physical decline. Based on analysis of narrative, the following major areas were identified as having positive or negative influence on aging experiences: physical health, emotional health, family relationship, work, leisure/social activity, and spirituality. Common themes of aging well across all settings included: "life not indebted to their offspring," "physical and mental health," and "dying well." Spirituality played a critical role in cultivating perspectives on life and accepting aging process, which were rooted in specific religious traditions participants identified (e.g., Christianity or Buddhism). Interesting differences in the meaning of work and leisure were also found between elderlies residing in Korea and the US immigrant context. One unique factor continuing to negatively affect Korean elderly in rural community was related to shame of not obtaining higher education. Implications for future research are also addressed.

With Corona Era, exploring policy measures to prevent non-face-to-face lonely deaths - Focusing on Daegu Metropolitan City's AI and IOT cases of lonely death prevention (With 코로나 시대 비대면 고독사 예방정책 방안 모색 - 대구광역시 AI, IOT 고독사 예방 사례를 중심으로)

  • Ha-Yoon Kim;Tai-Hyun Ha
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2023
  • Due to social and cultural changes and the growth of aging people living as a single because of aging, lonely deaths are steadily increasing, and each local government has begun to define them as a social problem. The legal basis began to be established. In order to explore policy measures to prevent lonely deaths, this study examined cases of lonely death prevention policies using smart digital information technology (AI, IOT), which is being promoted by Daegu Metropolitan City to promote non-face-to-face policies to prevent lonely deaths. Policies related to lonely deaths are divided into two axes: lonely death prevention projects and post-excavation support projects. In order to operate these businesses efficiently, the provision of non-face-to-face services through artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things is recognized as a new service delivery system, so the importance and necessity of non-face-to-face services is increasing. It is time that multifaceted changes and preparations are needed, such as establishing a system to expand the non-face-to-face industry at the national level. In order to respond to another national disaster situation in the future, the non-face-to-face smart care system is being expanded in various welfare policies such as preventing lonely deaths. It will have to be activated.

Change in Health Behaviors of Patients Before and After Stroke (뇌졸중 환자의 발병전후 건강행위의 변화)

  • Jang, Sang-Hyeon;Kang, Pock-Soo;Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Kim, Seok-Beom;Yun, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to compare the health behaviors of patient s before and after a stroke and propose health education program to reduce risk factors related to stroke recurrence. Data were collected from eighty- eight stroke patients registered at the Gyeongju-si Health Center between July 1, to August 30, 1999, by interviewing patients from a prepared structured questionnaire, which included questions on that patients ' general characteristics, health- related behaviors, family-related characteristics, and pre- and post - stroke health status. Smoking rate of 51.1% before stroke reduced to 25.0% after stroke; drinking rate of 52.3% before stroke reduced to 17.0% after stroke; daily smoking amount of 20.1 packs per day before stroke significantly reduced to 14.9 packs per day after stroke; and daily drinking amount of 92.4ml before stroke significantly reduced to 23.7ml after stroke. Smoking rate according to sex showed a marked decrease in the male subjects, but 31.6% still smoked even after their stroke. Among the female subjects, smoking rate of 16.1% before stroke reduced to 12.9% after stroke. Observation of the change in health- related behaviors of stroke patient s showed significant change in smoking rate, drinking rate and intake of regular meals etc. of patient s with a spouse and patients who received preventive health education. Health education on quitting smoking, temperance, low fat diet, exercise and regular meals for stroke patient s are needed, and public and private organizations can do their part in development and providing continuing health education programs and health education.

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Comparison of Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Attitude and Dietary Habit in Elementary School Children With and Without Nutrition Education (초등학생의 영양교육에 따른 영양지식, 식생활태도 및 식습관의 비교)

  • Lee, Ok-Hee;Chang, Soon-Ok;Park, Min-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.11
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    • pp.1427-1434
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    • 2008
  • This study was aimed to compare nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and habit of elementary school children with and without education. Eighty-four subjects with unbalanced eating behavior were selected and assigned to either control or education group. The subjects in education group participated in a nutrition education program once a week for 8 weeks. The contents of nutrition education were on food tower, balanced nutrition, nutrient function, food group, importance of breakfast, and nutrition label, etc and the program was performed by a school dietitian. The effects of education was assessed by self-administered questionnaire prior to and after nutritional education. Nutrition knowledge except on snack, dietary self-efficacy except on low fat/ low calorie, attitude except on functional food and favorite, and general dietary habits of children in education group were significantly improved while those in control group showed no changes. Also, factors for unbalanced eating was improved by nutrition education indicating the need for correction on unbalanced eating was diminished. However, children's adherence to snack, instant and fast food remained to be corrected. The dietary habit of balanced eating was improved by education reducing the percentage of unbalanced eating on grain and meat.fish.milk groups. The nutrition education appears to be effective to provide nutrition knowledge thereby to improve dietary attitude, dietary self-efficacy, and partly to reduce children's unbalanced eating factor.

The Creation and Transformation Process of Ssangsanjae as a Private Garden in the Late Joseon Dynasty (조선 후기 민가 정원 쌍산재의 조영과 변화 과정)

  • Kim, Seo-Lin;Sung, Jong-Sang;Kim, Hee-Su;Cui, Yu-Na;Jung, Jin-Ah;Cho, Seong-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2021
  • Ssangsanjae was created in the mid-1800s, It is located at Jiri Mountain to the north and the Seomjin River to the south. This garden has not changed much even though it has passed through the sixth generation since its creation, so it still retains the features of a private garden in the late Joseon Dynasty. This study focused on the changing landscape of Ssangsanjae as a historical garden; through field surveys, interviews and analysis of builder's collection, boards and couplets. Ssangsanjae is largely classified into inner and outer gardens, and the inner is divided into an entry space, a residential space, and a backyard. The backyard consists of Seodangchae, it's garden, Gyeongamdang, and swimming pool, and is connected to the Sado Reservoir area, which is the outer garden. The distinct vegetation landscape of Ssangsanjae are a 13,000m2 bamboo and green tea field, Peony(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. and Paeonia lactiflora var. trichocarpa(Bunge) Stern) planted on both sides of the road that crosses the lawn, the view through a frame(額景) shown by the twisted branches of Camellia and Evergreen spindletree, and a fence made of Trifolia Orange(Poncirus trifoliata) and Bamboo. Ssangsanjae stands out for its spatial composition and arrangement in consideration of the topography and native vegetation. The main building was named by the descendants based on the predecessor's Aho(pseudonym), and it is the philosophical view of the predecessors who tried to cultivate the younger students without going up on the road. The standing stone and white boundary stone built by Mr. Oh Ju Seok are Ssangsanjae's unique gardening facilities. The stone chairs, and swimming pool which were created by the current owner for the convenience of families and visitors also make a distinctive landscape. Ssangsanjae, for residents, was a place for living, exchanging friendships, training himself and seculusion, for children was a place for learning, but now is 'the private garden' where many people can heal themselves. Over the 200 years, the landscape of Ssangsanjae's inner and outer gardens experienced large and small changes. As such, it is necessary to recognize the historical gardens with changing properties as a living heritage. This study is significant in that, as the first study to approach Ssangsanjae in the view of landscape research, it provides basic data on Ssangsanjae as a destination of garden tourism.

Development and evaluation of a nutrition education program for housewives to reduce sodium intake: application of the social cognitive theory and a transtheoretical model (주부대상 나트륨 섭취 줄이기 영양교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과 평가: 사회인지론과 행동변화단계모델 적용)

  • Ahn, Sohyun;Kwon, Jong-Sook;Kim, Kyungmin;Kim, Hye-Kyeong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.174-187
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate an education program for housewives to reduce sodium intake based on the social cognitive theory. Methods: Housewives (n = 387) received 2 education sessions focused on food purchase and cooking, and completed a questionnaire on their perceptions of environmental, cognitive, and behavioral factors and the stages of behavioral change to reducing sodium intake both before and after the education program. Results: After the education program, the recognition of social efforts for sodium reduction and sodium labeling and experience with low-sodium products increased. Positive expectancies for the prevention of osteoporosis by the reduction of sodium were enhanced while the main barriers in practicing sodium reduction decreased, especially 'interrupting social relationships when dining with others', 'bad taste', 'preference for soup or stew', and 'limited knowledge and skills to practice'. In addition, cognition and nutrition knowledge related to reducing sodium intake were improved on all scores, but the effect on self-efficacy and dietary behavior was limited to only a few items. The percentage of participants in the pre-action stage (including pre-contemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages) for reducing sodium intake decreased from 43.2% before education to 21.5% after education, while that in the action stage increased from 19.6% before education to 43.5% after education (p < 0.001). The education program had the most significant impact on participants who were in the pre-action stage and showed improved scores in all sections. Conclusion: These results suggest that a customized education program for housewives could be an effective tool to reduce sodium intake by improving personal expectancies, cognition, and nutrition knowledge regarding sodium reduction and enabling a greater section of the population to move to the action stage of reducing sodium intake.

Analysis on Statistical Characteristics of Household Water End-uses (가정용수 용도별 사용량의 통계적 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Hwa Soo;Lee, Doo Jin;Park, No Suk;Jung, Kwan Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5B
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    • pp.603-614
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    • 2008
  • End-uses of household water have been changed by a life style, housing type, weather, water rate and water supply facilities etc. and those variables can be considered as an internal and exogenous factors to estimate long-term demand forecasts. Analysis of influential factors on water consumption in households would give an explanation to cause on the change of trend and would help predicting the water demand of end-use in household. The purpose of this study is to analyze the demand trends and patterns of household water uses by metering and questionnaire such as occupation, revenue, numbers of family member, housing types, age, floor area and installation of water saving device, etc. The peak water uses were shown at Saturday among weekdays and July in a year based on the analysis results of water use pattern. A steep increase of total water volume can be found in the analysis of water demand trend according to temperature from $-14^{\circ}C$ to $0^{\circ}C$, while there are no significant variations in the phase of more than $0^{\circ}C$, with an almost stable demand. Washbowl water shows the highest and toilet water shows the lowest relation with temperature in correlation analysis results. In the results of ANOVA to find the significant difference in each unit water use by exogenous factors such as housing type, occupation, number of generation, residential area and income et al., difference was shown in bathtub water by housing type and shown in kitchen, toilet and miscellaneous water by numbers of resident. Especially, definite differences in components except washbowl and bathtub water, could be found by numbers of resident. Based on the result, average residents in a house should be carefully considered and the results can be applied as reference information, in decision making process for predicting water demand and establishing water conservation policy. It is expected that these can be used as design factors in planning stage for water and wastewater facilities.


  • Kim, Dae-Joong;Shin, Dong-Hwan;Ahn, Byeong-Woo;Jang, Dong-Deuk;Hiroyuki Tsuda;Shoji Fukushima
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Toxicology Conference
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    • 2002.05b
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    • pp.106.2-132
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    • 2002
  • 형질전환 (유전자 결핍; Knockout) Min 마우스를 이용하여 대장암 발생에서 배추, 양배추 주성분인 indole-3-carbinol (I3C)의 대장암 예방효과를 규명하고자 하였다. 실험동물로는 C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$(Min 마우스)계의 5내지 6주령의 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스 70마리와 C57BL/6J계의 동일 산자, 동일 주령의 수컷 wildtype 비형질전환 마우스 10kfl를 The Jackson Laboratory 사 (Bar harber, ME, USA)로부터 직접 구입하였다. C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 (Min)마우스 70마리를 각 군 20내지 25마리씩 세군으로 나누었다. Group 1에는 20마리, Group 2에는 25마리, Group 3에는 25마리를 배치하고, I3C 투여 실험군 (Group 1과 2)에는 실험시작시에 AIN-76A 분말사료에 I3C가 각각 100 및 300ppm이 함유되도록 조제하여 공급하였다. 그리고 실험군(Group 3)에는 실험시작부터 종료시까지 AIN-76A 정제고형사료(Teklad사, WI, USA)를 자유로이 급이하였다. 각군간의 체중, 사료 및 음수소비량을 매 2주마다 측정하였고, 10주간 (16주령)의 실험종료시에는 최종체중과 간장, 신장, 비장 등의 장기무게를 측정하여 상대장기 무게비를 산출하였다. 대조군으로서 C57BL/6J계의 동일 산자, 동일 주령의 수컷 wildtype 비형질전환 마우스 10마리는 같은 조건의 사육실에서 AIN-76A 정제고형사료를 33주간 자유로이 급이하였다. 실험동물은 부검전에 하룻밤 동안 절식하고 이산화탄소 흡입 마취하에서 흉대동맥을 절단하여 방혈하고 각 장기(심장, 폐, 위)를 적출하여 생리심염수에 넣어 장기무게를 측정하고 포르말린에 고정하였다. 소장과 대장의 검사를 위하여 위의 식도부위와 직장을 실로 결찰하여 적출하고 생리심염수를 주입하여 팽창시켜, 십이지장, 공장, 및 회장, 그리고 대장으로 나누어 여과지에 펼친 후 포르말린에 고정하였다. 소장과 대장은 육안 및 자동 영상분석길ㄹ 이용한 분석이 끝난 후에 각 부위별로 4-6개의 절편을 작제하여 포르말린에 재고정하고, 통상적인 조직처리과정, 파리핀 포매 및 3-4$\mu$m 두께의 조직절편을 제작하여 H&E 염색을 실시하여 현미경으로 검경하였다. 약 1주일간의 포르말린 고정이 끝난 소장 및 대장을 부위별, 별 종양개수 및 분포를 자동영상분석기(Kontron Co. Ltd., Germany)로 분석하였다. 체의 변화, 장기무게, 사료소비량 및 마리당 종양의 개수에 대한 통계학적 유의성 검증을 위하여 Duncan's t-test로 통계처리 하였고, 종양 발생빈도에 대하여는 Likelihood ration Chi-square test로 유의성을 검증하였다. C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스에 AIN-76A 정제사료만을 투여한 대조군의 대장선종의 발생률은 84%(Group 3; 21/25례)로써 I3C 100ppm 및 300ppm을 투여한 경우에 있어서는 각군 모두 60%(Group 1; 12/20 례, Group 2; 15/25 례)로 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 대장선종의 마리당 발생개수에 있어서는 C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스에 AIN-76A 정제사료만을 투여한 대조군은 1.40$\pm$0.24(100%)에 비하여 I3C 저농도 투여 실험군(Group 1; 0.85$\pm$0.23; 61%, P<0.01), 그리고 I3C 고농도 투여 실험군(Group 2 ; 1.32$\pm$0.29 ; 94%)의 순으로 감소하였다. 선종의 크기별 종양의 발생개수의 분포에 있어서 I3C 저농도 투여 실험군에 있어서는 선종의 크기가 3mm이하의 수가 현저하게 감소하였다. C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스에 AIN-76A 정제사료만을 투여한 대조군의 부위별 소장선종의 발생수는 십이지장부위를 제외하고 각 군에서 유의한 변화는 관찰되지 않았다. 십이지장 종양의 발생개수에서만 I3C 저농도 투여 실험군(Group 1 ; 3.11$\pm$0.85)이 대조군 (Group 3: 1.48$\pm$0.35) 및 I3C 고농도 투여 실험군(Group 2: 1.56$\pm$0.47)에 비하여 유의성 있게 증가하였다. (P<0.05). 따라서 I3C은 소장에서는 암예방 효과가 뚜렷하지 않으나, 대장에 대한 암에방 효과가 있을 것으로 생각된다. 소장 및 대장을 제외한 간장, 신장, 비장, 심장, 폐 그리고 위 등의 기타 장기에서의 조직병리학적 변화는 관찰되지 않았다. 소장 및 대장의 종양은 선종(polyps)으로 관찰되었다. 지난 10여년간 형질전환 및 유전자 결핍 실험동물의 종류가 기하 급수적으로 증가하여 이용되고 있다. 가족성 대장 선종성 용종증(FAP)의 대표적인 모델로 이용되고 있는 C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스를 사용하여 배추나 양배추의 주요성분인 Indole-3-carbinol(I3C)의 대장암 예방효과가 있는지를 검색하여 본 결과 AIN-76A정제사료만을 투여한 대조군의 대장선종의 발생률 84%에 비하여 I3C 100 및 300ppm을 투여한 실험군에 있어서 각군 모두 60%로서 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으며, 대장선종의 마리당 발생개수에 있어서는 대조군의 1.40$\pm$1.041를 100%로 환산하였을 경우 I3C 저농도 및 고농도 투여 실험군에서는 각각 약 61%와 94%를 나타내여 감소하였다. 특히 대장선종의 크기별 분포에 있어서 선종의 크기가 3mm이하의 수가 현저하게 감소하였다. 따라서 저농도 I3C의 투여는 실험적 유전성 가족성 대장 선종성 용종증 모델에 있어서 어느정도 암 예방효과가 있는 것으로 생각된다. 그러나 소장 선종의 발생에는 별 영향이 없는 것으로 생각된다. 그러나 본 실험에 사용된 C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스는 실험개시 시점이 7내지 8주령이 경과하여 이미 태생기부터 소장 및 대장의 선종 발생이 진행되어 온 것을 감안하고 특히 비스테로이드계 항염증 소염제(NSAIDS)와 같은 강력한 COX-2억제제가 아님을 고려하면, 상당한 선종의 발생을 억제할 수 있는 가능성이 매우 높다고 생각한다. 또한 이제까지 배추나 양배추 성분의 복합성분들에 대한 실험적 대장암 모델에서의 촉진효과 등에 대한 보고들이 있어 온 점을 고려할 때 위암(Kim 등, 1994) 간암(Kim 등, 1994), 유방암(Grubbs, 등, 1995; Bradlow 등, 1995)에 대한 예방효과가 있을 것으로 생각된다. 앞으로 이러한 종양조직내에서의 COX-2 및 iNOS mRNA와 단백질의 발현정도를 분자병리학적으로 연구중에 있으며, 향후 십자화과식물 성분인 indole-3-carbinol이 마우스뿐 만 아니라 랫드의 화학발암물질에 의한 대장종양에 대한 억제효과 있는지 연구 필요가 있다. Min 마우스와 같은 형질 전환(유전자결핍;knockout) 실험동물을 이용한 새로운 중기 발암성 시험범의 확립을 통한 각종 환경 유해물질의 발암성 유무 및 COX-2 억제작용이 있는 식품인자의 암예방 후보물질을 체계적으로 검색하는데 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 생각한다.

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