• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가정 수업

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The Effect of Home economic education teaching plans for students in academic and those in vocational high schools' 'Preparation for Successful aging' in the 'Family life in old age' unit -A comparative study between practical problem-teaching lesson plans and instructor-led teaching and learning plans- (인문계와 가사.실업 전문계 고등학생의 '성공적인 노후생활 준비교육'을 위한 가정과 수업의 적용과 효과 -실천적 문제 중심 수업과 강의식 수업을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jong-Hui;Cho, Byung-Eun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.105-124
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    • 2011
  • To achieve this objective, practical problem-teaching lesson plans and instructor-led teaching and learning plans were developed and integrated into the Technology Home Economics, and Human Development curricula at both academic and vocational high schools. The impact of these plans was examined, as were connections between the teaching methods and types of schools. As part of this study, a survey was conducted on 1,263 students in 46 classes at 6 randomly selected high schools: 4 academic and 2 vocational. A total of 9 teachers conducted classes for both experimental and comparative groups between October 2009 and November 2010. Pre- and post-tests were used to study the impact of the lessons on the experimental and comparative groups. In terms of data analysis and statistics processing, this study implemented mean and standard deviations, t-test, and analysis of covariance using the SPSS 12.0 program. The results of this study are as follows. The practical problem-teaching lessons produced more positive results in the students than the instructor-led lessons, in terms of their image of the elderly, their level of knowledge about them, their understanding of their need for welfare services, and preparation for Successful aging. When comparing the results by type of school, the experimental groups at academic high schools appeared to have a more positive image and better understanding of the elderly and their need for welfare services, and were better prepared for Successful aging than during their previous lessons. They also showed an increase in independence from their children in aging. As for the comparative groups, students at academic high schools showed an increase in preparation for Successful aging compared to the previous lessons. Finally, as for future research on preparation for aging in high schools, more schools should include this subject in their regular curriculum for Technology Home Economics, Human Development and Home Economics in order to generalize the results, and they need to evaluate the content. Additionally, this study suggests that new high school curricula should include lessons on preparation for aging so that students can deal successfully with our aging society.

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The Effects of Practical Reasoning Home Economics Instruction on Middle School Students' Self-Esteem (실천적 추론 수업이 중학생의 자아존중감에 미치는 효과)

  • Yoo Tae-Myung;Chae Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.1 s.39
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2006
  • This study developed practical reasoning teaching-learning material for middle school home economics education and tested its effects on middle school students' self-esteem The type of this study was a quasi-experimental research and its independent variable was practical reasoning instruction and its dependent variable was self-esteem. The research design for this study was a pretest-posttest design. Practical reasoning instruction was given for experimental group whereas traditional instruction was given to comparison group. For measuring self-esteem, 'self-esteem scale' developed by Choi & Jun(1993) was used and its Cronbach'a was ranged from .69 to .84. Statistic analysis was done by mean and standard deviation for general characteristics of samples and paired t-test for testing difference of pretest-posttest. The results of this study showed that practical reasoning instruction improved middles school students' self-esteem, the general self-esteem and social self-esteem among sub-areas of self-esteem in particular.

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Development and Analyses of Effects of ICT Teaching: Learning Process Plan for 'Designing My Home' unit of Technology.Home Economic in High School (ICT활용 교수.학습 과정안 개발 및 효과 분석: 고등학교 기술.가정 "나의 주거 공간꾸미기" 단원을 중심으로)

  • Park Hyun-Sook;Cho Jae-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this research was to develop and analyze the effects of ICT based teaching learning process plans for 'Designing My Home' unit of Technology Home Economics subject in High School. The seven housing contents were selected from 8 textbooks and 8 teaching resources at the analyses stage. A specific homepage(ieduhome.cafe.com) was built to utilize the eight ICT teaching learning process plan as well as many other resources at the planning & development stages. The number of 68 highschool students have participated for the application stage during September 4-26, 2003 and the same number have studied the same contents through regular teaching learning plans as a comparison group. Experimental groups have significantly more increased in the knowledge and understanding of the housing contents than have comparison groups. The same results occurred in the interests in Home Economics, Housing, and Internet utilized study. The Design reports were not statistically differed between two groups based on the objective evaluation criteria. The results of this study generally supported previous research and showed that the In teaching learning plans were more effective in various aspects than were the regular plans.

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A Research Regarding the Application and Development of Web Contents Data in Home Economics (가정과 수업의 웹 콘텐츠 자료 활용 및 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Mi-Suk;Wee Eun-Hah
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.1 s.39
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this research is to see the current status of application and development of web contents data, and to suggest the way to improve the application and development of web contents data in home economics classes in middle schools. The respondents of the research were 312 middle school home economics teachers from all over the nation, and the tool was a questionnaire which consist of 22 questions about general status of the person who was answering and their recognitions and demands on the application and development of the web contents data. The major findings were as follows : 1) 88.5% of the sample responded that they accurately grasped a meaning of a class employing web contents data, and as for effects on preparation of professional study. 2) Most of the teachers were making good use of materials from the web in their classes. They responded that it maximized the efficiency of students' learning. Some didn't use the web contents in their classes. The reasons why the web contents data usage had been low were that the classrooms were not equipped properly (43.2%) and it took long time to create web contests (37.8%). 3) Kinds of web contents data that showed the most amount of usage were the presentations (48.4%), multi-media teaching materials(23.7%), and moving pictures(19.9%). 4) Teaches wanted to improve these particular materials among the web contents: family life and home, administration and environment of resources, and clothing preparation and administration. As for the lessons, teachers wanted developments of contents of lessons, generating motives, and evaluation to be by individual teachers or curriculum researchers' societies, and 30.8% were by Korea Education & Research Information Service (KERIS).

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Meta-Analysis of ESD Program Studies in Home Economics Classes (가정과수업에서 ESD 프로그램 연구의 메타분석)

  • Yu, Nan Sook;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.97-116
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    • 2023
  • This study conducted a meta-analysis on the effectiveness of education for sustainable development (ESD) programs within home economics classes. Articles spanning from 2000 to April 2023 were sourced from the Korean Citation Index (KCI) using search terms such as 'environment', 'sustainable', 'ESD', 'green', 'ecology', and 'home economics' in conjunction with 'development', 'application', and 'effectiveness'. Out of the gathered articles, 41 were chosen for analysis. Using a random effects model, the overall effect size was measured at 0.51 (SE=.08), suggesting that ESD programs significantly enhance student achievement in home economics. Further analysis of the 62 effect sizes, categorized by research design, ESD area (society, environment, economy), content area, school level, and school location, revealed that the research design, content area, and school location functioned as moderating variables. The findings of this meta-analysis underscore the efficacy of ESD in home economics education. Additionally, this study paves the way for future research, highlighting the importance of integrating economic perspectives in ESD, such as sustainable production and consumption, corporate sustainability, and market economy within home economics classes.

The differences in adolescents' decision making abilities according to the level of critical thinking in terms of practical problem-based instruction of Home Economics (실천적 문제중심 가정과 수업에서 청소년들의 비판적 사고력 수준에 따른 의사결정 능력의 차이)

  • Jang, Yoon-Ok;Kim, Seong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.1 s.43
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    • pp.133-148
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    • 2007
  • The Purpose of this study was to find out whether there was any difference in adolescents' decision making abilities according to the level of critical thinking in practical problem-based instruction of Home Economics. The subjects of this study ware 147 students from K girl's high school in Daegu. They were divided into two groups. The former was the experimental group, which took' practical problem-based instruction' of Home Economics. The later was the control group, which took the typical lecture-based instruction. Factor analysis, Cronbach ${\alpha}$, correlation, and two-way ANCOVA were Performed for data analysis. The results of this study are as follows: First, there was no significant difference in the steps of problem identification and information search of the decision making according to teaching methods and the level of the critical thinking ability. Second, the adolescents who took the practical problem-based instruction had shown more improvement in the steps of alternatives consideration and value of the decision making ability than those who took the typical instruction. Third, the adolescents with the high level of critical thinking ability have made much more improvement than those with the low. And it was found that in the case of adolescents with the low level of critical thinking ability, those who took the practical problem-based instruction have made much more improvement than the others who took the typical instruction. On the other hand, in the case of adolescents with the high level of critical thinking ability, those who took the typical instruction improved much more than the others who took the practical problem-based instruction.

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Effect of Middle-aged Parent Understanding Education for Middle School Students on Parent-Child Relationships (중년기 부모 이해 수업이 중학생의 부모-자녀 관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Joo-Yeon;Lee, Seo-Yeon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a teaching and learning plan for parental understanding classes for middle school students and to investigate the effect of the classes on the parent-child relationship by implementing the class. The classes were conducted from July 5 to July 15, 2021, for the second graders of S middle school in Gwangju Metropolitan City, in a total of 6 sessions, i.e., 3 sessions per week for 2 weeks. The influence of classes on parent-child relationship was measured in terms of the understanding of the middle age, degrees of interaction, affection, and bond with parents. In order to analyze the impact of classes, pre- and post-class online surveys were conducted on 184 students who agreed to participate. For the collected quantitative data, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, and pairwise t-tests were performed using the SPSS Ver 22.0 statistical program. According to the results, students' understanding of the developmental characteristics of middle age increased and the interaction between the students and their parents increased after the class. And the overall affection with the mother increased significantly. Also, students' bonds with both mother and father were significantly improved. Based on these results, the necessity and direction of home economics class were discussed to form a positive relationship between adolescent children and their parents.

Revisited meta-analysis of the effects of practical reasoning instruction on students' achievements in Home Economics classes (가정과수업에서 실천적추론수업의 학생성취에 대한 효과성 연구의 메타분석)

  • Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.151-173
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    • 2018
  • The purposes of this study was to identify the magnitude and direction of the effects of Practical Reasoning Instruction (PRI) on students' achievements in Home Economics classes using the meta-analysis method and to examine whether the effects of PRI vary across publication status, study design, year of the studies, school level, gender of students, type of students' achievements, content area, location where the interventions of PRI were conducted, and duration. Thirty-four primary studies with 44 effect sizes were analyzed with calculation method of Becker(1988). A funnel plot method result revealed no publication bias. The results of this meta-analysis are as follows. First, PRI was more effective than traditional instruction on students' achievements. A summary statistic was 0.60 with a standard error of .074, which means that an increase of about two-third of a standard deviation beyond what would be expected from traditional instruction was gained from PRI intervention. Second, categorical and regression analyses were employed to find the sources of variance and moderators that predict the effects of PRI. The moderator analyses revealed no statistically significant effects of publication status, study design, school level, gender of students, type of students' achievements, and duration. Content area, location where the interventions of PRI were revealed to be moderators. It was concluded that PRI was effective in improving students' achievements regardless of publication status, study design, year of the studies, school level, gender of students, type of student achievement, and duration.

The Effects of Home Economics Instruction Using Motivation(ARCS) Strategy on the Learning Motivation and Academic Attitude toward the Subject (동기유발(ARCS) 전략을 적용한 가정과 수업이 학습동기 및 교과에 대한 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Yu Me-Suk;Chae Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.17 no.4 s.38
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    • pp.157-173
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of Home Economics instruction using motivation(ARCS) strategy on the learning motivation and academic attitude toward the subject. To accomplish the purpose, teaching-learning plan using motivation(ARCS) strategy was developed and the subjects for this study were 155 End grade male students randomly chosen from four classes at a middle school in Incheon Metropolitan City. In the 5th period instruction about 'utilization of resources and environment' unit, 76 students of two classes as an experimental group received the Home Economics instruction using motivation(ARCS) strategy, while 79 students of two classes as a comparative group took lecture type instruction. The results of this study were as the follows 1. Home Economics instruction using motivation(ARCS) strategy was more effective than the lecture type instruction to improve learning motivation and positive change in academic attitude toward Home Economics subject. 2. Home Economics instruction using motivation(ARCS) strategy was effective to improving learning motivation regardless of their levels of students prior learning motivation and learning achievement. 3. Home Economics instruction using motivation(ARCS) strategy was effective to positive change in academic attitude toward Home Economics subject regardless of their levels of students Prior learning achievement and at the aspect of prior motivation to learn, the high level students were more effective than the low level students. 4. According to responses of students and teacher for Home Economics instruction using motivation(ARCS) strategy, it was effective to improving active participation and interest for Home Economics instruction.

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