• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가스 폭발

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Analysis of Exciting Forces for In-Line 4 Cylinders Engine (직렬 4기통 엔진의 가진력 해석)

  • Kim, J.H.;Lee, S.J.;Lee, W.H.;Kim, J.R.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2008
  • The primary objective of this study is to truly understand exciting forces of the in-line 4 cylinders engine. Exciting forces of the engine apply a source of the vehicle NVH(Noise, Vibration, Harshness). To understand exciting forces, first was governed theoretical equations for single cylinder engine. And this theoretical equations was programming using MATLAB software. To compare theoretical analysis value, was applied MSC.ADAMS software. To determined the specification of engine(2,000cc, in-line 4) was applied ADAMS/Engine module. And this specification for engine was applied ADAMS/View and MATLAB software. The geometry model for ADAMS/View analysis was produced by the 3-D design modeling software. After imported 3-D model, each rigid body was jointed suitable. Under idle speed for engine, was analysed. The results of analysis are fairly well agreed with those of three analysis method. Using MATLAB software proposed in this study, engine exciting fores can be predicted. Also using ADAMS/Engine module and ADAMS/View software, engine exciting forces can be predicted.

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A study on the development of temperature and pressure at the end-gas zone during the combustion period to establish the knock theory (노크이론 확립을 위한 말단가스 온도 및 압력 경과이력)

  • 이성열;오영일
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 1993
  • Present-day there are two of theories which have considerable scientific support to explain the knock phenomenon in S.I. engine, the detonation theory and the autoignition theory. But they still have some problems to explain effects of knock parameters, i.e.. compression ratio, spark timing, mixture quality, engine speed, ect, on knocking process in S.I. engine. Accordingly, it is essential to find out whish is more adequate theory of two and to develop the method of analyzing knock phenomenon, that is the aim of this paper. The Authors develop the method of predicting transient temperature and pressure at the end-gas zone during the combustion period and analyze knocking process by this method based on the knock theories. The caluculated values based on the autoignition theory show reasonablly correct relations between knock parameters and knock process but there is no evidence of knock occurred by detonation theory through the calculation according to the all parameters. The authors find out that the autoignition theory is more adequate than detonation theory to analyze knocking process in S.I. engine.

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A Study on the Electrode Properties of $CaNi_5$ Hydrogen Storage Alloy by F-Treatment (불화처리에 의한 $CaNi_5$ 수소저장합금의 전극 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 오세진;강성군
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.92-92
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    • 1998
  • 반도체 기술의 경이적인 발전에 힘입이 최근 휴대용 이동통신기기, 노트북 컴퓨터 등 무선전자제품의 폭발적인 수요와 함께 이들의 소형화, 경량화가 요구되어 전원인 2차전지의 경량화, 고용량화, 장수명화의 필요성이 절실해졌다. Ni-MH 전지는 Ni-Cd전지에 비해 에너지밀도가 1.5~2배에 이르고 충방전 cycle이 길며 오염물질이 없어 환경 친화적이라는 장점이 었다. Ni-MH 전지의 성능은 음극재료인 수소저장합금에 의해 좌우되므로 수소저장능력이 크고 내식 성이 우수한 합금개발이 중요하다. $CaNi_5$는 수소저장능력이 크고 매장량이 많아 값이 싸다는 장점이 있지만 KOH 용액에서 내구성이 떨어진다는 단점이 있어 주로 Heat Pump 재료에만 사용이 제한되어왔다. 본 실험에서는 결정 구조의 nanocrystalline 및 amorphous화함으로써 해리압의 변화, 방전용량의 변화 등 새로운 전극 특성을 나타낸다고 보고되고 있는 MG (Mechanical Grinding)방법을 통해 CaNis 합금의 전극특성의 변화를 살펴보았고, 아울러 고상-기상반응에서 표면에 형성된 산화피막을 제거하여 안정한 불화물을 표면에 형성시킴으로써 불순물 가스에 대한 내구성을 높이고 활성화특성을 향상 시킨다고 보고되고있는 불화처리 방법을 이용하여 불화처리 시간을 달리하면서 용액 속에서의 pH의 변화, ICP분석, 전극의 성능 및 표면 특성변화를 충방전 test, SEM 등을 통해 고찰하였다.

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The Study on the Synthesis of Propellant with High Nitrogen Content (고질소 추진물질 합성 연구)

  • Lee, Woonghee;Kim, Minjun;Park, Youngchul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 2015
  • Traditional propellants emit toxic gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen chloride during combustion which are harmful to the environment. This study established a synthetic process of a high nitrogen containing derivative of tetrazine, 3,3-Azobis(6-Amino-1,2,4,5-Tetrazine) (DAAT), which can be applied as solid fuels for a solution to environmental concerns. Also, this paper described the detailed process and the analytic results of properties, which were not mentioned in previous reports. The compound was characterized by NMR, IR spectroscopy, and thermal, impact, and friction stability were measured. In addition, the heats of formation (${\Delta}H_f$) and detonation properties (pressure and velocity) of DAAT were calculated using Gaussian 09 and EXPLO5 programs.

Spray Characteristics of the APU fuel injector with liquid properties (액체 물성치에 따른 APU 연료 노즐의 분무특성)

  • Choi, Chea-Hong;Jun, Yong-Min;Choi, Seong-Man
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.175-178
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    • 2008
  • Spray characteristics for the simplex atomizer are investigated. The atomizer was tested with kerosene which is generally used as a fuel for gas turbine engines. But it is very difficult and dangerous to measure spray performance. So water is used as a working fluid for measuring the droplet information. In this study, spray visualization was performed by using ND-Yag Laser and droplet size was measured by using PDPA system by using two different working fluid such as water and test fluid # 2 which has similar characteristics of the kerosene. The test results show that SMD of water bigger than test fluid # 2 about 5$\sim$15 mm because surface tension of water is higher by a factor of 3. But the spray angles and the spray shapes have similarity

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Performance Analysis of Detecting buried pipelines in GPR images using Faster R-CNN (Faster R-CNN을 활용한 GPR 영상에서의 지하배관 위치추적 성능분석)

  • Ko, Hyoung-Yong;Kim, Nam-gi
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2019
  • Various pipes are buried in the city as needed, such as water pipes, gas pipes and hydrogen pipes. As the time passes, buried pipes becomes aged due to crack, etc. these pipes has the risk of accidents such as explosion and leakage. To prevent the risks, many pipes are repaired or replaced, but the location of the pipes can also be changed. Failure to identify the location of the altered pipe may cause an accident by touching the pipe. In this paper, we propose a method to detect buried pipes by gathering the GPR images by using GPR and Learning with Faster R-CNN. Then experiments was carried out by raw data sets and data sets augmentation applied to increase the amount of images.

Relationship Analysis between Relative Humidity and Explosion Pressure of Hydrogen-Air and Acetylene-Air Mixtures in Flameproof Enclosure (내압방폭구조에서 수소-공기와 아세틸렌-공기 혼합가스의 폭발압력과 상대습도의 상관관계 분석)

  • Yong-Tae, Kim;Kihyo, Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2022
  • To test a flameproof enclosure for the safety certificate, a reference pressure of explosion needs to be determined. However, the explosion pressure may be changed according to relative humidity of explosive gases. Therefore, the guideline on relative humidity should be recommended for measuring the explosion pressure for accurate and reproducible testings. This study examined the relationship of explosion pressure with relative humidity of hydrogen (31 vol %)-air and acetylene (14 vol %)-air mixture gases. The explosion pressures were measured by increasing the relative humidity of the gases by 10 % from dry state to 80 % in a cylindrical explosion enclosure of 2.3 L. on ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure (1 atm). The maximum explosive pressures were remained almost constant until the relative humidity reached 10 % for the hydrogen-air mixture and 20 % for the acetylene-air mixture. However, the maximum explosive pressures linearly decreased as the relative humidity increased. Based on the results of the study, it would be recommended to use 10 % relative humidity for the hydrogen-air mixture and 20 % for the acetylene-air mixture as the critical value in testing a flameproof enclosure.

Design of Rule-based Inference Engine for the Monitoring of Harmful Environments in Workplace

  • Ahn, Yoon-Ae
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2009
  • The risk of health impairment due to poor ventilation, fire and explosion by inflammable materials, and other unintended occurrences is always present in dangerous workplaces such as manholes, underground septic tanks, storage tanks and confined areas. Therefore, it a system which can monitor harmful working environment through sensors in workplace on a realtime basis and keep workers safe from the risk is needed. This paper has attempted to design an inference engine to monitor harmful environments in the workplace. The proposed inference engine has a rule-based system structure using JESS. This system is not confined to a particular computing platform and is easily interlocked with OSGi-based middleware.

Effect of Relative Humidity on Explosion Pressure for Gas Group IIB, IIA, and I (상대습도에 따른 가스 그룹 IIB, IIA, I의 폭발압력 분석)

  • Yongtae Kim;Kihyo Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2023
  • Determination of explosion reference pressure is important in designing and testing flameproof enclosures (Ex d). Although relative humidity affects to explosion pressure, its effect is not well investigated for the gas group IIB, IIA, and I. This study tested explosion pressure for Ethylene (8 vol.%), Propane (4.6 vol.%), and Methane (9.8 vol.%), which are the representative gas of the gas group IIB, IIA, and I, at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure (1 atm) under different relative humidity (0% ~ 80%). Ethylene- and Propane-air mixed gases generally tended to decrease as the relative humidity increased; however, explosion pressure was largely dropped at 20% of relative humidity compared to 0% and 10% of relative humidity. On the other hand, Methane-air mixture gas showed similar pressures at 0% and 10% of relative humidity; but no explosion occurred at more than 20%. The results of this study can be used in setting a testing protocol of explosion reference pressure for designing and testing a flameproof enclosure.

Comparative Analysis between a Real-Life Explosion Case and A Damage Prediction Program (J도 LPG충전소 가스 누출로 인한 폭발사례와 피해예측 프로그램의 비교 분석)

  • Yongho Yang;Soonju Kim;Hasung Kong
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to estimate the scope of damage impact with a real-life explosion case and a damage prediction program (ALOHA) and suggest measures to reduce risk by comparing and analyzing the results using a Probit model. After applying it to the ALOHA program, the toxicity, overpressure, and radiant heat damage of 5 tons of storage scopes between 66 to 413 meters, and the real-life case also demonstrated that most of the damage took place within 300 meters of the LPG gas station. In the Probit analysis, the damages due to radiant heat were estimated as first-degree burns (13-50%), while structural damage (0-75%) and glass window breakage (94-100%) were expected from overpressure, depending on the storage volume. After comparing the real-life case and the damage prediction program, this study concluded that the ALOHA program could be used as the scope of damage impacts is nearly the same as the actual case; it also concluded that the analysis using the Probit model could reduce risks by applying calculated results and predicting the probability of human casualties and structural damages.