• 제목/요약/키워드: 가상시험환경

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A Atudy on NCS-based Virtual Training Content Analysis (NCS기반 가상훈련 콘텐츠 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Eun-Jee;Lee, Seok-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.651-656
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    • 2017
  • Virtual Training generates virtual situation or environment with specific goals in order to instruct trainees as if they are in the real-world. Recently, the demand of experiencing certain incident, which we are not able to experience in real life, has been increased along with the fast developing Virtual Reality (VR) technology. Particularly, Virtual Training(VT) enables us to learn various fields those require high risk and high cost. The system of VT provides interaction and allows us absorb these learning materials better which augments learning effect. Based on the demand of Virtual Training system, this research analyzes current education paradigm National Competency Standards (NCS) in Korea and suggests possible education that utilizes Virtual Training system. At the end of the day, our future goal is to apply suggested Virtual Training contents to universities that reflect NCS curriculum like polytechnic university.

S/W Development of Flying Qualities Evaluation in Virtual Flight Test using MATLAB GUI (GUI 기반 가상모의시험 비행성 평가 S/W 개발)

  • Cho, Seung-Gyu;Rhee, Ihn-Seok;Kim, Byoung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2013
  • In an evaluation process of aircraft flying qualities, a clear and concise application interface is important since an evaluation process requires numerous repeated evaluation. This flight evaluation program have implemented efficient flight evaluation user interface along with changed trim condition interface and composed of comprehensive evaluation interface have mounted all automated FQ evaluation modules that was selected to be compose of 14 items in respect of an unmanned fixed-wing aircraft. Accordingly when it is necessary to design the flight control system as well as to develop a FQ considered aircraft, this S/W can be utilized as a tool that is a useful test evaluation S/W with scalability and enable to reduce the time and the cost of verification and evaluation process.

Design of a DB-based Virtual File System for Lightweight Clouding (경량 클라우딩을 위한 DB 기반 가상 파일 시스템 설계)

  • Lee, Hyung-Bong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2014.04a
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    • pp.81-82
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    • 2014
  • 윈도우나 리눅스 등의 일반적인 파일 시스템은 데이터를 로컬 저장 장치에 직접 저장하고 관리하기 때문에 대용량 저장 공간을 기반으로 운영된다. 반면에, 클라우딩을 위한 가상 파일 시스템은 데이터를 로컬 저장 장치에 직접 저장하는 경우보다는 지역적으로 분산된 데이터에 대한 지시자만을 관리하는 경우가 더 많다. 이 연구에서는 소규모 클라우딩 환경에서 파일 시스템의 디렉터리 체계를 DB로 유지하면서 모든 데이터 파일들은 지시자로만 관리하는 유닉스 파일 시스템 스타일의 가상 파일 시스템을 설계하여 제안한다. 시험 결과, 트리 구조의 디렉터리 체계가 의도대로 이루어짐이 확인되었다.

JAVA Based Design and Implementation of Web Lecture Authoring Architecture (JAVA 환경에서의 Web Lecture Authoring Architecture의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kwon, Ji-Young;Hwang, Hyo-Sun;Kang, Sook-Min;Cho, Dong-Sub
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07g
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    • pp.2971-2973
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    • 1999
  • 본 논문에서는 사이버 교육의 시스템적 본질을 이해할 수 있도록 사이버교육시스템의 구축 현황을 살펴보고, 실제 JAVA환경(서블릿)에서 평가지원기능을 제공하는 Web Lecture Authoring Architecture를 설계 하였다. 사이버교육 시스템이 제공하는 기능은 크게 과목관리기능, 문제관리기능. 시험관리기능, 성적평가관리기능, 학생관리기능으로 분류할 수 있으며 기존의 사이버 교육 시스템 구축사례에 미흡한 문제은행기능 및 가상시험 기능을 포함하고 있다. Web Lecture Authoring Architecture는 웹을 기반으로 구축하였으며 C/S 환경에서 구축된 시스템과는 달리 Client에 별도의 시스템을 설치할 필요 없이 웹 브라우저만으로 인터넷에서 사이버교육을 제공할 수 있도록 설계하였다는데 의의를 가지고 있다.

  • PDF

Implementation of Mobile Virtual Colored Overlay for People with Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (광과민성 증후군자를 위한 태블릿 PC와 스마트폰 용 가상 색 오버레이 구현)

  • Jang, Young Gun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2013
  • A film colored overlay has been used as an assistive device for dyslexics, Recently, several virtual colored overlays which can be used in computer were developed. But mobile virtual overlay has not been developed yet. In this paper, I implemented a mobile overlay application which is based android operating system and displays a colored overlay of screen all the time while user can freely interact with rest of apps in normal manner by using root window and service. A method is presented to determine the source color of a virtual overlays by estimating alpha value of alpha blending algorithm through measurement of the chromaticity and transmissivity of film overlays and I implemented all colors which are presented by using Intuitive Overlays. Test results of the developed virtual overlay show that all colors of the overlays are almost identical to the colors of Intuitive Overlay by using the chroma meter CS-200A.

A Method for Storativity Compensation in Single Well Test Analysis (단공시험 해석에서 저류계수의 보정방법)

  • Choi, Byong-Soo
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2007
  • In the case of single well pumping tests the storativities are generally overestimated. To compensate these errors, the effective wellbore radius should be introduced as a distance to an imaginary observation well in the time-drawdown analysis. Effective wellbore radius can be calculated through step drawdown tests or using skin factor equation. But both are of trial-and-error methods guessing real storativity values and, therefor, are difficult to apply to the field conditions. An equation was developed to estimate effective wellbore radius from storativity values obtained from pumping well data. For this study, a total of 136 time-drawdown data set were used to derive the equation. The effective wellbore radius were estimated first by changing them till the storativity values obtained from the pumping-well data match the ones based on the observation-well data. Then the equation was regressed from the relation between effective wellbore radius and the storativity values obtained from the pumping-well data. It is believed that the equation would be useful in estimating effective wellbore radius from the single well tests.

VDI deployment and performance analysys for multi-core-based applications (멀티코어 기반 어플리케이션 운용을 위한 데스크탑 가상화 구성 및 성능 분석)

  • Park, Junyong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.10
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    • pp.1432-1440
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    • 2022
  • Recently, as Virtual Desktop Infrastructure(VDI) is widely used not only in office work environments but also in workloads that use high-spec multi-core-based applications, the requirements for real-time and stability of VDI are increasing. Accordingly, the display protocol used for remote access in VDI and performance optimization of virtual machines have also become more important. In this paper, we propose two ways to configure desktop virtualization for multi-core-based application operation. First, we propose a codec configuration of a display protocol with optimal performance in a high load situation due to multi-processing. Second, we propose a virtual CPU scheduling optimization method to reduce scheduling delay in case of CPU contention between virtual machines. As a result of the test, it was confirmed that the H.264 codec of Blast Extreme showed the best and stable frame, and the scheduling performance of the virtual CPU was improved through scheduling optimization.

Development of a Test Environment for Performance Evaluation of the Vision-aided Navigation System for VTOL UAVs (수직 이착륙 무인 항공기용 영상보정항법 시스템 성능평가를 위한 검증환경 개발)

  • Sebeen Park;Hyuncheol Shin;Chul Joo Chung
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.788-797
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we introduced a test environment to test a vision-aided navigation system, as an alternative navigation system when global positioning system (GPS) is unavailable, for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial system. It is efficient to use a virtual environment to test and evaluate the vision-aided navigation system under development, but currently no suitable equipment has been developed in Korea. Thus, the proposed test environment is developed to evaluate the performance of the navigation system by generating input signal modeling and simulating operation environment of the system, and by monitoring output signal. This paper comprehensively describes research procedure from derivation of requirements specifications to hardware/software design according to the requirements, and production of the test environment. This test environment was used for evaluating the vision-aided navigation algorithm which we are developing, and conducting simulation based pre-flight tests.

A Technology on the Framework Design of Virtual based on the Synthetic Environment Test for Analyzing Effectiveness of the Weapon Systems of Underwater Engagement Model (수중대잠전 교전모델의 무기체계 효과도 분석을 위한 합성환경기반 가상시험 프레임워크 설계 기술)

  • Hong, Jung-Wan;Park, Yong-Min;Park, Sang-C.;Kwon, Yong-Jin(James)
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.291-299
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    • 2010
  • As recent advances in science, technology and performance requirements of the weapons system are getting highly diversified and complex, the performance requirements also get stringent and strict. Moreover, the weapons system should be intimately connected with other systems such as watchdog system, command and control system, C4I system, etc. However, a tremendous amount of time, cost and risk being spent to acquire new weapons system, and not being diminished compared to the rapid pace of its development speed. Defense Modeling and Simulation(M&S) comes into the spotlight as an alternative to overcoming these difficulties as well as constraints. In this paper, we propose the development process of virtual test framework based on the synthetic environment as a tool to analyze the effectiveness of the weapons system of underwater engagement model. To prove the proposed concept, we develop the test-bed of virtual test using Delta3D simulation engine, which is open source S/W. We also design the High Level Architecture and Real-time Infrastructure(HLA/RTI) based Federation for the interoperation with heterogeneous simulators. The significance of the study entails (1)the rapid and easy development of simulation tools that are customized for the Korean Theater of War; (2)the federation of environmental entities and the moving equations of the combat entities to manifest a realistic simulation.

Performance Testing of Satellite Image Processing based on OGC WPS 2.0 in the OpenStack Cloud Environment (오픈스택 클라우드 환경 OGC WPS 2.0 기반 위성영상처리 성능측정 시험)

  • Yoon, Gooseon;Kim, Kwangseob;Lee, Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.617-627
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    • 2016
  • Many kinds of OGC-based web standards have been utilized in the lots of geo-spatial application fields for sharing and interoperable processing of large volume of data sets containing satellite images. As well, the number of cloud-based application services by on-demand processing of virtual machines is increasing. However, remote sensing applications using these two huge trends are globally on the initial stage. This study presents a practical linkage case with both aspects of OGC-based standard and cloud computing. Performance test is performed with the implementation result for cloud detection processing. Test objects are WPS 2.0 and two types of geo-based service environment such as web server in a single core and multiple virtual servers implemented on OpenStack cloud computing environment. Performance test unit by JMeter is five requests of GetCapabilities, DescribeProcess, Execute, GetStatus, GetResult in WPS 2.0. As the results, the performance measurement time in a cloud-based environment is faster than that of single server. It is expected that expansion of processing algorithms by WPS 2.0 and virtual processing is possible to target-oriented applications in the practical level.