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Fate and Transport of Cr(VI) Contaminated Groundwater from the Industrial Area in Daejeon (대전 산업단지 지하수의 6가 크롬 오염 및 확산 평가)

  • Chon, Chul-Min;Moon, Sang-Ho;Ahn, Joo-Sung;Kim, Yung-Sik;Won, Jong-Ho;Ahn, Kyoung-Hwan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.403-418
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this research was to characterize the fate and transport of Cr(VI) contaminated groundwater in the Daejeon industrial area. Five subsidiary monitoring wells were newly installed and two existing wells were utilized for the investigation and the reduction process of Cr(VI) contaminated groundwater of the Daejeon(Mun-pyeong) national groundwater monitoring station. The Cr(VI) concentrations at the shallow aquifer well of the station were in the range of 3.2-4.5 mg/L indicating continuous contamination. However, Cr was not detected at the deep bedrock well and the other monitoring wells except MPH-1 and 3. The Cr(VI) concentrations of MPH-1 and MPH-3 were below the drinking water guideline value (0.05 mg/L). Therefore, the plume of the Cr(VI) contaminated groundwater was predicted to be confined within the narrow boundary around the station. The soluble/exchangeable Cr(VI) concentrations were below the detection limit in all core and slime samples taken from the five newly installed wells. Although the exact source of contamination was not directly detected in the study area, the spatial Cr(VI) distribution in groundwater and characteristics of the core samples indicated that the source and the dispersion range were confined within the 100 m area from the monitoring station. The contamination might be induced from the unlined landfill of industrial wastes which was observed during the installation of an subsidiary monitoring well. For the evaluation of the natural attenuation of Cr(VI), available reduction capacities of Cr(VI) with an initial concentration of 5 mg/L were measured in soil and aquifer materials. Dark-gray clay layer samples have high capacities of Cr(VI) reduction ranging from 58 to 64%, which is obviously related to organic carbon contents of the samples. The analysis of reduction capacities implied that the soil and aquifer materials controlled the dispersion of Cr(VI) contamination in this area. However, some possibilities of dispersion by the preferential flow cannot be excluded due to the limited numbers of monitoring wells. We suggest the removal of Cr(VI) contaminated groundwater by periodical pumping, and the continuous groundwater quality monitoring for evaluation of the Cr(VI) dispersion should be followed in the study area.

프린팅 월드 - 일본의 고부가가치 특수인쇄 동향

  • Kim, Sang-Ho
    • 프린팅코리아
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.126-127
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    • 2014
  • 긴 역사를 갖고 있으며 기술력에 자신이 있는 기업이라면 고객에게 새로운 가치를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 특히 고부가가치를 얻을 수 있는 인쇄나 특수 가공을 제공함으로써 사업의 영역과 기회를 확장해 나갈 수 있을 것이다. 일본의 고부가가치 특수인쇄 동향에 대해 알아본다.

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원자폭탄과 수소폭탄

  • Jeong, Un-Hyeok
    • The Science & Technology
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    • v.8 no.2 s.69
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 1975
  • 1.원자폭탄 가.핵분열 나.원자폭탄 2.수소폭탄 가.핵융합 나.수소폭탄 3.핵무기확산과 핵군추현황 가.핵무기 확산 나.핵무기확산방지조약

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우리나라 낙농의 백년대계를 생각하자

  • 신민수
    • 월간낙농육우
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    • v.17 no.10 s.186
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    • pp.110-111
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    • 1997
  • 낙진법 시행령 및 시행규칙을 어떻게 제정하느냐에 따라 우리나라 낙농의 미래가 달려 있다고 보아야 할 것이다. 낙농가의 생존과 직결된 사항이므로 우리나라 낙농 현실을 정확히 파악하여 낙농 산업의 백년대계를 위하고 낙농가의 의사를 적극 반영하여 낙농가의 권익이 확실히 보장 받을 수 있어야 한다.

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수직.수평선,면,곡선과의 대화-건축가 민성진

  • Kim, So-Jin
    • 주택과사람들
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    • s.205
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    • pp.88-89
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    • 2007
  • 도시의 얼굴을 만드는 건축가 민성진. 기존의 형태를 탈피하지 못하고 구태의연하게 모방한 것이라면 이미 죽은 건축물이나 다름없다고 당당히 말하는 그는 모험과 실험 정신으로 늘 새로운 것을 시도한다. 건축가 민성진을 그가 디자인한 압구정동 SDA 건물 3층의 SKM 사무실에서 만났다.

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Age and Growth of Redlip Mullet (Chelon haematocheilus) in the Han River Estuary, Korea (한강 하구역 가숭어 (Chelon haematocheilus)의 연령과 성장)

  • Kim, Min-Kyu;Choi, Keon-Sic;Shin, Moon-Kyung;Kim, Byeong-Pyo;Han, Kyung-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2015
  • Age and growth of redlip mullet, Chelon haematocheilus were determined using samples collected in Han River estuary of Korea from June, 2013 to May, 2014. Age was determined from sagital otoliths and Annul marks were formed in January once a year. In addition, spawning season was estimated in May, thus first ring was formed 8 months. The mullets were principally composed of 0 to 3 years old and the oldest was 9 years old. Relationship between standard length (SL) and total weight (TW) were $TW=0.0124SL^{3.0133}$($r^2=0.9931$). The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated were $L_{\infty}$ 61.3, $W_{\infty}$ 3,230.6, K 0.29/year, $t_0$ - 0.05 year.

Effect of Entrepreneurial Education on Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students : Focused on mediating effect of self-efficacy and Entrepreneurial motivation (기업가정신교육이 대학생들의 창업의도에 미치는 영향 - 자기효능감과 창업동기의 매개효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Jun Hwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2014
  • A consistent agreement has been made among researchers with regards to entrepreneurship as a critical determinant in fostering and promoting start-up new businesses. Many prior studies claim that entrepreneurial education plays a significant role in facilitating and enforcing entrepreneurship among people, and consequently it leads to active creation of new businesses. This study examines practical effectiveness of entrepreneurial education being provided by universities for university students. The findings of the study are summarized as followings. The effect of entrepreneurial education was significantly influencing on entrepreneurial intention of university students. It also turned out entrepreneurial education delivered a significant effect on forming both entrepreneurial motivation and self-efficacy of university students. Mediating effect was appeared partially over the path between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial intention by self-efficacy and entrepreneurial motivation. Discussion and practical implication on the findings are addressed and provided.

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A Evaluation of the Subjective Responses on Image of Night Streetscape (야간가로경관의 이미지에 대한 주관적 반응 평가)

  • Ahn, Hyun-Tae;Choi, Yoon-Seok;Jeong, In-Young;Kim, Jeong-Tai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2007
  • As one of the important metropolitan cities in Asia, Seoul shows vibrant atmosphere in the night as well as daytime. Colorful signboards and outdoor lightings are consists of major night elements. In this research, nightscapes of four major streets in Seoul are photographed to analyze the image of Seoul at night. After preparing of slides, questionnaire survey is conducted to study people's subjective responses on the images of streets at night. After survey, SPSS 10.0 statistical program was used to analyze the results of subjective responses on the nightscapes in Seoul. According to the result, night streetscape 4(showing and business district)shows vibrant and interesting image. Meanwhile, streetscape 1(high-rise with exterior lighting in showing district)shows beautiful and harmonious image. Major factor's are named as 'harmonious' and 'vibrant'. Variable 'arranged' shows the highest coefficient to the variable 'harmonious'. Every variables except the variable 'warm' shows significant difference among the mean values of each variables.

Leaching Properties of Hexavalent Chromium in Sintering Condition of Clinker material (클링커 원료의 소성 조건에 따른 6가 크롬 용출 특성)

  • Lee, Jung-Hui;Park, Nam-Kyu;Jung, Yon-Jo;Chu, Yong-Sik;Song, Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.549-552
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    • 2008
  • The cement is accomplished with CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3, etc. After pulverizing materials of the limestone, the sand and the clay(shale), iron ore, the cement becomes clinker materials sintering from the rotary kiln of oxidizing atmosphere. The part in the materials of the clinker is substituted with slag, sludge etc. and it is used. because The chromium which is to be included in the clinker materials, in sintering process hexavalent chromium is converted with the chrome. Consequently it changed the type and a content of clinker materials and test hexavalent chromium of the clinkers which is manufactured.

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