• Title/Summary/Keyword: 表現

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The Emotional Expression Character study of Utilizing Advertising Media (문자를 활용한 매체광고의 감성적 표현)

  • Kim, Young-Kook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.166-174
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    • 2010
  • As the speed of social change consumers' buying patterns change, with an effective and competitive means of communication is an effort to find ads world. Characters have to maximize its own image, the character font used for the situation fits perfectly expressed in the formative Calligraphy differentiated pay plan as part of Calligraphy is considered. People feel in the hand by writing letters that can not be standardized as a strong symbol and symbolism, and the appeal and beauty, dynamic motion, mystery, and can be expressed. Design disciplines across all areas of Calligraphy extensive coverage, digital coolness of the hard preparation for the soft and warm lyricism analogue availability is required to meet contemporary needs. Media ads that emphasize the use of the Calligraphy emotional representation of the contents of the ads favorable to improve cognitive function, attention, recall of positive affect and, therefore, character-driven emotional expression as an art communications capabilities with one of the media is situated in the heart of the culture.

Comparative study of the Color of Ottchil and Porcelaine150 Painting of Metal Surfaces (옻칠과 포셀린150 페인팅의 금속 표면 색상 비교 연구)

  • Noh, Young-Ran;Choi, Yeun-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.659-666
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    • 2016
  • Effect of color is to the human in modern society, has become an important element from the mental psychological aspects. Color is to heal the dry emotion directed the feelings and emotions that occur in the message visually the human mind, the environment plays a role that will enhance the value of life in accordance with the color that has been expressed. In this study, the metal jewelry on the sides to eliminate monotonous color expression of the metal using a Ottchil and Porcelaine 150 paint by applying the method of representing, it shows changes in various colors. Chapter and comparative analysis to produce a metal piece of Ottchil and Porcelaine 150 paint. It was derived as a result of the defect. Advantage is a method in combination of this, in comparison with the general method of metal color expression, were able to variously express color effect, since the role of the surface coating, to prevent the vessels discoloration the variable problems can give complemented on. The disadvantage is, Ottchil appears Ottchil up phenomenon by constitution, Porcelaine 150 paint, when used in the dishes in the chemical composition, can be harmful to health. To apply to work in the this reference, trying to contribute to the practicality of implementation and artistry.

A Double Z-buffer Antialiasing Method for Voxelized Implicit Surfaces (복셀로 표현된 임플리시트 곡면을 위한 시프트(shifted) 더블 Z-버퍼 앤티 앨리어싱)

  • 김학란;박화진
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 2004
  • This paper aims at presenting high quality at low resolution apply by a new antialiasing method for voxelized implicit surfaces. Implicit surfaces create a unique type of 3D-modeling. Some use of implicit surfaces are scientific and medical visualization, animation, medical simulation and interactive modeling. One of previous antialiasing methods for implicit surfaces presented by raytracing or texture mapping is making use of a stochastic sampling. But this method requires more calculation time and costs which is caused by complicated and difficult implicit functions. In the meanwhile, voxelized implicit surfaces generally use high resolution for good quality images but it costs to generate. In order to this problem, this paper suggests a shifted double Z-buffer which is very simple, more efficient and easy. Tn addition, there are applied box-filter and tent-filter to the double Z-buffer antialiasing method for better images. For results this method generate high quality image and it is easy to apply to various filters and is able to extend to multi Z-buffer.

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A Hybrid Mobile Business Card Production and Management System (하이브리드 모바일 명함제작 및 관리시스템)

  • Kim, Mok-Ryun;Park, Young-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2008
  • Recently, as the increase in interaction between the person and the person, the people plentifully use the business card to exchange personal information. So, the people have many business cards. Thus, the people are liable to lose the business cards and finding a wanted business card is very difficult in the huge business cards in offline. And, the people think the business card is a way, which can express individuality. So, the people want to have the business card, which has individuality. Thus, this paper proposes the card system, which is satisfied to solve many problems of the card system in offline and express individuality. The proposed business card system can produce various business cards and puts contents such as video, photo, voice into business cards via mobile devices in anywhere, anytime. Also, this business card system follows the vCard format, which is a file format standard for personal data interchange. Finally, we provide with content-based business card retrieval using video and photo inserted into business cards. Thus, this paper proposes the hybrid business card system, which is satisfied to produce business cards expressed individuality and follows the vCard format.

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A Study on the Mode of Address and Meaning Creation of Underlight in Broadcasting Lighting (방송조명에서 언더라이트의 표현 양식과 의미 창출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Park, Gooman
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.749-759
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    • 2016
  • As image contents in broadcasting have been created in HDTVs and monitors have been commercialized, facial expression of objects in broadcasting lighting has become a very significant task. Figure modeling of objects in HDTVs requires smoother and cleaner video images owing to the expansion of precision of image expression by light. Lighting methods that enlighten characters in the digital generation have come to require a new change. Character modeling methods used on expression features of underlight are receiving attention for aesthetic expression of figures in HD images. Accordingly, the influence of underlight light source intensity, distance, and size on character modeling characteristics was experimentally measured and comparatively analyzed. The experiment results show that good results can be obtained only when the intensity is 17%∼25.5% in contrast to total brightness, distance is beyond 40cm, and the size is at least 20cm, to exhibit the optimum effect of underlight. This data will become material with high usage to gain smoother and cleaner images of characters in future high-quality images.

Development of a Comprehensive Flood Index through Standardizing Distributions of Runoff Characteristics (유출특성 분포함수의 표준화를 통한 종합홍수지수의 개발)

  • Wi, Sung-Wook;Chung, Gun-Hui;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.605-617
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    • 2008
  • This study developed a flood index which evaluates runoff characteristics. Runoff characteristics expressed in a hydrograph were reflected in the flood index in the form of characteristic factors such as a rising curve gradient, a peak discharge, a flood response time, and a flood discharge volume prior to peak. This study applied the standardization method to estimate the relative severity of the characteristic factors by transforming the distribution of characteristic factors into the standard normal distribution. The flood index developed in this study is a comprehensive flood index (CFI) which makes up for the weak points of a flash flood index (FFI) in determining relative severities. The CFI was applied to Han River basin and Selma River basin, and was compared with the FFI based on the correlation analysis and the regression analysis. The CFI could comprehensively evaluate flood runoff characteristics because the CFI is not dominated by a specific characteristic factor, and the CFI could explain more efficiently the relationship between rainfall and runoff than the FFI.

Representation Method of Viewpoint-based Directional Relationship for 3-Dimensional Graphic Databases (3차원 그래픽 데이타베이스를 위한 시점기반의 방향관계 표현 기법)

  • 황종하;백중환;황수찬
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2003
  • Spatial relations among objects we one of the most frequently used searching criteria for a query based on the contents of 3-D images. However, the existing researches have mainly focused only the absolute directional relations based on a fixed viewpoint in 2-D images. So, this paper presents a representation method of viewpoint based directional relations that enables spatial relations among objects to be retrieved based on a viewpoint of an observer. The retrieval technique based on our method is a]so described. In this paper, the notion of 3D string is defined to express the spatial relations in a 3-D space. A retrieval method based on relative directional relations among objects from a viewpoint of an observer is also presented. The proposed method simplifies the retrieval of viewpoint-based directional relations because 2D+1D scheme reduces the dimension.

Direction Relation Representation and Reasoning for Indoor Service Robots (실내 서비스 로봇을 위한 방향 관계 표현과 추론)

  • Lee, Seokjun;Kim, Jonghoon;Kim, Incheol
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.211-223
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a robot-centered direction relation representation and the relevant reasoning methods for indoor service robots. Many conventional works on qualitative spatial reasoning, when deciding the relative direction relation of the target object, are based on the use of position information only. These reasoning methods may infer an incorrect direction relation of the target object relative to the robot, since they do not take into consideration the heading direction of the robot itself as the base object. In this paper, we present a robot-centered direction relation representation and the reasoning methods. When deciding the relative directional relationship of target objects based on the robot in an indoor environment, the proposed methods make use of the orientation information as well as the position information of the robot. The robot-centered reasoning methods are implemented by extending the existing cone-based, matrix-based, and hybrid methods which utilized only the position information of two objects. In various experiments with both the physical Turtlebot and the simulated one, the proposed representation and reasoning methods displayed their high performance and applicability.

Creating Expressive and Experimental Typography and Typeface by Utilizing Scriptographer: Focused on Rush Type and Celestial Type (스크립토그래퍼를 활용한 표현적 실험 타이포그래피 및 활자체의 창작: <질주하는 활자>와 <천상의 활자>를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Namoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.203-214
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    • 2015
  • Before the digital age, the main tools used for printing out letters were pen and brush. Therefore, forms and styles of the languages modelled out during the age also revolved around the pen and brush. However, new tools and techniques introduced in the digital age to express typography put this limit in the shade. In other words, the user can make expressive and experimental typography and typefaces quickly and easily, by learning and utilizing new tools efficiently. As such, this study is to explore those cases, to understand characters and meanings of expressive and experimental typography within the context of typography history, to introduce a new tool, 'Scriptographer' developed by means of the open-source scripting plug-in for Adobe Illustrator, and to discuss the advantages, disadvantages and applicability of this tool. Further on, through case analysis of successful preceding projects, the researcher arranges a practical foundation, and estimates the practicality of this research through experimental typography series, Rush Type and Celestial Type, created by using Scriptographer.

A Study on Convergence Expression Using Transfer Printing Techniques in Contemporary Ceramic Art (현대 도예의 전사기법을 활용한 융복합 표현에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Koung-Ju;Choi, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.333-338
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    • 2017
  • Modern ceramics art has various expression techniques. Among them, the digitization of modern society has led to the development of the transfer printing technique, and the technique of transfer printing has been utilized as medium of expression of modern ceramics. However, the transfer printing technique is merely uniform and does not give enough information to utilize the artistic expression of the craftsmen using the technique of decal rather than actively utilizing it in the field for mass production. Therefore. In this paper, we will examine the works of contemporary pottery artists who understand the meaning of the transfer printing technique and express the artist 's personality and artistry with transfer printing technique, so that the transfer printing technique can enhance the aesthetic and artistic effect of ceramic art as the expression medium of modern ceramics. We want to lay the foundations for a higher value-added industry.