• Title/Summary/Keyword: 意識形態

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헤이안쿄[平安京]의 변용과 중세 초기 정권도시

  • 오노 마사토시
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.4-31
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    • 2013
  • 본고는 중세도시연구의 관점에서 도성 헤이안쿄(平安京)가 중세 교토(京都)로 변화하는 계기와 그 의미, 그것이 새로운 무가(武家) 정권도시(政權都市)에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지에 대하여 논하였다. 율령제 마지막 도성인 헤이안쿄는 천황을 절대적 정점으로 한 중앙집권이 동심원구조로 구현된 '왕성(王城)의 땅'이었으나, 10세기 후반 이후 도성의 구심점이었던 내리(內裏)가 헤이안큐(平安宮) 밖으로 나오는 등의 변화가 시작되었고, 도성의 이념과 틀이 급속하게 해체 변용되었다. 또 고대왕권을 대신하여 새로운 형태로 왕권과 여러 권력을 담당한 원(院)과 롱관가(瀧關家), 대두하는 무가권력 등이 그 본거지에 권력의 개성과 시대성을 반영한 새로운 경관과 공간원리를 생성하였다. 그것은 다음과 같은 공통점을 갖는다. (1) 큰 정토정원을 갖는 御堂(사찰)과 세트를 이룬 御所(천황의 거소). (2)황통(천황가 내의 계통)과 가족의 상징으로서 조상을 모신 분묘를 중심으로 한 도시형성. (3) 내리를 기점으로 남북으로 주축을 갖는 고대도성과 달리, 어당과 어소가 동서로 배열된 동서가로를 주축으로 한 도시계획. (4) 수도와 외부를 잇는 교통의 결절점에 입지하였고, 특히 하천변을 향해 적극적으로 확장된 도시. 일본 중세는 무가정권의 시대를 맞이하여 도고쿠(東國) 초기 무가정권의 본거지 히라이즈미(平泉)와 최초의 막부가 열린 가마쿠라(鎌倉)가 모델로 한 것은 '도성 헤이안큐'가 아니라 헤이안큐 수도 밖 신도시의 경관과 공간원리였다. 특히 히라이즈미와 가마쿠라 등이 가정기관(家政機關)과 조상의 묘를 중심으로 한 '가족 원리'에 따른 정권도시를 적극적으로 수용한 것은 단순한 도시의 모방이 아니라 주종관계를 축으로 의제적인 '집(家) 원리'로 권력이 형성된 무가에는 더욱 어울리는 논리이며, 또 고대와는 다른 새로운 시대의 논리였기 때문이다. 그 한편으로 무가의 대들보로서 무사들에 의해 추대된 초기 무가정권은 도시의 논리와 경관을 도입하였을 뿐 아니라 그들과 공통의 가치관을 표현하는 것도 중요한 요소였다. 그것이 최신의 도시를 모방한 어당과, 그것과는 대조적인 도고쿠 무가의 전통적인 어소의 병립이라는 종교공간과 정치 일상공간에서의 권위표상의 의식적인 분리에 의해 표현되었다. 히라이즈미와 가마쿠라에서는 유통, 상공업 등의 도시기능과 도시적인 경관이 정비되기까지 약 50년의 시간이 경과할 필요가 있었다. 12세기 일본의 무가정권은 스스로의 거점으로서 도시를 기획, 형성하는 의식과 실현하는 능력을 얼마나 가지고 있었는가 검토가 필요하다. 명확한 동아시아모델의 도성을 실현함으로써 왕권의 존재를 드러낸 고대 율령정권과의 차이점은 매우 크다. 이후 무가가 권력의 의도를 도시구조로서 명확하게 드러낸 것은 15세기 후반의 전국시대 다이묘(大名)의 죠카마치(城下町)로부터이다. 특히 16세기 후반부터 천하통일을 실현한 오다 노부나가, 도요토미 히데요시의 연합정권에서는 구체적인 성(城)과, 그 성을 중심으로 한 계층성을 명시한 죠카마치의 공간설계가 있었다. 여기서는 다시금 '도시의 경관'이 명확한 권력의 상징으로서 기능하게 된 것이다.

Lessons from Data Repository GDR (Geoscience Data Repository) Building Experience (데이터 리포지토리 GDR 구축 경험과 교훈)

  • Han, JongGyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Information Management Conference
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    • 2017.08a
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    • pp.100-100
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    • 2017
  • 100년의 역사를 지닌 한국지질자원연구원(KIGAM)은 국내 유일의 지질자원 전문연구기관으로서 그간 생산한 조사 연구데이터는 우리나라 과학기술의 귀중한 역사적 학술적 가치가 큰 유산으로써 보존 가치가 매우 크다고 할 수 있다. 하지만 현재 KIGAM의 상황은 최종성과물 위주로 자료관리가 이루어지고 있으며, 조사 연구 과정에서 생산된 암석 토양 지하수샘플이나 조사 탐사장비를 통해 얻어지는 자료는 연구자 또는 연구실 팀에서 개별적으로 관리하고 있다. 이러한 자료관리체계는 자료의 공동 활용이 어렵고, 자료를 보유하고 있는 연구자의 퇴직이나, 조직개편으로 인한 팀 실의 분리 과정에서 자료의 손실과 훼손 가능성이 높고, 누가 어디에 어떤 자료를 무슨 형태로 보관하고 있는지 찾기 어려워 자료의 재활용도가 떨어질 뿐만 아니라, 이로 인한 중복 조사 연구 가능성도 배제할 수 없다. KIGAM은 지질자원분야 국가데이터센터 구축을 목표로 연구과정에서 생산되는 연구데이터의 체계적인 관리와 공유, 활용체계 구축을 위해 2015년도에 기획사업을 통해 중장기 로드맵을 포함한 추진전략을 수립하였으며, 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI)의 DataNest를 기술이전받아 지질자원 연구데이터 리포지토리 시스템(GDR: Geoscience Data Repository)를 개발하였다. GDR 시스템 개발을 위해 연구데이터 분류코드를 작성하였으며, 2016년부터 데이터관리계획(DMP: Data Management Plan)을 주요사업 연구계획서 양식에 포함시켜 제출하도록 하였다. 과거 KIGAM은 연구데이터를 수집, 관리하기 위해 몇 차례에 걸쳐 시도를 했지만 실패한 경험을 가지고 있다. 실패 요인에는 (1) 관련 정책, 제도, 조직, 인력, 예산 등 데이터 관리 인프라 부재, (2) 연구사업에서 생산된 데이터는 개인소유라는 인식 및 공유 의식 부족, (3) 데이터 관리 활동은 귀찮은 것이고, 시간 낭비라는 인식, (4) 데이터 관리 공개 공유 활동에 대한 보상체계 부재 등을 꼽을 수 있다. 즉, 제도를 포함한 인프라 부족과 경영진과 구성원의 인식부족이 제일 큰 원인으로 판단된다. 성공적인 연구데이터 관리를 위해서는 지속적이고 꾸준한 투자가 이루어져야 하지만 경영진의 의지에 따라 사업이 중단되기도 한다. 이러한 과거의 실패 요인에 대한 해결 없이 지난 1년 6개월 정도의 GDR 운영은 지지부진하였다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 국가차원의 제도적 뒷받침이 따라야 한다. 즉 국가 R&D 성과물 관리차원에서 연구데이터를 주요 성과물로 관리해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 연구사업계획서에 DMP를 포함시키고, 연구주제 및 분야별로 데이터센터(혹은 데이터 리포지토리)를 지정하고, 국가 R&D에서 생산되는 연구데이터를 의무적으로 제출하도록 하는 것이다. 또한 데이터센터의 안정적이고 지속적인 운영을 위해 연구사업비 항목에 데이터 관리비를 신설하여 데이터센터의 운영비로 사용하도록 하면 예산문제도 어느 정도 해결 될 수 있을 것으로 본다. 또한 데이터 제출 및 인용도에 따라 데이터 생산부서 혹은 생산자에게 평가점수를 부여하는 등 보상체계 마련을 위한 연구도 필요할 것으로 보인다. 국가 R&D 연구데이터의 수집, 관리, 공유, 활용을 제대로 성공시키려면 국가 R&D 최고정책결정자의 지속적인 관심과 지원이 필수적이다.

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A study on 'Life-giving function' of Dance as a performing arts (공연예술로서 무용의 '생명적 기능'에 관한 연구)

    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.33
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    • pp.195-222
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    • 2016
  • This study says that giving a life through the mixed power of motions which can not be fixed. It is a fundamental activity of the art of dance. In the fact, the art of dance is defined as the most instinctive and intuitive arts show that dance is a harmony of emotion on the body, thus, this view wants to discuss the relations between "sense and body". This view doesn't focus on the mere motions of dancing form, but characterizes dance as an art of another vitality through the mixture and combination of these motions. In other words, this study emphasizes that dance transcends time and space on stages, and that dance, as an expression of identity, is an art which shows a sense from inside of human. Therefore, when we want to understand the true meaning of the art of dance, we should attend what attributes of dance define it as an art and show its creative. This study, thus, seeing those attributes as the life-giving function of dance, aims to help understand the principle meaning of the art of dance that realizes creation as well as the attitudes of audience who appreciate the art of dance. And by doing so, this study contemplates how we should see the creative idea of choreography, forming sympathy and the art of dance.

China, the United States and Japan's animation film creation style of comparative study (중·미·일 애니메이션영화 창작스타일 비교연구)

  • Yang, jian-hua
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.39
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    • pp.221-235
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    • 2013
  • Through the comparative analysisand inductive research on main creation styles of Chinese, American and Japanese animation films, a conclusion can be given out, which means that the animation film style of each country can hardly be formed without their own traditional painting art, aesthetics habits and ways of thinking. It is these characteristics that form their unique animation film style. America emphasizes realism art, development and utilization of new technology, Japan pays sepcial attention totraditional painting art and comic stories. In business aspect, they bring about different business models relying on the experience of satisfying the diverse needs of domestic and global entertainment markets. When it comes to the content field, they carry forward universal values and meet the individualistic heroismso that a variety of business animation films and art animation films find their ways into the global market and acquire great popularity among audiences from all over the world. Through the comparasion of American and Japanese animation films, a new view to analyze the animation films of China is created. Animation creation is largely based on the need of socialist ideology from 50s to 80s. Even though the purposes of animation film creations returned to satisfying the diverse requirements of commercial markets and audiences, the consequences, such as the break gap of creations and talents, the lack of diverse creative styles and commercial market operation mechanism, sitll affect China's animation films today. Japan found thier position from the American model and became successful. Nowadays, China need find our own creative style and position from American model and Japanese model. And the systematic reformings that are detailed in the government managements, industry standards, internationalized talents cultivation and accumulation are the essential point.

A study on the ideological foundation of Park jin-young[朴震英] - Mainly studied the relationship of Jung gu[鄭逑] - (광서(匡西) 박진영(朴震英)의 사상적 토대 고찰 - 한강(寒岡) 정구(鄭逑)를 위시한 사승(師承) 관계를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, hyung-tae
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.54
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    • pp.235-252
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    • 2014
  • This paper is examining the ideological underpinnings of Park Jin-young[朴震英]. He was intellectual activity is based on Haman[咸安] Gyeongsang-namdo[慶尙南道]. And He was causing the Righteous Army[義兵] saved the country from the crisis of Imjin War[壬辰倭亂, 1592~1598] and the Byongja War[丙子胡亂, 1636~1637] in Mid-Joseon[朝鮮] Dynasty. Therefore, he had to practice patriotism and love people. The purpose of this paper is centered on the acts of Park Jin-young to focus on its ideological foundation to be sure. A cause[大義名分] was laying on the side and the real meaning of the terms of participation and his a far-sighted view [達觀] ever conduct of life[處世] divided into such discussions were developed. In addition, the formation of his ideas around the Jung gu[鄭逑] influenced correlating it with the teacher and student relationships were investigated. Park Jin-young is Im-Byeong War[壬丙兩難] since emerged on the Joseon [朝鮮] Social Jon-ju[尊周] thought was one of the representative figures. His mentor Jung gu was the cause, seriously. And he cause, the influence of the teacher very seriously here was typical of that era. The people loved teacher. And his disciples to overcome difficulties that influence the Righteous Army sought to raise the country. His teachers have taught him Confucian influence. And behave appropriately when life. Park Jin-young acted appropriately when affected by such a life. Consequently, he was a true intellectual in those times.

A Background Study of 'Haenyeo Uprising Song' in the Jeju Haenyeo Anti-Japanese Movement (제주해녀항일운동에 나타난 '해녀항쟁가' 배경 연구)

  • Moon, Hyojin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.754-764
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    • 2022
  • This study began with a reflection and review of looking back on the anti-Japanese movement of Jeju Haenyeo. The Jeju Haenyeo Anti-Japanese Movement is the largest women's solidarity movement in Korea, with the struggle for the right to survive expanding to the anti-Japanese movement. Kang Kwan-Soon of young intellectuals in Jeju carried out an enlightenment campaign and made the unfair lives of Haenyeo into song lyrics to promote the anti-Japanese consciousness. 'Song of Haenyeo' has been excluded from the record for reasons of using Japanese melodies of 'Tokyo March', not traditional folk songs, and the socialist forces behind it. The study of Jeju Haenyeo is an important basic reference for the study of the anti-Japanese movement that successfully led the Jeju Haenyeo's human rights struggle. Oral tradition songs are the most fundamental art form. Through this research to revive the spirit of the anti-Japanese movement and remember the value of their sacrifices and contributions through comparative of the two songs.

A Study on the Designing by the Personification Technique (의인화 기법으로 소구하는 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Se Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Floral Art and Design
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    • no.42
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2020
  • Anthropomorphism is one of the commonly used appeal methods in the field of communication design. Almost all visual images that humans encounter are exposed to this anthropomorphism, and we are consciously or unconsciously utilizing or being used. In addition, anthropomorphism can be found in almost all cultures and arts rather than in a specific field of study. Therefore, in this paper, the personification is redefined based on the relationship formation structure based on the anthropomorphic cases observed in culture and art and the results of previous studies. In addition, the personification form is defined as two kinds of personification and inverse personification according to the subject of relationship formation based on the personification type and gesture list derived from the previous study on the personification technique. Through the application cases of anthropomorphic techniques, which are appealed across the design domain, the effective anthropomorphic application system was defined. The definition of anthropomorphic relationship formation and anthropomorphic application system provided a framework for anthropomorphic techniques that could lead to effective audience satisfaction in various media. In addition, through the personification application system that synchronizes the characteristics of the conceptual traits of the medium with the gesture list and the personification type classification, it was confirmed that a device for communicating with the owner can be provided with a powerful and effective personification technique.

The Forming Mechanism of Brain Text and Brain Concept in the Theory of Ethical Literary Criticism (뇌텍스트(Brain Text) 및 뇌개념(Brain Concept)의 형성원리와 문학윤리학비평)

  • Nie, Zhenzhao;Yoon, Seokmin
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.193-215
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    • 2019
  • According to ethical literary criticism, every type of literature has its text. The original definition of oral literature refers to the literature disseminated orally. Before the dissemination, the text of oral literature is stored in the human brain, which is termed as "brain text". Brain text is the textual form used before the formation of writing symbols and its application to a recording of information, and it still exists after the creation of writing symbols. Other types of texts are written text and electronic text. Brain text consists of brain concepts, which, according to different sources, can be divided into objective concepts and abstractive concepts. Brain concepts are tools for thinking while thought comes from thinking with understanding and an application of brain concepts. Brain text is the carrier of thought. The termination of the synthesis of brain concepts signifies the completion of thinking, which produces thoughts to form brain text. Brain text determines thinking and behavioral patterns that not only communicate and spread information, but also decide our ideas, thoughts, judgments, choices, actions and emotions. Brain text is also a deciding factor for our lifestyle and moral behaviors. The nature of a person's brain text determines his thoughts and actions, and most importantly determines who he is.

Effects of the Russia's Ukraine Invasion on the Korea National Security (러시아의 우크라이나침공이 한국안보에 미치는 영향)

  • Jong Wha Lim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2023
  • On the day of 24 February 2022, Ukraine was invaded by Russia which signed to ensure definitely the Ukraine's national sovereignty, territorial integrity and security under the UN General Assembly Security Council A/49/765, named as the Budapest Agreement. This invasion is the 2nd invasion succeeded in Crimean Peninsula invasion of March 2014 after the Ukraine's national independence in 1991 from the USSR. However this invasion has been continuing for much more than one year. Although Ukraine President appealed the 'peace' toward Russia and claimed also to justify the Budapest Agreement of 1994 toward U.S.A., even any justifications were not appealed. The critical moment of the national abolition could be escaped from the unified desperate spirit of all nations including the president, political-social leaders and military members. Such patriotic and self-help spirits in Ukraine resulted in the active supports from the U.S.A., western and eastern free democratic countries, NATO and EU, and even the neutral countries. Furthermore these supports are increasing much more day-after-day. The lessons which the Ukraine War offers to the Korean national security should be cored with the development of self-reliant national defense capabilities, self-strenuous efforts and unity strengthening of the Korean-U.S. Alliance with the deep confidence.

The Melodic Structure of the Bulmosan Youngsanjae, Ongho-ge (불모산 영산재 범패 옹호게의 선율구조)

  • Choi, Heon
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.34
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    • pp.383-421
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    • 2017
  • Because the Jitsori and the Hotsori of the Beompae(the Korean Budhhist chant) has no meter and no Jangdan(a Rhythmic cycle of the Korean Music), so it is hard to analyze the melody of the Beompae. Also the melody of the Beompae is different from that of the other Korean traditional music, so studying of the Beompae has been out of the limelight of many scholars, studying the Korean music. But the melody of Beompae had been handed down for thousands of years in Korea, it and other Korean trditional music, had exchanged the impacts each other for a longtime. So I thinks that the Korean Beomapae have shared the similarity of the musical features with the other Korean traditional music. Because the Beompae of the Bulmosan Yeongsanjae on the Geongsangnamdo province has also no meters and no Jangdan, it is difficult to understand, too. But because the Onghoge of Bulmosan Yeongsanjae have a well-regulated melodic structure in comparison with the Beompae of the Seoul province, so called Geongjae Beompae, it seem to be easy to analyze its melody. So I will analyze the melody of Bulmosan Yeongsanjae Onghoge. This analyze should be contribute to investigate the rule of the melodic progress method on the convoluted Beompae melody. Onghoge has been sung on the procedure for Siryeon, Samsiniun(Goebuliun), Jojeonjeoman, Sinjungjakbeop. And the monk for the ritual has sung the chant first to purify the ritual place and to protect the soul. They has called the song, Onghoge a Jitsori at the Bulmosan Yeongsanjae preservation society of the Gyeongnam province. Commonly, there were Jitsori and Hotsori in the Beompae melody, and the melody of Jitsori is longer than that of the Hotsori. So, the melody of Onghoge is lengthened. In other word, the melody of the Onghoge show the lengthened and curved melodic feture of the Beompae very well. Hahn Manyeong, who had studied on the Beompae, Budhhist chant, said that the Hotsori has five letters in a phrase, and there were 4 phrases in a song. And he had insisted that the form of the song, Hotsori, is ABAB. I analyze the melody of the Onghoge by the Hahn's method. I will extract the Wonjeom(a primary tone of a skeletal melodic structure) from the melody of Onghoge, and in the progress of the Wonjeom of Onghoge melodies, I will arrange the repeat of the Wonjeom melody. It is a structural melody of Onghoge. The first phrase of Bulmosan Yeongsanjae Onghoge, 'Pal bu geum gang ho do ryang(八部金剛護道場)' have 4 structural melodies, the second phrase 'Gong sin sog bu bo cheon wang(空神速赴報天王)', the third phrase 'Sam gye je cheon ham le jip(三界諸天咸來集)', the firth phrase 'Yeo geum bul chal bo jeong sang(如今佛刹補禎祥)' have 2 structural melodies each. The structural melodies of Onghoge are 10 in total. And the structural melody of the Onghoge is formed the shape of 'Mi - La - do - La - Mi'. All of the Onghoge melodies is repeated 10 times by the melodic shape. The form of the Onghoge is not ABAB by Hahn, but is 10 times repeat of the shape.