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Forage Productivity and Quality of Triticale and Rye (Triticale과 호밀의 청예사료 생산성)

  • Lee, Suk-Soon;Park, Chan-Ho;Chang, Young-Dong
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.388-397
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    • 1985
  • Forage productivity and sequential changes in forage quality of four rye and two triticale varieties were studied. All the observed characteristics were similar among rye or triticale varieties, but they were different between rye and triticale varieties. Early growth of rye was better compared to triticale varieties, but at heading stage yield in dry weight, digestible dry matter and percent dry matter of triticale were higher compared to rye varieties. Heading stage of rye was earlier than that of triticale by 11 - 14 days. Triticale had longer and broader leaf blades and a higher leaf blade/total dry weight ratio compared to rye. Protein content decreased as plant growth advanced and it was higher in rye before heading, but it was similar after heading compared to triticale. Cellulose and lignin contents of rye increased through 20 days after heading. However, in triticale cellulose increased until heading stage and it levelled off, but lignin content increased rapidly after heading. Among the crude fibers, only acid detergent fibers(ADF) was negatively correlated with in vitro dry matter digestibility(IVDMD) in both rye and triticale. IVDMD of rye decreased rapidly after heading, but it was maintained as high as heading stage up to 15 days after heading in triticale. Protein content and IVDMD in leaf blades were higher than those of culm + leaf sheath, hemicellulose was similar, and cellulose, lignin, and ADF in leaf blades were lower compared to culm + leaf sheath. In the early and middle part of April rye was superior to triticale as a soiling crop because of a better plant growth of rye under the low temperature conditions, but in the later part of April and early part of May triticale was superior to rye because of a rapid decreased in IVDMD of rye after heading and a late maturing characteristics of triticale. Planting both rye and triticale could prolong the utilization period of the soiling crops and increase in yield with better quality compared to a single crop of rye or triticale.

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Scenario-Based Analysis on the Effects of Green Areas on the Improvement of Urban Thermal Environment (녹지 조성 시나리오에 따른 도시 열환경 개선 효과 분석)

  • Min, Jin-Kyu;Eum, Jeong-Hee;Sung, Uk-Je;Son, Jeong-Min;Kim, Ju-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2022
  • To alleviate the urban heat island phenomenon, this study aims to quantitatively analyze the effects of neighborhood green spaces on the improvement of the thermal environment based on detailed scenarios of five types of green spaces, including parks, pocket parks, parking lot greening, roadside planting, and rooftop-wall greening. The ENVI-met 4.4.6v model, a microclimate simulation program, was used to analyze the effects of green spaces. As a result, it was found that the air temperature decreased as the planting density of the park increased, but the thermal comfort index PET, which is the degree of heat sensation felt by humans, was not directly proportional to temperature. The establishment of a pocket park reduced air temperature up to a radius of 56m, while the range of temperature reduction increased by about 12.5% when three additional pocket parks were established at 250m intervals. Unlike the air temperature, PET was only affected in the vicinity of the planted area, so there was no significant difference in the thermal comfort of the surrounding environment due to the construction of pocket parks. Changing the surface pavement from asphalt to lawn blocks and implementing rooftop or wall greening did not directly act as solar shading but positively affected air temperature reduction; PET showed no significant difference. Roadside planting showed a higher air temperature reduction effect as the planting interval was narrower, but PET was not directly proportional to tree density. In the case of shrub planting under trees, it did not significantly affect the air temperature reduction but positively affected the improvement of thermal comfort. This study can outline strategies for constructing neighborhood green spaces to solve the urban heat island phenomena and establish detailed strategies for efficient thermal environment improvements.

A Study on the Selection of Evaluation Index for Private-Initiated Park Development Project Using FGI (Focus Group Interview) (FGI를 활용한 민간공원 특례사업 평가항목 선정 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Ho;Kim, Gun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.70-83
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to select evaluation items that can be used in planning park creation to evaluate the proposal to solve the environmental and social problems in promoting private-initiated park development projects. To this end, evaluation items that can consider various aspects of the development project were selected, and the indicators' validity and appropriateness were carried out through an expert Focus Group Interview (FGI). Firstly, an expert FGI was performed for six major categories and 50 evaluation items derived from literature reviews and brainstorming. As a result, five major and 27 middle category items were selected. Based on the derived major and middle classification items, 95 detailed items were selected. Secondly, 55 sub-items were derived through a suitability questionnaire. As a result of the suitability survey, the average scores of the subcategories for the major categories of natural environment, function of parks, and use of land were relatively high. The average scores for environmental index items such as ecology/vegetation, topography and slope, landscape, park service, wildlife, wide-area ecosystem, and park items were high in the middle classification. The average score of indicators in the natural environment was relatively high, and the average score in the function of parks also soared. In the environmental impact assessment, the occurrence of plan change issues, including the reappraisal of the location, led to unclear detailed evaluation factors for the faithfulness of the plan and the appropriateness of the plan direction. This study is significant in that it is a study on the selection of evaluation items that can minimize the problem of plan alteration and achieve objective evaluation when promoting development projects. This study could be used to forward development projects in the future and evaluate long-term unexecuted urban parks.

Service Philosophy as Wisdom for Human Society Development (인류사회 발전 지혜로서의 서비스철학)

  • Hyunsoo Kim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to prove that the service philosophy is the development principle of human society in the service age. From ancient times to the present, the service philosophy was tried to show the wisdom of the development of human society in all earth spaces including the East and the West. In addition, it tried to prove that the service philosophy was at the center of the development wisdom of many countries and individuals who flickered on all space on earth and all human time. The study showed that the differences between countries were in software rather than hardware. Furthermore, it was analyzed that countries with a service philosophy embedded in the center of software such as spirit and culture made a great contribution to human society. The cases of Greece and Rome, the Republic of Venice, the Republic of the Netherlands, followed by the United States and modern Korea prove this, and the Soviet Union can be seen to disprove it. The former was a society in which state-run software was strong, and the latter was a society in which hardware was strong. There is a big difference between the case of the state, which citizens have autonomously organized and operated, and the case of the upper-level state-led operation. Since the leadership of the upper classes is not based on the service philosophy, the accumulated software power is weak, so it can be said that the accumulation of wisdom in human society is weak. Therefore, while the essence of human society so far has been a society of self-centered animal ecosystems led by selfishness, the human society in the service age from now on can be said to be a society of plant ecosystems where mutual respect and self-centeredness coexist. Just as the society centered on the service philosophy in the past human society prospered and left a greater legacy to mankind, it is suggested that the human society in the future service era should be a human society of a plant ecosystem centered on the service philosophy. Further in-depth studies related to this are needed in the future.

Deriving Key Risk Sub-Clauses which the Engineer of FIDIC Red Book Shall Agree or Determine according to Sub-Clause 3.7 -based on FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction, Second Edition 2017- (FIDIC Red Book의 Engineer가 합의 또는 결정해야할 핵심 리스크 세부조항 도출 -FIDIC Red Book 2017년 개정판 기준으로-)

  • Jei, Jae Yong;Hong, Seong Yeoll;Seo, Sung Chul;Park, Hyung Keun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2023
  • The FIDIC Red Book is an international standard contract condition in which the Employer designs and the Contractor performs the construction. The Engineer of FIDIC Red Book shall agree or determine any matter or Claim in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.7 neutrally, not as an agent of the Employer. This study aimed to derive Key Risk Sub-Clauses out of 49 Sub-Clauses that the Engineer of FIDIC Red Book recently revised in 18 years shall agree or determine according to Sub-Clause 3.7 using the Delphi method. A panel of 35 experts with more than 10 years of experience and expertise in international construction contracts was formed, and through total three Delphi surveys, errors and biases were prevented in the judgment process to improve reliability. As for the research method, 49 Sub-Clauses that engineers shall agree on or determine according to Sub-Clause 3.7 of the FIDIC Red Book were investigated through the analysis of contract conditions. In order to evaluate the probability and impact of contractual risk for each 49 Sub-Clause, the Delphi survey conducted repeatedly a closed-type survey three times on a Likert 10-point scale. The results of the first Delphi survey were delivered during the second survey, and the results of the second survey were delivered to the third survey, which was re-evaluated in the direction of increasing the consensus of experts' opinions. The reliability of the Delphi 3rd survey results was verified with the COV value of the coefficient of variation. The PI Risk Matrix was applied to the average value of risk probability and impact of each of the 49 Sub-Clauses and finally, 9 Key Risk Sub-Clauses that fell within the extreme risk range were derived.

Ecological health assessment of Yangjaecheon and Yeouicheon using biotic index and water quality (생물지수와 수질을 이용한 양재천과 여의천의 생태건강성평가)

  • Jin Hyo Lee;Hyeon Han;Jun Yeon Lee;Young Seop Cha;Seog Ju Cho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.172-186
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    • 2022
  • Benthic macroinvertebrates are important ecological and environmental indicators as primary or secondary consumers, and therefore are widely used in the evaluation of aquatic environments. However, there are no comprehensive river ecosystem monitoring surveys that link the major physicochemical water quality items with benthic macroinvertebrates in urban streams. Therefore, this study investigated the distribution characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates and physicochemical water quality items (17 items) in Yangjaecheon and Yeouicheon from 2019 to 2020. At the same time, by applying Spearman's rank correlation analysis and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis in the water quality data and biotic index, we tried to provide basic data for diagnosing the current status of river ecosystems in major urban rivers in Seoul. Based on the study results, a total of 39 species and 3,787 individuals were identified in Yangjaecheon, the water quality(based on BOD, TOC, and TP) of Yangjaecheon was higher than Grade Ib(good), and the BMI using benthic macroinvertebrates appeared as Grade C(normal) at all the sites. In Yeouicheon, a total of 51 species and 4,199 individuals were identified, the water quality(based on BOD, TOC, TP) was higher than Grade Ib(good) similar to Yangjaecheon, and the BMI of both Upstream and Saewon bridge was Grade B(good), while Yeoui bridge was Grade C(normal). Overall, analysis results for the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates by a nonmetric multidimensional scaling method showed no significant difference between the two streams (p=0.1491). Also, significant environmental variables related to benthic macroinvertebrates distribution were determined as water temperature and DO. On the other hand, the results of the correlation analysis between biotic index and major water quality items confirmed that R1 and BMI could be used for on-site urban river water quality evaluation.

Classification of Service Quality for HMR unmanned store business (HMR 무인매장 서비스 품질 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Jong Won Lee
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.41-61
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    • 2023
  • The universal form of life in the era of the 4th industrial revolution can probably be summarized as the keyword "non-face-to-face". In particular, in terms of consumption activities, face-to-face contact is gradually changing to a system that minimizes, and offline stores are rapidly changing to non-contact services through kiosks and robots. The social structure is also changing with the passage of time, and most fundamentally, our dietary consumption patterns are changing. In particular, the increase in single-person households and the aging population are having a great impact on changes in the food service industry, which is closely related to dietary life. The HMR (Home Meal Replacement) market has grown significantly as the labor of cooking at home has decreased and the use of substitute foods has increased. As the size of the market has grown, the types of businesses that provide products have also diversified. The development of technology, non-face-to-face culture, and corporate management efficiency are intertwined, and unmanned stores are spreading recently. In this study, service quality attributes of HMR unmanned stores, where competition is gradually intensifying, are classified, and service quality classification using the Kano model and Timko's customer satisfaction coefficient are calculated to provide implications for service management based on customer satisfaction. As a result of the analysis, 'products with short cooking time' and 'variety of products (menu)' were classified as attractive qualities, and 'cleanliness inside/outside of the store' and 'products at reasonable prices' were classified as unified quality. In addition, 'convenience of self-checkout process' was classified as a natural quality, and 'convenience of in-store passage' was classified as an indifferent quality. Furthermore, when the service factor was satisfied within the HMR unmanned store, the factor with the highest satisfaction coefficient was 'product (menu) variety', and the factor with the highest dissatisfaction factor was 'convenience of self-checkout process'. Through the results of this study, it is intended to derive priorities in service quality management of HMR unmanned stores and provide strategic implications for related businesses.

Investigation of Heavy Metal Migration from Food Contact Materials used for Food Delivery Using an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer

  • Chae-Yeon Hwang;Young-Jun Kim
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2023
  • The surge in food delivery systems during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic necessitated this study of heavy metal migration from food contact materials (FCMs). A total of 104 samples of FCMs, comprising 51 polypropylene (PP), 21 polyethylene (PE), and 32 polystyrene (PS) samples of six different types of FCMs (containers, covers, table utensils, cups, pouches, and wrappers) used for food delivery distributed in Korea, were collected and investigated for migration of three heavy metals (Pb, Cd, and As) using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine whether they complied with Korea's Standards and Specifications for Utensils, Containers, and Packages. Acetic acid (4%, v/v) was used as the food simulant, and tests were performed at 100℃ (in harsh conditions) for 30 min. Linearity of Pb, Cd, and As showed acceptable results with a coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.9999. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) of Pb, Cd, and As were 0.001, 0.001, and 0.001 ㎍/L and 0.002, 0.003, and 0.003 ㎍/L, respectively. Accuracy and precision results complied with the criteria presented in the European Commission Joint Research Centre guidelines. The average concentration of Pb, Cd, and As migration detected in a total of 104 samples was 0.009-0.260 ㎍/L, which was very low compared with the migration specification set in the Standards and Specifications for Utensils, Containers, and Packages. The maximum level of Pb corresponded to 0.23% of the migration limit. There were no samples exceeding the limit. Thus, this study confirmed that the heavy metal contents of FCMs used for delivery food distributed in Korea were safely managed. The data from this study represent an invaluable source for science-based safety management of hazardous heavy metals migrating from FCMs used in the food delivery industry.

A Survey Study on the Perception for Development of Integrated Medical Service Model and Its Application in Clinical Field - A Survey study with Doctors and Korean Medicine Doctors - (통합의료서비스 모델 개발 및 임상 현장 적용을 위한 인식조사 - 의사직 대상 설문 -)

  • Sangwoo Seo;Hyungsuk Kim;Seung Hyeun Lee;Moonkyoo Kong;Beom-Joon Lee;Sung Hyuk Heo;Seung-won Kwon;Bong Jin Park;Dong Hwan Yun;Euiju Lee;Hyunjoo Oh;Sung-Bum Kim;Hye-Sook Choi;Kwan-Il Kim;Won-Seok Chung
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: Objectives: In this study, we define a medical service type that combines Western medicine, Korean medicine, and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as an integrated medical service. This study, as part of tertiary hospital-based integrated medical service model and clinical field application, aims to collect status and opinions on integrated medical service for medical staff in the field. Methods: This is a survey study, and was conducted on doctors from Kyung Hee University Hospital and Korean medicine doctors from Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital. Respondents were recruited on a first-come, first-served basis until the number of respondents reached 120. The investigation was conducted for a total of 16 days from October 4, 2021 to October 19, 2021 by e-mail. Results: Recognition of integrated medical services was confirmed to be 45.8%, and 49.2% responded positively to the necessity of it. As a group of diseases that require the establishment of integrated medical services in the future, 'disorders of musculoskeletal systems and connective tissues' was the highest. The most expected advantages of providing integrated medical services were 'increased satisfaction of patients and guardians' and 'increased treatment effects.' Conclusions: In this study, we investigated the perception of doctors and Korean medicine doctors on integrated medical services that combine Western medicine, Korean medicine, and CAM. It has been confirmed that medical staff generally have a positive perception of integrated medical services, and if the scientific basis for the effect of integrated medical services is supported, the rate of positive perception is expected to increase.

Analysis of the background fabric and coloring of The Paintings of a 60th Wedding Anniversary Ceremony in the possession of the National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관 소장 <회혼례도첩>의 바탕직물과 채색 분석)

  • Park Seungwon;Shin Yongbi;Park Jinho;Lee Sujin;Park Woonji;Lee Huisung
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.29
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2023
  • The Paintings of a 60th Wedding Anniversary Ceremony Created by an Unknown Painter (Deoksu 6375), housed by the National Museum of Korea, is a five-panel painting book depicting scenes from a wedding ceremony. Hoehonrye is a type of repeated wedding ceremony to commemorate a couple's 60th wedding anniversary with congratulations from the community. The paintings of the book record five scenes from the wedding: jeoninrye, a ceremony where the groom brings a wooden wild goose to the bride's house; gyoberye, the groom and the bride bowing to each other; heosurye, pouring liquor to toast to the couple's longevity; jeopbin, offering tea to guests; and a banquet to celebrates the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. The book describes figures, buildings and a variety of items in detail with delicate brushstrokes. The techniques were examined using microscopy, infrared, and X-ray irradiation and hyperspectral imaging analysis. The invisible parts were examined to identify the rough sketch and distinguish pigments and dyes used for each color. The components of the pigments were determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis, while the dyes were identified by UV-vis spectrometry. Microscope observation revealed that the fabric used for the paintings was raw silk thread with almost no fiber twist, and plain silk fabric. Hyperspectral imaging analysis, X-ray fluorescence analysis, and UV-vis spectrometry confirmed that the white pigment was white lead and the black was chinese ink. The red pigments were using red clay, cinnabar, and a mixture of cinnabar and minium. Brown was made using red clay and organic dyes, and yellow using gamboge. Green was identified as indigo, malachite, chrome green, barium sulfide, and blue as azurite, smalt, and indigo. The purple dye was estimated as a mixture of indigo and cochineal, and gold parts were used gold powder. Hyperspectral images were distinguished parts damaged and conservation treatment area.