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Studies on the Acute Toxicity of an Insecticide Cartap to Several Species of Freshwater Animals (몇가지 담수산동물(淡水産動物)에 대한 살충제 Cartap의 급성독성(急性毒性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Byun, Sang-Ji;Choi, Seung-Yoon;Kim, Gwang-Po
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 1984
  • The acute toxicity of an insecticide cartap to several species of freshwater animals was evaluated in the laboratory with special reference to the species specificity, effects of water temperatures and pH values. The aquatic animals tested were the Carassius auratus L., Aphyocypris chinensis $G{\"{U}}NTHER$, Misgurus anguillicaudatus CANTOR, Moina macrocopa STRAUS. The susceptibility of aquatic animals to cartap was different with the species of animals. At the water temperature of $25^{\circ}C$ and pH 7, TLm values of the insecticide to the C. auratus L., A. chinensis G. and M. anguillicaudatus were 0.88, 0.26 and 0.13 ppm in 48 hours, respectively, and to Moina macrocopa S., 306 ppm in 3 hrs. In the case of the three species of fish, TLm 48 values were significantly decreased with rise in temperature. In the case of water flea, where TLm value was 107 ppm at $20^{\circ}C$, there was no consistent response to temperature change, with the highest figure at $25^{\circ}C$ than at either 20 or $30^{\circ}C$. and the susceptibility of C.auratus L. and A. chinensis G. greatly decreased with the increase of pH in water. The toxicity to M. anguillicaudatus and M. macrocopa was significantly higher at pH 9 than at pH 6 or 7. In conclusion, the toxicological reactions of the freshwater animals to cartap were variably influenced by the water temperatures and pH values of water and species of animals.

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Pollution of Pb in paddy field soil and rice plants at roadside areas;II. A study of the relationship between the content of Pb in paddy field soil and rice plants (도로변(道路邊)에 인접(隣接)한 경작지(耕作地) 토양(土壤) 및 작물체중(作物體中)의 연오염(鉛汚染);제(第)2보(報) 경작지(耕作地) 토양중(土壤中)의 연함량(鉛含量)과 작물체중(作物體中) 연함량(鉛含量)과의 관계(關係))

  • Lee, Seog-June;Kim, Jang-Eok
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.138-148
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    • 1991
  • The object of this stduy was to investigate the pollution by Pb in rice plants which were cultivated in paddy field soils located near roadside areas and to discover the relationship between lead content in rice plants and soils. Samples of soils and rice plants were collected directly from paddy fields at various distances from highways and expressways located in Kyungpook province. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The average content of Pb in each part of the rice plant was 12.8ppm in roots, 4.8ppm in leaves, 4.3ppm in stems, and 0.4ppm in brown rice. 2. The content of Pb in roots showed highly positive correlation with the Pb content of the soil. 3. The Pb content in stems, leaves, and brown rice showed positive correlation with the Pb content in roots. 4. The content of organically bounded, carbonate, and sulfide Pb in soils showed highly positive correlation with the Pb content in roots. 5. The absorption ratio showed positive correlation with soil pH and negative correlation with the content of Fe in soils.

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A Correlation between the Fractionation of Heavy Metals in the Paddy Soil of the Mangyeong River Basin and their Uptake by Rice Plants Grown on it (만경강 유역 논 토양 중 중금속 형태분류와 수도체의 흡수량과의 관계)

  • Kim, Seong-Jo;Baek, Seung-Hwa;Moon, Kwang-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.372-382
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    • 1996
  • In order to elucidate the relationship between the mobility of heavy metals in soil and their uptake by plants, the soil samples collected from the Mangyeong River area were analyzed for the contents and existing forms of the heavy metals and the correlation between the contents of heavy metals in the soil and those in various parts of rice plants therefrom. The soil samples were collectes from ten sites in the paddy fields in 1982 and 1990, respectively, and the analysis on heavy metals including Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb was performed. The results are as follows: Total contents of heavy metals in the samples of 1990 were higher than those of 1982. The extent of increase was that Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb were 3, 29, 59 and 8% in top soil and 8, 50, 91 and 8% in sub-soil, respectively. The order of increasing ratio was Cu > Zn > Pb > Cd and the variation of Cd content by sequentially different extraction was organically bound > dilute acid-extractable=Fe-Mn oxide bound > exchangeable > residual fractions and the content of Cd with organically bound was $46.62{\sim}48.08$ and $41.18{\sim}50.18%$ of total Cd in top and sub-soil, respectively. The ratios of immobile heavy metals, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn, bound within an oxide or silicate matrix of Fe-Mn oxide in top-soil were 21.25, 35.98, 74.18 and 82.12%, respectively, and consequently their mobile ratios of exchangeable, dilute acid-extractable and organically bound were more than 17.88%. Those of mobile Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn were 78.25, 64.02, 25.82 and 17.88%, respectively. Except for Pb a correlation between the contents of Cd, Zn, and Cu of exchangeable and dilute acid-extractable in top-soil and those in leaf blade, stem and panicle axis was significant, but was not significant in sub-soil.

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Fundamental Studies on the Development of Axial-Flow Combine(I) -Evaluation of the Design Parameters of Grain-Straw Separator- (축류(軸流) 콤바인의 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 기초(基礎) 연구(硏究)(I) -조선별장치(粗選別裝置)의 설계변수(設計變數)의 평가(評價)-)

  • Lee, S.K.;Kim, S.T.;Choi, K.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 1986
  • Cylindrical and conical types of grain-straw separation equipment which has a stationary crimped sieve drum with rotating inner rotor were constructed. The developed equipments were tested to investigate the characteristics of separating performance under various mechanical conditions and crop conditions. As increase of the inclination of equipment and decrease of pitch of cover vane, the grain recovery was increased while straw rejection was decreased. The grain recovery and overall efficiency were decreased as the rotor speed and feeding velocity were increased for both varieties of rice, moisture contents, and test equipments. Conical prototype equipment performed higher straw rejection, lower grain recovery, and lower power requirement. However, separation performance of conical type equipment was more widely varied with various test conditions compared to cylindrical one. The performance of both equipments showed relatively insensitive to crop feedrate and crop properties, such as variety, moisture content, and grain-to-straw ratio.

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Effects of Gestation Length and Birth Weight on Survival Rate in Cloned Korean Native Calves (복제 송아지의 임신 기간과 생시체중이 출생 후 생존율에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Byoung-Chul;Im, Gi-Sun;Kim, Dong-Hoon;Ko, Yeoung-Gyu;Hwang, Seong-Soo;Nho, Whan-Gook;Kim, Myung-Jick;Yang, Boh-Suck;Lee, Sang-Jin;Seong, Hwan-Hoo
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to investigate the relation between birth weight and survivability on the production of cloned Hanwoo calves. The 580 cloned embryos were transferred into the 293 recipients. The pregnancy rate of the cloned embryos was 72.3% at 50 days after embryo transfer, and then the rate was dramatically decreased. The mean gestation lengths were 287 days in both clone (range of$279{\sim}295$ days) and artificial insemination (AI, range of $255{\sim}293$ days) calves, respectively. The mean birth weight of cloned calves (30.3kg) was significantly higher compared to that of AI calves (23.7kg) (p<0.05). Among the cloned calves, the birth weight was not different in both normal delivery (n=17, 29.9kg) and caesarean section (n=14, 32.3kg). The weight, however, was significantly higher in the clones (n=18, 32.8kg) dead within 175 days than that of the clones (n=11, 28.3kg) alive more than 175 days after birth (p<0.05). Interestingly, all cloned calves weighed <15kg (n=5) or >35kg (n=9) at birth have been dead within 175 days from the date of birth. The causes of death in the cloned calves were premature birth (n=2, 10.0%), abnormal function of lung and liver (n=2, 10.0%), abnormal function of lung (n=4, 20.0%), malformation (n=4, 20.0%), unknown (n=4, 20.0%), and sudden death syndrome (n=4, 20.0%), respectively. Our findings suggest that normal birth weight is one of the most important factors to survive more than 6 months in cloned calves.

Estimation of Environmental Effect and Genetic Parameters for The Carcass Traits in Hanwoo (Korean Cattle) (한우 도체형질의 환경효과 및 유전모수의 추정)

  • Moon, W.G.;Kim, B.W.;Roh, S.H.;Kim, H.S.;Jung, D.J.;Sun, D.W.;Kim, K.N.;Yoon, Y.T.;Jung, J.H.;Jeon, J.T.;Lee, J.G.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.689-698
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    • 2007
  • This study aims to estimate the genetic parameters for carcass traits on Hanwoo of breeding farmhouses using Animal Products Grading Service’s data of 428,812 cattle from 101 slaughterhouses nationwide from 2000 to 2005. Using carcass traits of carcass weight, eye muscle area, backfat thickness, marbling score, meat color and fat color that greatly influence Hanwoo's grade, the effects of carcass year, carcass season, sex and carcass region were estimated. Based upon carcass traits of carcass weight, eye muscle area, backfat thickness, marbling score and meat color that greatly influence Hanwoo’s grade, the heritabilities and genetic parameters were estimated of 17,578 Hanwoo slaughtered in 2005 with existing herdbook, where EM-REML algorithm was used in estimating genetic parameters. The mean and standard deviation of each carcass trait are 321.42±53.62kg, 76.25±10.43cm2, 9.96± 4.14mm, 3.75±2.00, 4.83±0.48 and 2.99±0.40, for carcass weight, eye muscle area, backfat thickness, marbling score, meat color and fat color, respectively. As a result of analysis on the effects of carcass year, the carcass weight, backfat thickness and meat color came out highest as 359.40±0.181, 9.82±0.017 and 4.90±0.002, respectively in 2004. As a result of analysis on the effects of carcass season, the carcass weight and eye muscle area came out highest as 345.88±0.144 and 79.57±0.033 respectively in spring, and the backfat thickness was highest as 8.78±0.013 in winter, and the meat color and fat color slightly came out higher as 4.88±0.002 and 2.96±0.001 in fall, while the marbling score was highest as 3.29±0.006 in summer. The results of the analysis on the effects of sex indicated that the backfat thickness and fat color were highest as 10.53±0.010 and 3.07±0.001 in cow, the carcass weight came out highest in Hanwoo steer as 368.03±0.068kg, the eye muscle area were highest as 82.96±0.042 in bull, and the marbling score was highest as 4.19±0.007 in steer, and the meat color was highest as 4.89±0.001 in cow. Regarding the results of analysis on the effects of carcass region, the carcass weight, eye muscle area,

The New Conflict of Laws Act of the Republic of Korea (개정 국제사법(國際私法)의 소개 : 국제거래(國際去來)에 미치는 영향을 중심으로)

  • Suk, Kwang-Hyun
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    • v.20
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    • pp.23-62
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    • 2003
  • The Law amending the Conflict of Laws Act of the Republic of Korea ("Korea"), which had taken two years to prepare, was promulgated on April 7, 2001 and finally took effect as of July 1, 2001. Accordingly, the old earlier Conflict of Laws Act which was called "Seoboesabeop" in Korean ("Prior Act"Old Act) was replaced by the new Conflict of Laws Act called "Gukjesabeop" in Korean ("New Act"). In fact the Old Act Prior Act was promulgated in 1962, but it was regarded as outdated from the moment of its promulgation. However, since the Old Act because it was modeled after the chapter of the Private International Law of the Einfuehrungsgesetz zum Buergerlichen Gesetzbuch (EGBGB) of the Federal Republic of Germany ("German PIL") and the Japanese Private International Law ("Japanese PIL") which had been promulgated toward the end of the 19th century., the Old Act was viewed as outdated from the moment of its promulgation. As a result of the drastic change of the environment for international trade of which that has taken took place in parallel with the global information technology revolution on a global basis, the scope of issues to be addressed which should be resolved by the conflict of laws principles has been remarkably expanded, and various new issues of an entirely which are quite new in its type and nature have arisen been raised. In the field of conflict of laws in its narrow sense, a revolution or crisis of the traditional conflict of laws has been brought about by the advent in the United States rise of a the new methodology for of the conflict of laws, of the United States of America and in the process of overcoming the such crisis the conflict of laws of the European continent has undergone substantial changes such as the diversification of the connecting principles, the expansion of the principle of party autonomy and the consideration of the value of the substantive law to protect socio-economically weaker parties of. The Prior Act, which was based on However, with the mechanical connecting principles and contained various outdated the inappropriate provisions, the Old Act could not cope with the issues raised by the internationalization and globalization of the Korean society. Furthermore In addition, the Old Act Prior Act was regarded as insufficient in that it lacked rules on international jurisdiction to adjudicate, or international adjudicatory jurisdiction, whereas the expectation of the public was that the Conflict of Laws a Act should function as the "Basic Law of the International Legal Relationships"encompassing rules on international jurisdiction given the increase of international disputes. Furthermore the private international law has also attracted more attention from the Korean At the beginning of the new Millennium, thanks to the promulgation of the New Act, I believe that Korea has succeeded in achieving the modest goal of reflecting in the its codification substantial parts of the major developments of the private international law which the leading advanced continental European countries had achieved during the last century. The New Act has followed the approach of the traditional conflict of laws of the European continent. It is a product of the efforts to eliminate the then existing problems of the Prior Old Act and to adapt the Korean private international law regime to the standard of international conventions and national laws of advanced countries. Unlike the Prior Old Act which was heavily dependent upon the prior Japanese PIL and the prior German PIL, the New Act has been prepared by taking into full account the Rome Convention, the Swiss PIL, the new German PIL which took effect in 1986 and various conventions adopted by the Hague Conference. Therefore, the New Act has substantially reduced dependence upon the Japanese PIL and the German PIL, and has gained relatively greater universal validity. The fact that the New Act expressly declares that the determination of international jurisdiction is a matter of conflict of laws is a clear sign that it has departed from the German tradition which confines the conflict of laws principles to choice of laws rules, and moved toward a broader and more practical approach widely accepted in the area of conflict of laws. It is hoped, and I am personally confident, that the New Act will be able to achieve its intended objectives in the 21st century as the basic law for the ever-increasing legal relationships with a foreign element.

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Changes of Physico-chemical Properties and Maturity Assessment during Composting of Turfgrass Clipping Types from the Golf Courses (골프장 잔디예초물 종류에 따른 퇴비화 과정 중 이화학성 변화와 부숙도 평가)

  • Ha, Seung Myung;Chang, Ki Woon;Han, Ki Pil;Hong, Joo Hwah;Lee, Jong Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2005
  • The golf courses more than about 200 are operating in Korea. From the golf courses, a great amount of turfgrass clippings tend to increase, steadily. Materials used in the experiment were Creeping Bentgrass(CB), Kentucky Bluegrass(KB), Korean Lawngrass(KL), rice bran and composted chicken drop. Treatments are CB, KB, and KL. The temperature during the composting of all treatments increased rapidly and reached at the highest temperature($57.9^{\circ}C$, $67.8^{\circ}C$, $74.3^{\circ}C$) within 20 days, and then stabilized to the range of $35.2{\sim}41.6^{\circ}C$ at the 30th day. The pH values of all treatments decreased on the first day. However, they were increased rapidly after three days and decreased again on 10~20 days. The pH values of all treatments at the final day were stabilized to the low alkali levels. The contents of total carbon during the period of composting tend to decrease and total nitrogen was increased for factor of reduction of volume. CEC value of all treatments during the period of composting tends to increase. The round paper chromatogram of extracted solution of KL sample was the sharpest and clearest among all treatments. The G.I. values of CB, KB, and KL in 30th day of composting were about 95.1, 77.7, and 98.7 in germination test using chinese cabbage, respectively. Conclusively, all turfgrass clippings used in this experiment were composted well, suitable as composting products standardized by KSC. The maturity of the final compost samples is best in KL, followed by CB and KB treatments. The turfgrass compost can contribute to the plant cultivation for environment-friendly farm, and the results of this study can become the basic data of turfgrass clippings compost. Further research on the mixing ratio of each material is required to produce compost of good quality.

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Effect of Sodium ion on the Anaerobic Degradation of Food Waste : Quantitative Evaluation, Inhibition Model (주방폐기물의 혐기성분해에 대한 나트륨이온의 영향: 저해 특성평가, 저해모델)

  • Shin, Hang-Sik;Song, Young-Chae;Paik, Byeong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.3-17
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    • 1994
  • The inhibitory effect of sodium ion on the anaerobic degradation of food waste was studied by an anaerobic batch toxicity assay and inhibition model. The anaerobic degradation activity of food waste spiked with over $2g\;Na^+/L$ of sodium ion was severely inhibited at the initial stage of the exposure. The inhibition response of anaerobic microorganisms on the sodium ion estimated from the methane production was differed according to the concentration of sodium ion. The relative acclimation time(RAT) and methanation rate(RMR), defined as the ratios of initial lag time and maximum methane production rate of the sample spiked with sodium ion to the control. respectively, were used to evaluate the acclimation and inhibitory effects quantitatively on the anaerobic microorganisms. When sodium ion was increased from $2g\;Na^+/L$ to $20g\;Na^+/L$, the RAT was exponentially increased from 18.9 to 90. but the RMR was linearly decreased from 0.97 to 0.02. The effects of sodium ion for the maximum methanation rate, first order kinetic constant and ultimate methane production were well evaluated by a generalized nonlinear expression model. it could be described by the uncompetitive inhibition mode. The sodium ion concentration causing 50% inhibition of methanation activity was about $11g\;Na^+/L$, and the critical sodium ion beyond to compelete inhibition was 20 to $21g\;Na^+/L$. The presented results could be used to obtain the design or operation parameters of the anaerobic process treating food waste of high salt.

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Development of New Mushroom Substrate of Pleurotus Ostreatus Using Foodwaste and Wormcast (남은 음식물과 지렁이 분변토를 이용한 느타리버섯의 대체 배지개발)

  • Park, Jang-Woo;Park, Ki-Byung;Lee, Eun Young
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2012
  • This study was investigated to develop an alternative medium for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. The cultivation characteristics for major cultivated varieties of oyster mushrooms were campared with the food waste medium. In addition, water control & a gap formation of food waste is being pointed out as a problem of the medium material. Therefore, certain amounts of earthworm casting were supplied to the food waste medium to overcome the water and compaction phenomenon. This study investigated the use of the total 6 cultivars of oyster mushrooms, the Suhan(PL.1), Chiak No. 5(PL.2), Chiak No. 7(PL.3), Samgu No. 5(PL.4), Samgu No. 8(PL.5), Jangan No. 5(PL.6). In terms of medium, the optimum growth of the mycelium of the oyster mushroom was observed in the beet pulp medium but in food waste, the mycelium's growth was observed as insufficient in the bulk of cultivars. The Jangan No. 5(PL.6) was superior to other cultivars relative to the mycelium's growth. The optimum concentration of earthworm casting added the foodwaste medium was 30%. When Jangan No. 5(PL.6) was incubated in the foodwaste meidum containing 30% earthworm casting, the early days to germination were long, almost double the amount of time than that of the beet pulp medium. However, it was found that the fruit body size was larger than that of the beet pulp by up to 20.5%, and the length of the fruit body was up to 6.2% longer than that of the beet plup. The total yields increased by 60.5%. The analysis results of the oyster mushroom's nutritional contents cultured using the food waste medium, shows that the protein, vitamin A and vitamin E increased 70.6%, 2.4%, 0.8% respectively, the fat decreased by 12.6% and the oleic acid increased in a very small amount compared to that of the beet pulp medium.