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A study on the new Developmental Direction for Fisheries Policy in Korea (한국의 수산정책의 발전방향에 관한 연구)

  • 박민수
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.695-704
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents the new developmental direction for fisheries policy in Korea. Korea is changing strang fisheries nation, the fact is that korea cannot effectively cope with changing fisheries situation and various fisheries difficulties, because the fisheries policy system is dispersed to each parts of the government. The results of this study is as follow: the fisheries policy in future must be able to unify of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, all fisheries offices must be able to relation, the regulation of fisheries policy must relieve, a coastal fishery must be able to reproduction, change of fishery structure must be able to raising fishery, consumption of fishery must be able to improvement, live of fishing village must be able to betterment, overseas fishing grounds must have to security.

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Sound Absorption Performance of Noise Barrier According to Single Number Rating Methods (단일수치 평가방법에 따른 방음벽의 흡음성능 고찰)

  • Kim, Yonghee;Lee, Sungchan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2017
  • In this study, single number rating methods of sound absorption coefficients are discussed. After that the sound absorption performance of noise barriers which are classified by Korea Standard are analyzed according to several standards. The existing rating methods such as NRC (noise reduction coefficient), SAA (sound absorption average) or ${\alpha}_w$ (weighted sound absorption coefficient) from ASTM C423, KS F 3505 and ISO 11654 are introduced. The sound absorption performance of noise barrier is evaluated to compare NRC and ${\alpha}_w$ value. When the value is over 0.6 there are large variance between NRC and ${\alpha}_w$ value. As results, it is needed to unify single number rating methods of sound absorption coefficients for Korean standards on sound absorbing materials.

Retrieval of Identical Clothing Images Based on Non-Static Color Histogram Analysis

  • Choi, Yoo-Joo;Moon, Nam-Mee;Kim, Ku-Jin
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.397-408
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we present a non-static color histogram method to retrieve clothing images that are similar to a query clothing. Given clothing area, our method automatically extracts major colors by using the octree-based quantization approach[16]. Then, a color palette that is composed of the major colors is generated. The feature of each clothing, which can be either a query or a database clothing image, is represented as a color histogram based on its color palette. We define the match color bins between two possibly different color palettes, and unify the color palettes by merging or deleting some color bins if necessary. The similarity between two histograms is measured by using the weighted Euclidean distance between the match color bins, where the weight is derived from the frequency of each bin. We compare our method with previous histogram matching methods through experiments. Compared to HSV cumulative histogram-based approach, our method improves the retrieval precision by 13.7 % with less number of color bins.

A Study on the Disaster Prevention Design- Based Safety Signs in School Zone

  • Noh, Hwang-Woo;Oh, Chi-Gyu
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2017
  • The number of accidents in school zone is decreasing than before with the introduction of strengthening traffic safety policy since January 2011, but the danger still exists. The School zone sign is widely known to have much effect in protecting children from risks of traffic accidents, but design improvement is being demanded to improve a sense of safety and legibility of safety signs in School zone due to the lack of understanding on the safety signs in crosswalk and School zone. This study analyzed differences in shape and color of existing safety signs through a case analysis of traffic developed countries as America, England, Japan, and Germany and suggested improvement plans for drivers to clearly perceive the school zone. For improvement methods, this study suggested the importance of delivering definite and unified warning message for school zone to drivers by using indication sign and caution sign together, and to use yellow, a safety color, and to unify the safety sign into triangle shape that symbolizes warning and caution to conform the international standards. Actual design production and experiment through improvement plans are needed in the future, and it is expected to secure safety of children and to provide international standardization of safety signs in school zone.

A stepwise refinement method by applying Refactoring in system level design (시스템 레벨 설계에서 리팩토링을 적용한 단계적 상세화)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jong;Kong, Heon-Tag;Kim, Chi-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.2840-2850
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    • 2011
  • Programmers can use the Hardware-Software Co-Designing, in which they design a hardware system and software system simultaneously and then unify them, to design an embedded system. This study analyzes the problems of designing an embedded system and suggests applying the system-level design technique, which uses SpecC technology, as a solution to the problems. Also, it suggests systematic and concrete stepwise refinement by applying Refactoring technology in software engineering as a way to make the use of system-level stepwise refinement.

Poetics of alienation and restoration -An Study on Kim Hyun-Seung's Poetry- (소외와 회복의 시학 -김현승 시 연구-)

  • Lee, Young-Sup
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.8
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    • pp.95-127
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    • 2006
  • This paper is a study of "poetry therapy", a subject now in lively in literary discussion circles. Modern literary text attaches great importance to the readers' response. As such, there is growing interest in the effects of communication brought on by the interaction of participants in a discourse. Poetry, in essence, has therapeutic attributes of treating, through an aesthetic psychology, destruction resulting from the alienation from life and psychological pain of distortion. The rise of the concept of eco-poetry and the capacity for psychological cleansing and adjustment (which restores balance through communication and psychological circulation) is a reflection of new trend in research - approaching the alienation felt by modern people through restoration of sense of life. Although Kim Hyun-seung's life and the road his poetry took was not smooth, he nevertheless was firm in his sustained effort to unify socio-ethical conscience and conscience of faith through the process of spiritual inquiry. The most outstanding aspects of Kim Hyun-seung's aesthetic achievement lie in his contribution toward the therapeutic capacity of modern poetry. Kim Hyun-seung's poetryhas the following effects: 1)The therapeutic capacity of modern poetry, through catharsis at large, does not remain only at the level of cleansing and adjustment. 2)The therapeutic capacity of modern poetry has the function of emptying out the self through more fundamental spiritual awakening and insight. 3)Only then can one truly realize the transcendence of being a true self as well as the balanced inquiry of spirituality which can be described as "emptying out".

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A study for implementation of monitoring system for genetic improvement of swine breeding stock (종돈개량 모니터링시스템에 대한 고찰)

  • Do, Chang-Hee;Yang, Chang-Beom;Choi, Jae-Gwan;Yang, Boh-Suk;Song, Hyung-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2015
  • This paper sketches the strategies and designs for monitoring system of swine genetic improvement. The system should reflect every side of pig production. The system leads us to assess the efficiency of pig production and the scope of the system includes not only nucleus, multiplying and commercial herds, but also packing and processing sectors. For more accurate statistics, data for this monitoring system must be collected from all above mentioned areas, but not by random sampling. Futhermore, data analysis results including seedstocks and distribution information of genetic trend should be included in the system. The schema of knowledge database system could be employed in the system. The monitoring system in the final destination would unify the systems derived from various sources and provide any solution in swine industry including pig breeding.

Unifying calculation of vortex-induced vibrations of overhead conductors

  • Leblond, Andre;Hardy, Claude
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2005
  • This paper deals with a unified way for calculating vortex-induced vibrations (Aeolian vibrations in transmission line parlance) of undamped single overhead conductors. The main objective of the paper is to identify reduced parameters which would unify the predicted vibration response to the largest possible extent. This is actually done by means of a simple mathematical transformation resulting, for a given terrain (associated to a given wind turbulence intensity), into a single, unified response curve that is applicable to any single multi-layered aluminium conductor. In order to further validate the above process, the predicted, unified response curve is compared with measured response curves drawn from tests run on a full-scale test line using several aluminium-conductor-steel-reinforced (ACSR), all-alloy-aluminium-conductor (AAAC) and aluminium-conductor-alloy-reinforced (ACAR) conductors strung at different tensions. On account of the expected scatter in the results from such field tests, the agreement is shown to be good. The final results are expressed by means of only four different curves pertaining to four different terrain characteristics. These curves may then be used to assess the vibration response of any undamped single, multi-layer aluminium conductor of any diameter, strung at any practical tension.

Some Considerations for the Modernization of the Rome Convention, in case of Unlawful Interference

  • Fujita, Katsutoshi
    • 한국항공우주법학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.121-140
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    • 2008
  • Most compensation issues are regulated under domestic law where third parties are suffered damage from crushes of aircrafts or their falling objects. This issue was internationally recognized. A Convention to unify the rules of the law concerning damage caused by aircraft to the third parties on the surface was signed in May,1933( the 1933 Rome Convention) and it became effective in 1942. Later, modernization was carried out through the 1952 Rome Convention and the 1978 Montreal Protocol amending the 1933 Rome Convention. Ratifying States either to the Convention or to the Protocol is not as many as those States to the Warsaw Convention concerning air transport. In 1999, which was a turning point of changes of centuries from the twentieth century to the twenty first century, the Montreal Convention was passed to modernize the Warsaw Convention, and was quickly widespread. On September 11 2001, the coordinated simultaneous terror attacks occurred. In the circumstances, the issue modernizing the Rome Convention came up. Thus, workout under the initiatives of the Legal Committee of the ICAO is under operation to adopt new Rome Convention. In Japan, a study on the draft of the treaty was operated by which a working study group composed of experts from academy, industry and government was set up. This article, being based on that study, clarifies issues and gives future perspectives. This article presents author's individual views.

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A Study on Principles of the Law of Software Contracts Drafts in America (미국 소프트웨어 계약법 원칙 초안에 대한 소고)

  • Cho, Hyun-Sook
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.333-351
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    • 2009
  • The American Law Institute(ALI) has presented drafts of "Principles of the law of software contracts" to clarify and unify the law of software transactions. These principles apply to agreements for the transfer of or access to software. Providing these principles means something in software contracts. First of all, these principles seek to limit the scope to cover only contracts involving software exchanged or accessed for consideration, while UCITA includes a wide variety of "computer information". Secondly, this project is "Principles" instead of "Restatement" which means that these principles are not the law unless a court adopts it. This is for flexibility not to hinder law's adoptability of new legal issues that might be created in the future since the software industry has developed. Third, the project seek to balance between software transferor's interest and transferees to permit the use of remote disablement in limited circumstances. These principles, however, should be considered some concerns in the future work. For example, not to be a unconscionable agreement, it is better to suggest the specific click-wrap procedure and be more illustrative about what types of browser-wrap language are acceptable and what types are not.

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