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Studies on the Triglyceride Composition of some Vegetable Oils -III. Triglyceride Composition of Olive Oil- (식물유(植物油)의 Triglyceride조성(組成)에 관한 연구(硏究) -제3보(第3報) : 올리브기름의 Triglyceride조성(組成)-)

  • Choi, Su-An;Park, Yeung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.66-69
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    • 1983
  • Triglyceride fraction was separated from olive oil by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and fractionated into four groups by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Compositions of the triglycerides and fatty acids of four fractions were determined by gas liquid chromatography (GLC). The olive oil contained higher concentrations of C-52 and C-54 triglycerides having partition numbers of 48. The fatty acid compositions of these triglycerides were mainly composed of C18:1 and C18:2 fatty acids. From these results, the possible fatty acid combinations of major triglycerides of olive oil were estimated to be(3C18:1;50.6%), (1C16:0, 2C18:1;23.51%), (2C18:1, 1C18:2;5.48%), (1C18:0, 2 18:1;4.55%), (1C16:0, 1C18:1, 1C18:2;2.94%), (2C16:0, 1C18:1;2.35%), (1 C16:1, 2 C18:1;2.21%), (1C18:1, 2C18:2;1.06%), (1 C14:0, 2 C18:1;1.03%).

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The Structures of Alditol Acetates (Alditol Acetates의 분자구조)

  • Park, Yeong Ja;Park, Myeong Hui;Sin, Jeong Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.517-526
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    • 1990
  • The crystal structures of two alditol acetates, D-glucitol hexaacetate and xylitol pentaacetate, have been determined by diffraction methods with Mo-K$\alpha$radiation, using direct methods for phase determinations. The crystal data are: for D-glucitol hexaacetate, P2$_1$, with a = 10.275 (2), b = 8.363 (1), c = 12.560 (5) $\AA;\beta$ = 95.97 $(2)^{\circ}$, Z = 2; for xylitol pentaacetate, P2$_1$/C with a = 18.126 (1), b = 11.422 (2), c = 8.649 (1) $\AA$, $\beta = 95.03 (1)^{\circ}$, Z = 4. Both molecules have extended zigzag carbon chain conformations which differ from previous studies of the structures of D-glucitol and xylitol and also differ from NMR studies on alditol acetates. The bond lengths and angles are normal, with mean values over both structures of C($sp^3)-C(sp^3): 1.514 (10),\; C(sp^3)-O: 1.444 (6),\; C(sp^2)-O: 1.347 (9),\; C(sp^2)=O: 1.197 (6),\; C(sp^2)-C(sp^3): 1.479(9){\AA},\; C(sp^3)-C(sp^3)-C(sp^3): 114.6 (17),\; O-C(sp^3)-C(sp^3): 109.4 (23),\; C(sp^2)-O-C(sp^3): 117.4 (6),\; O=C(sp^2)-O: 122.6 (6),\; C(sp^3)-C(sp^2)-O: 111.8 (7),\; C(sp^3)-C(sp^2)=O: 125.5 (4)^{\circ}$. The atoms of acetate groups are in coplanar. There are no particularly short intermolecular contacts and the molecules are held together by van der Waals force only.

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Triglyceride Composition of Walnut Oil (호도기름의 Triglyceride 조성(組成)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Chun, Seok-Jo;Park, Yeung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.263-267
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    • 1984
  • The present study was conducted to elucidate the triglyceride composition of walnut oil. The triglycerides were separated by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and fractionated on the basis of partition numbers by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a column packed with $\mu$-bondapak $C_{18}$ using methanol-chloroform mixture as a solvent system. Each of these collected fractions was fractionated again on the basis of acyl carbon number of triglyceride by gas liquid chromatography (GLC). The fatty acid composition of triglycerides for each partition numbered group was also analyzed by GLC. From the results, it was found that walnut oil consists of ten kinds of triglycerides, and the patterns of major ones in walnut oil were as follows: 53.3% of $(C_{18:2},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{18:2})$, 10.1% of $(C_{18:1},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{18:2})$, 5.4% of $(C_{18:1},\;C_{18:1},\;C_{18:2})$, 4.3% of $(C_{18:1},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{18:3})$, 3.9% of $(C_{18:0},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{18:2})$, 2.0% of $(C_{18:0},\;C_{18:1},\;C_{18:2})$, 1.8% of $(C_{18:0},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{18:2})$.

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Triglyceride Composition of Some Vegetable Oils 1. Triglyceride Composition of Sesame Oil (식물유의 Triglyceride 조성 1. 참기름의 Triglyceride 조성)

  • Park Yeung-Ho;WADA Shun;KOIZUMI Chiaki
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1981
  • In this study, sesame oil was chosen as the experimental sample and analysed for its triglyceride composition by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) in combination with gas liquid chromatography(GLC). The triglycerides were separated from sesame oil by liquid chromatographies on Bio-Beads SX-2 and on Sephadex LH-20, and fractionated into five groups on the basis of their partition numbers by reverse phase HPLC on a column packed with $\mu-Bondapak$ C18 using methanol-chloroform mix-ture as a solvent. Each of these collected fractions gave one to three peaks in the GLC chromatograms according to the acyl carbon number of the triglyceride, and fatty acid composition of the triglyceride was also analysed by GLC. From the results, it was found that the sesame oil consists with twenty one kinds of triglyceri-des, and the major triglycerides of sesame oil are those of $(2\;{\times}\;C18:1,\;C18:2\;;\;17.1\%),\;(C18:1,\;2{\times}C18:2\;;\;17.0\%),$ $(3\;{\times}\;C18:2\;;\;17.0\%),\;(3\;{\times}\;C18:1\;;\;10.9\%),$ $(3\;{\times}\;C18:2\;;\;9.6\%),\;(C16:0,\;C18:1,C18:2\;;\;7.9\%),$ $(C16:0,\;2\;{\times}\;C18:1\;;\;7.4\%),\;(C16:0,\;2\;{\times}\;C18:2\;;\;6.8\%),$ $(C18:0,\;C18:1,\;C18:2\;;\;3.1\%),\;(2\;{\times}\;C18:0,\;C18:2\;;\;1.5\%)$ $(C18:0,\;2\;{\times}\;C18:1\;;\;1.4\%),\;(C16:0,\;C18:0,\;C18:1\;;\;1.3\%),$ $(2\;{\times}\;C16:0,\;C18:1\;;\;1.2\%),\;and\;(C16:0,C18:0,\;C18:2\;;\;1.0\%)$.

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CYP2E1 RsaI/PstI Polymorphism and Liver Cancer Risk among East Asians: a Huge Review and Meta-analysis

  • Tian, Zhong;Li, Yi-Ling;Zhao, Lin;Zhang, Chen-Liang
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.4915-4921
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    • 2012
  • Published data on any association between the CYP2E1 RsaI/PstI (c1/c2) polymorphism and liver cancer risk among east Asians are inconclusive. The aim of this Human Genome Epidemiology (HuGE) review and meta-analysis was to derive a more precise estimation of the relationship. A literature search of Pubmed, Embase, Web of science and CBM databases from inception through July 2012 was conducted. Twelve case-control studies were included with a total of 1,552 liver cancer cases and 1,763 healthy controls. Crude odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to assess the strength of association under five genetic models. When all the eligible studies were pooled into the meta-analysis, the results showed that the c2 allele and the c2 carrier (c2/c2 + c2/c1) of RsaI/PstI polymorphism were associated with decreased risk of liver cancer among east Asians (c2 vs. c1: OR = 0.75, 95%CI: 0.59-0.95, P = 0.016; c2/c2 + c2/c1 vs. c1/c1: OR = 0.76, 95%CI: 0.58-1.00, P = 0.050). In the stratified analysis by country, significant associations were observed between RsaI/PstI polymorphism and decreased risk of liver cancer among the Chinese population (c2 vs. c1: OR = 0.70, 95%CI: 0.54-0.91, P = 0.007; c2/c2 + c2/c1 vs. c1/c1: OR = 0.72, 95%CI: 0.54-0.95, P = 0.020), but not among Japanese and Korean populations. Results from the current meta-analysis indicates that the c2 allele of CYP2E1 RsaI/PstI (c1/c2) polymorphism may be a protective factor for HCC among east Asians, especially among China populations.

Triglyceride Composition of Perilla Oil (들깨기름의 Triglyceride 조성(組成)에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yeung-Ho;Kim, Dong-Soo;Chun, Suck-Jo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.164-169
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    • 1983
  • The triglyceride composition of perilla oil was investigated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in combination with gas liquid chromatography (GLC). The triglycerides were separated from perilla oil by thin layer chromatography (TLC), and fractionated into five groups on the basis of their partition numbers by reverse phase HPLC on a column packed with ${\mu}-Bondapak\;C_{18}$ using methanol-chloroform mixture as a solvent. Each of these collected fractions gave one to three peaks in the GLC chromatograms according to the acyl carbon number of the triglyceride, and fatty acid composition of the triglyceride was also analyzed by GLC. The results indicate that the perilla oil consists of fifteen kinds of triglycerides, and the major triglycerides in perilla oil were as follows: 68.0% of $(C_{18:3},\;C_{18:3},\;C_{18:3})$, 6.7% of $(C_{18:2},\;C_{18:3},\;C_{18:3})$, 5.9% of $(C_{18:1},\;C_{18:3},\;C_{18:3})$, 4.3% of $(C_{16:0},\;C_{18:3},\;C_{18:3})$, 3.8% of $(C_{18:1},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{18:3})$, 3.2% of $(C_{18:1},\;C_{18:1},\;C_{18:3})$, 2.0% of $(C_{16:0},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{18:3})$, 1.5% of ($C_{18:2},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{18:3})$, 1.0% of $(C_{16:0},\;C_{18:1},\;C_{18:3})$.

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Phase Orientation of TiC-$TiB_2$-SiC Ternary Eutectic Composite Prepared by an FZ Method

  • Tu, Rong;Li, Wenjun;Goto, Takashi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute Conference
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    • 2006.09b
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    • pp.859-860
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    • 2006
  • TiC-$TiB_2$-SiC system was a ternary eutectic, whose eutectic composition was 34TiC-$22TiB_2$-44SiC (mol%). TiC-$TiB_2$-SiC ternary eutectic composite were synthesized by a floating zone method using TiC, $TiB_2$ and SiC powders as starting materials. The TiC-$TiB_2$-SiC eutectic composite showed a lamellar texture. TiC(022), $TiB_2(010)$ and SiC(111) of the eutectic composite were perpendicular to the growth direction. TiC-$TiB_2$-SiC ternary eutectic composite had specific relationship among the crystal planes: TiC[011]//$TiB_2[010]$//SiC[112], TiC(200)//$TiB_2$(001)//SiC(402) and $TiC(1\bar{1}1)$//$TiB_2(101)$//SiC(220).

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R-Curve Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Al2O3 Composites Containing SiC and TiC Particles (SiC와 TiC 입자를 함유하는 Al2O3 입자복합체의 균열저항거동과 기계적 성질)

  • Na, Sang-Woong;Lee, Jae-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.413-419
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    • 2002
  • Particulate composites of $Al_2O_3$/TiC/SiC, $Al_2O_3$/TiC and $Al_2O_3$/SiC have been fabricated by hot pressing and their R-curve behaviors and mechanical properties were investigated. $Al_2O_3$ containing 30 vol% TiC particles showed higher toughness by 8% than that for monolithic alumina and its fracture strength was increased significantly by approximately 30%. On the other hand, the addition of 30 vol% SiC of $3{\mu}m$ in $Al_2O_3$ decreased the fracture strength slightly but induced a rising R-curve behavior owing to the strong crack bridging of SiC particles. In case of $Al_2O_3$/TiC/SiC, arising R-curve behavior was also observed and the fracture toughness reached 6.6 MPa${\cdot}\sqrt{m}$ at the crack length of $1000{\mu}m$, which was lower than that of $Al_2O_3$/SiC, however, while the fracture strength was higher by about 20%. The fracture toughness seemed to be decreased as smaller TiC particles roughened the SiC interface and pullout of the SiC particles for crack bridging became less active.

Synthesis and structure of ($C_6CH_2NH_3)_2CUCl_4and \;(NH_3C_6C_4C_2H_4C_6NH_3)CUCl_4$ (($C_6CH_2NH_3)_2CUCl_4와 \;(NH_3C_6C_4C_2H_4C_6NH_3)CUCl_4$의 합성과 구조)

  • 김지현;권석순;현준원;허영덕
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2004
  • The layered organic-inorganic hybrid compounds($C_6H_5CH_2NH_3)_2CuCl_4$ and ($NH_3C_6/H_4C_2H_4_6/H_4NH_3)CuCl_4$ have been directly synthesized. From the X-ray diffraction data and the organic guest size, the orientation of the intercalated organic amine was determined. The inorganic sheets consist of $CuCl_4^{2-}$layers of comer-sharing octahedra copper chloride. The protonated organic amine was intercalated into the $CuCl_4^{2-}$layers with bilayer structure for ($C_6H_5CH_2NH_3)_2CuCl_4$ and monolayer structure for ($NH_3C_6/H_4C_2H_4_6/H_4NH_3)CuCl_4$.

Analysis of Molecular Species of Vegetable Oil Triglycerides by Capillary Column GC-MS (Capillary Column GC-MS에 의한 식물유 트리글리세리드 분자종의 분석)

  • Yoon, Hyeung-Sik;Kim, Seon-Bong;Park, Yeung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.391-398
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    • 1989
  • Triglyceride molecular species In some vegetable oils were analyzed by capillary column gas chromatography and electron impact ionization mass spectrometry utilizing selected ion monitoring. Triglycerides were separated according to their molecular weights and their degrees of unsaturation on $25m{\times}0.25mm$ fused silica open tubular capillary column coated with a phenylmethylsilicone gum stationary phase and in an analysis time less than 13 min. Triglyceride molecular species were identified by analyzing the fragment ions having the same time on the selected ion monitoring profile . The major triglyceride molecular species in each oils were $C_{18:1}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}(OLL:18.3%),\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}(LLL;\;14.3%),\;C_{18:0}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}(SLL;\;14.1%),\;C_{16:0}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}(PLL;\;13.2%),\;C_{16:0}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:1}(PLO;\;11.6%)$ in corn oil, $C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}(LLL;\;18.0%),\;C_{18:1}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}(OLL;\;18.0%),\;C_{16:0}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}(PLL;\;17.1%)$ in safflower oil, $C_{16:0}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}(PLL;\;23.5%),\;C_{16:0}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:1}(PLO;\;13.8%),\;C_{18:0}.\;C_{18:1}.\;C_{18:1}(SOO;\;13.5%),\;C_{18:1}.\;C_{18:2}.\;C_{18:2}(OLL;\;10.6%)$ in cottonseed oil.

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