• Title/Summary/Keyword: $N_2$ purification

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Novel Purification Method of Two Monoterpene Glucosides, Paeoniflorin, and Albiflorin, from Peony

  • Kim, Nam-Soo;Kim, Dong-Kyung
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1055-1059
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    • 2007
  • Two monoterpene glucosides, paeoniflorin and albiflorin, in peony (Paeonia lactiflora) were purified from 70% ethanol extract of Paeoniae Radix by diethyl ether washing and n-butanol partition, acetone dissolution, and gradient preparative HPLC. After the whole course of purification, yield of paeoniflorin, albiflorin, and the sum of them were 75.0, 38.8, and 68.7%, respectively, together with the corresponding purity of 96.2, 93.8, and 96.0%.

Purification and Properties of Extracellular Lipases with Transesterification Activity and 1,3-Regioselectivity from Rhizomucor miehei and Rhizopus oryzae

  • Tako, Miklos;Kotogan, Alexandra;Papp, Tamas;Kadaikunnan, Shine;Alharbi, Naiyf S.;Vagvolgyi, Csaba
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2017
  • Rhizomucor miehei NRRL 5282 and Rhizopus oryzae NRRL 1526 can produce lipases with high synthetic activities in wheat bran-based solid-state culture. In this study, the purification and biochemical characterization of the lipolytic activities of these lipases are presented. SDS-PAGE indicated a molecular mass of about 55 and 35 kDa for the purified R. miehei and Rh. oryzae enzymes, respectively. p-Nitrophenyl palmitate (pNPP) hydrolysis was maximal at $40^{\circ}C$ and pH 7.0 for the R. miehei lipase, and at $30^{\circ}C$ and pH 5.2 for the Rh. oryzae enzyme. The enzymes showed almost equal affinity to pNPP, but the $V_{max}$ of the Rh. oryzae lipase was about 1.13 times higher than that determined for R. miehei using the same substrate. For both enzymes, a dramatic loss of activity was observed in the presence of 5 mM $Hg^{2+}$, $Zn^{2+}$, or $Mn^{2+}$, 10 mM N-bromosuccinimide or sodium dodecyl sulfate, and 5-10% (v/v) of hexanol or butanol. At the same time, they proved to be extraordinarily stable in the presence of n-hexane, cyclohexane, n-heptane, and isooctane. Moreover, isopentanol up to 10% (v/v) and propionic acid in 1 mM concentrations increased the pNPP hydrolyzing activity of R. miehei lipase. Both enzymes had 1,3-regioselectivity, and efficiently hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl (pNP) esters with C8-C16 acids, exhibiting maximum activity towards pNP-caprylate (R. miehei) and pNP-dodecanoate (Rh. oryzae). The purified lipases are promising candidates for various biotechnological applications.

Reprocessing of simulated voloxidized uranium-oxide SNF in the CARBEX process

  • Boyarintsev, Alexander V.;Stepanov, Sergei I.;Kostikova, Galina V.;Zhilov, Valeriy I.;Chekmarev, Alexander M.;Tsivadze, Aslan Yu.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.1799-1804
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    • 2019
  • The concept of a new method, the CARBEX (CARBonate EXtraction) process, was proposed for reprocessing of spent uranium oxide fuel. The proposed process is based on use of water solutions of $Na_2CO_3$ or $(NH_4)_2CO_3$ and solvent extraction (SE) by the quaternary ammonium compounds for selective recovery and purification of U from the fission products (FPs). Applying of SE allows to reach high degree of purification of U from FPs. Carrying out the processes in poorly aggressive alkaline carbonate media leads to increasing safety of SNF's reprocessing and better selectivity of separation of lanthanides and actinides. Moreover carbonate reprocessing media allows to carry out a recycling and regeneration of reagents. We have been done laboratory scale experiments on the extraction components of simulated voloxidated spent fuel in the solutions of NaOH or $Na_2CO_3-H_2O_2$ and recovery of U from carbonate solutions by SE method using carbonate of methyltrioctylammonium in toluene. It was shown that the purification factors of U from impurities of simulated FPs reached values $10^3-10^5$. The received results support our opinion that CARBEX after the further development can become more safe, simple and profitable method of spent fuel reprocessing.

Studies on the Contamination Degree of Effluent from the Sewage Purification System and Septic Tank (오수정화시설 및 정화조 방류수의 수질오염도에 관한 연구)

  • 어수미;이홍근
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 1991
  • This study was performed to investigate the contamination degree of effluent from the sewage purification system and septic tank. The 711 samples, were collected from the large size tank located in Seoul from Mar. to June 1991. The results were as follows 1. The pH values of effluent were largely neutral of 6.96 in sewage and 7.43 in septic tank. 2. The average concentration of BOD was 48.18 mg/l in sewage and 127.0 rng/l in septic tank. 3. The average concentration of SS was 40.8mg/l in sewage and 90.5rng/l in septic tank. 4. In the analysis of nutrient salts, the average concentration of NH$_{3}$-N was 31.62mg/l in sewage and 88.79 mg/l in septic tank. 5. In the analysis of correlation among items, BOD, SS, NH$_{3}$-N and PO$_{4}$-P were higly correlated beween items. 6. As a results of above analysis, it is considered as desirable evaluation method of effluent not through the only item but through the integrated items.

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Treatment of Animal Wastewater with Absorbent Oxidation (축산폐수의 흡착산화 처리)

  • 오인환;박정현;이명규;전병태;김형화
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.136-144
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    • 1994
  • A long- time aeration method was developed for purification of animal wastewater. Under repeated aereations of 4 hours on and 4 hours off, the higher removal rates were obtained which were in average of 99%, 96%, 92% and 50% for BOD, SS, total nitrogen and phosporous, respectively. In detail, the measured BOD concentrations of the influent and effluent were 2,700ppm and 40ppm while the SS concentrations in the primary chamber and of the effluent were about 3,000 and 110 ppm, respectively. Zeolite and activated carbon, applied for removing the nitrogen and phosphorous, showed a good absorption, especially zeolite for NH$_4$-N and activated carbon for NO$_3$-N and PO$_4$-P. The treatment cost per head by this method amounts to 1,923 won and it comes to 1.6% in the whole production cost. Therefore, this method is economically available with the half cost of the conventional activated sludge process.

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Direct Multiplex Reverse Transcription-Nested PCR Detection of Influenza Viruses Without RNA Purification

  • Song, Man-Ki;Chang, Jun;Hong, Yeong-Jin;Hong, Sung-Hoi;Kim, Suhng-Wook
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.1470-1474
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes the development a of direct multiplex reverse transcription-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, devised for simultaneous detection and typing of influenza viruses. This method combines the direct reverse transcription reaction without RNA purification with the enhancement of sensitivity and specificity of nested PCR. The method successfully detected three major human influenza viruses: influenza virus A subtype 1 (H1N1) and subtype 3 (H3N2), and influenza B virus (B). The minimum number of virus particles (pfu/ml) necessary for detection in spiked saliva samples was 200 (H1N1), 140 (H3N2), and 4.5 (B). The method's sensitivity and simplicity will be convenient for use in clinical laboratories for the detection and subtyping of influenza and possibly other RNA viruses.

Expression and Purification of the Helicase-like Subdomains, H1 and H23, of Reverse Gyrase from A. fulgidus for Heteronuclear NMR study

  • Kwon, Mun-Young;Seo, Yeo-Jin;Lee, Yeon-Mi;Lee, Ae-Ree;Lee, Joon-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.95-98
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    • 2015
  • Reverse gyrase is a hyperthermophile specific protein which introduces positive supercoils into DNA molecules. Reverse gyrase consists of an N-terminal helicase-like domain and a C-terminal topoisomerase domain. The helicase-like domain shares the three-dimensional structure with two tandem RecA-folds (H1 and H2), in which the subdomain H2 is interrupted by the latch domain (H3). To understand the physical property of the hyperthermophile-specific protein, two subdomains af_H1 and af_H23 have been cloned into E. coli expression vector, pET28a. The $^{15}N$-labeled af_H1 and af_H23 proteins were expressed and purified for heteronuclear NMR study. The af_H1 protein exhibits the well-dispersion of amide signals in its $^1H/^{15}N$-HSQC spectra and thus further NMR study continues to be progressed.

Assessment of Water Purification Plant Vegetation for Enhancement of Natural Purification in Mankyeong River (만경강 본류의 자연정화능 향상을 위한 식생학적 진단)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Bo;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Jong-Gu;Lee, Deog-Bae;Park, Chan-Won;Na, Seoung-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to get some information on plants abilities to enhance water purification and to find out away to conserve the ecosystem in Mankyeong river. Vegetation were surveyed at 4 sites pointing by 1:5,000 topographical map, from June 2001 through March 2002. T-N content in water were high in all sites of Mankyeong river, the average T-N levels were 8.59 and 17.23 mg/L, summer and winter, respectively. The average T-P level during summer was 0.47 mg/L but that was 1.79 mg/L during winter. The BOD level in Mankyeong upstream ranged from 0.95 to 2.57 mg/L which would be in I or II grade according to water quality criteria by Ministry of Environment but BOD level in Mankyeong downstream ranged from 6.87 to 9.72 mg/L. The plant species of river flora were found 251, 98 and 85, upstream midstream and down stream, respectively. Among the surveyed plants, Ceratophyllum demersum, submerged plant and Nuphar subinteperrimum took up higher contents of phosphate and nitrogen than other piano. The Phragmites communis and Zizania latifolia having much biomass were thought to be suitable plants for enhancement of e natural water purification.

Purification of Animal Wastewater Using a Reed-Sand-Filter System;I. Retention Period and Seasonal Variation (갈대사상여과법(砂床濾過法)을 이용한 축산폐수정화(畜産廢水淨化);I. 처리일수(處理日數) 및 계절별(季節別) 변화(變化))

  • Lee, Deog-Bae;Kim, Jong-Gu;Kang, Jong-Goog;Kim, Sun-Kwan;So, Jae-Don;Rhee, Kyeong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.231-239
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    • 1994
  • A reed-sand-filter system was used to purify swine wastewater economically. Reeds (Phragmites communis Trin) were planted on the sand / gravel bed of a 20/30cm layer depth. After the input of waste-water up to a depth of l0㎝, the effluent was monitored for pollutants on the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th day thereafter. As swine wastewater stayed longer, the pollutants in the effluent such as T-N, $PO_4^{3-}$, COD and BOD were removed more effectively. The sand-filter system with reeds showed a superior removal efficiency to that without reeds. Especially in summer, the former showed greater purification rates than the latter, being 30% greater in T-N, 37% in $PO_4^{3-}$, 42% in COD and 30% in suspended solids. The seasonal purification efficiency was in the decreasing order of July, October and April. Reeds took up 40.1g N, 10.8g $P_2O_5$, 38.9g $K_2O$, 2.8g CaO, 2.1g MgO per square meter of the above surface area.

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Strength and Water Purification Characteristics of Effective Microorganism-applied Volcanic Ash Block (유용미생물을 적용한 화산재 블록의 강도 및 수질정화 특성)

  • Lee, Chung-Won;Chang, Dong-Su;Park, Sung-Yong;Choi, Joong-Dae;Kim, Yong-Seong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study is to investigate strength and water purification characteristics of effective microorganism-applied volcanic ash block using flexural strength test and water quality analysis. The specimens were prepared with volcanic ash from Mt. Baekdusan and Mt. Hallasan, and cement as the ratios of 3.5:1, 4.0:1, 4.5:1, 5.0:1 with and without metakaolin. Flexural strength degraded with increasing of the amount of volcanic ash, and increased with addition of metakaolin as a binder. Based on these results, the optimal ratio for fabricating volcanic ash-cement mixture block is determined as 3.5:1 with metakaolin. Furthermore, from water quality analysis on contaminated water, removal ability of effective microorganism-applied volcanic ash-cement mixture block and caged volcanic ash block against T-N, T-P and SS was highly evaluated because of adsorption due to the large specific surface area of volcanic ash. Hence, volcanic ash-cement mixture block and caged volcanic ash block possibly contribute to water purification.