• 제목/요약/키워드: $K_0$-consolidated

검색결과 109건 처리시간 0.027초

정규압밀점토(正規壓密粘土)의 거동(擧動)에 미치는 K0-압밀효과(壓密効果) (Effect of K0-Consolidation in Behavior of Normally Consolidated Clay)

  • 홍원표
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.183-193
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    • 1987
  • 점토입자(粘土粒子)가 등방적으로 퇴적된 후 $K_0$-압밀(壓密)이력을 받으면 응력유도이방성(應力誘導異方性)을 지니게 되므로 정규압밀점토(正規壓密粘土)의 현위치거동(現位置擧動)을 조사하려면 $K_0$-압밀(壓密)에 의한 영향을 검토할 필요가 있다. 실내에서 반죽성형하여 얻은 점토공시체(粘土供試體)에 대하여 등방압밀 및 $K_0$-압밀을 실시한 후 비배수삼축압축시험 및 배수삼축압축시험을 실시하여 $K_0$-압밀이력의 영향을 검토하였다. $K_0$-압밀이력은 축차응력거동(軸差應力擧動)에 영향을 크게 미치나 유효주응력비거동(有効主應力比擧動)에는 영향이 작다. 특히 비배수시험의 초기변형단계에서는 축차응력거동(軸差應力擧動)에 영향을 크게 미친다. 따라서, $K_0$-압밀시료의 비배수강도거동은 등방압밀비배수시험으로 추정될 수 없다. 그러나, 최대유효주응력비(最大有效主應力比擧動)파괴기준에 의한 파괴포락선은 압밀이력 및 배수조건에 관계없이 유일한 곡선(曲線)이다.

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$K_0$ 압밀 점토의 변형율 의존 비배수 전단거동 (Undrained Behavior of $K_0$ Consolidated Clay due to Strain Rate)

  • 김진원;이창호;이문주;이우진
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2005년도 춘계 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.1039-1046
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    • 2005
  • After clay particles have been sediment isotropically, the clay deposits have been consolidated under $K_0$-stress system. Therefore, in order to predict the behavior in-situ of normally consolidated clays, the laboratory test should be enforced under $K_0$-stress system and should obtain the characteristics of normally consolidated clays. And relationship of stress-strain on clay is effected on not only method of consolidation but also characteristic of visco-plastic behavior. Saturated clay is effected more this trend. So, rate of strain is considered to understand exact stress-strain relationship. In this study, the series of undrained triaxial compression tests were preformed on remolded specimens which was made by slurry of clay, consolidated under $K_0$-stress systems. And the undrained triaxial compression test were preformed to examine behavior of stress-strain relationship due to rate of shear strain relationship due to rate of shear strain.

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정규압밀점토의 비배수 전단강도에 대한 이방압밀효과 (Effects of an Anisotropic Consolidation on the Undrained Shear Strength of a Normally Consolidated Clay)

  • 강병희;윤호창
    • 한국지반공학회지:지반
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 1994
  • 수평지반내의 한 지점에 대한 원위치의 압밀상태는 $K_0$-이방압밀 되어있으며 토압계수 $K_0$값은 흙의 성질과 옹력이력에 따라 다르다. $K_0$-이방정규압밀점토지반의 원위치 비배수전단강도를 등방압밀시헙에 의해서 추정하기 위하여 4가지의 압밀응력비($K={\sigma}'_{3c}/{\sigma}'_{1c}$)로서 이방압밀시킨 비배수전단시험을 시행하여 ($S_u/{\sigma}'_{1c})_{CKU}=\alpha(S_u/{\sigma}'_{1c})_{CIU}$로 나타내는 강도비 $\alpha$와 압밀응력비 K의 관계를 나타내었다. 시험결과 강도비 $\alpha$는 압밀웅력비가 클수록 증가하고 내부마찰각$\Phi'$$\Phi'_{CKU}/\Phi'_{CIU}/$비도 압밀 응력비가 클수록 동시에 증가한다.

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이방 구속 조건에서 실지진 하중을 이용한 액상화 저항강도 특성 분석 (A Study on the Liquefaction Resistance of Anisotropic Sample under Real Earthquake Loading)

  • 이재진;정상섬;김수일
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2009년도 세계 도시지반공학 심포지엄
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    • pp.1188-1191
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    • 2009
  • In this study, cyclic triaxial tests were performed with the samples which were anisotropically consolidated using irregular earthquake loading to consider in-situ condition and seismic wave. The consolidation pressure ratio(K) was changed from 0.5 to 1.0. The Ofunato and Hachinohe wave are applied as irregular earthquake loading and liquefaction resistance strength was estimated from excess pore water pressure(EPWP) ratio. As results of the cyclic triaxial tests, buildup of EPWP ratio increased as K value increased. It shows, that the isotropically consolidated sands is more susceptible to liquefaction than anisotropically consolidated sands under equal conditions such as confining pressure and dynamic loading.

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Characterization of Mechanical Alloying Processed Ti-Si-B Nanocomposite Consolidated by Spark Plasma Sintering

  • Lee, Hyung-Bock;Kwon, In-Jong;Lee, Hyung-Jik;Han, Young-Hwan
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제45권12호
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    • pp.815-820
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    • 2008
  • The microstructure and mechanical properties of $TiB_2/Si$ nanocomposites based on the Ti-Si-B system, consolidated by spark plasma sintering of mechanically alloyed activated nanopowders, have been characterized. Mechanical Alloying was carried out in a planetary ball mill for 180 min with 350 rev $min^{-1}$. The powders were pressed in vacuum at a pressure of 60 MPa, generating a maximum temperature in the graphite mould of $1400^{\circ}C$. Analysis of the synthesized nanocomposites by SEM, XRD and TEM showed them to consist of $TiB_2$ second phase, sub-micron in size, with no third phase. Composites consolidated from powders mechanically alloyed from an initial elemental powder mix of 0.3 mol Si, 0.7 mol Ti, and 2.0 mol B achieved the best relative density (97%) and bending strength (774 MPa); the highest Vickers hardness of 14.7 GPa was achieved for the 0.1-0.9-2.0 mol starting composition.

Drained cylindrical cavity expansion in K0-consolidated anisotropic soils under biaxial in-situ stresses

  • Cao, Xiaobing;Zhang, Junran;Sun, De'an
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2022
  • Cavity expansion is a classical problem in the field of solid mechanics with a wide range of applications in geotechnical and petroleum engineering. A drained solution is developed for cylindrical cavity expansion in anisotropic soils under biaxial in-situ stresses using a K0-based anisotropic modified Cam-clay model (K0-AMCC). The problem is formulated by solving differential equations using an auxiliary variable, which provides analytical expressions for the volume and four stress components of the soil around the cylindrical cavity. The solution is validated by comparisons with existing well-developed solutions. The results show that the present solution well captures the cavity expansion responses in anisotropic soils under biaxial in-situ stresses, and removes limiting assumptions that the cylindrical cavity expands under uniform in-situ stress in isotropic soils. The elastic-plastic boundary of the expanding cylindrical cavity in K0-consolidated anisotropic soils under biaxial in-situ stresses is a circle rather than an ellipse in isotropic soils, and the mathematical proof is provided in detail.

Characterization of rapidly consolidated γ-TiAl

  • Kothari, Kunal;Radhakrishnan, Ramachandran;Sudarshan, Tirumalai S.;Wereley, Norman M.
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.51-74
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    • 2012
  • A powder metallurgy-based rapid consolidation technique, Plasma Pressure Compaction ($P^2C^{(R)}$), was utilized to produce near-net shape parts of gamma titanium aluminides (${\gamma}$-TiAl). Micron-sized ${\gamma}$-TiAl powders, composed of Ti-50%Al and Ti-48%Al-2%Cr-2%Nb (at%), were rapidly consolidated to form near-net shape ${\gamma}$-TiAl parts in the form of 1.0" (25.4 mm) diameter discs, as well as $3"{\times}2.25"$ ($76.2mm{\times}57.2mm$) tiles, having a thickness of 0.25" (6.35 mm). The ${\gamma}$-TiAl parts were consolidated to near theoretical density. The microstructural morphology of the consolidated parts was found to vary with consolidation conditions. Mechanical properties exhibited a strong dependence on microstructural morphology and grain size. Because of the rapid consolidation process used here, grain growth during consolidation was minimal, which in turn led to enhanced mechanical properties. Consolidated ${\gamma}$-TiAl samples corresponding to Ti-48%Al-2%Cr-2%Nb composition with a duplex microstructure (with an average grain size of $5{\mu}m$) exhibited superior mechanical properties. Flexural strength, ductility, elastic modulus and fracture toughness for these samples were as high as 1238 MPa, 2.3%, 154.58 GPa and 17.95 MPa $m^{1/2}$, respectively. The high temperature mechanical properties of the consolidated ${\gamma}$-TiAl samples were characterized in air and vacuum and were found to retain flexural strength and elastic modulus for temperatures up to $700^{\circ}C$. At high temperatures, the flexural strength of ${\gamma}$-TiAl samples with Ti-50%Al composition deteriorated in air by 10% as compared to that in vacuum. ${\gamma}$-TiAl samples with Ti-48%Al-2%Nb-2%Cr composition exhibited better if not equal flexural strength in air than in vacuum at high temperatures.

A similarity solution for undrained expansion of a cylindrical cavity in K0-consolidated anisotropic soils

  • Wang, You;Lin, Lin;Li, Jingpei
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2021
  • A rigorous and generic similarity solution is developed for assessment of the undrained expansion responses of a cylindrical cavity expansion in K0-consolidated anisotropic soils. A K0-consolidated anisotropic modified Cam-clay (K0-AMCC) model that can represent the initial stress anisotropy and the effects of stress-induced anisotropy is used to model the soil behaviors during cavity expansion. All the seven basic unknowns, the three stress components, the pore water pressure, the particle velocity, the specific volume and the hardening parameter, are reduced to the functions of a dimensionless radial coordinate and are taken as coupled variables to formulate the problem. The governing equations are formulated by making use of the equilibrium equation, the constitutive equation, the consistency condition, the continuity condition and the undrained condition, which are then solved as an initial value problem. The proposed rigorous similarity solution is compared with some well-documented rigorous solutions to validate the solution and to highlight the special expansion responses in anisotropic soils. The results reveal that the present solution can yield more predictions for cavity expansion problems in soils with initial anisotropic stresses.

공동 수배송 모델을 위한 프레임워크 설계 및 구축 (Implementation and Design of the Framework for Consolidated Transportation Model)

  • 이명호
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.980-985
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    • 2008
  • IT의 환경은 컴퓨터와 인터넷을 물과 공기처럼 이용할 수 있고, 새로운 성장 동력이 될 수 있는 웹 2.0과 매쉬업의 시대로 진화되고 있다. 그 중에서도 국내 기업들의 효율적인 공동 수배송 업무의 합리화는 국내 기업 물류관리의 가장 중요한 과제 중의 하나로 부각되고 있다. 그러나 효율적인 공동 수배송 시스템의 통합운영 모델의 분석 및 설계에 관한 연구는 미비하였다 본 연구는 경쟁력있는 공동 수배송 물류정보시스템을 위한 프레임워크 설계 및 구축을 하는데 있다. 또한 공동 수배송 물류정보시스템을 위한 사용자 요구사항을 분석하여 개발 지침을 제공한다. 마지막으로 공동 수배송 모델을 위한 파일럿 시스템을 설계하고 구축하도록 한다.

초기응력상태(初期應力狀態)가 모래의 변형(變形)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Effects of Initial Stress on the Deformation of Sand)

  • 강병희;정인준
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 1983
  • 건조(乾操)한 모래 시료(試料)를 토압계수(土壓係數)가 1.0, 3/4, 0.55, $K_0$ 1/3 및 1/3 인 응력경로(應力經路)를 따라 정규압밀(正規壓密) 또는 과압밀(過壓密)시킨 후 삼축압축시험(三軸壓縮試驗)을 행(行)하였다. 정규압밀시료(正規壓密試料)의 변형저항(變形抵抗)은 압밀시(壓密時)의 토압계수(土壓係數)의 크기에 관계(關係)없이 초기응력(初期應力)의 증가(增加)에 따라서 증가(增加)하였으며 또 어떤 한 초기응력(初期應力)에 대한 변형계수(變形係數)는 토압계수(土壓係數)가 클수록 커지는 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 그리고 등방정규압밀(等方正規壓密) 및 이방정규압밀(異方正規壓密)된 시료(試料)의 변형계수(變形係數) ($E_i$$E_{50}$)는 초기응력(初期應力)[${\sigma}_{m0}{^{\prime}}$, ${\sigma}_{10}{^{\prime}}$, ${\sigma}_{30}{^{\prime}}$, $({\sigma}_1-{\sigma}_3)_0$]의 n승(乘)에 비례(比例)하며 이 n 치(値)는 0.37에서 0.92의 범위 내에 있었다. 그리고 과압밀시료(過壓密試料)에서는 과압밀비(過壓密比)가 클수록 변형계수(變形係)는 크게 되었음을 냐타내었다. 결론적(結論的)으로 좀더 정확(正確)한 현위치(現位置)의 변형계수(變形係數)를 구하기 위해서는 $K_0$-이방압밀삼축압축시험(理方壓密三軸壓縮試驗)을 행(行)하여야 한다.

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