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A Destructive Method in the Connection of the Algorithm and Design in the Digital media - Centered on the Rapid Prototyping Systems of Product Design - (디지털미디어 환경(環境)에서 디자인 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 실내제품(室內製品) 디자인을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Seok-Hwa
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.5
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    • pp.87-129
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this thesis is to propose a new concept of design of the 21st century, on the basis of the study on the general signification of the structures and the signs of industrial product design, by examining the difference between modern and post-modern design, which is expected to lead the users to different design practice and interpretation of it. The starting point of this study is the different styles and patterns of 'Gestalt' in the post-modern design of the late 20th century from modern design - the factor of determination in industrial product design. That is to say, unlike functional and rational styles of modern product design, the late 20th century is based upon the pluralism characterized by complexity, synthetic and decorativeness. So far, most of the previous studies on design seem to have excluded visual aspects and usability, focused only on effective communication of design phenomena. These partial studies on design, blinded by phenomenal aspects, have resulted in failure to discover a principle of fundamental system. However, design varies according to the times; and the transformation of design is reflected in Design Pragnanz to constitute a new text of design. Therefore, it can be argued that Design Pragnanz serves as an essential factor under influence of the significance of text. In this thesis, therefore, I delve into analysis of the 20th century product design, in the light of Gestalt theory and Design Pragnanz, which have been functioning as the principle of the past design. For this study, I attempted to discover the fundamental elements in modern and post-modern designs, and to examine the formal structure of product design, the users' aesthetic preference and its semantics, from the integrative viewpoint. Also, with reference to history and theory of design my emphasis is more on fundamental visual phenomena than on structural analysis or process of visualization in product design, in order to examine the formal properties of modern and post-modern designs. Firstly, In Chapter 1, 'Issues and Background of the Study', I investigated the Gestalt theory and Design Pragnanz, on the premise of formal distinction between modern and post-modern designs. These theories are founded upon the discussion on visual perception of Gestalt in Germany in 1910's, in pursuit of the principle of perception centered around visual perception of human beings. In Chapter 2, I dealt with functionalism of modern design, as an advance preparation for the further study on the product design of the late 20th century. First of all, in Chapter 2-1, I examined the tendency of modern design focused on functionalism, which can be exemplified by the famous statement 'Form follows function'. Excluding all unessential elements in design - for example, decoration, this tendency has attained the position of the international style based on the spirit of Bauhause - universality and regularity - in search of geometric order, standardization and rationalization. In Chapter 2-2, I investigated the anthropological viewpoint that modern design started representing culture in a symbolic way including overall aspects of the society - politics, economics and ethics, and its criticism on functionalist design that aesthetic value is missing in exchange of excessive simplicity in style. Moreover, I examined the pluralist phenomena in post-modern design such as kitsch, eclecticism, reactionism, hi-tech and digital design, breaking away from functionalist purism of modern design. In Chapter 3, I analyzed Gestalt Pragnanz in design in a practical way, against the background of design trends. To begin with, I selected mass product design among those for the 20th century products as a target of analysis, highlighting representative styles in each category of the products. For this analysis, I adopted the theory of J. M Lehnhardt, who gradated in percentage the aesthetic and semantic levels of Pragnantz in design expression, and that of J. K. Grutter, who expressed it in a formula of M = O : C. I also employed eight units of dichotomies, according to the G. D. Birkhoff's aesthetic criteria, for the purpose of scientific classification of the degree of order and complexity in design; and I analyzed phenomenal aspects of design form represented in each unit. For Chapter 4, I executed a questionnaire about semiological phenomena of Design Pragnanz with 28 units of antonymous adjectives, based upon the research in the previous chapter. Then, I analyzed the process of signification of Design Pragnanz, founded on this research. Furthermore, the interpretation of the analysis served as an explanation to preference, through systematic analysis of Gestalt and Design Pragnanz in product design of the late 20th century. In Chapter 5, I determined the position of Design Pragnanz by integrating the analyses of Gestalt and Pragnanz in modern and post-modern designs In this process, 1 revealed the difference of each Design Pragnanz in formal respect, in order to suggest a vision of the future as a result, which will provide systemic and structural stimulation to current design.

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Weed-Ecological Classification of the Collected Barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-galli(L.) Beauv.] in Korea - III. Intra-specific variation of collected barnyardgrass species and accessions to herbicides response (한국산(韓國産) 피(Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.) 수집종(蒐集種)의 잡초생태학적(雜草生態學的) 분류(分類)에 관(關한) 연구(硏究) - 제(第)III보(報) 수집종(蒐集種) 피의 제초제(除草劑) 반응(反應)에 대(對)한 종내변이(種內變異))

  • Im, I.B.;Guh, J.O.;Lee, D.J.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.16-27
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    • 1989
  • The six barnyardgrass [Echinochloa oryzicola (vasing.) Vasing.] and seventeen barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-gadli (L.) Beauv.] accessions, which were collected national widely in 1986 and selected two times through 1987. To study different growth response due to herbicide, pyrazolate, bifenox, quinclorac, the experiment was conducted with herbicide agar culture without nutrients, 1. Albinistic discoloration due to pyrazolate was more sensitive in E, crus-galli than E. oryzicola and among barnyardgrass accessions, Kumi, Ichon-A, Ichon-B, Boun-B and Kwangju-B were rather susceptible than Gyongju, Ansong, Boun-A, Jongju-A and Kwangju-A. 2. Twisting and growth retardation due to bifenox was less sensitive in E. oryzicola with less intra-specific variations than in E. crus-galli. Among E. crus-galli accessions, Boun-B, Ansong, Ichon-A, Ichon-B, Wonju and Kwangju-B were particulary susceptible, and Jinyang, Jongju-B, Jongju-A, Daejon, Kurye and Kwangju-A were tolerant as much as E. oryzicola. 3. Growth retardation and withering to dead due to quinclorac was more sensitive in E. oryzicola with less intra-specific variations than in E. crus-galli. Among accessions of E. curs-galli, Boun-A, Iri, Jongju-A, Jongju-B, Kwangju-A and Kwangju-B were rather similar suseptible to E, oryzicola than kimhae, Gyongju, Kumi, Wonju, Ichon-A, Ichon-B and Ansong. 4. Most accession of E. oryzicola was tolerant to both pyrazolate and bifenox, while susceptible to quinclorac. Among other accessions of E. crus-galli, Kurye, Kimhae, and Daejon were tolerant to all experimented herbicides, and Iri, Jongju-A, Jongju-B, and Kwangju-A were only tolerant to both pyrazolate and bifenox, while Kumi, Wonju, Ichon-A, Ichon-B, Boun-B and Kwangju-B were only tolerant to quinclorac.

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Analysis of Forestry Structure and Induced Output Based on Input - output Table - Influences of Forestry Production on Korean Economy - (산업관련표(産業關聯表)에 의(依)한 임업구조분석(林業構造分析)과 유발생산액(誘發生産額) -임업(林業)이 한국경제(韓國經濟)에 미치는 영향(影響)-)

  • Lee, Sung-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.4-14
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    • 1974
  • The total forest land area in Korea accounts for some 67 percent of the nation's land total. Its productivity, however, is very low. Consequently, forest production accounts for only about 2 percent of the gross national product and a minor proportion of no more than about 5 percent versus primary industry. In this case, however, only the direct income from forestry is taken into account, making no reference to the forestry output induced by other industrial sectors. The value added Or the induced forestry output in manufacturing the primary wood products into higher quality products, makes a larger contribution to the economy than direct contribution. So, this author has tried to analyze the structure of forestry and compute the repercussion effect and the induced output of primary forest products when utilized by other industries for their raw materials, Hsing the input-output table and attached tables for 1963 and 1966 issued by the Bank of Korea. 1. Analysis of forestry structure A. Changes in total output Durng the nine-year period, 1961-1969, the real gross national product in Korea increased 2.1 times, while that of primary industries went up about 1. 4 times. Forestry which was valued at 9,380 million won in 1961, was picked up about 2. 1 times to 20, 120 million won in 1969. The rate of the forestry income in the GNP, accordingly, was no more than 1.5 percent both in 1961 and 1962, whereas its rate in primary industries increased 3.5 to 5.4 percent. Such increase in forestry income is attributable to increased forest production and rise in timber prices. The rate of forestry income, nonetheless, was on the decrease on a gradual basis. B. Changes in input coefficient The input coefficient which indicates the inputs of the forest products into other sectors were up in general in 1966 over 1963. It is noted that the input coefficient indicating the amount of forest products supplied to such industries closely related with forestry as lumber and plywood, and wood products and furniture, showed a downward trend for the period 1963-1966. On the other hand, the forest input into other sectors was generally on the increase. Meanwhile, the input coefficient representing the yolume of the forest products supplied to the forestry sector itself showed an upward tendency, which meant more and more decrease in input from other sectors. Generally speaking, in direct proportion to the higher input coefficient in any industrial sector, the reinput coefficient which denotes the use of its products by the same sector becomes higher and higher. C. Changes in ratio of intermediate input The intermediate input ratio showing the dependency on raw materials went up to 15.43 percent m 1966 from 11. 37 percent in 1963. The dependency of forestry on raw materials was no more than 15.43 percent, accounting for a high 83.57 percent of value added. If the intermediate input ratio increases in any given sector, the input coefficient which represents the fe-use of its products by the same sector becomes large. D. Changes in the ratio of intermediate demand The ratio of the intermediate demand represents the characteristics of the intermediary production in each industry, the intermediate demand ratio in forestry which accunted for 69.7 percent in 1963 went up to 75.2 percent in 1966. In other words, forestry is a remarkable industry in that there is characteristics of the intermediary production. E. Changes in import coefficient The import coefficient which denotes the relation between the production activities and imports, recorded at 4.4 percent in 1963, decreased to 2.4 percent in 1966. The ratio of import to total output is not so high. F. Changes in market composition of imported goods One of the major imported goods in the forestry sector is lumber. The import value increased by 60 percent to 667 million won in 1966 from 407 million won in 1963. The sales of imported forest products to two major outlets-lumber and plywood, and wood products and furniture-increased to 343 million won and 31 million won in 1966 from 240million won and 30 million won in 1963 respectively. On the other hand, imported goods valued at 66 million won were sold to the paper products sector in 1963; however, no supply to this sector was recorded in 1963. Besides these major markets, primary industries such as the fishery, coal and agriculture sectors purchase materials from forestry. 2. Analysis of repercussion effect on production The repercussion effect of final demand in any given sector upon the expansion of the production of other sectors was analyzed, using the inverse matrix coefficient tables attached to the the I.O. Table. A. Changes in intra-sector transaction value of inverse matrix coefficient. The intra-sector transaction value of an inverse matrix coefficient represents the extent of an induced increase in the production of self-support products of the same sector, when it is generated directly and indirectly by one unit of final demand in any given sector. The intra-sector transaction value of the forestry sector rose from 1.04 in 1963 to 1, 11 in 1966. It may well be said, therefore, that forestry induces much more self-supporting products in the production of one unit of final demand for forest products. B. Changes in column total of inverse matrix coefficient It should be noted that the column total indicates the degree of effect of the output of the corresponding and related sectors generated by one unit of final demand in each sector. No changes in the column total of the forestry sector were recorded between the 1963 and 1966 figures, both being the same 1. 19. C. Changes in difference between column total and intra-sector transaction amount. The difference between the column total and intra-sector transaction amount by sector reveals the extent of effect of output of related industrial sector induced indirectly by one unit of final demand in corresponding sector. This change in forestry dropped remarkable to 0.08 in 1966 from 0.15 in 1963. Accordingly, the effect of inducement of indirect output of other forestry-related sectors has decreased; this is a really natural phenomenon, as compared with an increasing input coefficient generated by the re-use of forest products by the forestry sector. 3. Induced output of forestry A. Forest products, wood in particular, are supplied to other industries as their raw materials, increasng their value added. In this connection the primary dependency rate on forestry for 1963 and 1966 was compared, i. e., an increase or decrease in each sector, from 7.71 percent in 1963 to 11.91 percent in 1966 in agriculture, 10.32 to 6.11 in fishery, 16.24 to 19.90 in mining, 0.76 to 0.70 in the manufacturing sector and 2.79 to 4.77 percent in the construction sector. Generally speaking, on the average the dependency on forestry during the period 1963-1966 increased from 5.92 percent to 8.03 percent. Accordingly, it may easily be known that the primary forestry output induced by primary and secondary industries increased from 16, 109 million won in 1963 to 48, 842 million won in 1966. B. The forest products are supplied to other industries as their raw materials. The products are processed further into higher quality products. thus indirectly increasing the value of the forest products. The ratio of the increased value added or the secondary dependency on forestry for 1963 and 1966 showed an increase or decrease, from 5.98 percent to 7.87 percent in agriculture, 9.06 to 5.74 in fishery, 13.56 to 15.81 in mining, 0.68 to 0.61 in the manufacturing sector and 2.71 to 4.54 in the construction sector. The average ratio in this connection increased from 4.69 percent to 5.60 percent. In the meantime, the secondary forestry output induced by primary and secondary industries rose from 12,779 million Wall in 1963 to 34,084 million won in 1966. C. The dependency of tertiary industries on forestry showed very minor ratios of 0.46 percent and 0.04 percent in 1963 and 1966 respectively. The forestry output induced by tertiary industry also decreased from 685 million won to 123 million won during the same period. D. Generally speaking, the ratio of dependency on forestry increased from 17.68 percent in 1963 to 24.28 percent in 1966 in primary industries, from 4.69 percent to 5.70 percent in secondary industries, while, as mentioned above, the ratio in the case of tertiary industry decreased from 0.46 to 0.04 percent during the period 1963-66. The mining industry reveals the heaviest rate of dependency on forestry with 29.80 percent in 1963 and 35.71 percent in 1966. As it result, the direct forestry income, valued at 8,172 million won in 1963, shot up to 22,724 million won in 1966. Its composition ratio lo the national income rose from 1.9 percent in 1963 to 2.3 per cent in 1966. If the induced outcome is taken into account, the total forestry production which was estimated at 37,744 million won in 1963 picked up to 105,773 million won in 1966, about 4.5 times its direct income. It is further noted that the ratio of the gross forestry product to the gross national product. rose significantly from 8.8 percent in 1963 to 10.7 percent in 1966. E. In computing the above mentioned ratio not taken into consideration were such intangible, indirect effects as the drought and flood prevention, check of soil run-off, watershed and land conservation, improvement of the people's recreational and emotional living, and maintenance and increase in the national health and sanitation. F. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the forestry sector exercices an important effect upon the national economy and that the effect of induced forestry output is greater than its direct income.

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Suppressive Mechanism of Soil-borne Disease Development and its Practical Application -Isolation and Identification of Species of Trichoderma Antagonistic to Soil diseases and its activities in the Rhizosphere- (토양병의 발병억제 기작과 그 실용성 -길항성 Trichoderma spp.의 분리, 동정 및 근권내 활동-)

  • Kim, S.I.;Shim, J.O.;Shin, H.S.;Choi, H.J.;Lee, M.W.
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.337-346
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    • 1992
  • Trichoderma spp. are an effective control agent for damping-off or other plant diseases. The interaction between. T. hamatum and Rhizoctonia solani on the rhizosphere or surface soil were examined to assess the possible roles of antibiosis or competition in the mechanisms of biological control agents as a basic research. In a proportional comparison, total bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and Trichoderma spp were 65%, 8.8%, 25.9% and 0.28% respectively in their distribution in the soil. Among Trichoderma spp isolated, the 5 species of Trichoderma spp were indentified as T. koninggii, T. pseudokoninggii, T. aureoviridi, T. hamatum and T. viride respectively. In a mycoparasitic test, one isolate of T. hamatum strain Tr-5 showed an enzymatic ability to break fungal hyphae into piecies and infected on the R. solani hyphae showing a parasitism. Spore germination of the all isolates of Trichoderma spp showed a 1.7-7.3% of germination in natural soil conditions, but the percentage was high in sterile soil indicating all the natural soil were fungistatic on conidia of Trichoderma spp. In rhizosphere competent assay in pea plant, the antagonistic T. hamatum, T. viride, T. koninggii, T. pseudokoninggii showed a colonizing upper soil depth in rhizosphere around 1-3 cm in root zone, but the colonizing ability was much reduced along the deeper the soil depth. Propagule density was decreased in deeper the soil layer. Disease development rate treated alone with plant pathogens, Fusarium solani, Rhizoctonia solani, Cylindrocarpon destructans increased, but disease incidence rate reduced in treatment with combinations with antagonistic T. hamatum strain Tr-5.

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Optimization of Cookie Preparation by Addition of Yam Powder (마분말 첨가 쿠키 제조조건 최적화)

  • Joo, Na-Mi;Lee, Sun-Mee;Jung, Hee-Sun;Park, Sang-Hyun;Song, Yun-Hee;Shin, Ji-Hun;Jung, Hyeon-A
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to develop an optimal composite recipe for a cookie including yam powder that would be attractive to all age groups. Wheat flour was partially substituted by yam powder to reduce the content of wheat flour. This study has produced the sensory optimal composite recipe by making cookies, respectively with each 5 level of yam powder $(X_1)$, Sugar$(X_2)$, butter$(X_3)$, by C.C.D (Central Composite Design) and conducting sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis by means of RSM (Response Surface Methodology). Sensory items showed very significant values in color, softness, overall quality (p<0.01), flavor (p<0.05) and those of instrumental analysis showed significant values in lightness, redness (p<0.05), spread ratio, hardness (p<0.01). Also sensory optimal ratio of yam cookie was calculated at yam powder 37.35 g, sugar 50.75 g, butter 78.40 g and it was revealed that the factors of influencing yam cookie aptitude were in older of yam powder, butter, sugar.

The Changes of Pulmonary Function and Systemic Blood Pressure in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (폐쇄성 수면 무호흡증후군 환자에서 혈압 및 폐기능의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Hwa-Sik;Lee, Sook-Young;Choi, Young-Mee;Kim, Chi-Hong;Kwon, Soon-Seog;Kim, Young-Kyoon;Kim, Kwan-Hyoung;Song, Jeong-Sup;Park, Sung-Hak
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.206-217
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    • 1995
  • Background: In patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSAS), there are several factors increasing upper airway resistance and there is a predisposition to compromised respiratory function during waking and sleep related to constitutional factors including a tendency to obesity. Several recent studies have suggested a possible relationship between sleep apnea(SA) and systemic hypertension. But the possible pathophysiologic link between SA and hypertension is still unclear. In this study, we have examined the relationship among age, body mass index(BMI), pulmonary function parameters and polysomnographic data in patients with OSAS. And also we tried to know the difference among these parameters between hypertensive OSAS and normotensive OSAS patients. Methods: Patients underwent a full night of polysomnography and measured pulmonary function during waking. OSAS was diagnosed if patients had more than 5 apneas per hour(apnea index, AI). A careful history of previously known or present hypertension was obtained from each patient, and patients with systolic blood pressure $\geq$ 160mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure $\geq$ 95mmHg were classified as hypertensives. Results: The noctural nadir of arterial oxygen saturation($SaO_2$ nadir) was negatively related to AI and respiratory disturbance index(RDI), and the degree of noctural oxygen desaturation(DOD) was positively related to AI and RDI. BMI contributed to AI, RDI, $SaO_2$ nadir and DOD values. And also BMI contributed to $FEV_1,\;FEV_1/FVC$ and DLco values. There was a correlation between airway resistance(Raw) and AI, and there was a inverse correlation between DLco and DOD. But there was no difference among these parameters between hypertensive OSAS and normotensive OSAS patients. Conclusion: The obesity contributed to the compromised respiratory function and the severity of OSAS. AI and RDI were important factors in the severity of hypoxia during sleep. The measurement of pulmonary function parameters including Raw and DLco may be helpful in the prediction and assessment of OSAS patients. But we could not find clear difference between hypertensive and normotensive OSAS patients.

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Experimental Study on Compression/Absorption High-Temperature Hybrid Heat Pump with Natural Refrigerant Mixture (천연혼합냉매를 이용한 압축/흡수식 고온히트펌프의 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Park, Seong-Ryong;Baik, Young-Jin;Chang, Ki-Chang;Ra, Ho-Sang;Kim, Min-Sung;Kim, Yong-Chan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.1367-1373
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    • 2011
  • This research concerns the development of a compression/absorption high-temperature hybrid heat pump that uses a natural refrigerant mixture. Heat pumps based on the compression/absorption cycle offer various advantages over conventional heat pumps based on the vapor compression cycle, such as large temperature glide, temperature lift, flexible operating range, and capacity control. In this study, a lab-scale prototype hybrid heat pump was constructed with a two-stage compressor, absorber, desorber, desuperheater, solution heat exchanger, solution pump, liquid/vapor separator, and rectifier as the main components. The hybrid heat pump system operated at 10-kW-class heating capacity producing hot water whose temperature was more than $90^{\circ}C$ when the heat source and sink temperatures were $50^{\circ}C$. Experiments with various $NH_3/H_2O$ mass fractions and compressor/pump circulation ratios were performed on the system. From the study, the system performance was optimized at a specific $NH_3$ concentration.

An Improvement Plan of the Interactive ROK Army Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (육군 전자식 기술교범 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Pan-Ju;Shim, Sang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2020
  • The R.O.K Army has developed and operated TM to maintain the operation of weapons systems since its establishment. As more modern weapons systems were developed, the more efficient operation was limited by a large quantity. As a countermeasure, the DAPA has operated the IETM using the KAIS TOOL since 2003. However, 16 years later, they were shunned by operators for software instability and other reasons. Based on the results of an operational test and evaluation team of the Army headquarters, the analysis results of software instability, limited compatibility and integration, limited real-time updates, etc. were analyzed. It was confirmed that KAIS development tools were urgently needed. Therefore, in order to solve this current problem for the Army IETM, the first phase of this paper focused on improving the IETM by maintaining the application present, the second of the Army Electronic Technology manual, phase going to propose improvement plans for operational test and evaluation by lining 11 elements of comprehensive logistics support with an electronic technology code.

Biocompatibility and Surface Characteristics of (Si,Mn)-HA Coated Ti-Alloy by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO법으로 (Si,Mn)-HA 코팅된 치과 임플란트용 Ti 합금의 생체적합성 및 표면특성)

  • Gang, Jeong-In;Son, Mi-Gyeong;Choe, Han-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.83-83
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    • 2017
  • 생체재료의 표면은 이식과 동시에 생체계면의 역할을 하게 되어, 일련의 생물학적 반응이 시작되고 진행되는 중요한 장소가 된다. 초기에 생체계면에서 일어나는 단백질 흡착이나 염증반응을 비롯한 생물학적 반응들은 궁극적으로 임플란트의 성패를 좌우할 만큼 중요하다. 골융합을 개선하기 위한 다른 방법으로 생체불활성의 타이타늄 (Ti)과 골조직의 능동적인 반응을 이루기 위해 생체활성 표면을 부여함으로서 계면에서의 골형성 반응을 증진시키는 방법이 이용된다. 생체불활성의 Ti과 Ti합금은 골조직과 직접적인 결합을 이루지 못하므로, 골조직과의 반응을 향상하기 위해 여러 종류의 생체활성 재료를 코팅하는 방법이 연구되어 왔고, 이 중 생체의 변화와 가장 유사한 하이드록시아파타이트 코팅이 가장 대중적인 방법으로 사용되었으며 이는 초기 골형성을 촉진하는 것으로 알려졌다. 치과용 임플란트의 표면형상과 화학조성이 골 융합에 영향을 미치는 가장 중요한 인자이므로 최근의 연구동향은 이들 두 가지 표면특성을 결합함으로서 결과적으로 최적의 골세포반응을 유도하고, 골융합 후 골조직과의 micromechanical interlocking에 의해 임플란트의 안정성에 중요한 역할을 하는 마이크론 단위의 표면조도와 표면 구조를 유지하면서, 부가적으로 골 조직 반응을 능동적으로 개선할 수 있는 생체활성 성분을 부여하여 골 융합에 상승효과를 이루기 위한 표면처리법에 관해 많은 연구가 요구되어지고 있다. 따라서 골을 구하는 원소인 망간과 실리콘으로 치환된 하이드록시아파타이트를 플라즈마 전해 산화법으로 코팅하여 세포와 잘 결합할 수 있는 표면을 제공함으로써 골 융합과 치유기간을 단축시킬 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 실험방법은 시편은 치과 임플란트 제작 합금인 Ti-6Al-4V ELI disk (grade 5, Timet Co., USA; diameter, 10 mm, thickness, 3 mm)이며, calcium acetate monohydrate, calcium glycerophosphate, manganese(II) acetate tetrahydrate, sodium metasilicate을 설계조건에 따라 혼합 제조된 전해질 용액을 이용하여 플라즈마 전해 산화법으로 표면 코팅을 실시하였다. 각 시편의 플라즈마 전해시 전압은 280V로 인가하였고, 전류밀도는 70mA로 정전류를 공급하여 해당 인가전압 도달 후 3분 동안 정전압 방식을 유지하였다. 코팅된 피막 표면을 주사전자현미경과 X-선 회절분석을 통하여 미세구조 및 결정상을 관찰하였다. 또한 코팅된 표면의 생체활성 평가는 정량적으로 평가하기 위해 동전위시험과 AC 임피던스를 통하여 시행하였다. 분극거동을 확인하기 위해 potentiostat (Model PARSTAT 2273, EG&G, USA)을 이용하여 구강 내 환경과 유사한 $36.5{\pm}1^{\circ}C$의 0.9 wt.% NaCl에서 실시하였다. 전기화학적 부식 거동은 potentiodynamic 방법으로 조사하였고 인가전위는 -1500 mV에서 2000 mV까지 분당 1.67 mV/min 의 주사속도로 인가하여 시험을 수행하였다. 임피던스 측정은 potentiostat (Model PARSTAT 2273, EG&G, USA)을 이용하였으며, 측정에 사용한 주파수 영역은 10mHz ~ 100kHz 까지의 범위로 하여 조사하였고 ZSimWin(Princeton applied Research, USA) 소프트웨어를 사용하여 용액의 저항, 분극 저항 값을 산출하였다. 망간의 함량이 증가할수록 불규칙한 기공을 보였으며, 실리콘은 $TiO_2$ 산화막 형성을 저해하는 경향을 확인할 수 있었다. 단독으로 표면을 처리한 경우보다 두 가지 원소를 이용해 복합 표면처리를 시행한 경우가 내식성이 좋아 임플란트과의 골 유착에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 사료된다.

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열처리에 따른 ITO 박막의 전기적 광학적 특성

  • 이재형;박용관;신재혁;신성호;박광자;이주성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2000.02a
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    • pp.72-72
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    • 2000
  • ITO(Indium-Tin-Oxide)는 n-type 전도 특성을 갖는 산화물 반도체로서 가시광 영역에서의 높은 광투과율 및 낮은 전기 비저항을 나타내기 때문에 태양전지, 액정디스플레이(liquid crystal display), 터치스크린(touch screen) 등의 투명전극 재료, 전계 발광(electroluminescent) 소자, 표면발열체, 열반사 재료 등 다양한 분야에 응용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 타겟 제작에 드는 비용을 줄이고, 타겟 이용의 효율성을 높이기 위해 기존의 세라믹 타겟 대신 분말 타겟을 사용하여 유리 기판 상에 ITO 박막을 DC magnetron sputtering법에 의해 제조하고, 열처리 온도 및 열처리 분위기에 따른 ITO 박막의 전기적 광학적 특성을 조사하였다. 열처리 온도가 10$0^{\circ}C$이하인 경우 열처리하지 않은 시편과 동일하게 In2O3의 (411)면에 해당하는 peak가 관찰되었다. 그러나 20$0^{\circ}C$의 온도로 열처리 할 경우 (411)면 peak의 세기는 상대적으로 감소하고 대신 이전에 나타나지 않았던 (222)면에 대응하는 peak 세기가 현저하게 증가함을 알 수 잇다. 이것은 ITO 박막의 경정성장이 열처리 전 (411)면 방향으로 이루어지나 20$0^{\circ}C$의 온도로 열처리 후 재결정화에 의해 (222)면 방향으로의 우선방위를 갖고 성장함을 의미한다. 또한 주로 높은 기판온도에서 관찰되었던 (211), (400), (411), (440), (622)면 등에 해당하는 peak가 나타남을 볼 수 있었다. 열처리 온도를 더욱 증가시킴에 따라 결정구조에는 큰 변화 없이 (222)면 peak 세기가 증가하였다. 한편 열처리 온도를 더욱 증가시킴에 따라 (222)면 peak 세기가 상대적으로 조금 감소할뿐 XRD회절 결과에는 큰 변화를 관찰할 수 없었다. 이러한 결과로부터 기판을 가열하지 않고 증착한 ITO 박막의 재결정화에 필요한 최소의 열처리 온도는 20$0^{\circ}C$이며, 그 이상의 열처리 온도는 ITO박막의 결정구조에 큰 영향을 미치지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 열처리 전 비저항은 1.1$\times$10-1 $\Omega$-cm 의 값을 가지거나 10$0^{\circ}C$의 온도로 열처리함에 따라 9.8$\times$102$\Omega$-cm 로 약간 감소하였다. 열처리 온도를 20$0^{\circ}C$로 높임에 따라 비저항은 급격히 감소하여 1.7$\times$10-3$\Omega$-cm의 최소값을 나타내었다. 열처리 온도가 10$0^{\circ}C$인 경우 가시광 영역에서의 광투과율은 열처리하지 않은 시편과 비교해 볼 때 약간 증가하였다. 열처리 온도는 20$0^{\circ}C$로 증가시킴에 따라 투과율은 크게 향상되어 흡수단 이상의 파장영역에서 90% 이상의 투과율을 나타내었다. 이러한 광투과율의 향상은 앞서 증착된 ITO 박막이 열처리 중 재결합에 의해 우선 성장 방위가 (411)면 방향에서 (222)면 방향으로 변화되었기 때문으로 생각된다. 그러나 열처리 온도를 20$0^{\circ}C$이상으로 증가시켜도 광투과율은 큰 변화를 나타내지 않았다.

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