• Title/Summary/Keyword: $COD_T$

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Long-term changes of water quality with regard to main Pollutant Sourses in Agricultural Reservoirs (주오염원별 농업용저수지의 장기 수질특성변화)

  • Choi, Sun-Hwa;Kim, Ho-Il;Yoon, Kyung-Seup;Park, Jong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.425-428
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    • 2002
  • This study has been carried out to analized of long term changes of water quality with regard to main pollutant sources in agricultural reservoirs on the basis of data during 1996-2001. The major source was domestic wastewater(DWW) and water pollution by non-point sources(NPS) is increasing as time goes. It was determined that Seasonly average values of DWW were pH $7.6{\sim}8.7$, COD $7.0{\sim}9.4$, T-N $0.74{\sim}2.07$, T-P $0.05{\sim}0.62$, Live-stock wastewater(LWW) were pH $7.5{\sim}8.9$, COD $5.5{\sim}9.8$, T-N $0.57{\sim}1.91$, T-P $0.04{\sim}0.13$, NPS were pH $7.1{\sim}8.3$, COD $3.1{\sim}5.2$, T-N $0.29{\sim}1.44$, T-P $0.02{\sim}0.07$. Fluctuation of DWW and LWW were very wide and variable long term patterns of them were similar. Trophic states by Carlson Index of DWW and LWW was classified as eutrophic to hypretrophic from chl-a, T-P concentration.

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Pollutant Concentrations at Experimental Paddy Plots during Irrigation Season (관개기 시험구 논에서의 오염물질의 농도특성)

  • Cho, Jae-Won;Kim, Jin-Soo;Oh, Kwang-Young;Oh, Seung-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2006
  • The pollutant concentrations at experimental paddy plots with three (excessive, standard, reduced) different fertilization rates were investigated during 2001-2002 irrigation seasons. Mean concentrations of pollutants in ponded water were not significantly different among three experimental plots, but the T-N concentrations in percolated water significantly depended on fertilization rates. The T-N, T-P and $COD_{Cr}$, concentrations in ponded water during early irrigation season (late May to mid-June) were much higher than those during later irrigation season likely due to fertilization and low uptake by young rice crops. The T-N concentrations decreased but the concentrations of T-P and $COD_{Cr}$, increased three days after tillering fertilization. The removal rates of T-N by paddy plots were $0.13-0.16g/m^2{\cdot}d$ for an excessive fertilization plot, $0.08-0.25g/m^2{\cdot}d$ for a standard fertilization plot, and $0.03-0.34g/m^2{\cdot}d$ for a reduced fertilization plot three days after tillering fertilization. On the other hand, T-P and $COD_{Cr}$, were released three days after tillering fertilization.

Effects of the Co-treatment of Municipal Wastewater with Microwave-Irradiated Excess Sludge on the Performance of the Activated Sludge Process (초단파조사 처리된 잉여슬러지와 하수의 병합처리가 활성슬러지공법의 성능에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Nam-Chul;Jang, Myung-Bae;Cho, Yun-Kyung;Cho, Kwang-Myeung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.304-310
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of the co-treatment of municipal wastewater with microwave-irradiated excess sludge on the treatment efficiency and excess sludge production of the activated sludge process. When 250 mL of excess sludge with a MLSS concentration of approximately 2,000 mg/L was microwave-irradiated at $20^{\circ}C$ for $40\sim300$ sec by a microwave oven (2,450 MHz, 700 W), the temperature of the sludge increased at a rate of approximately $20^{\circ}C/min$ and the SCOD, TKN and T-P concentrations of the sludge showed the highest increase in the irradiation time of $40\sim130$ sec. And, the oxygen uptake rate measurement of the sludge microorganism suggested most of the microorganisms in the sludge were destroyed at an irradiation time above 130 sec(above $65^{\circ}C$). When the municipal wastewater and microwave-irradiated excess sludge was co-treated by the activated sludge process, almost no effect was observed in the pH and alkalinity of both the influent and effluent, but the influent concentrations of SS, COD, T-N and T-P increased. Even though the effluent SS, BOD and T-P concentrations showed almost no effect, the COD and TKN concentrations increased. The microbial yield coefficient decreased at a rate of 0.91 g SS/g COD removed as the irradiation ratio increased at a rate of 1 g SS/g SS-day.

The Characteristics of Landfill Waste and Leachate on Open Dumping Landfill Site of Small Scale (소규모 단순매립지의 매립폐기물 및 침출수의 특성)

  • Ju, So-Young;Yeon, Ik-Jun;Jeon, Tae-Wan;Wi, Mi-Kyung;Kim, Kwang-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2000
  • The environmental assessment on the open dumping landfill of small scale which was situated in local small city was carried out to reuse the landfill site as the residental, commercial and other purposes through the analysis of the leachate of landfill, extracted solution from landfill waste. The waste was landfilled at 5.5~8m depth and the covered layer so poor as 20~50cm thickness. The biodegradable organic matters were almost degraded and the result of the leachate of landfill showed that the BOD/COD ratio were measured as 0.079, pH 7.2~7.6, SS 47736mg/L, COD 6193.8mg/L, T-N 596mg/L, and T-P 123.9mg/L respectively. These results were higher than those of extracted solution of landfill waste as the COD and BOD were measured as low values and T-N 7.77mg/L and T-P as 0.20mg/L lower concentrations the landfill appears the maturation phase. As the result of the assessment on the open dumping landfill of small scale, if appears that this landfill is maturation phase and the formation leachate is reduced. If the treatment facility of leachate from landfill and the layer which protects the inflow/infiltration is prepared, it can be safely used as this landfill site.

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Evaluation of Combined Vertical and Horizontal Flow Zeolite-Filled Reed Bed with Intermittent Feeding for Sewage Treatment (직렬연결 수직 및 수평 흐름 갈대 제올라이트 인공습지에 의한 생활하수 처리)

  • Seo, Jeoung-Yoon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2014
  • A sewage was treated using serially combined vertical and horizontal flow zeolite-filled reed bed. The sewage from the student dormitory of Changwon National University was fed into the reed bed for 10 minutes every 6 hours at the hydraulic load of 314 $L/m^2{\cdot}day$. The reed bed depth was 100cm and the zeolite mixture was filled in the reed bed. The mixture consisted of the same volume of two types of zeolite ; 0.5~1mm and 1~3mm in diameter. pH value decreased in vertical bed, while it increased in horizontal bed. But DO concentration in the effluent of both beds was higher than that in the influent. Average removal efficiencies of the entire treatment system were 99.22% SS, 95.56% BOD, 91.02% $COD_{Cr}$, 87.78% $COD_{Mn}$, 45.87% T-N, 99.88% $NH{_4}^+-N$ and 71.17% T-P. Most of T-N in the effluent was $NO{_3}^--N$. However, the concentration of $NO{_2}^--N$ in the effluent was lower than 0.04 mg/L. All removal efficiencies did not show a remarkable seasonal change.

Non-parametric Trend Analysis Using Long-term Monitoring Data of Water Quality in Paldang Lake (장기 모니터링 자료를 이용한 팔당호 수질변화의 비모수적 추세분석)

  • Cho, Hang-Soo;Son, Ju-Yeon;Kim, Guee-Da;Shin, Myoung-Chul;Cho, Yong-Chul;Shin, Ki-Sik;Noh, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.83-100
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    • 2019
  • This study, we conducted a non-parametric trend test (Seasonal Kendall tests, LOWESS) and Cross Correlation. We aimed to identify water quality trends using the weekly data for 9 variables (Water Temperature, EC, DO, BOD, COD, T-N, T-P, TOC and Chl-a) collected from 4 sites in the Paldang Lake from 2004.01 to 2016.12. According to the Seasonal Kendall test, Water temperature increased but EC, T-N and T-P decreased trend. LOWESS showed that BOD was gradually decreased from 2013 to 2016. but COD gradually increased between 2012 and 2016. As a result, it was confirmed that the period between 2012 and 2013 was a turning point in the increase of COD along with the decrease of BOD at all sites in Paldang Lake. Results of Cross Correlation showed that there was no time difference between all of Water variables and Sites. In this study, it is necessary to analyze the cause of the transition period and to monitoring the water quality more precisely for better water quality management in Paldang Lake.

Remediation of Water Quality Using Up-Flow Circulation Apparatus(UFCA) in a Reservoir (용승순환장치를 이용한 호소의 수질개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Chang-Min;Chung, Seon-Yong
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to analyse the effects of the UFCA for treating polluted water in a reservoir. The UFCA mixes water by circulation of surface and bottom water layers. The circulation supplies oxygen to bottom of the reservoir, resulting in water quality improvement. With a UFCA in use, we surveyed the changes of temperature, pH, transparency, depth, conductivity, DO, COD, BOD, T-N, T-P and Chlorophyll-a for 7 months from Feb. to Aug. in 2004 in our experimental reservoir. There was little difference in the surface and bottom temperatures of the reservoir because of water mixing by the UFCA. However, pH was changed from 7 to 9. The transparency of water was about 80 cm through the all periods. Conductivity was $150\;{\mu}S/cm$ in early Feb., but increased to $270\;{\mu}S/cm$ in early March. Little change was seen in DO with depth, but it was maintained above 6 mg/l in June and July. BOD increased from 2.1 to 12.2 mg/l. The study reservoir did not undergo any eutrophication during the period of our experiment, but the comparison reservoir had an algae-bloom. The COD in the experimental reservoir increased from 5.4 to 14.5 mg/l. The COD concentration of the experimental reservoir was higher than comparison reservoir at the beginning of the study but in August this situation was reversed. SS concentration increased from 13.5 to 23.5 mg/l in Feb., but it fell from between 8.5 to 11.2 mg/l in July. T-N was increased from 1.3 to 4.9 mg/l. It increased up to 3 times in the rainy season as compared to other components. However the comparison reservoir increased up to 40 times higher than the experimental reservoir in the same period. T-P increased from 0.04 to 0.17 mg/l. The ratio of T-N to T-P increased from 20:1 to 40:1 which means that T-P was a growth limiting factor for algae and aquatic plants. Chlorophyll-a increased from 20 to 120 mg/l, and its concentration was correlated with T-P, such that Chlorophyl-a concentration increased with increased of T-P concentration. The concentrations of COD, T-N, T-P and other parameters were higher in the experimental reservoir than in the comparison reservoir but this situation was reversed in July, when the most severe eutophication occurred. The results show that overall the experimental reservoir was greatly remedied by UFCA. The UFCA accelerated the degradation of aquatic organic materials through effective supply of air with up-flow and circulation of water. We conclude that the UFCA can be very effective in aspect of the remediation of water quality incontaminated reservoirs and lakes.

A Study on the Combined Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Leachate (도시폐기물매립지침출수의 병합처리에 관한 연구)

  • 김동민;이병인
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 1996
  • An experimental research was conducted in order to study the combined treatment o of municipal landfill leachate and municipal sewage. The landfill leachate was that of Nanjido landfill site, and the municipal sewage was that of Chungnang municipal sewage treatment plant in Seoul. Several sets of bench~scale sequencing batch reactor(SBR) were used as e experimental apparatus. Specially investigated items in this experiment were the removal efficiency of substrate and the influence of treatment time. The experiment lasted for about 2 years. The result are as follows ; 1. The characteristics of leachate were pH 7.5~8.2, BOD 80~336mg/L, COD 908~1,460mg/L, NH3-N 1,409~2,330mg/L, T~P 2.7~7.lmg/L, Cl~3,540~4,085mg/L, a and heavy metals are a very small amount. And the characteristics of sewage were pH 6.9~7.3, BOD 78.4~129.3mg/L, COD 121.2~305.0mg/L, T~N 14.9~36.4mg/L, T-P 2.3~8.9mg/L. 2. The treatability of leachate alone was not treat well. So for the good treatment of leachate, it was necessary to deal with the pretreatment before bi이ogical treatment and a combined treatment of municipal sewage. 3. The various contents of the leachate were 5%, 10%, 30%, and 50%, and the removal efficiency of COD was 86.0%, 82.8%, 60.6%, and 31.7%. The maximum content of the leachate which could be sucessfully treated by SBR in the combined treatment was 10% of that of sewage. And the removal efficiency of COD increased n notably, as its treatment time increased. 4. The various contents of the electrolytic treated leachate were 5%, 10%, 30%, and 50%, and the removal efficiency of COD was 89.9%, 86.1%, 79.2%, and 69.8%. The maximum content of the leachate which could be sucessfully treated by SBR in the combined treatment was 30 % of that of sewage. And the removal efficiency of C COD increased notably, as its treatment time increased.

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Characteristics of Non-point Pollutants from the Road Runoff (1): Water Quality (도로노면 유출수의 비점오염원 배출 특성(1): 기본 수질 항목)

  • Park, Sangwoo;Oh, Jeill;Choi, Younghwa;Seo, Jeongwoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 2007
  • Road runoff water is one of the non-point sources (NPSs) of pollution negatively influencing drinking water source. Numerous road runoff NPS waters have been studied for over the last decade. However, the sources of pollution can be conditional, seasonal, or accidental. Therefore, measurement of pollutant loadings in different site is necessary to estimate the effect of road runoff water. The objective of this study was to examine the quality of road runoff water from a city bridge in Seoul, Korea. This study was conducted for two years to assess annual discharge pollution loads. In this study, key water quality parameters including chemical oxygen demand ($COD_{Cr}$), biochemcial oxygen demand ($BOD_5$), total nitrogen (T-N), total phosphorus (T-P), and suspended solid (SS) were measured at 18 different events. The results showed that typically the pollutant concentrations are higher at the beginning of each event and decrease afterwards. The first 20% of the volume of the runoff from each event is transporting 46% ($COD_{Cr}$), 48% ($BOD_5$), 50% (T-N), 34% (T-P), 30% (SS), respectively. The event mean concentrations (EMCs) were $COD_{Cr}$ (199 mg/L), $BOD_5$ (41.2 mg/L), T-N (7.97 mg/L), T-P (0.42 mg/L) and SS (113 mg/L). Although the results were consistent with the previous study (Barbosa and Hvitved-Jacobsen, 1999), $COD_{Cr}$, $BOD_5$, T-N exhibit a stronger first flush effect compared to the other contaminants.

Characteristics of Water and Sediment Qualities in the Oncheon Stream, Busan during Summer Rainy Season (부산 온천천의 하계 우수기 수질 및 퇴적물 환경 특성)

  • Lee, Young-Hyeong;Moon, Changho;Kang, Hyun-Jung;Choi, Seong-Ryul;Kim, Suk-Hyun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.659-672
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    • 2020
  • Water and sediment qualities were investigated in the Oncheon Stream and at the Wondong bridge of the Suyoung River, during the summer rainy season, 2019. Dissolved oxygen (DO) showed the lowest levels at 4.7 and 5.0 m/L, and biogeochemical oxygen demand (BOD) showed the highest at 5.3 mg/L downstream where the tributary flows into the main river. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) increased from 2.0 to 5.9 mg/L on average as it flowed downstream, The COD/BOD ratio decreased gradually as it flowed downstream, reaching 1.0. However, COD/BOD ratio at the Wondong bridge was 5.8-22.2, indicating that easily biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic matter flows into the Oncheon Stream and Suyoung River, respectively. Total nitrogen (T-N) / total phosphorus (T-P) ratio tended to decrease from 72 to 21 as it flowed downstream, measuring 71 to 86 at the Wondong bridge. The water quality index (WQI) generally improved better than grade IV after heavy rainfalls. However, DO and T-P were the parameters that deteriorated the WQI. Ignition loss (IL), COD, T-N, and T-P of sediments had distribution of 1.44 ± 1.01%, 0.35 ± 0.16%, 43 ± 63 mg/kg, and 10.9 ± 21.9 mg/kg, respectively. These were several times lower than the annual averages of IL, T-N, and T-P in 2017 before the dredging project was conducted in the first half of 2018.