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A micromechanics-based time-domain viscoelastic constitutive model for particulate composites: Theory and experimental validation  

You, Hangil (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University)
Lim, Hyoung Jun (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University)
Yun, Gun Jin (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University)
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Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science / v.9, no.3, 2022 , pp. 217-242 More about this Journal
This paper proposes a novel time-domain homogenization model combining the viscoelastic constitutive law with Eshelby's inclusion theory-based micromechanics model to predict the mechanical behavior of the particle reinforced composite material. The proposed model is intuitive and straightforward capable of predicting composites' viscoelastic behavior in the time domain. The isotropization technique for non-uniform stress-strain fields and incremental Mori-Tanaka schemes for high volume fraction are adopted in this study. Effects of the imperfectly bonded interphase layer on the viscoelastic behavior on the dynamic mechanical behavior are also investigated. The proposed model is verified by the direct numerical simulation and DMA (dynamic mechanical analysis) experimental results. The proposed model is useful for multiscale analysis of viscoelastic composite materials, and it can also be extended to predict the nonlinear viscoelastic response of composite materials.
Eshelby inclusion theory; homogenization; micromechanics; particulate composite; viscoelastic material;
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