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Vibration behavior of partially bio-sourced sandwich panel with orthogonally stiffened core: Analytical and experiment study
Boussoufi, Aicha;Errouane, Lahouaria;Sereir, Zouaoui;Antunes, Jose V.;Debut, Vincent;
, v.9, no.3, pp.169-193,
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Environmental test campaign of a 6U CubeSat Test Platform equipped with an ambipolar plasma thruster
Stesina, Fabrizio;Corpino, Sabrina;Borras, Eduard Bosch;Amo, Jose Gonzalez Del;Pavarin, Daniele;Bellomo, Nicolas;Trezzolani, Fabio;
, v.9, no.3, pp.195-215,
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A micromechanics-based time-domain viscoelastic constitutive model for particulate composites: Theory and experimental validation
You, Hangil;Lim, Hyoung Jun;Yun, Gun Jin;
, v.9, no.3, pp.217-242,
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Bending analysis of power-law sandwich FGM beams under thermal conditions
Garg, Aman;Belarbi, Mohamed-Ouejdi;Li, Li;Tounsi, Abdelouahed;
, v.9, no.3, pp.243-261,
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Dynamic modeling and structural reliability of an aeroelastic launch vehicle
Pourtakdoust, Seid H.;Khodabaksh, A.H.;
, v.9, no.3, pp.263-278,