Vibration behavior of partially bio-sourced sandwich panel with orthogonally stiffened core: Analytical and experiment study |
Boussoufi, Aicha
(Laboratoire Structures des Composites et MateriauxInnovants, Department of Marine Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Oran)
Errouane, Lahouaria (Laboratoire Structures des Composites et MateriauxInnovants, Department of Marine Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Oran) Sereir, Zouaoui (Laboratoire Structures des Composites et MateriauxInnovants, Department of Marine Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Oran) Antunes, Jose V. (Applied Dynamics Laboratory, Instituto Technologico e Nuclear, ITN/ADL) Debut, Vincent (Applied Dynamics Laboratory, Instituto Technologico e Nuclear, ITN/ADL) |
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