Functional screening of Asparagus officinalis L. stem and root extracts
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Han, Joon-Hee
(Department of Research and Development, Chuncheon Bioindustry Foundation)
Hong, Min (Department of Research and Development, Chuncheon Bioindustry Foundation) Lee, Jaehak (Department of Applied Animal Science, College of Animal Life Sciences, Kangwon National University) Choi, Da-Hye (Department of Research and Development, Chuncheon Bioindustry Foundation) Lee, Sun-Yeop (Department of Research and Development, Chuncheon Bioindustry Foundation) Kwon, Tae-Hyung (Department of Research and Development, Chuncheon Bioindustry Foundation) Lee, Jae-Hee (Agro-food Research Institute, Gangwondo Agricultural Research and Extension Services (ARES)) Lee, Yong-Jin (Department of Research and Development, Chuncheon Bioindustry Foundation) Yu, Keun-Hyung (Department of Research and Development, Chuncheon Bioindustry Foundation) |
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