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A Content Analysis of Research on Infant/Child-Teacher Attachment in Korea : 1993-2010  

Chae, Jin-Young (Language Education Institute, Seoul National University)
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The Korean Journal of Community Living Science / v.21, no.4, 2010 , pp. 517-528 More about this Journal
The number of young children who attend daycare center, preschool or kindergarten and are taken care of by teachers during a day has skyrocketed in Korea. The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of the research on infant/child-teacher attachment in Korea. Thirty five studies (5 doctoral dissertations, 24 masters' theses, and 6 academic journal articles) published from 1993 to 2010 were analyzed in the matter of the publication period, the related variables, and methodology for analyzing the data. The findings are as follows: 1) More than two-thirds of the research were from masters' theses. The number of studies conducted in the late 2000s doubled compared to that in the 1990s. 2) Each study on infant/child-teacher attachment had at least one related variable regarding social, emotional, cognitive or physical development, but not language. The studies on infant/child-teacher attachment related to social development have rapidly increased in the late 2000s. 3) The majority of studies were conducted using quantitative analyses and Attachment Q-set version 3.0. Difference analysis and relational analysis were most frequently used in many studies. There was only one study which was analysed with the advanced statistical methodology. The implication for a future study was also discussed.
infant-teacher attachment; child-teacher attachment; multiple attachment; attachment measurement instrument; content analysis;
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