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A Study on the Characteristics of Creativity Factors Found in Elementary and Middle School Creative Gifted Student Selection Test  

Son, Chung-Ki (Wonkwang University)
Kim, Myeong-Cheol (Wonkwang University)
Publication Information
Journal of Gifted/Talented Education / v.17, no.2, 2007 , pp. 307-337 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to verify the validity of a creativity measurement tool and to discover the creativity characteristics of creative gifted students by assessing the difference in the creativity characteristics of creative gifted students, who were selected from gifted students in elementary and middle schools through the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking(TTCT), according to school level and the type of the students (gifted student in mathematics, gifted student in science). To this research purpose, creative gifted students were selected by the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking(TTCT) on 594 students, who had applied for super gifted education, from 17 gifted students institutes under the jurisdiction of Jeollabukdo office of education, Then, t-tests and multiple regression analysis were performed to analyze the creativity factors between elementary students and middle school students and between mathematics-gifted students and science-gifted students. From the research, the following results were obtained. Although TTCT is effective in distinguishing gifted students with and without creativity, correlation coefficient values between creativity factors(the correlation coefficients between 'fluency' and 'originality' and between 'fluency' and 'elaboration' were .78 and .50 respectively) suggested the possibility of low uniqueness of creativity factors. In addition, compared with elementary students, middle school students showed significantly lower fluency (circles), elaboration(picture construction, picture completion), and the abstractness of titles(picture structure). In the meantime, science-gifted students displayed significantly higher originality(picture construction), and elaboration(picture construction, picture completion, circles) than mathematics-gifted students. Therefore, continuous study is required to enhance the validity of the test for the selection of creativity gifted students. Besides, efforts should be made to find ways to enhance the creativity of gifted students and to resolve the problem of decreasing creativity with student academic level increasing.
Creative gifted student; Creativity factor; Mathematics-gifted students; Science-gifted students;
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