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The Influence of Walking on the Crural Muscle Tone and Stiffness in Pronated Foot  

Wang, Joong San (Howon University)
Publication Information
Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research / v.9, no.2, 2018 , pp. 1486-1489 More about this Journal
This study aimed to investigate the influence of walking on crural muscle tone and stiffness in individuals with bilateral pronated foot. This study consisted of 16 healthy male. Subjects were divided into a pronated foot group (n = 8) and a normal foot group (n = 8). The navicular drop test on both foot and muscle tone and stiffness in tibialis anterior muscle, medial gastrocnemius muscle, and peroneus longus muscle of both lower extremities were measured before and after 30 min of walking. In this study, the measured navicular drop test before walking was significantly different between pronated foot group and a normal group(p < .05). After 30 min of walking, significantly, increased medial gastrocnemius muscle stiffness of the non-dominant leg was found in the pronated foot group (p < .05). However, there was no significant difference in medial gastrocnemius muscle stiffness between the two groups (p > .05). Based on this study, pronated foot needs to be managed to prevent the abnormally increased medial gastrocnemius muscle stiffness.
Crural muscle; Pronated foot; Stiffness; Walking;
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