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Effects of Kinematic Taping Therapy on Dysmenorrhea
Koo, Ja Pung;Park, Joo Hyun;Um, Ki Mai;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1442-1446,
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Muscle activity in relation to the changes in peripheral nerve conduction velocity in stroke patients: Focus on the dynamic neural mobilization technique
Kang, Jeong IL;Moon, Young Jun;Jeong, Dae Keun;Choi, Hyun;Park, Joon Su;Choi, Hyun Ho;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1447-1454,
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Mediating Effect of Depression in the Relationship Between Health-Related Quality of Life and Pain of the Elderly with Physical Dysfunction
Lee, In Hak;Han, Seul Ki;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1455-1460,
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The effect of stretching type on hamstring flexibility
Hwang, Hyun Sook;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1461-1467,
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Effects of Negative Pressure Soft Tissue Therapy to Ankle Plantar Flexor on Muscle Tone, Muscle Stiffness, and Balance Ability in Patients with Stroke
Kim, Kyu Ryeong;Shin, Houng Soo;Lee, Sang Bin;Hwang, Hyun Sook;Shin, Hee Joon;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1468-1474,
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Effects of Family-Centered Training on Functional Balance and Activities of Daily Living in Children with Cerebral Palsy
Kwon, Hae Yeon;Kim, Byeong Jo;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1475-1485,
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The Influence of Walking on the Crural Muscle Tone and Stiffness in Pronated Foot
Wang, Joong San;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1486-1489,
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A Study on the Effects of Silver Spike Point on Functional Constipation Improvement
Park, Joo Hyun;Koo, Ja Pung;Um, Ki Mai;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1490-1493,
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Effect of Mekenzie Lumbar Support on Pulmonary Function for Wheelchair Patients with Stroke
Park, Shin Jun;Kim, Soon Hee;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1494-1497,
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Effects of Neck Stabilization and Swiss Ball Exercises on the Recovery from Fatigue of Neck Muscles in Turtle Neck Posture: Preliminary Experimental Study
Kim, Byeong Jo;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1498-1507,
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Effect of Joint Movement on CVA in Forward Head Posture
Hong, Seong bum;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1508-1512,
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Effect of upper thoracic mobilization on cervical alignment in stroke patients with forward head posture: A case study
Park, Sin Jun;Park, Si Eun;
International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
, v.9, no.2, pp.1513-1516,