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A Study on Teaching and Learning Strategies to Enhance Information Utilization of North Korean Defectors  

Lee, Sunhee (서원대학교 교수학습개발센터)
Byun, Hoseung (충북대학교 교육학과)
Publication Information
The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education / v.23, no.2, 2020 , pp. 73-82 More about this Journal
The main purpose of this study was to analyze the general informatization situation of North Korean defectors and to study the characteristics and needs of the learners in order to provide the directions of information education for them. The results of the study showed the following characteristics of the North Korean defectors: They are slow learners due to the fear of new devices, have difficulty in learning due to the unfamiliar language of information and English, and indifferent when the situation is not related to themselves. Based on these learner characteristics and needs, this study suggests the strategies of step-by-step repetition, use of North and South Korean dictionary of the information terminology, apply job-centered and communication abilities, and suggested a four-element STEP model. Raising the level of informatization of North Korean defectors will help establish a successful settlement to South Korea. This will be a valuable foundation and a stepping stone for the future unification of Korea.
Teaching and Learning Strategies; North Korean Defectors; Enhance Information utilization;
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연도 인용수 순위
  • Reference
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