Effect of Dietary Fat Sources and L-arginine Supplementation on Endothelial function and Lipid Metabolism in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats |
(국민대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과)
김연중 (국민대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과) 김명환 (단국대학교 공학부 식품공학과) |
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Inhibition and stimulation of nitric oxide synthesis in th human forearm arterial bed of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes
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Lipoprotein lipases, lipoptrotein and tissue lipids in rats fed fish oil or coconut oil
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Diabetes increase excretion of urinary malondialdehyde conjugates in rats
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Endothelial dysfunction precedes development of microalbuminuria in IDDM
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Diabetic retinopathy:a synthesis of perspectives
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Impairement of Coronary Blood Flow Regulation by Endothelium-Derived Nitric Oxide in Dogs with Alloxan-Induced Diabetes
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Jr. Unidirectional transfer of prostagladin endoperoxides between platelets and endothelial cell
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Differential effets on endothelial cell fatty acid modification on the sensitivity of their membraned phospholipids to peroxidation
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Substrate for endothelial prostacyclin production in the presence of paltelets expoxed to collagen is derived from the paltelets rather than the endothelium
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Plasma and vascular tissue arginine are decreased in diabetes:Acute arginine supplementation restores endothelium-dependent relaxation by augmenting cGMP production
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von Willebrand Factor(vWf) as a plasma marker of endothelial activation in diabetes:Improved reliability with parallel determination of the vWf propeptide(cWf:AgⅡ)
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High linoleic acid diets ameliorate diabetic nephropathy in rats
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Platelet cNOS activity is reduced in patients with IDDM and NIDDM
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Nitric Pxide and vascular responses in Type I Dabetes
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Quantiative and kivetic characterization of nitric oxide and EDRF release from cultured endothelial cells
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Pathogenesis of diabetic microangiopathy:the methodynamic view
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Effect of dietary fat on diabetes-induced changes in liver micosomal fatty acid composition and glucose-6-phosphatase activity in rats
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Effects of dietary fatty acids on lipid metabolism in streptozoticin-induced diebetic rats
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Insulin secretion from pancreatic B cells caused by L-arginine nitrogen oxides
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Eicosapentaenoic acid stimulates nitric oxide production and decreases cardiac noradrenalin in diabetic rats
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Effects of legume supplementation on the gastrointestinal function and diabetic symptoms in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
과학기술학회마을 |
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Proliferation, Morphology, and low-density lipoprotein metabolism of arterial endothelial cells cultured from normal and diabetic minipigs
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The comparative reductions of the plasma lipids and lipoproteins by dietary polyunsaturated fats:salmon oil versus vegetable oils
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Studies of diabetic nephropathy in animal and man
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Jr. AIN-93 purified diets for laboratory rodents:final report of the american institute of nutrition Ad Hoc Wirtion Committee on the reformation of the AIN-76A rodent diet
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The prostacyclin-thromboxane biosnthesis in cardiovascular disease
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Advanced glycation end products(AGEs) on the surface fo diabetic erythrocytes bind to the vessel wall via a specific receptor inducing oxidant stress in the vasculature:a link betwwen surface-associated AGEs and deiabetic complications
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Morbidity and mortality in diabetes in the Framingham population
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Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use the preparative ultracentrifuge
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characterization of the L-arginine:Nitric oxide pathway in human paltelets
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Vascular endothelial markers, von Willebrand factor and thombomodulin index, specifically elevated in type 2 diabetic patient with nephropathy:comparison of primary renal disease
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A radioimmunoassay for thromboxane B2
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Onset of changes in phospholipid fatty acid composition and prostaglandin synthesis following dietary manipulation with n-6 and n-3 fatty acids in the rat
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Plasma levels of von Willebrand factor in non-insulin-dependent diebetes mellitus are influenced by dietary monounsaturated fatty acids
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Dietary modification of fatty acid and prostaglandin synthesis in the rat-effect of variations in the level of dietary fat
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Diabetes as an atherogenic factor
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Intimal alterations in rabbit aortas during the first 6 months of alloxaninduced diabetes
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Nitric oxide and vascular responses in type Ⅰdiabetes
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Characteristics of coronary endothelial dysfunction in experimental diabetes
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Diabetic parameters 58 weeks after injection with streptozotocin in rats fed basal diets or diets supplemented with fiber, minerals and vitamins
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Rapid and selective inhibition of platelet aggregatin and thromboxane formation by intravenous low dose aspirin in man
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Lipoprotein lipid and protein responses to dietary fat and diabetes in rats
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Supplementation of hypercholesterolaemic rabbits with L-arginine reduces the vascular release of superoxide anions and restores NO production
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Intimal deposition of functional von Willebrand factor in atheogenesis
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Renal hypertrophy in streptozotocin-diabetic rats
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Prostaglandin I₃in the after eicosapentaenoid acid
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Impairment of endothelialdependent relaxation of arotae from spontaneously diabetic rats
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Dietary L-arginine normalized enolthelin-induced vascular contractions in cholesterol-fed rabbits
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Effects of perilla oil and tuna oil on lipid metabolism and eicosanoids production in rats
과학기술학회마을 |
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Chronic dietary supplementation with L-arginine inhibit platelet aggregation and thromboxane A2 synthesis in hypercholesterolaemic rabbits in vivo
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Inhibition of low-density lipoprotein oxidation by nitric oxide:potential role in atherogenesis
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Oral L-arginine improves endothelium-dependent dilation in hypercholesterolemic young adults
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Circulation levels of endothelial function are modulated by dietary monounsaturated fat
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Dietary L-arginine reduces the progression of atheroscherosis in cholesterol fed rabbits:Comparison with Lavastatin
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