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The effect of Meister high school students' career maturity with respect to the impact on school maladjustment  

Yoo, Jae-Man (Kunsan Mechanical & Technical High School)
Lee, Byung-Wook (Chung-nam National University)
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대한공업교육학회지 / v.41, no.2, 2016 , pp. 1-23 More about this Journal
This study was conducted to analyze the effect Meister high school students' career maturity with respect to the impact on school maladjustment. Also, this study clarify the relationship. This study purpose is to permanently provide Meister as the basis for the vocational education sector career education needed to faithfully serve as a special purpose high schools. Tools used for the survey is maladaptive measurement tools developed by Leegyumi (2004) and Career maturity measurement tools developed at Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (2012). Using these tools, a reliability test was conducted. Meister students' career maturity was conducted correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to analyze the impact of school maladjustment. Independent variables are consisted of career maturity and independence, attitude toward the job, planning, self-understanding, rational decision-making, information retrieval, knowledge of the desired job, career exploration and ready for action. Meister high school student's career maturity according to the students' background variables are little girls was higher than boys, but it was not statistically significant. T-test was conducted to ascertain the career maturity and school maladjustment differences of adaptation groups and maladaptive group in meister school students in background variables. A career maturity and school maladjustment between adaptive and maladaptive population groups showed a statistically significant difference in background variables.
meister school; career maturity; school maladjustment;
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  • Reference
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