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A Study on Faculty's Perception and Educational Needs for Capstone Design Course  

Eom, Wooyong (Department of Education, Keimyung University)
Kim, Jonghyun (Department of Education, Keimyung University)
Kim, Hwakyung (Department of Education, Keimyung University)
Publication Information
Journal of Engineering Education Research / v.25, no.2, 2022 , pp. 3-12 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions and educational needs of the university faculties in charge of capstone design courses. To achieve the purpose of this study, the 100 questionnaires collected from the faculties nationwide with teaching experience in capstone design courses were analyzed using descriptive statistics analysis, the Borich needs assessment model, and the Locus for focus model. The faculties perceived the importance of their roles in the following order: coaching students, providing opportunities for students to show their abilities, motivating and encouraging, and building trusting relationships with students. The biggest challenges that the faculties perceived in capstone design classes were the lack of university-industry collaboration and project execution time. In the analysis of the needs for the capstone design process, the research results showed that team-building, core task development and analysis, deriving problem-solving ideas, building prototypes, and comprehensive reflection ranked the top priorities. This study is expected to help the design of the courses and the development of customized faculty support programs by analyzing the faculties' perceptions and needs for capstone design classes.
Capstone design; Perception of university faculty; Borich needs assessment model; Locus for focus model;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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