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A Study on Moral Functionalities of Digital Game as an Art Form  

Ahn, Kay-Youn (Graduate School of Culture Technology KAIST)
Woo, Tack (Graduate School of Culture Technology KAIST)
It seems that social distrust toward morality of video games has not been deducted even the influence of video game has increased drastically for last few decades. To rationalize the identity of video game and its social legitimacy, this paper first considered video game genre as a new art form. By doing so, we could derive various aesthetical and moral issues to dispute in modern society. Secondly, by considering former issues, this study could figure out moral vulnerabilities of the genre according to its own form, by categorizing them into virtual reality, interactivity and simulation. To suggest most effective way to overcome its immorality by functionalize social feedbacks which elaborately designed based on John Dewey's pragmatist aesthetics and immoralism.
game; aesthetics; morality; simulation; reification; John Dewey; pragmatist aesthetics; immoralism;
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