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Change of Properties by Environment Conditions in Aged ACSR Overhead Conductor  

Kim Shang-Shu (한국전기연구원 신소재응용연구그룹)
Kim Byung-Geol (한국전기연구원 신소재응용연구그룹)
Jang Tae-In (한국전력공사 전력연구원)
Kang Ji-Won (한국전력공사 전력연구원)
Lee Dong-Il (한국전력공사 전력연구원)
Min Byung-Uk (한국전력공사 송변전처 송변전건설팀)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers / v.19, no.3, 2006 , pp. 287-291 More about this Journal
This paper describes mechanical and electric properties of ACSR $410\;mm^2$ conductor from many of older overhead conductor. Samples of conductors itemized two division according to operation sector, green area, salt and pollution area. Samples of conductors operated various environment conditions have undergone laboratory metallurigical investigation and tensile strength torsional ductility and electrical performance. The steel core were found to have retained their original properties to a large degree in both tensile strength and the number of turns to failure. On the other hand the aluminum conductor showed reductions in tensile strength. To determine the remaining useful life of aged conductor, an unacceptable deterioration level has to established for each diagnostic procedure.
ACSR; Aging of overhead conductor; Tensile load of overhead conductor; Corrosion of overhead conductor;
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  • Reference
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