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The Effect of Studying Flight Training Materials utilizing Encoding Techniques on Situational Awareness Capabilities of Students in PPL Training  

Moon, Jeong Yoon (Department of Aviation Management, Korea Aerospace University)
Lee, Jang Ryong (Department of Aviation Management, Korea Aerospace University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.28, no.4, 2020 , pp. 154-163 More about this Journal
The pilot's aeronautical decision-making during the flying greatly affects flight safety, and the importance of situational awareness has been greatly emphasized as a prerequisite for making the right decision. This is the reason why more research and interests are needed to help students entering the pilot training program develop excellent situational awareness from the initial stage of training. Situational awareness is closely related to long-term memory activities in human information processing, and pedagogy and cognitive psychology have emphasized the encoding techniques as an effective long-term memory method. This study was conducted to confirm whether pilot students' using the encoding techniques to learn flight education materials in the early stage of their training at domestic universities has a positive effect on improving their situational awareness.
Encoding; Long-Term Memory; Flight Training Maretials; PPL Training; Situational Awareness;
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