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Diagnosis of Low-Level Aviation Turbulence Using the Korea Meteorological Administration Post Processing (KMAPP)
Seok, Jae-Hyeok;Choi, Hee-Wook;Kim, Yeon-Hee;Lee, Sang-Sam;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.1-11,
2 |
Face Validity Analysis of Revised English Proficiency Test for Aviation (EPTA) - Based on the Pilot's Flying Experience -
Choi, Kyung Ho;Kim, Soo-Yoon;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.12-20,
3 |
Classification and Analysis of Human Error Accidents of Helicopter Pilots in Korea
Yu, TaeJung;Kwon, YoungGuk;Song, Byeong-Heum;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.21-31,
4 |
A Study on the Effects of Autonomy of Cabin Crew's Image Making Standards on Job Enthusiasm, Service Performance and Organizational Performance
Kim, Ha Young;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.32-46,
5 |
SA Review on Necessity to Calculate Navigation Errors in UTM Environments with SE Process
Ku, SungKwan;Ahn, Hyojung;Kim, DoHyun;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.47-54,
6 |
A Study on Experimental Special Airworthiness Certification for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Choi, Mijin;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.55-62,
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A Study on Airline Love Mark and Relation Continuing Intention
Kim, Jung Hee;Han, Soo Yeon;Jin, Sung Hyeon;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.63-68,
8 |
An Analysis of the Determinants of the Commercial Airline Pilot Competencies during the Transition Course
Jung, Jin-Yong;Song, Woon-Kyung;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.69-81,
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Analysis of Improvement Effects for Flight Training Quality
Kang, Dal Won;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.82-88,
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A Study on the Analysis of Aviation Safety Data Structure and Standard Classification
Kim, Jun Hwan;Lim, Jae Jin;Lee, Jang Ryong;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.89-101,
11 |
A Study on the Importance of EPTA Textbooks - Based on the Analysis of Textbook Satisfaction -
Jeon, Seung Joon;Kim, Kyoung Eun;Jung, Yun Sick;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.102-116,
12 |
A Study on Factors Affecting Korea's Air Freight Trade Field
Lim, Jae-Hwan;Kim, Young-Rok;Choi, Yun-Chul;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.117-124,
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Development of Stewart Platform installed Turntable for Manned Flight Virtual Training Simulator
SO, Sangwon;Woo, Jaehoon;Hong, Chunhan;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.125-131,
14 |
A Study on the Development Status and Economic Impacts of Drone Taxis
Choi, Ja-Seong;Hwang, Ho-Won;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.132-140,
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Study on EBT Implementation and Approval Process in Korea
Han, Kyoung-Keun;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.141-146,
16 |
A Study on the Prediction Analysis of Aviation Passenger Demand after Covid-19
Jin, Seong Hyun;Jeon, Seung Joon;Kim, Kyoung Eun;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.147-153,
17 |
The Effect of Studying Flight Training Materials utilizing Encoding Techniques on Situational Awareness Capabilities of Students in PPL Training
Moon, Jeong Yoon;Lee, Jang Ryong;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.154-163,
18 |
Analysis and Prospect of Export Trend of Air Cargo Market before and after COVID-19
Kim, Young-Rok;Lim, Jae-Hwan;Choi, Yun-Chul;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.164-170,
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A Study on the Application of Human Factors to the Introduction of PAV & UAM
Ahn, Kyung Su;Jeong, Won Kyong;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.171-175,
20 |
Study on Proactive Approach against a New Large-Scale Crisis of the Aviation and Tourism Industry such as COVID-19
Park, Yun-mi;Jeon, Aeeun;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.176-181,
21 |
A Study on the Improvement of Safety Management System for ATO - Base on the Aviation Safety Voluntary Reporting System -
Kim, Jin-Tae;Lee, Gun Young;Choi, Jin-Kook;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.28, no.4, pp.182-186,